
Chapter 123 Undersea Ruins

Suddenly, a thick arm was stretched out from the darkness and suddenly wrapped around the fishman's tail.

"It's a sea monster!" The fishman screamed in horror.

Lock pulled out the silver sword in his waist and cut it at the arm. Brush, a silver light flashed, "squeaky", a strange cry, and the cut arm shrank into the darkness. A red blood permeated. Locke saw two murderous ghost fires, which were a huge thorny squid coiled on the seabed rock and stared at them covelopingly.

"We have to go faster. The smell of blood is too strong, which will attract the dragon. If the dragon comes, we can't run away." The fisherman is extremely worried.

"Oh? Are they that powerful?"

"Yes, yes!" The fisherman said anxiously, "Their noses are the most effective, and they gather as soon as they smell blood. Once, I saw with my own eyes more than a dozen Canglong Ba biting an injured gun snake dragon, but in a short time, the gun snake dragon was eaten.

"Oh, that's it. You don't have to worry." With that, Locke made a boundary around the fishman, and a halo surrounded the fishman. There is sea water in the fishman's boundary, because she wants to swim.

Sure enough, as soon as Locke made the boundary, he saw the sea surging, accompanied by a loud noise, and more than a dozen dragons rushed over. They have tall sickle-like fins on their backs, with sharp and sharp horns on their heads, two blood-red eyes on each side of the bridge of their noses, and cold teeth in their huge mouths. They surrounded the injured spiny squid and jumped on it with a wild bite. The thorny squid has already been injured, how can it resist? In addition, as soon as the Canglongba smelled blood, it became many times more ferocious than before. Soon, the unlucky spiny squid was torn to pieces by Canglongba.

"It's really tragic!" Locke looked at it and thought to himself: Can't Poseidon restrain his men?

"This is the law of nature. The fittest survives. If they don't have the ability to survive, they will eventually be eliminated."

"Oh, so that's it." Locke responded like this, but in fact, he didn't understand. Fishman's words sounded like those of Trierly, and many words he had never heard before.

Where on earth did this fishman come from? What kind of people are her? Locke speculed in his heart.

"I think I'd better take you home. It's too dangerous here."

"Okay, but there is my amulet in the undersea castle. I have to take it out. The last time the sea monster came, I only ran away and didn't have time to take it."

"Amulet, what kind of amulet?" Locke asked curiously.

"It's just a stone. With that stone, no marine life dares to approach me."

"Really? Is it so magical?" Locke doesn't believe it.

"It's true!"

"So where did you get that stone?" Locke was so excited that he thought: It should not be the magnetic European stone that Special is looking for.

"It's in the ruins of the undersea castle."

"There are still ruins?"


"Then let's go quickly!"


The fishman accelerated his speed. Locke muttered again: If the magnet is still at the bottom of the sea, how can Qier get back the key of time and space? Where on earth has she gone? Locke's heart is fluttered, and now he is worried not only about Xiao, but also Qi'er.

"We have to be more careful and get ready." The fishman's words interrupted Locke's thoughts.

Sure enough, there seems to be a building standing faintly in the darkness ahead. Locke raised his vigilance.

This is not the Crystal Palace. The castle no longer looks like a castle. Most of it has collapsed. Across the front of it is an extremely high wall, and there are things like doors not far away. Poisonous corals and seaweed grow in the scattered ruins, and even fish shuttle through it. Locke looked around and felt that if the castle was complete, it should be quite large.

The fisherman stared with frightened eyes and looked around.

"Where is the sea monster?" Locke asked strangely. He thought it was almost a ruin. How could there be a huge sea monster?

"It...maybe it's going to hunt, or go get my amulet first?" The fisherman trembled and seemed to be scared.

"With me, you don't have to be afraid." Locke comforted the fishman. If it hadn't been for the fisherman, he would have flown into the city.

Locke came near the gate, where the sea was still surging, and he could not withdraw the boundary. Locke looked at the two doors, which looked quite huge and faintly golden, which seemed to be gold. However, I don't know why one of them was a little twisted and deformed, which seemed to be squeezed by a strong external force, and the other fell to the ground. The fishman followed Locke into the door.

