
Chapter 127 Rising Sun Empire

Locke had too many questions in his heart, and he was eager to know the answer, so he did not stop halfway, but accelerated and flew all the way to the east.

When the dawn sprinkled on the earth and a red sun rose into the sky, Locke saw a city shrouded in sunshine.

Ha, I think this is the Rising Sun Empire! Locke's heart was excited. He suddenly remembered what Lisa said. Ten thousand years ago, he and his brother were born in this bright country, but 10,000 years have passed. His grandfather, the human grandfather, must have been gone for a long time, and he doesn't know what the current Rising Sun Empire is like. Why don't I go and have a look first. Thinking of this, he turned into a swallow and swooped down to the city.

Locke circled over the city and found that the city was quite large, but it was also quite old and old, which was completely different from the Rising Sun Empire he imagined. Is this not the Rising Sun Empire? I'd better go down and ask. Thinking of this, he found a place where there was no one and quietly appeared.

There is a shop on the side of the street, where some people are pulling the bellows and hammering something. Locke stepped forward and saw those human beings with black and gray hair, with their upper bodies and beige or white skin full of sweat. Those people are making bronze weapons.

Locke squatted down and looked curiously, thinking: Can this bronze weapon also be used to kill the enemy? Those people saw Locke and stopped their work.

"Hey, who are you? Why are you wearing a mask?

Mask? Locke remembered that he was still wearing the mask of Pluto. He had to take off his mask. Before he could speak, there was a sudden sound of exclamation and praise.

"Wow, the young man is so handsome!"

"Where are you from?"

"Why don't you be my son-in-law?"


Those people looked at Locke and widened their lustful eyes. Locke's face turned red, and he remembered that his current face was the same as Pluto. Locke hurriedly lowered his head to avoid those hot eyes.

"I... came from Middle-earth to find a friend. Excuse me, is this the Rising Sun Empire?"

"Looking for friends? It's not looking for a woman. Hahaha..."


Locke was so embarrassed that he couldn't wait to find a seam to get in and wondered if Pluto's face was too ostentatious. Alas, it seemed that he could only wear a mask.

Locke put on his mask and fled. There was a burst of laughter behind him. What should I do? If I return to my original appearance, will they still be caught as a monster?

"Brother, do you sell masks? The mask on your face is so beautiful. Can you sell it to me? A timid child's voice came.

Locke took a close look. He was a boy with black curly hair, about seven or eight years old. He was staring at himself curiously with a pair of blue eyes.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, I sell masks."

The boy's words reminded Locke. As soon as he stretched out his hand, many more masks came out of his hands, not only strange in shape, but also in different colors.

"Brother, is your mask expensive? How much is it?" The boy's eyes are full of desire.

"Ah, you can choose whichever you like and give it to you for free."

"Really?" The boy looked surprised.

"It's true."

Locke squatted down, put all the masks on his hands on the ground, and let the boy pick them out. The boy chose excitedly, and finally, he chose a mask that looked like a dog with three heads. In fact, these masks were transformed by Locke according to the appearance of his own people.

The boy put the mask on his face and thanked him repeatedly.

"Little brother, let me ask you, is this the Rising Sun Empire?"

"I don't know either." The boy is still intoxicated with the excitement of getting the mask.

"Oh, you don't know, so I'll ask someone else. Alas!" Locke sighed disappointedly and was about to leave when the boy grabbed his sleeve.

"Brother, go and ask my grandfather. Grandpa is hundreds of years old and knows many things that he should know."

"Oh? Is your grandfather hundreds of years old? Well, take me there!" Locke doesn't believe it. He hung the pile of masks on his shoulder and let the boy lead the way.

Locke followed the boy to the city while observing. He found that most of the people in the city have blue eyes and black eyes, beige or white skin, high nose bridge, black, gray and red-brown hair, and a height of about 2.63-3.33 meters. Seeing that he was much taller, he reduced himself a little.

Most of the people walking on the street wear dark coarse clothes, and Locke estimates that they are poor. There are also some people, either riding a tall horse or riding in a gorgeous carriage, wearing gorgeous brocade robes and jewelry decorated with gorgeous feathers. He estimates that these people are either rich merchants or princes and nobles.

In addition, there are some girls who are dressed in gorgeous clothes, with high buns piled up above their heads like clouds, and their wide skirts set off their slender waists, making them look like watery hibiscus. They wandered in groups, chattering around the market, sometimes walking into shops, sometimes stopping in front of stalls to choose those gold, silver, gems and other accessories.

Locke shouted as he walked: "Sell the mask!"

"Dodge, get out of the way! Those who block the mage's car driver, don't matter!"

