
Chapter 183 Mountains Don't Turn

Due to eating aquatic plants on the earth for a long time, ingesting too much iron, and the influence of climate and environment, the body of the Great Horn has changed. The blue cells in their blood begin to decrease, the red blood cells gradually increase, the color of their skin changes from dark to light, and their appearance is closer to that of earthlings. Moreover, food has also diversified from the initial singularity. Although they can't eat meat, they can already eat vegetables and fruits.

So, Bloodhunt led the Big Horners out of the dilapidated temple, entered the city, and began to adapt to the life of human society.

Big Horners not only have certain special abilities, but also are good at running and jumping. Blood hunting doesn't need to teach them anything at all. They are like natural fighters. While blood hunting was worried about everyone's survival, he heard the news that the archaeological museum recruited security guards from the society. After thinking about it, Blood Hunt decided to send them to apply for security. However, he was worried that humans would find out their true identities, so he decided to visit the archaeological museum first.

It is not easy to be a security guard in the world's most famous museum. Just checking the household registration, you have to find out your ancestors for 18 generations, and these bighorns from outside the earth have no household registration at all.

When blood hunting wandered on the street and felt helpless, a group of people robbed/robbed a shop, and they were chased all over the street by the police. Blood Hunt was inspired and thought: Since there are so many valuable things in the museum, why don't I steal one or two pieces and sell them?

Just as Blood Hunt sneaked into the Archaeological Museum to prepare for the crime, he saw Locke enjoying the exhibits among the tourists and smelled the smell from Locke. He is very familiar with that taste, which is the taste of blood clans. In fact, it is the taste of the demon clan, because Locke is the embodiment of the demon king, and the blood clan is originally a demon clan. In an instant, some fragments hidden in the memory and fragmented pictures flashed in my mind like a movie.

You are the golden armored military officer of Atlantis. You smell like a blood clan, and you must also be the prince of the night. You lied to me, and the fake queen Shura, you all have to die! In an instant, the flame of revenge burned.

Blood Hunt followed Locke all the way to the temple. When Locke and Blood Hunter got involved, Blood Hunter's step by step annoyed Locke. After Locke was angry, his red pupils burst out, and Blood Hunt mistook Locke for Miller. In the end, the tragedy happened. Blood Hunt was stabbed by his own death, just like Miller killed the eagle by mistake before, and Locke killed the blood hunt by mistake.

Before the blood hunt died, when his soul was about to escape from his body, the gate of memory was completely opened. Blood Hunt knew that he was both a snowy and a eagle. He also knew that Locke had rescued himself from the sharp teeth of the lion and was the golden armored military officer of his expedition to Aryan. At the same time, he was also his brother, the devil, but he stabbed his sword at his brother who had been born and died together for the sake of the fake queen.

What can happen even if it is tracked for hundreds of years? I didn't even see the shadow of Miller and Will, but died in the hands of Brother Jieyi. Blood Hunter felt sad and desperate. He lost the courage to live and pulled Yao out of his chest. At this time, Xueyue, who returned from going out, found the blood hunter who was drawing his sword from her chest. In order to save the blood hunt, the blood moon hurriedly operated the "key of time and space" and turned the time back to the archaeological museum, and adjusted the "yao" with an ordinary sword similar to "yao". Therefore, the blood hunt narrowly escaped the disaster.

I'm obviously dead, why am I resurrected? When Blood Hunter opened his eyes, he saw that Blood Moon was healing his wounds. A snowy light flashed in the palm of Xueyue's palm. Under the action of that light, the blood in her chest stopped and the pain was also relieved. Blood Hunter looked at what Blood Moon had done for himself, and his eyes were wet.

"Brother, if I get hurt, will you heal me?"

"No, you don't need to heal, because I won't let you get hurt!"

Two voices sounded in my ears. They were far away, because 100,000 years ago, they were very close, because they were so clear that they seemed to be right in my ears. Blood Hunt closed his eyes, and a drop of bright ** slid down from the corners of his eyes.

