
Chapter 200 Release the past

Did you end the "Hoshino Group"? Oh, I remember that "Bitterness" and "Soul Seizing*" are the weapons used by "modern ninjas". Well, now it is certain that John died at the hands of the Japanese. But why didn't you tell Rose that it was Japanese? Shit! Locke exclaimed in his heart, if Mikiko Hoshino is a blood clan, in case she joins up with Will again, don't say a Dulo. Peres, that is ten Dulos. Perez is no match either! Is this guy dizzy? What should I do? Should I remind him? Locke glanced at Phil. Nanke. The originally sunny face was covered with dark clouds, as if there would be a sudden rainstorm in an instant. Flames were burning in the amber eyes. A cold murderous atmosphere filled the air. Locke shivered and didn't dare to make a sound.

Fell. As soon as Nanke got into the military Hummer, he drove Edipus from his driving position. The left hand hit the steering wheel, "Wow..." The military Hummer suddenly rushed out. Locke's buttocks were not yet stable, "banging" and stumbled out, and his forehead hit the car door.

Locke staggered and straightened up and felt a burning pain in his forehead. He touched it with his hand and swelled up a bag. Locke looked at Edipus, and Edips shook his head without saying a sound, because he knew that the master was unhappy, and he did not dare to touch the mold.

Locke fastened his seat belt in a panic. The military Hummer rampaged and rushed to the highway like an angry bull, soaring all the way to the suburbs.

My brother, you are not happy, and you can't joke about my life, can you? My mission has not been completed yet. Is it difficult to leave my achievements here? Locke complained in his heart. He looked at Edipus again. Edipus and the non-commissioned officers were quite calm and looked familiar.

Good for Phil. Nanke's driving skills are first-class. Several times, it seemed that the military Hummer was about to hit other cars or obstacles, but they avoided the moment they were about to collide.

Alas! Locke sighed in his heart. In fact, he knows very well, Phil. Nanke's anger is not because he hates the "Hoshino Group" or Will, but because he is angry with himself. He is now in pain and regret. Unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in the world, if... if time can go back...

"Hey, stop, backflow, back in time..." Due to excitement and excitement, Locke was almost incoherent. "If time goes back, if we have the key of time and space, we can go back to before the crime, and we can know who killed John's murderer is and stop it in time, so that John It won't die!"

With a bang, the military Hummer stopped before rushing up the hillside. Phil. Nanke kicked the door. Locke thought he had made an excellent suggestion, which he never thought, Phil. Nanke's face darkened. He waved his arm and shouted, "If there is, will everything happen now? Do you think the key of time is omnipotent? If the key of time and space is omnipotent, I should have met you when I came ashore from the lake. If I can meet you and prevent you from entering Atlantis, Atlantis will not be destroyed. Do you know? If you don't show up, nothing will happen today!"

Locke was Fell. Nanke's cannon-like bombardment made him dizzy. He was stunned for a moment and suddenly remembered that he had taken a bath in a lake on the way to the eastern earth to seek bone dragons. At that time, a cold giant came out of the lake. A man in white jumped down from the huge thing. At that time, he thought it was Zeus who sent him to hunt down his god.

It turns out that the giant is the Flying Dragon chariot, and the man in white is Miller. In an allus, Locke's eyes became dull, and he muttered, "You're right. I really shouldn't have met you. If it hadn't been for me in this world, Atlantis would not have fallen, and you wouldn't have been poisoned. Qi'er, Ruoxi, Xiao, Cologne, Lisa, and Micah would not have died. Hahaha...haha!" Locke laughed wildly, "Blood hunting, oh, no, you're a shack. Xiao, I'm sorry. It was the big brother who killed you. You must be lonely in the underworld alone. Wait, big brother is going to accompany you. Brother, I'll go with you now." With a sad smile on his pale face, Locke took out the "deformed mobile phone" and pressed the button. With a "pop", the mobile phone turned into a pistol. Tears flashed in his blood-red eyes. Locke pointed a gun at his chest and retreated step by step.

Edips and the four non-commissioned officers were stunned. The wind on the mountain was very strong. Although they didn't hear what the two "sergeses" said, they saw that the two "sergeses" were out of control and seemed to be a little mentally abnormal. The "little officer" seems to be going to commit suicide.

Edips looked at his boss silently, and he wondered: What's wrong with the boss? I have never seen him so emotional. Is it because the female criminal policeman is jealous? Oh, it's true that beautiful women are all disasters.

