
Chapter 178 The Disappearing Guest

Lock and Pluto hurried back to their room and began to change their clothes. In a hurry, they put on the wrong shoes. Because Pluto's figure is extremely tall and his shoes are much bigger, as a result, Locke still has a lot of air in his shoes, which makes him feel like a pair of boats on his feet.

And Pluto, wearing a pair of small shoes, is particularly squeezed, and walks like a little daughter-in-law wrapped in her feet. Both of them were afraid of not being able to catch up with the "big army" and didn't have time to change. Because these shoes are like boots with straps. The shoelaces have been tied, and it will take time to untie them.

Lock and Pluto rushed into Ye Feng's room.

Wang, Phil. Nanke poured a glass of cold water on Ye Feng's face. Ye Feng woke up with excitement.

Rock also learned from Phil. Nanke's appearance poured some cold water on Qier's face. Ah, sneezed and woke up. The water is too cold.

"What's going on?"

"What happened?"

Two young people saw the floor. The floor is messy, and there are traces of fighting.

"Quickly, put on your clothes and go out first." Phil. Nanke waved his hand and the scorpion put on the coat for the two young people. The scorpion held Ye Feng, and Locke hugged Qi'er.

"Let me down and I can go by myself." Seeing that she was in Locke's arms, Qi'er blushed and struggled to come down. How embarrassed it would be if Brother Feng saw it.

Lock had to put down Qier and help her move forward.

"I want to hug my sister." Pluto shouted.

"You, take their clothes!" Phil. Nanke stared and scared Pluto to shrink his neck. He was scared.

The resentful eyes scrumped Phil fiercely. Nanke. Pluto held a lot of clothes and followed everyone to the door. As soon as he took two steps, Qi's hat fell off, and he bent down to pick up the hat.

"I said, Ha, Hades, why are you so stupid that you can't put them in the suitcase?" Phil. Nanke is quite angry.

The scorpion threw over a suitcase. Pluto hurriedly kneaded the clothes into a ball and stuffed them in. Everyone followed Phil. Nanke walked to the elevator from the back.

The suitcase is quite large and heavy. Inside is not only a ball of clothes, but also a few "KrisssuperV (Swiss dagger submachine gun)," and "HKP7M13" (silent pistols), as well as several bullets. There are also various bank cards in the mezzanine, and $500,000 in cash. Because Pluto wore a pair of small shoes and carried a suitcase. As a result, Pluto fell behind again. While yawning, he complained: "For shrimp, it's always like fleeing, and it doesn't even let people sleep well. Oh, who hit me?" Pluto suddenly turned around. There is no one behind him.

"Wow, there's a ghost!" Pluto screamed and limped to catch up with him. He runs like a race walk, which looks quite funny. The person in front has turned the stairs and is about to reach the door of the elevator. Suddenly, a force came from behind and pushed Pluto forward quickly.

"There's a ghost, it's pushing me!" Pluto shouted louder.

Locke heard Pluto's shouting and immediately turned around. He saw Pluto roll over like a whirlwind.

"What are you shouting about? Are you still afraid that others can't hear you? Phil. Nanke has a gloomy face.

"There are... There is a ghost!" Pluto's face was extremely pale, and he seemed to be scared.

Fell. Nanke paused as he was about to take a step, and then he suddenly turned around and took down the button on his mobile phone. "Brush", several red rays swept through Pluto and swept through the whole corridor. Nothing.

Locke put his mouth on Pluto's ear and whispered, "You are Pluto. Only ghosts are afraid of you. Are you still afraid of ghosts?"

"I'm scared to death, I'm scared to death!" Pluto patted his chest and nodded, "Yes, yes, why did I forget such an important thing!"

"Brother, is there anything wrong?" Qi'er asked. She was worried, and at the same time, she didn't understand that she didn't know what her brother was looking for.

"No, nothing, let's go."

The group walked into the elevator. Phil. Nanke was the last one to enter the elevator. Before the door of the elevator closed, he looked outside again, but there was still no one.

The elevator quickly rises to the top floor. Just as the elevator is rising, opposite them, another elevator is rising from the first floor. There is a man in a white suit and a white top hat in the elevator. Next to the man stood a tall man. The man was wearing a black suit and a wide pair of gold-rimmed sunglasses on his face.

Fell. Nanke took everyone to the top. At the end of the top floor leads to the roof is a huge iron gate. Phil. As soon as Nanke approached the door, the door opened automatically. The group went up to the roof. The roof is quite wide, just like a large football field. At the top of the head is a star. As soon as you look up, it seems that you can pick it with your hand.