"Oh, why do you have to do this!" The blood moon sighed.

After the injury, Blood Hunter often walked to the foot of the mountain alone, standing by the woods, thinking about his thoughts alone.

That night, the moon climbed up the treetops, and the starlight in the night sky was like a firefly perched on the dark. Blood Hunt also remembered the poem that Locke once recited, "The moon star is rare, the chess star is Luo, and the stars in the sky are reflected in his eyes, which is the loneliness that only you can read..."

"Actually, what you understand is his loneliness. And for me, you have never read my loneliness. Because of you in the past, I didn't know what loneliness was at that time, but now, without you, I'm lonely, really lonely!" The blood hunter muttered, "Why? Why did you suddenly appear and disappear? Is it just to avenge him and return the sword I once stabbed him? Why? Will you appear only if I continue to chase you? Blood Hunt suddenly shouted at the woods, "Where are you? Why don't you come out to see me? Do you feel sorry for me, so you dare not see me?"

Looking at the painful and helpless appearance of blood hunting, Xueyue can't help but feel distressed. I don't know when, an indescribable feeling quietly grew in the bottom of my heart. Blood Moon fell in love with blood hunting.

In order to help blood hunting untie the knot, blood moon returned to 100,000 years ago, and she witnessed all kinds of inhuman treatment suffered by Xue Lie in the beast fighting place. In fact, Xue Lie should have died several times, and it was Xueyue who used his power to save him. Blood Moon learned about the emotional entanglement between several young people, and also witnessed the fall of Atlantis and the subsequent decisive battle in the dark night castle.

Xueyue's heart is extremely entangled, and she also wanted to prevent those tragic things from happening, but it has happened, and it also involves the Tianqin people, the cubs, the Habi people, and the earth people. Too many people and things are intertwined. If you deliberately change it, it will break the order of the universe and cause extremely serious consequences. After thinking about it, the blood moon gave up the idea.

When Blood Hunter sat on the top of the mountain thinking about something, Blood Moon sat next to him, told him about the past and patiently enlightened him. At the beginning, Blood Hunter always has a gloomy face, and sometimes roars: "You are not a man. How can you understand?" At this time, the blood moon stopped at the right time and quietly retreated with the eight clans.

Later, when the blood moon told the past, the blood hunter no longer roared. He just listened silently without saying a word. After listening, he got up and walked down the mountain, still standing in front of the forest like a statue thinking.

In order to avoid seeing the wounds, under the persuasion of the blood moon, they left the mountain and blended into human society. The eight big-horned stars went to the supermarket to work as security guards, and Blood Moon became cashiers. The bighorn star's hair with faint blue light looks particularly fashionable, and people think it is dyed, so many young people began to follow suit. There was a time when the streets and alleys of Greece were full of blue-haired teenagers.

And blood hunting often goes out at night, and his target is Ville.

One night, a year after Locke's disappearance, Blood Hunt saved a man with the "yo" in his hand. At that time, Blood Hunt didn't know that the person he rescued was Carlo, the leader of the underworld in Southern Province of E. Dan.

Carlo. Dan is a famous playboy, well known in black and white. He dares to be any kind of woman. Whether it is a young woman walking on the street, a schoolgirl, or a young lady who buys vegetables, even the bride who has just walked into the church, as long as she is looked at by him, she can't escape from the palm of his hand. So this time, Carlo. Why was Dan hunted down? Because he became Tom, the leader of the American mafia. Hills' mistress, a world-famous model, a mixed-race beauty with brown curly hair.

Old Tom is so angry that he is going crazy. He sent several groups of killers to hunt down Carlo all over the world. Dan.

From now on, Carlo. Dan has a series of bad luck. The hotel he lives in will suddenly catch fire, the car will suddenly break down, and the apartment will suddenly explode... However, at that time, Pananya was by his side, and Panris appeared from time to time, with the sister and brother, Carlo. Every disaster Dan encountered was saved.

