
Chapter 181 Blood Hunting

Fell. Nanke led a group of people down the mountain.

Shortly after they left, the temple disappeared. The strange rocks were abrupt, and a teenager appeared on the grassy hillside. The teenager was dressed in black leather trousers and black leather boots. He has short black hair, a pair of pointed ears on both sides of his cheeks, and metal sheaths on both hands, each of which has a golden chain, like a ring and bracelet, around his middle finger and ringing his wrist. The teenager sighed faintly at the blonde back: "Oh, I didn't expect you to remember me. In fact, I'm the only one who owes you, and you never owe me anything.

"Why, are you finally willing to put down your old hatred? Aren't you going to recognize your brother-in-law?" A tall but slender woman flashed out of the woods. The woman was wearing a black dress and a luxurious hat on her head, and the black veil hanging from her hat covered her face.

"It's my fault to fall in love with someone I shouldn't love, but who can I blame? How can I hate that we have been born and died together? It's just... I don't want to see him yet."

"It would be great if you could put it down. He is looking for 'yao'. Maybe he has some difficulties. Aren't you going to give him 'yao'?

"'Yo' is the relic of my ancestors and the only thing left to me by the old patriarch. It is also an artifact to deal with the blood clan. I won't give it to anyone. However, it's okay to lend it to him.

"So, what about our business? The deposit has been collected, but the business has not been completed.

"Why did you miss it?"

"No, I arrived one step late, and the goal has left one step ahead of me."

"Then continue to track. If you receive money, you have to*.

"But if it's my clan, how can I kill my clan?"

How is it possible? Aren't all your people by your side?"

"I'm not sure, but there is a feeling that maybe the survivors have found here."

"It's up to you. If you don't want to do it, return the commission. However, if this business fails, our reputation will be damaged.

"Yes, I understand." The woman in black only shook her figure and disappeared into the woods.

The teenager stood still and hesitated for a moment, and then stepped forward in the direction of Locke's disappearance.

Just like Phil. As Nanke said, the blood hunt did not die. That day, after the eagle was accidentally killed by Miller, the body was swallowed by the bone dragon, but the soul was attached to the blood-hunting body. After being possessed by the xiao's soul, the blood hunting has part of the memory of the xiao and Xue Lie. Blood Hunt raised his sword and stabbed Miller for revenge. After that, Blood Hunt, Will, and Miller entered time and space together. Three people launched a war in the path of time and space. Miller was injured and fainted, and the "key of time and space" in his hand fell down. Ville and Blood Hunt grabbed the "key of time and space" together.

A pair of sworn enemies fought in time and space. Will lost the "evil blood sword", and the blood hunter still holds an artifact "yao" in his hand.

Ville could not resist the attack of blood hunting with his bare hands, so he had to rely on the powerful power and rapid speed of the blood clan to deal with blood hunting. In the end, the "key of time and space" was taken away by blood hunting. Under the strong impact of magic and demonic power, the time and space are seriously distorted. After Vere rushed out of the space-time path, he fell on the highway. At that time, a luxury car crashed into him. It was too late for the driver to brake. Just when the owner of the car thought he was going to have a lawsuit for his life, Ville pushed his left hand and blocked the "metal monster" rushing towards him.

As soon as the owner saw that Ville was not dead, he blocked his car with only one hand. He was very surprised and left Ville by his side. He found that Will had red eyes. In order not to be regarded as a monster, he asked Will to wear sunglasses. From then on, Will followed his boss into the human upper class and enjoyed all the glory and wealth. However, he still only drinks blood, because he is a blood clan.

Compared with Will, blood hunting is much more incoerable. After he rushed out of time and space, he first broke into the human world on the earth at a certain time and met prehistoric indigenous people. Those indigenous people live a life of drinking blood. They are unkempt and almost ** all over. At that time, the sun was in the close orbit of the earth, the weather was extremely hot, the vegetation was dry, the river was exhausted, and the earth was almost burned. The indigenous people were caught in a food shortage and saw the blood hunt sitting in front of them as they were about to devour their children.

He should be the prey. The indigenous leader stared at the blood hunt for a while, and then there was a deafening roar in his throat.

Many eyes flashed with a beastly light. Roar", the indigenous people were shocked. They held sickle-shaped curved bone knives and rushed up crazily to "grab" the "fat meat" in front of them. The blood hunter jumped up in fear. He jumped on the boulder, climbed the branches, and climbed up the cliff. He is extremely agile and faster than the most flexible apes.

