
Chapter 196 Taughty with Female Police Officer

Lock listens to Fair. Nanke said that he thought of a good way. First, he was stunned, and then his hanging heart was half relieved. He remembered Phil. Nanke is half an alien. He is so smart that he must have a good idea.

"Say it, don't sell it." Locke's impatiation came up again.

Fell. Nanke said mysteriously, "I came up with a good idea. I want to use a beautiful man."

"What, a beautiful man? No way?" Locke grinned and touched his face, "Don't hit me. My facial features are barely correct. It's too far-fetched to force me into the 'beautiful man' team. I think you are more suitable to be the protagonist.

"Sneer!" Phil. Nanke curled his lips and said, "I will be the protagonist, who will be the director?" This protagonist is not you, let alone me, but your boss - Xiaoha. Don't you think Xiaoha is too 'beautiful as a fairy'? It is most appropriate for him to seduce the president of the Blood Wolf Society. I will use the power of the Blood Wolf Society to force Will to appear and use the Blood Wolf Society to deal with the Hoshino Group. Besides, even if Xiaoha ruined my performance, I still have US dollars and euros. Are you afraid that you can't do anything with money? OK, go to bed first and go to the Blood Wolf Society tomorrow. Phil. Nanke stood up.

"Yo, you are really full of tricks! Unfortunately, things are not as simple as you think. Do you want to sleep? I don't think you will have a safe sleep from now on. A groaning sounded.

The two looked up and caught a glimpse of a figure on the balcony, and it was also quite a figure.

That is a curvy figure, which is really convex and concave. It looks quite eye-catching. Needless to say, it is naturally a woman.

Fell. Nanke blinked at Locke, took the lead in opening his mouth and said, "If there is a door, don't go. It's a monkey climbing the window."

"And it's a female monkey." Locke laughed.

"You two... That's too much! I'm here to help you. It's really a dog biting Lv Dongbin - I don't know the hearts of good people. Let's go. In the future, even if you use eight sedan chairs to carry me, I won't come again. The girl was so angry that she turned around and wanted to go downstairs.

"Since you are here, why are you in a hurry to leave?" Before the slightly lazy words fell, a light and shadow flashed. A metal chain with "claws" at the top hit the door on the balcony and clamped the girl's ankle.

"Ah!" The girl screamed. Before she stood up, the chain had dragged her into the room with a "shout".

A white hand quickly poked out like lightning, grasped the girl's ankle, and then pulled it, and the girl's beautiful legs were dragged up. "Wow," two thighs wrapped in black stockings suddenly stepped over to Phil. On Nanke's waist. The girl's chin touched Phil. Nanke's eyebrows.

"Rougan! Shameless! "Nirty embryo!" The girl's pretty face turned red, and she swung her pink fist, "bang" shining on Phil. Nanke's nose and eyes are all messed up. Turn your head, side face, bow your head, turn your neck... Phil. Nanke easily escaped the raindrop-like attack. A little joking smile appeared in his amber eyes.

"Tut, you are too barbaric to fight your husband before you get through the door. I dare not marry such a wife. Locke, here you are. Phil. Nanke turned around and pushed it out with a palm. With a bang, the girl fell out. The tip of the nose touched the tip of the nose, and the big turquoise eyes met the blood-red pupil. Four lips are attached together. Surrounded by the girl's fragrant body fragrance, a fairy feeling rose from the bottom of her heart, and Locke's brain was blank.

"Ah!" The girl screamed and followed a crisp sound. Locke suddenly woke up. This slap was strong and fierce, and there was a burst of hot pain, and Locke's cheeks immediately turned red and swollen.

The girl turned up from Locke's arms and jumped to the floor.

"Fell. Nanke, I can't spare you!" The girl was shocked and angry, and her eyes were full of tears and her cheeks were bulging. She flew up to Phil. Nanke kicked over on the cheek. Phil. Nanke dodged and dodged. The girl suddenly blushed with shame. She found that the boots on her feet were missing, leaving only her feet in black stockings, lifting them high in the air.

The girl had to put her legs down angrily and jump to find the boot. Locke covered his cheek with one hand and handed over his boots with the other.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding. It turned out to be Miss Rose. We thought she was a killer. How much has been offended, how much has been offended! Locke will compensate you. Come on, drink a cup of hot milk to warm up and calm down. Locke stared at Phil while attentively pouring hot milk and smiling faces to the beauty. Nanke.

"The misunderstanding is indeed a misunderstanding. It turned out that the beautiful police officer arrived, which was disrespectful and disrespectful!" Phil. Nanke laughed, sat back on the sofa and glanced at the beautiful woman with joking eyes.

Is it a misunderstanding? Of course not. Phil. Nanke did it on purpose. He just wanted to punish the beautiful police officer. In the past, many federal agents infiltrated his organization, and many of his brothers fell into the hands of the police and squatted into prison. Humph, you have caused me a lot of trouble. Since you come to my door by yourself, I will naturally "service" you well. Phil. Nanke smiled badly in his heart.

