
Chapter 125 Cologne was robbed

Miller accompanied Qi'er to the wall.

"Brother, why do you live here?" Qi'er looked at the dark and cold castle, and her heart was cold.

Although Qier has lived on the earth for many years, and she also knows that there is a difference between day and night on the earth, she is still not used to darkness and coldness. Because there are crystal satellites in the sky of Hobby, the crystal satellites are like the sun on the earth, but crystal satellites always shine on Hobby, so there is no night on Hobby.

"I was in this castle when I was resurrected. I think King Suto lived here for easy seclusion."

"Oh, that's it. So, what are those cities?

"That's the dark night empire."

"Dark Night Empire? What a strange name!"

Qier saw some castle-like cities in the valley ahead, but the terrain there was much lower than the night castle.

"Alas, in order to find Magneto Stone, I don't have the time and energy to take care of state affairs at all. I have handed over the Night Empire to Lisa and her five brothers and sisters to manage."

"But, brother, what if you can't find the magnet? Aren't you going to go back to Hobby?"

"Magnet is the energy source of the universe, and its importance is beyond your imagination. Moreover, the magnet was lost by me. If I can't find the magnet, how will I gain a foothold on the planet Hobby? Not only will the people laugh at me, but also the bighorns will laugh at my incompetence.

"Brother, do you know how worried your parents are about you? Since your disappearance, they have shed a lot of tears."

"Maybe they will cry, but what can they do? Don't they still have Camus? Hobby would be better without me.

"Alas!" Qi'er sighed, "Maybe my brother misunderstood my father, mother, and brother Kamu. They often mentioned Brother Shura in front of Qier."

"Oh, forget it, you are still too young to understand many things."

Miller sighed. It's not that he hasn't thought about his parents or his eldest brother. However, because he has a different mind from others, he can't stand on the planet Hobby, which makes him very depressed. Because Hobby is a planet known for peace, it is a famous "star of peace" in the universe. The Hobbit is only committed to the development of science and technology, health, medicine, and culture and art. There is no word war in their minds. Therefore, the law of Hobbit stipulates that weapons research is not possible.

However, developing weapons is Shura's talent. If he doesn't develop weapons, he doesn't know what else he can do. Therefore, behind his father and mother, as well as his eldest brother, he avoided the supervision of the Congress, established a secret base underground, and secretly engaged in weapons research and experiments with his subordinates. What they did was finally discovered by Congress. As a result, Shura was removed from his status as crown prince, that is to say, he had no chance to inherit the throne of the Hobbit. In Shura's eyes, the planet Hobby was like a giant hand, holding his throat tightly, making it difficult for him to breathe.

Therefore, when Congress issued an order to escort the Magnetolite to the Great Horn, Shura asked Camus to mediate from it and finally got the task. In fact, he took the task of escorting Magnetolite just to take this opportunity to leave Hobby.

When Shura and his five subordinates escorted the magnetolite through the solar system, they saw the earth, a beautiful blue star. He wanted to realize his ambition on the blue star, so he had the experience of dying twice. Now, Shura, who was reincarnated as Miller, would rather bear the heart-eating pain of blood poison than return to the planet that suffocated him.

Life, this is life. Since you have chosen, you have to bear it!

Miller turned his head and looked at his sister. He didn't want her to be sad, so he said, "Well, I'll ask Lisa to come back to accompany you. If you feel bored, let Lisa accompany you to the Rising Sun Empire. There are many delicious and interesting things in the human world. Maybe you can find your brother Locke there?"

"Really? That's great!" Qier became excited. She had never been to the Rising Sun Empire.

"Of course it's true. When did my brother lie to you? I'll call Lisa back now." With that, Miller whistled, and after the whistle, a black bird-like monster flew over and perched on Miller's right hand.

"What is this? It's so ugly." Qi'er frowned.

"Lisa said it was called a bat. I want it to send a letter to Lisa. Lisa will come soon."

Miller took out a token from his waist. He tied the token to the bat's foot and released the bat.

"Actually, this planet is much better than Hobbit. If you stay for a long time, you will definitely like it."

"I like this planet because you and Brother Locke are on this planet." Qi'er's steamy eyes are full of attachment and longing.

"Don't worry, as long as your brother Locke is still on earth, you will definitely find him." Miller comforted Qier.

Soon, Lisa came. After briefly asking about the Night Empire, Miller asked Lisa to take good care of Qier. Lisa was ordered to accompany Qier.