The indigenous people looked up at the figure on the cliff and suddenly fell down to worship. Because there was no fire on the earth at that time, and the darkness of the night made the indigenous people very afraid. They worshipped the sun, regarded the sun as the "god of light", feared the night, and regarded the night as the "dark god". They think that these two gods often fight. If the God of Light defeats the Dark God, the Dark God will fall, and on this day, you will see everything in your eyes, which is called the "bright day", that is, the day. When the Dark God wins the Light God, the night comes and people can't see anything, so it is called the "Dark Sun", that is, the night. The indigenous people regard blood hunting as the "dark god" who appeared, because the clothes under the blood hunting week are all black.

Blood Hunt looked at the behavior of the indigenous people and felt strange, and his heart was still pounding. He felt that those indigenous people were not human beings, but beasts, and he was too lazy to pay attention to them. He just wanted to leave here. He wanted to hunt down Miller and Ville. He wanted to avenge himself, Ruothy, and Cologne.

Blood Hunter looked up at the scorching sun and thought to himself: What the hell is this place? Do you have to cook yourself if you stay any longer? No, we have to change places.

Blood Hunt sat on a dead tree and thought about it. He thought of the glowing thing that appeared in Miller's hand, which was still hidden in his arms. He took the "key of time and space" in his hand and looked upside down.

It's strange, why doesn't it shine? Blood Hunt saw a snowy stone on the petal-shaped metal. It was the light of this stone that made me come to this place. Blood Hunt thought of Locke, who disappeared in the "Crystal Palace". At that time, Miller said to himself, it was called "space-time transfer".

It seems that I have also been transferred. Since this thing can move me here, maybe it can also move me somewhere else. Blood hunted his brain. He saw a distance between the stone and the metal petals, with some silver lines, much like the metal disk used to indicate the time seen in Atlantis.

He tried to touch the stone. Finally, the stone rotated, and as the stone rotated, the silver lines moved. When the stone stopped, the longest and darkest silver line stopped on a string of numbers.

"Wow", a snowy light is facing the head.

"It's bright, it's bright again!" The blood hunt shouted in surprise. Then with a "Huo" sound, he disappeared and entered time and space again. The blood hunter moved forward quickly in the shining time and space.

It seems that you can leave this damn place. Blood Hunt was very happy. However, the indigenous people cried, and they saw the dark god who disappeared after being shrouded in light. They whimpered, and they were blaming their leader. If the leader hadn't ordered to attack the Dark God, how could the Dark God have left us? If the dark god stays, the earth will not be roasted to smoke by the god of light.

"Roar", the indigenous people held a sickle-shaped bone knife and took a powerful step to force their leader.

"Ah!" After several screams, the blood was shining, and the indigenous leader was dismembered into several pieces by his clan. The indigenous people took the "food" they got and swallowed it. They chewed quite deliciously, and the corners of their mouths were bleeding out. If that scene is seen by human beings from civilized society, you will have to be at least three days without food, and you will die of nausea.

When the blood hunt rushed out of time and space, he was dumbfounded again. He found himself falling into a wilderness covered with ice and snow.

This is a battlefield. On the ice field covered with weeds, there are many kinds of people with broken arms, metal instruments, and torn flag-like things. At a glance, there was blood everywhere. However, the color of those blood is blue.

The sky is light gray, with a sphere hanging high. It's not like the sun, because its color is blue and white. A group of extremely horrible-like beasts squatted on a metal monster, stretching out their necks and chirping. Their bodies are pink, with a long tail behind their buttocks, a pair of pink wings on their backs, a face like a fox, a tiger's limbs, and a long and pointed mouth like a bird's beak. Their eyes stared at the dead bodies across the ice sheet, as if they were waiting to be pecked.

The blood hunt touched his chest, and his heart was still beating wildly. He stared and glanced around.

Obviously, this place has just gone through a fierce battle. There were more than a dozen wounded soldiers nearby, lying crookedly or sitting back to back, staring at the blood hunt with a frightened face. Some soldiers also groped to pick up the metal equipment in their hands. They don't know whether the teenager who fell from the sky is an enemy or a friendly army. They saw that this man's clothes did not look like a friendly army, so they were very nervous.

In fact, blood hunting is more intense than them. Because these human beings are completely different from the human beings he has seen. They are very tall, with blue hair and skin, purple eyes, and metal instruments in their hands.

"Ah, are they human or monsters?" Blood Hunt screamed. In fact, he was also a monster, but he was frightened and forgot for a moment.

Look up at the "sun" in the sky and look at the surrounding environment. Got it. It seems to have moved to a strange place again. This should not be a good place. I look too different from them. Will they eat me again? It's better to slip away quickly. Blood Hunt muttered in his heart, intending to turn the stone on the "key of time and space".