
Chapter 138 Where to Go

Locke showed himself, took out Isaac's heart from his arms, and lifted the seal. A bright red heart that was still dripping blood appeared in his palm.

"Puto, I have found my sincerity. Here you, wake up, wake up!" Locke held the heart and called eagerly.

He called for a long time, but Pluto still didn't respond at all. Gradually, Isaac's heart lost its blood color. It first turned gray in Locke's palm, and then turned into powder and scattered in the darkness.

Locke was stunned. Isn't Isaac's heart real? So, what kind of heart is real? He turned his head and saw Qi'er. Qier's beautiful body turned into white bones. Ruoxi's body was broken into pink petals and scattered all over the ground. Locke remembered that Qier is a human and Ruoxi is a rose essence.

"Qier, Ruoxi, Xiao, Cologne, Miller, Michael, have you all left me? Why, why am I the only one who survived? It's unfair, it's so unfair! Ah!" Locke looked up to the sky and said, "Puto, tell me, my friends, where have they gone? Why, why am I the only one left?" He grabbed Pluto's hand and shook it hard, hoping to wake him up. Suddenly, Locke was stunned and saw Pluto's hand. On the index finger of Pluto's left hand, the Pluto ring shining with dark light, and the Pluto ring lost by him, actually returned to Pluto's finger.

"You have found your own home, but where is my home?" The bright ** surged out of Locke's eyes.

Locke let go of Pluto's hand, lowered his head, and muttered to the people in the stamen: "It turns out that the legend is just a legend. What can I do even if I am the Capricorn God of War? I can't even protect my favorite people. What can I do to save you and the world on the ground? I'm useless, I'm useless, I'm really useless! It was me who caused great harm to my brother, and it was also the people I loved and the people I loved. They all died tragically because of me. I don't deserve to live in this world. I don't deserve it!"

Suddenly, Locke raised his head and his eyes were full of sadness and despair: "I understand that Qier has a sincerity, and Ruoxi also has a sincerity, but they don't love you. You, you have been lying here, how can anyone fall in love with you? Even if I transform into you, it will not be the real you. I can't find the person who loves you or the heart that belongs to you, but I really hope you can wake up, and I really want to save the world on the ground. You have to believe me, you have to believe me! Why don't you believe me? Let me show you, let me show you my heart, my heart for you is real!"

He repented and tortured Locke, and for a moment, he was in a mess. Locke carried his magic, and his palms were shrouded in a halo, and then he put his hand into his chest.

"I don't know where the truth is, I don't know, I really don't know! However, I really hope you can wake up. I really want to save the earth! Why don't you believe me? I'll give you my heart. Look, open your eyes and have a look. My heart for you is real. You must believe me!"

Locke muttered, and he held out his heart. This is a golden heart. Locke put his heart into Pluto's chest with the remaining magic.

After doing this, Locke breathed a sigh of relief, and then he smiled. Because he saw that Pluto itself was recovering to the entity, the thick eyelashes trembled on the handsome face, and finally, Pluto opened his eyes.

Locke's body fell down, and then he found himself lighter and rising up. Locke escaped from his body and became an energy body with human light - the dead soul.

"Puto, you woke up. I can finally take off this burden. I'm going to hell to atone for my sins." Locke turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait, Tanatos!" Pluto flew up and stopped in front of Locke.

"No, I'm not Tanatos, I'm the devil - Locke, I'm a sinner. I killed my own brother and all those who love me."

"No, you didn't hurt anyone, and they didn't die. Don't you want to see them?"

"Didn't they die?" Locke looked at Pluto doubtfully.


"But I'm dead."

"I won't let you die." With that, Pluto closed his palms and burst into a halo from his palm, which enveloped Locke. Then, the golden-horned red-haired Locke appeared in front of Pluto.

"Puto, please tell me, my friend, where are their souls?"

"They have been reincarnated and gone to the future world."

"Future world?" Locke suddenly remembered that Terry once said that he came from the future world 100,000 years later. "So Pluto, please tell me, am I also from the future world?"

"You will know it yourself."

Pluto untied the rest of the seal for Locke. In an instant, the gate of memory opened, and the past came to my mind like a tide.

"I... I do come from the future world. My name is Locke. Benjamin, my home is in Florida, USA. You... Are you Shura, and you are not dead? Locke choked and speechless, and he remembered the past in Atlantis.

"Alas! It's a long story." Pluto sighed and said, "I was Hades. More than 300 years ago, Shura, a human from outer space, exploded before reaching the ground world. After his body was destroyed, his soul traveled to 10,000 years ago and attached to my body. Because human beings in outer space have a high degree of wisdom and civilization, Shura's soul is a super energy body. After his soul occupied my body, his consciousness suppressed my consciousness. Therefore, I lost my divine power, and I shared a body with Shura. Therefore, it can also be said that I am Shura.