For a long time, Miller has been committed to finding Magneto Stone, and he handed over all the state affairs to Michael. Since Micah's injury, Miller promoted Micah's original subordinates, Lisa and their five brothers and sisters, to the princes of the Night Empire and let them manage all the affairs of the Night Empire. Since the five brothers and sisters became princes, human beings and the Fire clan have not invaded the Dark Night Empire, which reassures Miller a lot. He believes in Micah's vision and Lisa. In Miller's eyes, Lisa is a beautiful and capable girl, so he is very relieved to give Qier to Lisa. What he wants now is to go to the city that sleepless and arrest Tanatos and Pluto.

The figures of the two girls were getting farther and farther away. When they disappeared from their sight, Miller took out the dragon chariot from his sleeve, and he drove the dragon chariot to Middle-earth.

Cologne is sitting in the "falling flower pavilion" and is frowning. Locke has been out for many days, and Qi'er has been missing for more than three years. He has never given up looking for it, but the message from Caliba is three words "not found". Sometimes, he really doubts that his subordinates are a bunch of wastes, or why can't he even find a few people?

Cologne looked at a pool of blooming lotus flowers and couldn't help feeling sad. He once accompanied Qier to look at those pink lotus flowers. Their green leaves swayed in the wind, like Qi'er's spinning dress, and their pink petals were like a beautiful smiling face.

"Alas, Qier, where the hell are you? I miss you so much!" Cologne couldn't help talking to himself.

"Do you dare to think about Qi'er?" A bone-to-bone chill seemed to be suffocating. The temperature in the air suddenly dropped.

"Who are you?"

Cologne saw a snow-covered and fashionable teenager standing at the gate of the garden. In the summer, he wears fashionable clothes. Isn't this man sick? A strange feeling flashed through Cologne's heart.

"Don't care who I am. If I guess correctly, you are Tanatos, right?"

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that my reputation was quite loud. Yes, I'm Tanatos. Cologne smiled and said, thinking: The city that never sleeps was well governed by me, and even the fake Pluto looked at me with new eyes. Unexpectedly, someone came here again, and I guess he came to ask for errands. He couldn't help but be proud.

"I'm looking for you! Did you hurt my brother Micah?

"Did I hurt your brother? Are you kidding me?" Cologne didn't dare to laugh when he saw that the comer was not good. He thought to himself: When did I offend someone? Oh, maybe the guards who have been vengeful by me before have found help to avenge me again.

"I'd like to see what you can do to show your 'burning heart'!" Miller said in a cold voice.

What's the name? What fire? Inexplicable! Want to fight? Then take it!" Cologne is on fire, and he hasn't done it for a long time.

Colon wore the elf ring on the middle finger of his right hand. He exerted his spiritual power, flicked his fingertips and "brushed" and flew out countless mandala vines from the ring. Blood-red mandala flowers bloomed on the vines, which roared and rushed to Miller's body.

Miller felt surprised. He couldn't figure out why Thanatos drove plants to attack him instead of using underworld fire. But he didn't have time to think about it, because the vines had rushed up.

"Xuan Bingqi!" Miller roared and closed his palms. Suddenly, a snowy light cloud appeared in the center of his eyebrows. With a piercing chill, the light mass rotated, turning faster and bigger, forming a vortex-like aperture.

When the chill hit, I heard a burst of "kaka", and all the mandala vines and those enchanting flowers were frozen by Xuan Bing. Cologne saw an icy world in front of his eyes, and his flowers and vines were sealed in an icy world in a strange posture.

"Why is this so? Who the hell are you?" Cologne's eyes widened. He not only saw the frozen mandala vines, but also the lotus flowers in the pond were frozen. That scene was quite strange in his eyes.

"Who am I? It's okay to tell you."

With a "brush" sound, Miller withdrew the spell. The lotus in the pool returned to their original state, and they were not damaged at all, but the mandala vines fell to the ground one after another and melted like ice and snow.

"I'm Qi'er's brother. My name is Miller. I advise you not to be delusional. Qi'er won't like you." Miller's words were so cold that they seemed to freeze people.

Qier's brother? Isn't Qi'er's brother named Shura? Why does she have another brother? Cologne was confused, and he stood there like a fool, couldn't even say anything, but felt that his mind was blank.

"I ask you, where is Pluto?" Miller suddenly bullied his body, as fast as a ghost, and suddenly locked Cologne's throat. "Say, or I will break your neck!"

"Puto, Pluto went to the sea." Cologne's eyes are dull. Suddenly, he woke up and hurriedly said, "You are Qi'er's brother. So you must know where Qi'er is? How is she? How are you doing?"

Miller did not answer Cologne's words, but muttered, "Pluto went to the sea. Is that him?" Miller remembered that when he was in the ruins at the bottom of the sea, he was chased by a man. Is that person Pluto?

Miller took Cologne to the dragon chariot and rushed to the undersea ruins. He wanted to capture Tanatos and Pluto to the Night Castle. No matter who was injured Micah, as long as the two were caught, Micah had hope to wake up.