With the rude shouting, he heard a crisp sound, and a long horse whip hit Locke's face. Locke stretched out his hand, grabbed the whip in his hand, and looked at it. Good boy, this whip is bronze. If it is thrown on someone's face, why don't you open the skin immediately?

"Who are you? Let go, why don't you let go of other people's whips?"

Locke looked at the owner of the whip and turned out to be a girl in a gorgeous dress. At this time, due to anger, her originally handsome face turned red. The girl was competing with Locke, and she pulled the whip back hard.

Locke just grabbed the top of the whip and didn't let go. He hasn't exerted any effort yet. If he uses a layer of strength, the girl will have to fall out of the horse. In fact, he knows how to pity and cherish jade.

"Who am I? When I first arrived, I was naturally your guest. Locke laughed.

"Give it away, you stinky mask seller!"

"I won't let it go, but I won't let it go!" Locke suddenly felt very unhappy and thought: This girl is open-mouthed and rude. It's better to teach her a lesson. He clamped the tip of the whip with his fingertips and tried a little harder. The girl was not willing to show weakness and pulled the whip into his arms. As soon as the time came, Locke suddenly let go of his hand.

With a scream, the girl fell from the horse's back, and the feathers on her head floated away. The black hair was scattered like clouds, and several strings of jewelry also fell in pieces.

"Hahaha..." Locke laughed violently. The girl's awkward appearance made him feel very happy.

", dare to tease me!" The girl got up from the ground and didn't care about the image. "Papa", she threw the whip like thunder. A python wrapped around her, the blue light flashed, and the whip wrapped around Locke's waist. "Smelly mask seller, do you believe it or not? I can peel off your clothes!" The girl shouted fiercely.

"She wants to see the naked man. Hahaha, you peel it. I don't mind running naked, but I'm afraid you don't dare to look at it, hahaha..." Locke laughed unbridly.

People gathered around and pointed, and some people still covered their mouths and laughed.

The girl's face turned pale with anger. She roared: "I've never seen you so shameless! Humph, come on, take him to the palace!"

"See the princess. Your Highness, what happened?

Locke looked up and was shocked. What did you say he saw? The man sitting on the big horse is the xiao, who has been missing for more than 200 years.

Locke's heart was extremely excited. He really wanted to fly over and give him a warm hug. However, he saw the xiao's costume. Locke hesitated. The xiao was wearing a black armor and a fiery red cloak, which seemed to have been seen somewhere. Suddenly, he remembered that two hundred years ago, in the City of Fire, the fire candle who had tortured Miller and his disciples, both wore this fiery red cloak.

Locke frowned and thought: How could Xiao get involved with the people of the Fire clan?

"Blood hunting, teach me a good lesson from that mask seller!" The girl known as the princess still looks angry.

Blood hunting? Isn't he a shack? Maybe the xiao has changed his name? Locke's heart set a big question mark.

"Forget it, princess, why do you have to argue with a straw man? Go back quickly. The Lord is eager to summon the national teacher. If we go late, we will be punished.

"Hmm! You wait." The girl snorted coldly, turned over her horse and galloped away with the young man named Blood Hunt, followed by a luxury carriage and a group of cavalry. The cavalry were dressed in black armor and also wore fiery red cloaks with bronze weapons hanging around their waists.

Locke was still standing still, looking fixedly in the direction of the disappearance of the team. If the boy hadn't pulled him, he would still be standing there stupidly.

Don't you remember me anymore? Locke suddenly remembered that he was still wearing a mask. However, even if he doesn't wear a mask, he can't recognize himself with this face of Pluto.

It's better to find out first and find out at night to see why the xiao is with the people of the Fire clan. Locke remembered the torture Miller had suffered and the candle that didn't look like a good person. He didn't understand why Xiao got involved with those people.

Alas, with the passage of time, will the passage of time make a person change so much? Locke sighed in his heart, and he fell into confusion.

"The tragedy of selling masks, if you offend Princess Dina, will you still die?"

"That is, without inquire, can the princess offend?"

"This time, he is dead!"


People gathered around Locke and talked about it.

Locke hurriedly grabbed a girl and asked, "Excuse me, is this the Rising Sun Empire?"

"Yes. No wonder you offended the princess. It turned out to be a stranger!"

"Go and apologize to the princess. Maybe she will let you go."

"That's it, that's it."


People talked about it again.

Go apologize to her? Sne! Locke sneered in his heart: Do you think I will apologize to the human woman? There is no door or window. Alas, 10,000 years ago, her mother was also the princess of the Rising Sun Empire. Her mother was so beautiful, gentle and kind that this girl was completely different from her mother.

"Brother, let's go!"

"Ah, let's go."

Locke put away his messy thoughts. The boy pulled his sleeve, turned left and right, and then came to a yard.