Ye Feng looked at the watch on his wrist, and now it is 1235 at midnight. Phil. Nanke pounded his mobile phone a few times, and a saucer quietly perched above his head. Everyone followed the steps into the aircraft. Soon, the aircraft rose into the air, first flashing a few times, and then disappeared.

When Fang Zhengtai and the bodyguard arrived on the 39th floor, they saw the department manager standing in the corridor and some customer service personnel.

"Chairman, you see..." The department manager looked frightened. This is the most unfortunate day since he became a department manager. First, the computer and TV signals in the restaurant were interrupted. He received countless demolition calls. He finally took a breath, and then received a call from the service desk lady saying that something was wrong on the 39th floor. When the extremely tired department manager saw the wounded who were carried into the Red Cross ambulance, he shouted, "It's broken. Something's wrong!" He hurriedly called the police and then dialed Fang Zhengtai's phone. Because Fang Zhengtai is the owner of Lanweika Fantasy Century Restaurant. In fact, before the department manager called Fang Zhengtai, Fang Zhengtai had already rushed to the "Lanweika Fantasy Century Restaurant".

Fang Zhengtai did not blame the department manager, but walked into the scene of the incident. He saw the window, which was a whole floor-to-ceiling window, made of pieces of glass steel, second only to gold and steel. What power caused the tempered glass to fall to pieces? Fang Zhengtai squatted down and looked at it carefully. He saw the blood stains on the floor, searched along the blood stains, and saw the red sandalwood table that fell in the corner, and something flashed near the legs of the table. He picked it up. It is crucifer-shaped and made of some kind of metal, which looks like some kind of hidden weapon.

Fang Zhengtai put that thing in his pocket. As soon as he stood up, he sounded footsteps. A group of military police came in. The leader is the detective of the N City Police Station. His name is Liszt.

Fang Zhengtai and Liszt are very familiar with each other. The two greeted each other and checked together. Police officers and forensic doctors in charge of criminal investigation began to extract footprints, fingerprints, blood samples, etc.

"There should be more than one person living in this room. Who are they? Where have they gone?" Liszt asked the department manager.

"I'm going to check it." The department manager called the service desk while moping the cold sweat on his forehead. Soon, the service desk called and said that it could not be found, because all the data in the computer was lost.

"What? I can't find out what you do?" Fang Zhengtai finally got angry, "Think, think with your head, even if you want to think about it!"

"Boss Fang, don't worry. Let the police deal with this matter."

"Then there will be Detective Lee." Fang Zhengtai shook hands with Liszt and then walked to the entrance of the elevator with the bodyguard and the department manager.

Fang Zhengtai asked the department manager as she walked, "Are there many guests tonight?"

"Well, more." The department manager recalled and said, "Since the 'New Era Fashion Art Festival' is about to be held in our city, there are many celebrities from all over the world. Before 12 o'clock, I checked the computer and found that there were more than 1,000 guests staying at the hotel tonight. All our data are stored in the computer. Once this data is lost, it will be a big trouble. The department manager has been sweating coldly.

"You don't have to worry, guests will check out. By the way, let people inquire about the 'prepaid deposit'* immediately. As long as you check *, you can find out the list of guests living on the 39th floor.

"Yes, my subordinates are not doing things very good. They are too anxious. Why didn't they think of it?" The department manager hurriedly called the service desk.

"So, did anything unusual happen before the accident tonight?" Fang Zhengtai continued to ask.

"Yes. At about 12 o'clock, I received a demolition call. The guest said that the computer and TV signal were interrupted. At that time, while answering the phone, I called the TV and network company. The other party said that the TV signal in the whole N city was very good and the network was also very smooth. I really can't figure out why this happens only in our restaurant. I think the computer data loss of the service desk is also related to the sudden interruption of network signals.

"Okay, I know. Go ahead and ask the decoration company to repair the damaged things on the 39th floor tomorrow. Also, I'll wait for your call in the chairman's office and report it to me when I find it.

"Yes, Chairman." The department manager answered.

Fang Zhengtai and the bodyguard went to the third floor, his chairman's office. While looking through the financial statements, Fang Zhengtai thought: Who is so powerful? Then he took out the metal piece in his pocket, turned it, and asked, "Sevi, have you ever seen this thing?"

The bodyguard took the metal piece, looked at it, and said, "I haven't seen it. This thing looks like some kind of hidden weapon."

