
Chapter 186 Fashion Boy

A lot of people gathered in Monastira Square, and I don't know what the excitement they are looking at.

"Brother, there are a lot of people over there. Let's go and have a look, okay?" After two hours of rest, Qi'er's energy came up again. Obviously, she hadn't had enough fun.

"Strangely, there shouldn't be many people in this season. Let's go and have a look.

The little girl must be curious about things on earth, Phil. Nanke couldn't bear to refuse. Besides, he rarely had time to come out, so he led everyone through the flow of people and walked towards the square.

A catwalk was built near the wall of the square, covered with a fiery red carpet. The T-shaped table is more than one meter high and at least 20 meters long. There is a red curtain hanging on the wall, with a string of smooth golden characters "William-James Brand Fashion Exhibition" written in Greek, and the images of men and women wearing different styles of fashion are outlined with exaggerated lines. Various colors of flashed on the catwalk with fantastic colors.

There are some fashionable men and women standing on the runway.

A man spoke with a microphone: "...the last day of the fashion company's brand fashion exhibition in Greece. Tomorrow, we will return to Southeast Asia to participate in the one-week 'New Era Fashion Art Festival'. Now, please invite the famous fashion designer - William. James."

"Wang" is full of applause. A blonde man in a black dress with a chic brooch on his chest came to the stage.

"James, James... Look, it's my college classmate William. James." Ye Feng pulled Qi'er forward hard. He shouted excitedly and waved to James vibly.

"Quickly, keep up, be sure to protect them." Phil. Nanke and the scorpion followed Ye Feng and Qier closely and squeezed forward. There were a lot of people, and the scorpion had too many things on his hands and body, and it was a little difficult to walk. He carried up the strength around him and "killed" a "blood road" to follow. Locke tightened Pluto's hand. Because there were too many people, he was afraid of losing Pluto.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Because I have to return to Southeast Asia tomorrow to participate in the New Era Fashion Art Festival, the closing ceremony of the fashion exhibition originally scheduled for tomorrow night had to be held in advance. William is here to apologize to everyone!" James bowed and then said, "William once again thanked the Greek government, the Greek people, and people from all walks of life! Thank you for your support for the William-James brand fashion series. As a reward, I personally donated 90% of the income from this fashion charity sale, 45.5 million euros, to the Greek people.

The crowd is boiling. Wow, James ushered in a tide of applause again.

The closing ceremony of the William-James brand series fashion fair begins now! Please invite our Fahiongirls!" With the host's shout, the crowd calmed down.

The curtain opened and the music sounded. More than a dozen angry beauties stepped on the catwalk and came out with slender legs. They wear the same fashion with different colors and are more than 178cm tall, which seems to be professional models.

William. James held the microphone and waved to the crowd while explaining: "Ladies and gentlemen, this fashion is specially designed by William for women to highlight the gracefulness of women. I use exquisite shoulder lines to highlight women's plump chest appearance, tighten waist lines and padded buttocks, so that women's charming curves are unreservedly displayed in front of the world. At present, this fashion has been sold all, and the income is 3.2 million euros.

"Wang" is another warm applause.

Wow! The woman in the world is beautiful! They are all so beautiful, comparable to Aphrodite, who competed with Artemis. I want to bring them back to the underworld to be the princess of the underworld. The lustful eyes stared at the group of beautiful women.

"Go!" Locke suddenly pulled and dragged Pluto to the front of the stage. Because of Phil. Nanke and Scorpions have "killed" a "blood road". Locke saw William, who looked almost exactly like him. James. Why is there a particularly intimate feeling? He should be the reincarnated brother Micah. Locke thought of the night castle and the night prince who had been lying in ** for more than 200 years - his own brother, who personally brought him into a disaster. In an all-time, the emotional levee collapsed and tears surged out like a tide. Fortunately, everyone's eyes were focused on the catwalk, and no one noticed Locke.

Qier and Ye Feng also stood in front of the stage. The stage is not very high, about 1.5 meters above the ground. You can step up as soon as you raise your legs. However, Ye Feng did not do so. Although he is very excited and excited, it has always been William to hold the "William-James Brand Collection Fashion Show" around the world. James's dream. Now, James has taken a key step and may be only a few steps away from success. As James's iron buddy, Ye Feng naturally knows how to control his emotions. He just applauded hard. He felt that his applause was not enough to express his support for his buddy, so he dragged Qi'er's hand and let Qi'er applaud hard. Qi's jade hands were red. The two young people applauded and whispered. Ye Feng is talking about William to Qier. James's talent for fashion design and entrepreneurial experience.

