
Chapter 240 Being fooled by a beautiful woman

Hearing the laughter of the beautiful police officer go away, Phil. Nanke just poked his head out of the brocade.

He was surprised by this probe. He saw the floor. The original brightly colored Persian carpet on the floor was trampled dirty, with not only many messy footprints, but also soil, leaves and grass chips. Shit! Phil. Nanke cursed in his heart: These big-horned stars are too naughty. They must be blood hunting and uncontrolled. If it's my subordinates, it's strange that I don't chop their feet!

When he looked up again, he saw Pluto and Locke. The two guys, one with a horizontal frown, one is murderous, the other holds his fist, and the other holds his collar. The two are rolling together, just like two cocks.

"I can't help it! You two idiots were fooled by the beautiful police officer!" Phil. Nanke shouted angrily.

Pluto put away his fist in mid-air, Locke let go of his collar, and stared at him for a long time before he woke up. The two hurriedly got up from the floor and ran to the head of the bed one after another.

"Brother Nan, are you all right?" Locke asked with concern.

Fell. Nanke looked at it and saw that these two guys were completely different from the night before. Pluto is not like Pluto, and Death is not like Death. They are two market scoundrels. They not only have blue noses and swollen eyes, but also have colorful eyes. Pluto's beautiful hairstyle turned into a chicken coop, Locke's blonde hair stuck to his scalp and was still dripping. Although this fight was very "tighty", their windbreakers and trousers did not even have a wrinkle, which shows the high quality of the material.

Fell. Nanke was very annoyed, so he said angrily, "There is something to do. Of course, I'm going to starve to death!"

Because I didn't eat anything when I drank last night, now Phil. Nanke has been singing empty city tricks for a long time, so he didn't want to pretend to be dead, so he ordered, "Ha, go, bring me clothes. I'm hungry and I have to eat!" No, I'd better wash it first. It's sticky all over. It's so uncomfortable!"

Fell. Nanke found that Locke was wet and must have been hit hard. He suddenly remembered the crack on Locke's back and asked, "Does your back still hurt?"

Lock shook his head and said, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all."

Really? Let me see." Phil. Nanke doesn't believe it. He lifted Locke's shirt and touched it. To his surprise, the two cracks on Locke's back disappeared, leaving not only no trace, but also his skin was extremely smooth.

"Strange, so strange!" When Pluto saw it, he also looked surprised.

"I thought you could restore your divine power, but it seems that I don't feel good at all. However, it's good not to hurt. After all, this is in the future world, and it may not be a good thing to grow wings. Phil. Nanke shook his head puzzledly, put down Locke's shirt and said, "You two, turn around and close your eyes. When I finish washing, you should also wash it. This is Uncle An's house. If you go out like this, you will lose my old face!"

No way, everyone is a man. Locke and Pluto looked at each other in con's face. Let's turn around and close our eyes. Brother Nan must be scared. Locke muttered in his heart. The cold light from the amber eyes penetrated the heart. Locke and Pluto looked at each other, then suddenly turned around and closed their eyes obediently.

After rinsing the body, Phil. Nanke got into the quilt again. When Pluto dragged a lot of clothes out of the closet, he didn't know which one to take.

"Ha, can you hurry up?" Phil. Nanke urged impatiently.

"Here it comes." Pluto answered and picked up a lot of clothes and came.

Looking at a lot of mixed clothes for men and women, Phil. Nanke was quite angry. He pointed to Pluto's head and shouted, "Xiaoha, has your magic power recovered? Why can you run past Hecter E?" He remembered the scene of the Big Horn man breaking into the bathroom, and he heard Heckert E's words in the bathtub.

"I... I haven't recovered my divine power." Pluto's expression was very hurt.

"Then why did they say you won?" Phil. Nanke's anger has not subsided.

"I cheated." Pluto muttered in a low voice.

"Cheating?" Phil. Nanke curled his lips and said, "Is that your head still cheating?" He didn't believe that Pluto, who lost his divine power, was more stupid than a fool in his eyes.

"It's Qier's sister." Pluto said "the real murderer behind the scenes".

"What, Qi'er?" Phil. Nanke was surprised, and at the same time, he was also curious. While wearing clothes and trousers, he asked, "How did Qier help you win?"

Pluto's face was full of happiness: "In order to let me win, my sister Qi'er gave me a pair of shoes. Well, that's this pair." With that, raise your feet.