"Shit!" Phil. Nanke suddenly woke up and shouted, "Where are there so many fucking if? I must be fucking evil!" Sorry! Locke, I'm sorry, it's not what you think. I... I'm not targeting you..." Fell. Nanke got up incoherently. As he came to Locke, he explained eagerly, "You... don't be stupid. Listen to me, I'm really not targeting you. I'm fucking confused. Give me the gun! As you said, if there is an afterlife, you will be a real brother with me. I finally waited until this life. Now we are brothers, real brothers, you can't leave me alone.

"Don't come over. If you come again, I'll shoot!" Locke is already frustrated. He also knows Phil. Nanke is not careful, but Phil. Nanke's words are indeed right. It is because of your own appearance that everything gets worse. If you disappear, maybe all problems will be solved.

"Death can't solve the problem. Why is the big brother so childish? A reticuled, slightly magnetic voice sounded.

"This sound... feels so familiar. Who, who are you? Locke raised his eyes with tears and looked around at the sound. "Kka", a light and shadow flashed. Phil. Nanke released the "shadowless ghost" when Locke's attention was distracted. The "high-energy electromagnetic gun" in Locke's hand was confiscated.

A man came out of the woods, followed by a woman in black. The man is extremely young, with black eyes, short black hair and ears, er, his ears are actually sharp.

" are a tyran, and you are not dead?" Locke was very surprised.

"Brother! I'm a blood hunter and a sage. Blood Hunter came forward and hugged Locke, "We haven't seen each other for a long time, which can be said to be three years, hundreds of years, or even 100,000 years. I didn't expect to see you looking for life as soon as we met. It's not like you before.

"I..." Locke blushed.

Fell. Nanke's face was stunned. Although he said that blood hunting would not die, that was just his guess, just to comfort Locke. When the blood hunt really appeared in front of him, he couldn't believe it for a moment.

Blood Hunting Chaofei. Nanke came. Phil. Nanke was a little nervous and embarrassed at the same time. He was nervous because he didn't know whether Blood Hunt would revenge on him, and he was embarrassed because he once pretended to be the queen to deceive Xue Lie's feelings.

"I heard everything you said. Hello!" Blood Hunt stretched out his hand and said, "Should I call you Prince Miller or Queen Casey?"

"I..." Fell. Nanke held the blood hunting hand. He was embarrassed and his handsome face had turned red.

"I call him Nanke. Why don't you call him that too?" Locke said.

"Brother Nan!" Blood hunting heard "Nanke" as "Brother Nan".

"Blood hunting!"

Through thousands of years and thousands of years, two people who once had swords hugged each other.

"Okay, great, I have another brother!" A star floated in his amber eyes, Phil. Nanke almost burst into tears. Blood Hunting was so excited that he could put down his hatred.

"Who is this?" Phil. Nanke saw the woman behind the blood hunt.

The woman is very tall, almost 2 meters tall, wearing a long black fur coat, wearing the same black leather gloves in her hand, and carrying a delicate snakeskin handbag in her hand. However, I couldn't see her face, because she was wearing a luxurious hat, and the black veil hanging from the hat covered her face.

"Hello, my name is Xueyue. Have we ever met?" The woman nodded slightly. Her voice is extremely soft and gentle.

Fell. Nanke was stunned for a moment and thought to himself: Why did she wear a veil? Is it a defective face or... Is she the female killer who appeared in the "Lanweika Magic Century Restaurant"? She asked if she was testing me? Soon, Phil. Nanke denied his idea again, because the woman was much taller than the female killer.

"I think we haven't met. Hello, I am Phil. Nanke, nice to meet you. Phil. Nanke smiled and nodded as a return gift.

"Are you the leader of the Flying Whale Gang and a senior military adviser of XX? Long time to look! Your subordinate posted the next morning. Didn't you ask me to meet at dusk? Ha ha, why, can't wait?" The blood moon smiled softly.

"You... I didn't expect that you were the president of the Blood Wolf Club!" Phil. Nanke was quite surprised.

"It's true that I'm the president, but the boss is him." The blood moon points to blood hunting.

Blood Hunter said, "I have no choice but to create the Blood Wolf Society in order to survive. Oh, by the way, I have all the things you are looking for. I also know that you have encountered some problems. Why don't we get together at the Blood Wolf Club and I will answer them for you one by one?

"Oh? That's good!"

"That's great!"

Fell. Nanke and Locke looked at each other, and both of them smiled. It turns out that the "key of time and space" and "yao" are both in the blood hunter.

With the sudden appearance of blood hunting, as if the fog in front of him was about to dissipate, Locke felt relaxed.