
Chapter 220 Nanke's Dream

In the haze, Phil. Nanke saw his father and mother. My father pointed to his head and scolded him harshly: "Sura, look at the good things you have done. You have lost the magnetic stone, causing the destruction of the Big Horn Star clan. Nowadays, the Spee Dick people are under great pressure, and our Hobby Star clan is going to be implicated because of you. Your behavior has violated Article 568 of the Interstellar Law. In order to quell the war, Congress has given instructions on this. If you can't hand over the magnet, it will have to hand you over to the Star Alliance!"

"Father, I'm sorry! It's all my fault!" Plop", Phil. Nanke knelt down.

Then, Phil. Nanke saw his father pointing at him again and crying, "In order to find you, your brother has disappeared. You, why are you so disappointing! You have been removed from the Hobbit star by Congress. From now on, you are no longer my king. I don't have you as a son!"

"Why are you so cruel, Wanger, my Wanger!" Phil. Nanke hiss and cried when he saw his mother, "Camu is no longer there. You still have to send Shura to the tiger's mouth. You, you..."

"Queen Mother! Queen Mother!" Phil. Nanke fainted when he saw his mother, and he knelt forward on his knees. However, he did not come to his mother. The more he moved forward, the farther away he was from him. Phil. Nanke simply stood up and ran wildly. As he ran, he shouted, "Queen Mother! Queen Mother!" Running and running, he suddenly stopped. He saw a gray world. In the whole world, the only bright color was the crisscrossing and shining cold metal chains.

What is this place? Why am I here? Phil. Nanke was puzzled. Then, he turned around and saw that behind him was something behind him that was not a tree, which was also a gray color. It is said that it is a tree because there are crisscrossing branches. It is said that it is not a tree, because there are no leaves, and the whole tree is bare.

The gray color is getting thicker and thicker, covering the whole space like fog. The tree began to blur. The chill around suddenly intensified. Suddenly, the fog dispersed, and there was a burst of "kakaka", and countless metal chains with inverted spines at the top broke through from all directions. Then, Phil. Nanke saw that he was tied to the gray tree, and his body was penetrated by a metal chain. His body trembled, and he felt that his skin had been cut, the metal spurs tore his blood vessels, and his blood was forcibly pulled out of his body by an external force.

Gold, golden blood surged out. What came into view was a dazzling gold.

"Why? Why is my blood golden? Phil. Nanke muttered. Then, he heard a fierce howling. The sad scream hit his heart, not only making his hair creepy, but also his heart as if it had been pierced. That's my own howling. His soul is suffering the punishment of "soul-eating", and the pain is just like being trapped in the black ice array by Pluto. However, Pluto has a compassionate heart, and he has only punished himself for three days. And this time, the punishment you receive will be permanent. Unless you hand over the magnet, it means that you will never live or die.

"Magnet, magnet, why is it always magnet? You haunt me like a spell, causing me to die. I'm going to hand you over to redeem my sins. Hand it over, hand it over, I'm going to hand you over..."

"Wake up, wake up! What are you going to hand over? Did you have a nightmare?" Under Locke's violent shaking, Phil. Nanke woke up.

"Pinging", the heart beat violently, touching the forehead, full of cold sweat. It turned out to be a dream, but this dream felt so real. Even when I woke up, it was still painful all over my body, as if I had really been penetrated by ten thousand arrows.

"Come on, I'll wipe it for you. Look, you've sweated so much!" Locke wiped Fell with a tissue. The sweat on Nanke's forehead.

Fell. Nanke saw everyone standing beside him, with suitcases in his hands. He rubbed his eyes and said, "What, has the plane landed?"

Blood Hunt said, "Yes, we are about to get off the plane. Let them carry you. You are too weak to walk.

"Let me try it." With that, Phil. Nanke sat up. He didn't want to be treated as a sick number. He just wanted to step down, and there was another sharp pain in his chest.

"General handle, don't force yourself. You guys, come here!" As soon as the angry water dragon waved his hand, two big men came over carrying a stretcher. Everyone, put Phil. Nanke lifted the stretcher.

It's at Fair. When Nanke woke up from her sleep, Qi'er woke up Ye Feng. After sleeping for hours, Ye Feng has also woken up.

When Ye Feng saw Phil. When Nanke was carried on a stretcher, he was shocked that so many things had happened during his drunken period. At the same time, he also saw the angry water dragonfly and hurriedly said hello.

It's more than two o'clock in the afternoon. Everyone's suitcase, bag, and stretcher. Of course, there are big-horned stars and armed guards on the Fengqi, and there is no need to carry the large pile of women's supplies purchased by Qier and Xueyue.

Under the guidance of the flight attendant, everyone gave priority to getting out of business class, getting off the plane, and gathered around Fair. Next to Nanke, he walked out of the airport lobby. There has been a row of limousines parked in the parking lane outside the airport. That's An Qiming, and Xing Wei sent to pick up An Qi and Phil. Nanke's.

Everyone came to the car. When Xing Wei saw Phil being carried out. Nanke was shocked.

"Head, what's the matter? Are you sick or injured? Xing Wei was surprised. Because he received Phil a few hours ago. Nanke's phone number. At that time, Phil. Nanko is at Dubai Airport, which is Fair. Nanke ordered Xing Wei to drive to the airport to pick him up.

