
Chapter 140 Miss Anjia

"Miss, Miss... Oh, Miss finally woke up! Great, I'm going to tell the master and madam!" A woman in a floral top and a bun trotted out all the way.

The girl lying in ** suddenly sat up. A pair of big black eyes first glanced around quickly, and then the deep eyes like an ancient pool were full of panic.

"What is this place? Aren't I dead? Am I not dead? Brother Locke, Brother Miller, Brother Micah, and Sister Lisa, where are you all? Qi'er muttered. She saw herself sitting in **, wearing a white nightdress.

Qier's heart became uneasy.

"Anqi, my baby! You finally woke up, and you worried your mother to death!" A beautiful woman broke in outside the door. She rushed to the bed, hugged Qier, and cried loudly.

"Daughter, you finally woke up. OK, wow, thank the ancestors of the An family!" While talking and wiping tears was a strong and handsome middle-aged man.

"Yes, it's really eye-catching. Fortunately, the young lady finally woke up. The old lady should be happy. Why did she cry again? Oh, by the way, sir, should I tell this good news to Master Feng? The middle-aged woman in a floral coat shouted excitedly.

"Of course, I have to tell you that Feng'er came to see Qi'er this morning. Wang Ma, go and call quickly and ask Feng'er to come right away.

"Yes, sir."

Qier looked at several people in front of her confusedly and asked puzzledly, "Who are you?" can I be your daughter?"

The woman stopped crying with a surprised face. She first looked at the girl, and then looked at her husband.

The man smiled and said, "Qi'er, we are your parents. Don't you remember?"

"Dad, Mom?" Qi'er still has a puzzled face.

"Yes, Qier, do you know? You have been lying in ** for three years. The woman wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief.

"I... lay down for three years?" Qi'er was shocked.

"Qier, maybe there is something wrong with your memory after you were injured. But don't worry. Feng'er's father is the most famous brain expert in the United States. I'll send you to the United States for treatment. I believe you will get better soon. The man looked at the girl with those equally black and warm eyes.

These eyes are black like me. They do look like my father and mother. Didn't I die, but came to another planet?

Qier calmed down and said, "Oh, maybe there is something wrong with my memory. Can mom and dad tell me why I got hurt?"

"Hi! Anqi, you finally woke up. That's great. Look, what did I bring you? A warm and magnetic voice suddenly sounded.

Qier looked at the source of the voice and saw a strange teenager.

"You, you are..."

"He is Feng'er. You grew up together. If you talk more and talk about things when you were young, you may remember it. The woman said hurriedly.

"Feng'er, although Qi'er has woken up, her brain may be damaged, and there seems to be something wrong with her memory. You have to communicate with her slowly." The man said.

"Uncle An, don't worry, I will take good care of An Qi." The teenager put down the bouquet in his hand and handed a beautifully packaged box to Qier's hand.

"Anqi, look, this is your favorite chocolate sandwich. You just woke up. You must be very hungry, right? With that, the teenager named Feng'er sat beside Qi'er. Qi'er moved back in horror.

"Then take your time. Let's go out first."

"Feng'er, take good care of An Qi."

The middle-aged couple went out.

"Thank you...Feng..." Qi'er's face turned red. She didn't know what to call the teenager in front of her.

"Anqi, Feng'er is called by the elders, but you have always called me Brother Feng."

"Oh, isn't it?" Qier put down the box in her hand and said, "I'm not hungry and I don't want to eat yet. Brother Feng, can you go out with me?"

"Good, good!" The teenager was overjoyed. He took Qi'er's hand and walked out of the room. Qi'er walked while looking at the surrounding environment.

This is an extremely luxurious villa, but it is completely different from the palace where I used to live on the planet Hobby. The interior decoration is very strange. There are huge crystal chandeliers hanging in the wide hall, with spiraling stairs and wide chairs (sofas). There is also a large screen (home theater), which looks like a crystal screen in a spaceship, but it is different... Qier suddenly remembered her experience of going to the future world to look for Locke. It looks like the earth 100,000 years later. Did I travel to the future world again? However, I don't have the key of time and space...

"Anqi, look, what is that?"

The teenager's words interrupted Qi'er's thoughts. Qier raised her head and found that there was a large garden in front of her, which looked much bigger than the garden of the city that did not sleep.

