
Chapter 205 Two Phones

Three people came out of the "Blood Wolf Club" and walked down the mountain along the winding stone ladder.

The afternoon sun is bright and warm, and the sunlight reflects the bright color of blue and white on the slate ladder. The depression and desolation of winter seemed to disappear in an instant, and even the dead leaves lying on the grapevine seemed to show their vitality.

As Ye Feng walked, he said, "This is really a good place, full of natural and sacred atmosphere. Brother Nan is right. When I go back to Southeast Asia again, I may be tired of the smell of reinforced concrete.

"Yes, this place is really different. After completing the task of saving my ancestors, I will stay in Greece. Locke is attached to the road. Then, as if he remembered something, he suddenly said, "Do you think the key of time and space will be stolen by Pananya?"

"How is that possible?" Phil. Nanke stopped and said doubtfully, "Pan Naya has never appeared."

"Will the blood woman last night be Pan Naya? Will Panaya have been 'first embraced' by Will? Locke is still speculating.

"Didn't you say that Pananya is the God of War? Does Will dare to 'hold' the gods for the first time?

"Well, I dare not say. After all, Pananya has lost her memory and some magical power. At present, she can only be regarded as half a god.

"Wait, I'll ask Carlo. Dan, let's see if he has found Pananya. Phil. Nanke took out his mobile phone. Before he could dial, his mobile phone rang, so he answered the phone.

"Hey, I said Carlo. Dan, I was about to find you when I called. Tell me, what's the matter?"

Carlo was kneeling in a hotel. Dan's face is like a bitter gourd.

"Brother Nanke, why do you think my brother is so miserable? When I was looking for Pananya all over the world, I couldn't find her. As soon as I was doing things with him, she suddenly appeared... Ouch! Ouch..." Phil. Nanko heard Carlo. Dan screamed repeatedly and was probably slapped by the goddess of violence again. In fact, Panaya is twisting Carlo. Dan's ears.

"I thought you were infatuated. It turned out that dogs can't change eating shit. You deserve it!" Phil. Nanke had an expression of resentment.

"Brother Nanke, have you ever married a wife? Well, is there any freedom if you marry a wife? I heard that you have a second lady of black and white. When you were a child, did you take turns or go together? ......Ouch! Ouch..."

"What's wrong with you? What on earth are you trying to say? When did I marry my wife? Besides, black and white are my bodyguard. When did you become my wife? You really can't change the problem of spreading rumors. If you have something to say, say it quickly, or I'll hang up!" Phil. Nanke was very angry.

"Don't, Nanke, don't hang up the phone first. I have a lot of grievances now, and I'm going to get married. I have to marry Pananya, otherwise... Otherwise, I will become an eunuch. Brother Nanke, it's miserable. I'm going to say goodbye to single life. I can't celebrate Singles' Day anymore, brother... Ouch! Ouch..."

Fell. Nanke almost laughed when he heard it. He covered his mouth with his hand and said, "Then I want to congratulate you. You greet my wife for me. Oh, by the way, when did your sister-in-law come back to you? Did you have anything to do last night?"

"In less than five minutes after she came in, Alotti was kicked out of the door by her before she finished her clothes. How could I have done anything with her? She never let me go. She said she would stay for the first time on the wedding night. I'm so touched. How can there be such a pure and beautiful girl now? Oh, by the way, the wedding is..."

"Pa", Phil. Nanke hung up the phone and said hatefully, "Mother-in-law must have been dizzy by the violent female fan! When you get married, do you only tell me one, and you don't ask for an invitation? If I were still on earth at that time, it would be strange that I wouldn't have overturned your bridal chamber!"

"What, Pananya is getting married? This...impossible, right?" Locke looked surprised.

Fell. Nanke sneered and said, "What's impossible? She has lost her memory and doesn't know that she is a god."

"So, what have you gained?"

"It's hard to say. Listen to Carlo. Dan means that Pananya has been following him. If you want me to say that the escaped blood woman must be Mijiko Hoshino, who must have been instigated by Will to steal the key of time and space. I don't know what other plans Will has. However, now that I have figured out, Will hunted Ye Feng with blood.

Fell. Nanke was about to put away his mobile phone, and the music rang again. He had to continue to answer the phone: "I said you are endless... Oh, Sorry, Sorry, Uncle Ann, I thought it was my younger brother. No, no, aren't you so polite? This is what I should do. What? Send Qi'er's sister back to Southeast Asia to get married..." Phil. Nanke glanced at Ye Feng, who was stunned, and continued, "Wow, that's too good. Uncle An can rest assured that Nanke will promise you that he will send Qier's sister safely. What? 11th, OK, it will be delivered on time." Phil. Nanke hung up the phone.