Actually, as soon as Rose appeared, Phil. Nanke has this kind of mentality, but there was William before. James is there. It's not easy for him to make trouble. Now that he has such a good opportunity to revenge, can he miss it?

Rose sat on the sofa with hot milk and drooped her head. She secretly glanced at Locke and thought: It's strange how there could be a good smell in his arms. The smell was very familiar, as if it had been smelled somewhere. Thinking about it, her face turned red again.

"There is a way that you can't climb the Three Treasures Hall. Come on, beautiful police officer, what's the new discovery? Report to this master." Phil. Nanke joked.

"Hmm!" Rose stared at Phil fiercely with angry eyes. Nanke said, "If it weren't for Shangfeng's order, I wouldn't have bothered to mind my own business."

Hmm, your peak, your peak still listens to me. Phil. Nanke snorted coldly in his heart.

"Yes, Miss Rose, I heard from Anqi that you met the killer after we left. How about that? No injuries, right? We are very worried." Locke laughed in a hurry.

"What are a few hairy guys? If the woman in black hadn't suddenly disturbed my sight, Ye Feng would not have been arrested.

"Have you gone to track down the woman in black? Have you found anything?" Phil. Nanke asked.

"Not bad. I thought that the woman in black was a mysterious woman who had close contact with the president of an African country, so I chased her. I chased out of downtown Athens and didn't catch up. She drove a Veyron SS. When I came back to see you, the scene had been blocked by the police. So I came back."

"Why, didn't the woman in black take Ye Feng to the car?" Phil. Nanke frowned.

"No. I suspect that the woman in black is with those hairy guys, and she appeared just to attract me away. I suspect that Ye Feng has fallen into the hands of those hairy boy.

Fell. Nanke and Locke looked at each other. They are all thinking: Is it really like William? As James said, there are two women in black? The two were silent for a long time. Things seem to get complicated.

"by the way, Miss Rose, why don't you talk about the mysterious disappearance of the president of an African country? Didn't you say that this matter is also related to the arms smuggling case of Anshi Shipping Group? You haven't finished yet. Keep talking. Listen carefully, listen carefully. Locke smiled.

"Speak, beautiful police officer, I also want to hear it." Phil. Nanke said.

"You...hum!" Rose was angry when it came to the president's disappearance, and she remembered those talkative eight brothers.

Rock Chaofei. Nanke winned. He was telling Phil. Nanke: The beautiful police officer may have some important information and find a way to find out some.

Fell. Nanke changed his smile and said, "I have always had no good impression of the FBI and ICPO, but Officer Rose is an exception. Officer Rose is not only beautiful and first-class, but also smart. I admire it very much! I think that as long as Officer Rose comes out, no matter how serious the case is, it will be solved immediately. He flattered.

Women like to listen to good words, especially when someone praises their appearance, and beautiful police officers are no exception. Sure, Rose heard Phil. After Nanke's "deprehension", his face softened a lot.

Locke continued to wink.

Fell. Nanke continued, "Your cousin William. James is Ye Feng's classmate and iron buddy, and Ye Feng is my brother-in-law. Now that Ye Feng has been arrested, as James' cousin, Officer Rose, you won't stand by, will you?"

"Of course, not to mention Shangfeng's order." Rose finally made a sound.

"Then, please ask Officer Rose to talk about the progress of the case, if it is useful to me. Nanke's place can be opened. I have someone, and there are countless people who want money. Phil. Nanke patted his chest and said.

Hmm, it's also a military adviser. If you want me to say it, it's a profiteer. Rose curled her lips and showed contempt.

Finally, after drinking hot milk, the qi almost subsided. Rose began to talk about what happened to her when she was investigating the mysterious disappearance of an African president.

Rose said in a sweet and crisp voice: "When chatting with the president's wife and daughter, they told me a strange thing. They said that since the president returned from the Americas, he has had a strange disease. He doesn't eat or drink, and always uses various excuses to prevaricate and dispel all kinds of social activities. If he really can't get rid of it, he will let his wife and daughter and even the bodyguard replace him. Once, the president's wife went to the study and saw the president drinking red**. The president's wife felt strange and didn't know what her husband was drinking behind everyone's back. After the president left, the president's wife took the cup to her friend who was a doctor. After the test, the doctor said that there was blood in the cup..."

The president drinks blood! Phil. Nanke and Locke looked at each other, and their eyes showed shock. The two just exchanged glances and said nothing more. They are very clear that the ten who drink blood are blood clans, that is to say, the president of this country has been held the "first embrace" ceremony by the blood clan.

"What, do you have anything to say?" Rose noticed the change in the look of the two people.

Fell. Nanke shook his head and said, "Nothing, continue." He didn't dare to interrupt the beautiful police officer again for fear of annoying the beautiful woman and losing clues. At the same time, he dares not say that there is a blood clan in this world, because once it spreads, it will inevitably cause panic in the human world.