Gradually, the sea water is decreasing. When the sea did not reach below his waist, Locke withdrew the boundary and wanted to go in and have a look.

Locke asked the fishman, "Where is that stone?"

"It's right there, next to the temple." The fishman pointed with his finger.


Locke looked down the fishman's hand. There was really a building in the distance, and there was a huge shell in its corner. The shell is open, like a bed, shining on it.

"Let's go and have a look."

"Wangling", every step, there is a strange noise under your feet. Locke looked down and saw that the bottom of the water was full of shiny stones. They were different colors, but most of them were green. Locke picked up and looked at it together. It should be a green crystal, transparent and angular. These crystals are more than what can be seen in the dungeons, and most of them are relatively large. Locke walked towards the temple.

Gradually, the water became less and less, falling below the knees, and crystals began to decrease. Gold and silver appeared. They are all some decorations, including frames similar to doors and windows, tables like desktops, and many gold coins, reliefs and board paintings. Most of them are gold, only a few are white. Silver. Locke also saw human bones, which seem to be old and grayed. He squatted down and picked up a human leg bone, which was very long and about the same length as his legs. He speculated that the human beings who once lived in the city were about the same height as his own.

Locke dropped the bone, stood up and thought: Wow! This used to be a city of gold and crystal. It should be much more magnificent than that dungeon. If I had known that there was so much gold here, I wouldn't have had to work so hard to raise it. Why don't we move them back to the underworld and enrich the treasury? Locke was excited by his own ideas. However, what is the reason that makes a city sink to the bottom of the sea and become a ruin? Locke was confused.

They came to the temple. This should be the side of the temple. Which god's temple is this? Locke walked to the front of the temple. A tall statue appeared in the field of vision: he had wavy curly hair, wearing a robe, looking straight ahead, and holding a trident symbolizing theocracy in his hand. Needless to say, it was naturally Poseidon.

Humans must have offended this sea king, or how can they swallow all the temples dedicated to themselves into the sea? Locke came to the shell bed and withdrew the boundary for the fisherman.

"Look for it. I also want to see what kind of stone it is." Locke thought it was a magnet.

The fisherman looked around on the "bed" and found many shells, crystals, gems and so on her "bed". Locke thought: It seems that girls also like these things.

The fishman looked at it, and then suddenly exclaimed, "Oh, why is it gone?"

"No way, you can look for it again." Locke didn't believe it, and he also turned it over. Locke heard from Tri that magnetolite is similar to crystal, which is a hexagonal smaller than half a palm. However, these stones of Shell** look relatively large, and most of them are green.

"Are you mistaken? Maybe it's somewhere else?"

"No, I'll put it here."

Lock pulled the pile of shells and stones again, no. He looked at the ground, which was cluttered with crystal, gold and silver ornaments.

"Will it fall to the ground?"

"I don't think so."

"Let's look on the ground."


Locke squatted down and flipped up the things on the ground.

"Is it a white and transparent stone with six faces?" Locke looked over and asked the fishman.

"No, it's red."

"Red?" Locke stopped moving, and he felt very disappointed that it was not Magnetolite. Suddenly, Locke was stunned and found himself holding a golden mask in his hand. No, it's not a mask. It looks more like a helmet.

This helmet is particularly exquisitely crafted. It is shiny, decorated with carved and pounded peacock tail patterns above the nose protection and forehead, and snake-shaped patterns above the eyes. The cheek guard has two exotic animal patterns, one on the left and one on the right. Locke was shocked when he saw the two strange beasts, because he had seen these two strange beasts, which were exactly the same as the monsters coiled above the special wand, two "magic scorpions".

Is the legend true? Is this the helmet of the "Magic Scorpion" God of War? I should take it back and let Tri have a look. Maybe he knows something about it. Locke stood up with a helmet. As soon as he stood still, he suddenly felt cold behind him, as if someone was peeping at him.

"Who? Who is there?" Locke suddenly turned around.