"Well, I also think it's a kind of hidden weapon, which should be used by people who know how to work hard." Fang Zhengtai said while turning on the business computer on his desk. He wanted to search for pictures on Baidu to see if he could find any clues. When he turned on the computer, he was shocked that the blue screen of the computer had been completely paralyzed and all the data had disappeared.

"Sevi, contact William immediately. James, be sure to invite him to me. Otherwise, we will lose a lot!"

The bodyguard hesitated for a moment and said, "Is that the fashion designer?"

"Yes, he is not only a fashion designer, but also a computer expert."

Sevie called for a while and then said, "Chairman, his assistant said that he has gone to Greece."

"What? William. James went to Greece. Fang Zhengtai's face became difficult to look.

"Chairman, it's not as good as me..."

At this moment, the phone on the desk rang. Fang Zhengtai began to answer the phone, which was the department manager. He told Mrs. Fang that the service desk had found out that the 39th floor was wrapped by a gentleman named Xing Wei and had paid a month's rent.

A month's rent, $90,000, is not a small amount. Is it Phil? Is Nanke here? Fang Zhengtai has had a relationship with Xing Wei. He also knows that Xing Wei is the third of the four heavenly kings of the Flying Whale Gang.

"Check again to see if Xing Wei has checked out." Fang Zhengtai put down the phone and said to the bodyguard, "Sevi, send someone to the major hospitals in the city to find the wounded who were carried out of our restaurant."

"Yes, Chairman." The bodyguard who asked Sevey answered while making a phone call.

Fang Zheng thought it was Fair. Nanke was assassinated. Because the whole black and white are not peaceful recently. First, the fleet of the "Rubber King" was found to have hidden arms, and then it was rumored that someone offered a reward of 100,000 US dollars to take Ye Feng's life. Then Chiki Hoshino, the leader of the "Yakuyaguchi Group" in the Americas, was assassinated, and then Tom, the leader of the "mafia" in the United States. Hills was assassinated. Next, is it the arms dealer Fair who has the next accident? Nanke? Fang Zhengtai frowned. Although he is a serious businessman, he also has a wide range of communication, and he has always been well-kevant about the situation of black and white.

Soon, the department manager said that the guests on the 39th floor did not check out. The rent of $90,000 has been paid to the account of Fang's Finance Company of Zhengtai Bank yesterday afternoon.

How could this happen? If you want to leave after the accident, you should also check out. Where are the people? Looking at the situation in the guest room, the guests walked in a hurry and did not mean to turn around. Fang Zheng has a headache.

Just when Founder was puzzled, Liszt called and said that he found two red ties in the guest's room (due to the hurried change of clothes between Locke and Pluto, they forgot to tie, and Pluto would not wear a tie at all.) It was found that there were a total of 15 tenants on the 39th floor, 2 women and 13 men, estimated to be one group. The police extracted the footprints of the female killer and believed that the female killer was also a tenant. The police investigation concluded that these tenants should have disagreed on something, arguing first and then fighting.

Founder felt that the police's conclusion was too general and thought to be hasty. He also knows that the police always try their best to prevaricate cases that cannot be solved in order to close them early.

This is too strange! Fang Zheng closed his eyes and thought about it. A small figure flashed in front of his eyes, and a crisp child voice sounded in his ear: "Bad guy, go away! Don't bully Brother Feng!" Then, a pink thing smashed over.

Fang Zheng opened his eyes fiercely and asked, "Sevie, do you have any news from Ye Feng and An Qi?"

"Not yet." Sevey took a look at Fang Zhengtai, hesitated and said, "Chairman, about the computer..."

"Oh, by the way, you should fly to Greece immediately. Be sure to find William. James. Let him cancel the fashion art festival and exhibition, and we will double the amount of compensation for the loss.

"Yes, Chairman." Sevey turned around and walked out.

"Wait, I'll go there myself, William. James is young and frivolous, and no one can enter his eyes. I guess you will only close the door if you go there.

"If he refuses to come, I will tie him up."

"No, no," Fang Zhengtai waved his hand, "Some people are soft but not hard. You have to figure out his temper to deal with this kind of person. Besides, William. James is Ye Feng's classmate. Maybe he knows their whereabouts. It's better for me to go there in person.

"Yes, Chairman."

Fang Zhengtai stood up, took two steps and returned to her desk, carried her laptop in her hand, and then left the "Lanweika Magic Century Restaurant" with the bodyguard.