"So that's it, but why did Miller say he was Shura?"

"10,000 years ago, in the Sun Palace, Xue Lie's sword stabbed Shura, causing Shura's soul to escape from my body. Because Shura used 'fire rain' to poison creatures, he needed to be punished to redeem his sins, so I sealed his soul in the black ice array. After the seal was lifted, his soul was attached to Miller, the prince of the Dark Night Empire, so Miller was also Shura.

"I understand. It turns out that Miller is Shura, and Shura is also you. No wonder... No wonder the first time I saw Miller, I felt familiar. He said that he had been looking for me for ten thousand years and didn't know how he came here for ten thousand years. Locke choked, and tears were already as heavy as rain.

"Rock, do you remember what you said? You said that if there is an afterlife, you will be a real brother with me. So, would you like to stay in the underworld? Would you like to return to Tanatos?" A complex emotion flashed in his water-blue eyes. Pluto looked into Locke's eyes, and then his eyes suddenly dimmed.

There was sadness, loneliness, desolation, melancholy, begging and expectation in his eyes... His eyes were the same as the teenager who played the phoenix tail ten thousand years ago. Locke's heart suddenly hurt.

"I..." Locke looked around. Except for the dark eternal night, it was a dead silence.

Locke thought of Florida. There were parents in that garden villa, and it must be painful for them to lose their only son. He thought of the beautiful girl with a pair of black pupils he met when he transferred to the University of Athens. It turned out that she was Qier, Shura's sister. Ten thousand years ago, she dreamed of her so seriously, waited for her so persistently, and eagerly wanted to see her, but when the real Qier came to her side, she no longer remembered her.

Fate, is this fate? Without your preparation at all, I will give you a head-on blow, which is cruel that you can't cry even if you want to cry.

Locke also thought of Ruoxi. The rose essence who died to save herself, it turned out that she was Sprite. Ten thousand years ago, I defeated her, and ten thousand years later, I still didn't compensate her.

Locke thought of Cologne again, the elf prince who could drive plants. It turned out that he was a mandala flower essence who died under the claws of biochemical beasts 10,000 years ago. Locke also thought of the teenager who mistakenly identified himself as Miller and was mistakenly killed by himself for chasing him. It turned out that he was Xue Lie or Xiao, because they looked exactly the same except for their different ears. However, he actually chased Miller to Athens. Why did he kill Miller? Did Miller go to Athens? Yes, Miller is Shura and Qier's brother. He has the "key of time and space" in his hand. He must have gone to the future world. If I return to the future world, will I see Miller again?

In fact, Locke did not know that after he and Xiao came out of the blood pool, they were followed by the blood hunters of the Rising Sun Empire, who followed Locke and Xiao all the way to the night castle. When Micah rushed out of the castle, she almost collided with blood hunting. Xiao was killed by Miller by mistake, and his soul escaped from his body and attached to the blood hunter. So, in order to revenge, Xiao began to chase Miller. The man who knocked down Miller with Will and held the sword was Blood Hunter.

"You can choose for yourself, and I won't force you."

Pluto turned his back and turned his back to Locke. There was one more thing in his hand, the golden wine pot, the wine pot that had been hurled out by Locke. Pluto was drinking. Instead of using a glass, he poured it directly into his throat with a wine jug.

Locke hesitated.

His back, which has been appearing in his dreams for more than ten years, looks so lonely and lonely. He once disappeared because his heart was broken, so he had to sleep in the stamens of Manshushahua. It turned out that he never came out of my dream.

He is Shura, the Shura who plays the phoenix tail and sings the song of the phoenix bird. He is also Pluto, the Pluto who saved me under the eyes of the gods. For a moment, Locke's heart was extremely contradictory and entangled.

Pluto suddenly turned around, and his water-blue eyes were full of bright stars. They overflowed with slightly sunken eye sockets and flowed down the ice-like face. Pluto picked up the wine pot in his hand and said, "Rock, do you remember what I said? Eternal life is like this pot of wine, and one day you will taste it. I believe that you have understood me now.

Locke nodded hard, then took the wine pot in Pluto's hand and sighed, "Well, how lonely I would be without you in the world!"

"Gugudu", Locke poured the wine down his throat. A fragrant and sweet smell slowly rose from my heart. The red pupils met the water-blue eyes, and two pairs of tearful eyes looked at each other and smiled.

Pluto waved his hand and "brushed", and a golden light enveloped Locke. Locke incarnated as Tanatos again.