"Who is Anqi going to marry? Why didn't Uncle Ann tell me? You give me a mobile phone. I want to ask Uncle Ann. Ye Feng almost went crazy and came to grab Phil. Nanke's mobile phone.

Fell. Nanke dodged. Ye Feng staggered and almost fell down. Fortunately, Locke's hands were quick and he held him.

Fell. Nanke glanced at Ye Feng and felt a strange feeling in his heart, but he didn't know why he had this feeling.

"My mobile phone can't be used by others, it only recognizes me. Don't be excited, Uncle Ann said. Your case has been closed and you have been acquitted. He was very happy to say that after a great disaster, you must have a blessing. In order to be happy, he will hold a wedding for you. Phil. Nanke put away his mobile phone.

"But Uncle Ann should have told me that he should call me first." Ye Feng said to herself, her amethyst-like eyes were gray, and her eyes were dull.

"Don't think nonsense. Uncle An asked me to escort you back to Southeast Asia." Phil. Nanke comforted.

Actually, Phil. Nanke's heart is already confused. Locke from Fair. Nanke's flickering eyes showed something strange. It's not like what he said. He must have hidden something. Locke looked at Phil with deep meaning. Nanke glanced and didn't make a sound again.

Three people went down to the foot of the mountain. Edipus has been waiting there in a military Hummer. Everyone went straight to the Acropolis Hotel.

There is nothing to say all the way, and everyone is thinking about their own thoughts.

An inexplicable melancholy surged from the bottom of his heart, and Locke said silently in his heart: Qier, you will soon be able to put on your wedding dress. You must be the most beautiful bride in the world. Qi'er finally found happiness. Brother Locke bless you. Whether you are in the mortal world or in the underworld, Brother Locke will bless you and bless you forever. Thinking about it, his nose was sore that he almost cried.

Fell. Nanke glanced at Ye Feng. Ye Feng was turning his head and looking out of the window. This handsome boy, once known as the "Prince of Flowers", has completely lost his former glory. He is in a daze, and he also looks a little haggard. On the clear facial contour, the sharp chin fell on Phil. In Nanke's eyes. He seems to be full of things, and people seem to have been reduced a lot. What on earth is he worried about? Phil. Nanke was suspicious. He leaned on his backrest and closed his eyes to meditate.

Fair at this time. Nanke, like holding fifteen rabbits in his heart, has gone up and down. He doesn't know whether the future trip to Southeast Asia is a blessing or a blessing, because he cheated Ye Feng. Just now, An Qiming said on the phone, "Nan'er, An Qi must have caused you a lot of trouble, right?" Now I have one more thing to trouble you. Ye Feng's case is closed, and his parents have come from the United States. After discussion, our parents decided to hold a wedding for them. Ye Feng has also agreed. Oh, by the way, their wedding is scheduled for November 11th, which is a little short, so please send Anqi back to Southeast Asia as soon as possible.

"Ye Feng has also agreed, and Ye Feng has also agreed..." Fell. Nanke's ears kept ringing, which made his scalp numb. Because Ye Feng, who was sitting next to him, didn't know about the wedding, how did he agree? Well, there is only one reason to explain this sentence, that is, there is indeed another Ye Feng, and this Ye Feng not only met An Qiming, but also met Ye Feng's parents.

Fell. Nanke looked at Ye Feng again. The boy, who used to be like amethyst, is now depressed like an eggplant hit by frost. With Phil. Nanke's understanding of Ye Feng and what he observed in his eyes can be sure that Ye Feng's feelings for Qi'er are absolutely true. And the Ye Feng in front of him also seems to be the real Ye Feng. However, if this Ye Feng is real, then the other Ye Feng is fake. If he can't even distinguish his parents, will he be a * person? And where did this * person come from? Could it be the "invisible man"? And the lizard man mentioned by Locke, will it be transformed and reorganized?

Fell. Nanke's heart was full of weeds, and he eagerly wanted to know the answer. At the same time, he also hopes to find the "key of time and space" as soon as possible. He wants to go back to Hobby. He had a bad feeling that something might happen to Hobby. Because the "magnetic elite" was lost in their own hands, and the Spear Dick people came for the "magnetic elus stone". If they can't find the "magnetic elus stone", they will naturally find their own heads. If they can't find themselves, they are likely to become a planet.