Now, Phil. Nanke faces two choices: either to settle down or go to Xing Wei's place, the "Flying Whale Gang" branch in Southeast Asia - "Half Moon Hall". Xing Wei is the head of the Half Moon Hall. In the past, Phil. Nanke came to Southeast Asia and usually lived in the "Half Moon Hall". He asked Xing Wei to pick him up at the airport and originally planned to go to the "Half Moon Hall". When he heard the angry water dragon talk about the encounter, he became suspicious of Xing Wei, so he said, "I was seriously injured by a killer pretending to be a flight attendant on the plane. I plan to go to Uncle An's house to recover from my injury, and I won't go to Half Moon Hall for the time being."

"What? Serred by the killer?" Xing Wei thought he had heard it wrong and asked again, "So, have you caught the killer?"

Fell. Nanke said lightly, "Don't worry, the killer has committed suicide before I interrogate him."

"This..." Xing Wei was embarrassed. He is not a fool, he is from Phil. Nanke's "Don't worry" heard something wrong. The sound of this sentence is saying, "Don't worry, the killer didn't give you up."

The master is doubting me. Oh my God! What the hell is going on? What on earth did I do wrong? Xing Wei fainted and had to say, "Head, do you want to go to the hospital? I'll send more people."

Fell. Nanke waved his hand and said, "No need. Uncle An's family has a special doctor, and I live in Anjia for the time being. Also, have you seen these people? With that, pointing to Blood Hunter, Blood Moon and Big Horn, "They are all my bodyguards. Use your car to escort them to settle down.

A feeling of being neglected and suspected hit his heart. Xing Wei was very embarrassed. He lowered his head and whispered, "I will follow the instructions of the master."

Fell. Nanke was helped into the car of the house by everyone. When he sat in the car and looked out of the window, he saw the back of Fang Zhengtai and a man and a woman walking beside Fang Zhengtai.

There is a curvature at the corners of the mouth, which is an imperceptible smile. It seems that my inference should not be wrong. The man and the woman are Mikiko Hoshino and Will. From America to Southeast Asia, from Southeast Asia to Europe, from Europe to Southeast Asia, all the way to PK, win half. Although the real contest has not yet begun, it doesn't matter to me. The important thing is that I have to get back the "key of time and space". The amber eyes flashed a shadow, and then returned to clarity.

When An Qiming, Irina, Ye Shuhuai and Xue Zijing (Ye Feng's parents) saw Ye Feng hugging Qier and being hugged by a large group of people, they were very happy.

Qier is busy introducing new friends to her parents. Everyone saw each other and introduced each other. Qi'er had never seen Ye Feng's parents, but had seen their photos. Therefore, she quickly saluted the couple and called sweetly, "Good uncle and aunt!"

"Okay, okay! It's really a female 18th change. When I was a child, the naughty egg came out like a fairy.

"It's a great thing for the Ye family to marry such a good daughter-in-law as An Qi!"

The couple took Qi'er's hand and asked for warmth, full of praise. She was so ashamed that her pink face turned redder.

"Nan'er, what, are you sick?" An Qiming met Phil. Nanke was surprised to be taken out of the car by everyone.

Fell. Nanke smiled and said, "It's just a little skin injury, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter..."

"What doesn't get in the way? He almost lost his life, if it weren't for..." Pluto's long mouth ran to the front again. Locke hurriedly stabbed Pluto, signaling him not to talk nonsense.

An Qiming glanced at the group of young people and found that they were all special, but he didn't have time to look carefully. He turned to Phil. Nanke, come forward quickly.

An Qiming came to Phil. In front of Nanke, he was suddenly stunned and thought to himself: Today's temperature is more than 20 degrees. Why does Nan'er's body emit cold air?

He held Phil. Nanke's hand, a chill, penetrated into the palm of his hand and spread all over his limbs in an instant. An Qiming was shocked and said doubtfully, "Nan'er, are you poisoned by the legendary 'ice silkworm'? Who is so vicious that he did this to you?"

"No, no." Phil. Nanke hurriedly comforted An Qiming, "Uncle An, don't worry. I went skiing in Alaska last winter. Unfortunately, I encountered an avalanche. I was buried under the ice and ice for three days and nights. Fortunately, I have practiced the inner power of 'Clean Gate'. I used my internal force to resist the cold. In the end, my power broke through the tenth floor and came out of the ice. After that, my body will emit a chill. Hey hey, you said, I'm not blessed by misfortune."

Really? Unexpectedly, Nan'er had such talent and talent. In the past, your father's kung fu was one of the best in the world, but he did not break through the eighth level. OK, OK, it's really the back waves of the Yangtze River! You must have taken a lot of trouble for Ye Feng and An Qi. Don't hide it from your uncle if you are injured. Come on!"

"Sir, what can I do for you?" A middle-aged man in a suit responded.

"Anfu, go and ask Dr. Li to treat Nan'er immediately."

"Yes, sir." The man named Anfu left quickly.

Fell. An Qiming actually believed Nanke's nonsense. Because in the past, An Qiming only knew how to show off his legs, he was best at using firearms. He could use any gun, and his marksmanship was extremely accurate. As for internal Qigong and so on, he only saw Lang Yunfei practice, but he didn't know anything about it.