"Brush", a humanoid shadow flashed by. Locke raised his legs and chased after him. When he turned around, he caught a glimpse of the shadow flashing into the temple.

Lock ran into the temple. The temple is dark and you can't see anything. He opened his red pupils and glanced at them. This is a complete temple. The walls and beams and pillars are all gold. Locke didn't have time to look at it, but flew forward. Rushing down the steps, there is a wide street in front of you. There is no water here. Locke still ran forward, and he saw the dome-shaped roof, the intersection, and something like a lighthouse. Crystal stones of different colors are scattered everywhere, as well as gold, silver and other decorations. Locke thought: If the magnet is mixed in it, it can't be found at all. No wonder that so many people he sent can't find it.

As he ran all the way, he ran farther and farther. Locke suddenly had a feeling that he felt that the road seemed to have passed. He suddenly stopped because he thought of the fishman. No, you can't chase it blindly. What if the fisherman is in danger? I forgot the boundary just now.

Locke turned around and ran back. Just as he turned around, a man turned from behind a stone pillar not far ahead. The man looked at Locke's disappearance and went out for a moment, and then walked in the opposite direction to Locke.

Locke returned to the temple. The fisherman was still looking for red stones there. Seeing the fishman, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Haven't you found it yet?"

"No. Oh, why is it gone? How can I go home without it? Whoo..." The fisherman cried again.

"Forget it, don't look for it. I'll take you home." Was it taken away by the man just now? Well, it's very likely. But who will run to such a deep seabed? Locke thought about it.

It won't be human beings. They can't dive so deep. Is it him? Locke thought of Miller. Yes, it should be him. His flying dragon chariot can dive. I should go to Miller. Maybe he knows where the xiao is. After all, Xiao and himself are separated in his crystal palace. Locke looked at the helmet in his hand again and thought to himself: No, I should go back to the sleepless city first and give the helmet to Tri.

Locke said to the fisherman, "Where is your home?" I'll take you home immediately."

"All right." The fishman couldn't find the stone at first sight and thought: Let's go home. Fortunately, with the handsome prince giving him away, he doesn't have to be afraid of those sea monsters.

In order to hurry, Locke laid a boundary around the fishman and himself. He just asked the fishman to point in the direction. Locke cast a spell and accelerated his speed. So, a huge, sun-like light mass rolled quietly in the sea, and its speed was quite fast. It rolled through the crystal-filled trench and entered Lake Kika through the mouth of the sea. During this period, Locke saw a dragon with a snake-like neck. It had four wide fish-like fins. As soon as it turned around, the sea rolled up a huge black whirlpool. Locke also saw two sea monsters fighting fiercely, one of which was full of armor, which looked like a fish, and the other had a pair of giant eyes with handles, a beautiful big tail fan and a pair of long tail forks, like shrimp.

The bottom of the sea is full of danger and bloodthirsty killing. It's really bold that the fisherman dares to come so far. Locke sweated for the fishman in his heart.

"I'm home!" Hearing the cheers of the fishman, Locke finally let go of his hanging heart. He withdrew from the boundary.

This is another underwater city. It is particularly tall, with a pointed conical roof, which seems to be made of boulders. It is not a palace of aquariums. It is like a human-built building.

"I'll send you here. I still have important things to do. Don't sneak out alone in the future. It's too dangerous in the ocean." Locke warned the fishman.

"Wouln't you go to the city with me? I want you to meet my father and mother. Two red clouds flew on the fishman's face.

"No, I'm not going. I really have something important to do. My friend is in danger. I'm going to save my friend."

"Oh, so that's it." The fishman lowered his head and thought: Does the prince think I'm ugly and don't want to see my parents?

Locke has guessed what the fish's heart is thinking, so he has to comfort the fish man: "When I finish my work and have free time, will I come to see you? I already remember the way."

"All right." The fishman raised his head, and his eyes were full of nostalgia and reluctance.

Rock waved goodbye to the fishman and then rose to the sea. After rushing out of the water, he withdrew from the boundary and spread his wings like an arrow off the string, flying in the direction of the Middle-earth continent.