Fell. Nanke put his mouth to the scorpion's ear and said, "Scorpion, I have a bad feeling. You have to keep an eye on it. The more crowded it is, the easier it is to create opportunities for killers."

"Head, why don't we get out of here?"

"No, this is also a good opportunity to lead the snake out of the hole. I look at the two of them, and you stare around.

Fell. Nanke pulled Locke again and whispered, "Stay careful and be optimistic about your boss. I'm not responsible for losing someone."

Lock nodded.

The beautiful women walked a few times in front of the stage, put on a few poses, and walked back behind the scenes.

The host picked up the microphone and said with a smile, "Thank you Fahiongirls for your wonderful performance. Next, please invite our Fahionboys! Fashion Boy) Welcome!"

After a burst of applause, ten men came up. They are well-proportioned, handsome and equally tall, especially their hairstyles, which are quite fashionable, curly, straight, long enough to be worn over shoulders, and tied with horsetails. They wear denim fashion, but the colors and styles are different. They are all young and seem to be ten years old.

"Wow!" There was an exclamation in the crowd, and some white women screamed and kissed while winking.

Locke put his mouth on Pluto's ear and smiled, "Your Excellency, if you go up and walk around, those women will faint with excitement."

"Do I have that much charm? I don't believe it." Pluto shook his head, and he had no confidence at all. Although he was satisfied with his face, the hair of different lengths on his head was really different, and he had to be regarded as a monster when he ran to it. Pluto secretly gog out Phil. Nanke glanced at it, and he finally noticed Phil. Nanke's "dangerous intentions".

William. James greeted the boys with a smile and explained: "They are native Greek boys, and they volunteered to perform for the closing ceremony of the exhibition. William once again thanked the Greek people for their strong support.

The boys walked to James in turn and made a pose. Every time a boy came, James explained: "This is the latest cowboy series launched by our company. This fashion style combines the strong and soft lines on the outside and inside, with new tailoring and unique stitching and avant-garde design. With personality, fashion, **, cold, tough and low-key and restrained temperament, it can properly reflect the aesthetic trend of generations to pay attention to personality and pursue nature; this fashion reflects the American West The wild and American sexy of the cowboy, while rubbing the romantic atmosphere of Europe; I pay attention to the exquisite and avant-garde design and the use of special fabrics in the details. Because of its comfortable, natural and adventurous roughness, it can better reflect the strong side of men... In general, William-James's latest The denim series is a fashionable style suitable for young men, and the price is also quite affordable. One set is only 200 US dollars. The income from this style of fashion charity sale is 4.52 million euros, and there are still 15 sets left. If any man wants to buy it, please contact the staff at *. Thanks to Fahionboys for their wonderful performance. Boys, jump up! Let's dance!"

As soon as the words fell, the music sounded, and ten boys twisted their waists and danced. The crowd burst into applause and screams. At this time, seven women came out from behind the curtain, with exquisite hairstyles, black low-cut fox coat shawls, and exquisite women's bags of the same color in their hands. The women came to the stage and put on a pose, and the ultra-short high-quality fur skirt exposed the slender legs to people's eyes.

Pluto opened his eyes wide and stared at the beautiful woman's legs. Their skin is so white, and I don't know what it will feel like. Pluto was thinking about it here, and he suddenly heard a shout in his ear: "Get out of the way!" Then there was a "bang". At the same time, Phil. A golden light slipped out of Nanke's right sleeve, and his waist rotated. The white lotus bloomed, and the golden light broke through the air. With a sound, sparks shot everywhere, and the golden knife and bullet collided. The bullet flew out. I don't know which unlucky guy's body, and the golden knife hovered back into the master's hand.

"Poutong", a man fell on the stage, is a "fashion boy" who dances violently.

"Oh, my God, kill!" I don't know who shouted. The music stopped abruptly. The boys and beautiful women fled to *, and the crowd surged out like a low tide flood. This is originally an open square. People come to watch, and there is nothing to block it. Suddenly, everyone ran away.