Later, Panaya fell in love with Carlo. Dan. This woman is really troublesome, like a rose with thorns. If you don't let yourself go, you are always tired of being by your side. All the women around you have been driven away by her. She is even more fierce than the tiger's mother-in-law. Carlo. Dan couldn't stand it anymore. He found an opportunity to dump Pananya and ran to Greece alone. He didn't even bring a bodyguard, because he always felt that Pananya had bought her bodyguards. Why didn't she chase her as soon as she arrived at a place and her buttocks were still? I won't tell anyone this time.

Because of Carlo. Dan secretly "escaped" and no one told him. As a result, he was targeted by the killer sent by old Tom. In Carlo. When Dan was about to die, the blood hunt appeared.

is also Carlo. Dan's life should not be end. Next to the hotel he stayed in was a supermarket. Because it was a holiday that day, there were a lot of people in the supermarket. Before the blood moon got off work at 11 p.m., the blood hunt was worried and came out to pick up the blood moon. When the blood hunter crossed the alley and turned into the street, he saw more than a dozen big men chasing a man. Blood Hunter pulled out the "yao", jumped several feet on the ground, pounced down in the air, and stabbed the sword into the body of a gunman. The big man screamed and immediately died. He turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared, and even the body was not left. The killers thought they had met ghosts and were scared away.

Carlo. Dan was grateful and gave 10,000 euros to the blood hunt. Carlo. Dan decided to hire Blood Hunter as a temporary bodyguard. Blood Hunt agreed. Since the hiring of blood hunters, all attempts to attack Carlo. Dan's killers were sent away by blood hunting. There is no killer stalking and no harassment from Pananya, Carlo. Dan is very handsome, and he has lived a rather happy life. Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long, and Pananya didn't know where to learn about Carlo. The news that Dan met his mistress in Greece caught up with Greece. Carlo. Dan originally wanted to hire Blood Hunter as his lifelong bodyguard, but Blood Hunt refused because he was worried about Blood Moon and the eight bighorns.

Helpless, Carlo. Dan had to flee back to Southeast Asia, so he was forced to write a joke to review. As for Blood Hunting, he was inspired by this experience and decided to set up an organization, similar to the ancient Chinese darts bureau. However, he protect people, not bodyguard silver.

Blood Hunt named his organization "Blood Wolf Club", which was led by the head of the blood moon and the eight big horned stars as a member. They specialize in protecting the profession of private enterprise bosses, the world's richest people, and international dignitaries, and collect commissions from them. At the same time, they also assassinate enemies for underworld leaders, and serve whoever gives more money.

At first, the blood moon and eight bighorns were unwilling to be killers. Because their nature is too kind to hurt people's lives. Therefore, blood hunting enlightened them and said that this is a planet of the law of the jungle. If you don't kill your family, people will kill you; if you don't do it for yourself, you will be destroyed; in order to survive, you must first learn to protect yourself and so on. In order to help the Big Horner overcome his fear of killing, Blood Hunter also demonstrated that he killed a "child" (actually a monkey) in front of the Big Horned.

Over time, under the ** of blood hunting, the kind nature of the bighorn stars has gradually disappeared, and they have become accustomed to killing people. In fact, they kill people and will not see blood, because they themselves have powers, and their palms can emit beams, similar to strong electric currents. If the human body is hit, it will leave burn marks like electric shock, and will die in an instant. In order not to be recognized by human beings, Blood Hunt is equipped with guns and stipulates that powers are not allowed to be used until a last resort.

Of course, blood hunting will not go out in person. He asked Xueyue to lead her clan to do it. He sat behind the scenes as the boss and just collected money. His goal is stillville, and he has a feeling that Will should also be in this world.

Two years later, blood hunting no longer has to worry about livelihood, because the "blood wolf club" has become quite famous, and they will have a considerable income every time they start a business. Although everyone is walking with a coffin, so far, no one has failed, because the Big Horn has a special ability. Even if they are injured, as long as they don't hurt their brain, they can heal themselves.