Following the direction of the teenager's finger, Qi'er saw a high metal frame on the lawn, with two steel cables hanging down, and a strange thing that looked like a seat was tied.

"What is it? It's so strange!"

"It's a swing! When I was a child, you were bolder than me. You liked swinging the most. At that time, you always thought that the swing was not high enough, so Uncle An raised the swing. In addition, you always stay on it and refuse to come down, always letting me stand behind you and push you. At that time, you often said, 'Brother Feng, you sent me to the high blue sky, and I'm going to fly!' At that time, you often laughed happily. You know, Anqi, you look beautiful when you smile. The teenager looked at Qier's eyes with tenderness.

"Oh, isn't it?" Qi'er smiled apologetically and thought to herself: It seems that my soul energy is attached to other girls, and they mistook me for a girl named Angie or Angie.

"Brother Feng, can you push me again? I want to swing.

"Of course!"

Qier sat on the swing and wondered if the teenager's "feeling feeling of flying" was the same as the feeling of flying in a spaceship.

"Anqi is sitting firmly. Brother Feng is going to send Anqi to the blue sky!" The teenager cheered and pushed the swing out.

"Ah!" Qi'er screamed. She had never sat on the swing, and the teenager's strength was too strong, and the swing was so high. The afternoon sun was dazzling again. Qi'er was dazzled, her hands were soft, and she loosened the cable. Then, the seat suddenly turned over and she fell from mid-air.

The teenager jumped up, with a beautiful spinning body and holding Qier in his arms. A fragrance like flowers and plants penetrated into the nostrils.

He smells good. Qi'er blushed and hurriedly shouted, "Let me down, and I will be seen."

The couple standing in front of the window looked at the boy and girl in front of the swing and breathed a long sigh of relief. The woman said, "Qier and Feng'er are really a natural couple. Why don't we go to the United States and discuss with Feng'er's parents and give them their marriage?"

"What are you worried about? They are still young. Sooner or later, Fenger will be our son-in-law. Are you afraid that he will run away?

"Fortunately, Qier woke up. If Qier doesn't wake up, even if Fenger refuses to run, we have to drive him away and always let him guard a vegetable. We are sorry!"

"Isn't Qier awake? What are you worried about?"

"Qi Ming, I think so. Why don't we hold a dance for Qi'er? First, it's to celebrate Qi's awakening, and second, to let relatives and friends know that Qi'er is no longer a vegetable."

"Okay, what time do you think should be arranged? I have time tomorrow. I'm going to the Philippines to negotiate business the day after tomorrow.

"Then let's make it tomorrow night!"

"Okay, it's up to you." The man took the woman's shoulder and imprinted a kiss on the woman's forehead. They turned their eyes to two young people in the garden.

"Quickly let go! If you don't let go, you're welcome!" Qier was angry, raised her pink fist and beat the teenager's chest.

"No, I won't let it go!" The teenager not only did not let go, but held Qier tighter. The teenager looked directly at the dark eyes and said softly, "When you were a child, you would sit in my arms when you were tired. I held you. We swinged together, and you fell asleep in my arms."

"Oh, even if it's true, it's all about when I was a child. It doesn't count. When I was a child, I kissed Brother Shura!"

"Anqi, what are you talking about?" The teenager suddenly let go of Qier, "Why do you have a brother? You must have hurt your mind."

"I... Don't I have a brother?"

"How can you have a brother? Uncle Ann is your only daughter.

I think I was reborn. Qi'er felt a headache about the strangers and environment around her, so she had to say, "Come on, let's sit down and talk. Tell me, is this the earth? Who are you, who am I, and why did I get hurt? I think there is something wrong with my mind and I have lost my memory. If you don't want me to forget you, you'd better tell the truth.

Qier is a Hobby star. Her mind is quite smart. She has understood from the teenager's attitude towards herself that the "Brother Feng" in front of her likes the girl named Anqi or Anqi.

The teenager's eyes were full of surprise. He thought: Anqi's sister must have been seriously injured and she didn't know which planet she was on.

So the teenager sat down and began to talk about the past, which he has been talking about ten years ago until now.

Qier understood that she really came to the earth 100,000 years later. Now my home is in N City, M Province, E, Southeast Asia. His father's name is An Qiming. He is the rubber king of Southeast Asia. He has nearly 30,000 mu of rubber plantations and 25 rubber factories. His trade scope has expanded to Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries, Europe and the United States. He is known as the "King of Rubber". In addition, my father is also involved in shipping, real estate, banking, etc. Now his name is An Qi, the only daughter of the Rubber King. My mother is a local and her name is Irina.

The teenager in front of him is Ye Feng, a Chinese-American who graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is now the president of his father's shipping company and manages more than 300 container ships. Ten years ago, the Ye family and the An family were neighbors, and the relationship between the two families was particularly good. Ye Feng and An Qi were childhood partners. Later, Ye Feng's parents went abroad to develop, and Ye Feng moved to the United States with her parents.

Three years ago, when Anqi was going to Athens to study at university, her plane suddenly crashed, and hundreds of passengers on board survived. When An Qiming and his wife cried to death, lifeguards found An Qi in the grass at the scene of the plane crash. Anqi was wrapped in a vine-like plant. Although she did not die, she became a vegetable and lay in ** for three years.

"Well, if you hadn't been unconscious, you would have graduated from college in another year. However, it doesn't matter whether you are so smart or not. Why don't you come to work in a shipping company, you will be the president, and I will be your subordinate, but I don't know if Uncle Ann agrees.

The teenager blinked his bright eyes and spoke to himself, but he didn't know that the girl in front of him was no longer a guessless childhood playmate.

I was wrapped in plants? Qier thought for a moment and suddenly understood that she remembered Tanatos. When her brother duel with the princes, Tanatos turned into a teenager who drove plants.

Qier looked at Ye Feng: her long and toned figure, elegant and charming demeanor, wearing a dark green striped suit, with an indescribable charm. He has short corn-colored hair, and his skin is as smooth and white as a girl. His nose is straight and his eyebrows are beautiful, especially the pupils, which are actually purple.

Yes, he does look like the transformed Tanatos. It turns out that Tanatos is not a human. Did Tanatos save me?

Qier asked carefully, "So, Brother Feng, do you have any other names besides Ye Feng, such as 'Tanatos'?"

"What tower, why does Brother Feng have such a long name? Brother Feng will not change his name, sit and change his surname, surname Ye, and the word Feng. Have you known this since you were a child?

"Oh, that's right." Qi'er lowered her head and thought to herself: Maybe it's Tanatos lost his memory, or maybe it's just two people who look similar.

"Anqi, do you remember that I once told you that my mother said that I was born in autumn. When I was born, maple leaves were flying all over the sky, so my parents gave me the name Ye Feng. Moreover, my mother also said that the flowers that had already fallen in the garden have bloomed again.

"Oh, is there such a thing?" Qier was surprised at first, and then the delicate jade hand covered her red lips and laughed, "Then didn't you become a flower fairy?"

"What kind of flower fairy? Flower fairy is a description of a girl. I'm a boy, but it's the same now. If you don't believe it, the tree has already withered. If I walk to it, it will still bloom.


"If you don't believe it, watch it." With that, Ye Feng walked to Zhujinshu. As he approached, the branches of the tree began to bloom, and the buds gradually became larger and stretched. When Ye Feng walked under the tree, the buds bloomed at the same time. The strong fragrance of flowers spread. Snow-white jin flowers swayed on the branches, as if they had seen their master and greeted them.

"Anqi, do you remember? When I was a child, you liked the snow-white jinhua the most. You said you would have a wedding with me under the jinhua when you grow up.

Ah? With you... Have a wedding with you?" Qi'er's mouth was wide open and her eyes were full of panic, "I... Did I say that? What I said when I was a child is a joke and can't be true. Ha ha, it's not true." Qi'er blushed and was embarrassed. She thought to herself: Why did my soul energy attach to a girl with such a complicated *?

Ye Feng walked to Qier and took her hand. Her purple pupils were full of strong feelings: "It doesn't matter. I have been waiting for you for ten years, and I can wait for another ten years. I believe that one day you will recover your memory."

He must be the teenager with a broken body, and his soul energy is attached to Ye Feng. However, Ye Feng's brain does not carry the teenager's memory. What is the power that deletes the teenager's memory? It seems that the form of life on earth is different from that on the planet Hobby. Alas, I think Tanatos has been reborn. Is he destined to pester him? So, Brother Locke and Brother Miller, will they die? Have they also come to this world?