"Take it off and let me see." Locke just came out of the bathroom. He took the leather shoes in his hand and looked at them carefully.

This pair of leather shoes is black, and the upper is shiny. Looking at the surface alone, it is no different from ordinary shoes. As soon as you look at the soles, you will find its specialness. There is a groove on the sole of each shoe, and there is a row of shiny metal in the groove. Locke saw a bulge at the heel of the shoe. He pressed his thumb and spewed out a hot airflow. At the same time, a row of metal wheels bullets came out and rotated quickly.

Oh, I see, this is a pair of special skates. Needless to say, Pluto can win all in his shoes. Think about it, Hechter E's shoes have also been tamped with. Locke estimated that Hector E's shoes had also been modified, otherwise, with the skills of the Great Horn, it would be difficult for Pluto to win with this special pair of shoes.

"Qier, that ghost girl has a lot of heart!" Phil. Nanke is half annoy and half praise. He has always been willing to bow down to his sister's wisdom.

In the afternoon, Phil. Nanke sat in front of the living room window, drinking coffee while looking at the invitation in his hand. Fang Zhengtai invited him, Ye Feng and others to the "Lanweika Fantasy Century Restaurant" for a banquet.

Blood Hunt has been missing for two days. His mobile phone has been turned off, and I don't know what happened. Phil. Nanke's heart has been hanging in the air. There are various signs that Fang Zhengtai is the mastermind behind the arms smuggling case of Anshi Shipping Group. Therefore, he always felt that this request was a trap.

Fang Zhengtai invited everyone to the banquet. Are you going to catch them all? He is very likely to ambush at the banquet, and my four heavenly kings will arrive tomorrow. Phil. Nanke frowned. He was worried that Fang Zhengtai controlled the blood clan, and the blood hunting would disappear. Once the blood clan attacked, he could not deal with it with two "high-energy electromagnetic guns" alone.

Ville should not know that I am Miller. Why don't I just go to the banquet and test Founder and Will? If the "key of time" is in their hands, I will take it back by the way. Thinking of this, Phil. Nanke was a little relieved. He sips of coffee and looks out of the window.

In the garden, Qier and Ye Feng are taking wedding photos. They are surrounded by some boys and girls and several photographers. There are bighorns lying side by side on the lawn, and they are doing push-ups. Phil. Nanke shook his head with a wry smile. The big-horned star is so stubborn that the conspiracy to break into the bathroom must have been exposed and punished by the blood moon. He stared at the big-horned stars, and his amber eyes were getting bigger and bigger. He put down the cup in his hand and said in a trembling voice, "Lock, come here, come here quickly!"

"What's the matter, Brother Nan?" Locke is sitting on the sofa playing video games with a deformed mobile phone.

Locke moved to the window.

Fell. Nanke pointed out of the window and said, "Did you see it? Big Horn Star Man..."

"Two more, right?" Locke smiled and said, "They are Hector F and Hector X."

"How do you know?" Phil. Nanke was very surprised.

Locke sat down opposite him and said, "Brother Nan, have you forgotten? You left the night before yesterday and have been asleep since you came back last night. The two of them came yesterday morning. I heard from Xueyue that they completed the task of protecting an international dignitary and came back to recover. Of course, the big horns are all here, and they naturally come to join in the fun.

"Oh, so that's it." Phil. Nanke stared at the big-horned star for a while, and then lowered his head and fell into meditation. Suddenly, he raised his head and said, "So, my previous inference was wrong. The other Ye Feng was not pretending to be a big horn at all. It seems that he was most likely transformed by a lizard man through cell recombination."

"I'll try to see if I can get in touch with the lizard man." With that, Locke closed his eyes. He wanted to communicate with the lizard man through spiritual dialogue.

"Come on, let's try it together." Phil. Nanke grabbed Locke's left hand and had a magnetic European stone ring on their left index finger. Both of them closed their eyes, concentrated, and said in their hearts: Lizardman, where are you? If you hear it, please reply. We will help you return to the Sagittarius base camp.

Two large and small magnetic European stone rings are getting brighter and brighter. With a muffled sound, Locke was shocked when his hand holding his hand suddenly loosened. He suddenly opened his eyes and found Phil. Nanke fainted on the table.

"Brother Nan, Brother Nan! How are you?" Locke was so scared that he shook Phil. Nanke's shoulder.

"'s okay. It may be because of the injury that the energy wave is not enough. Phil. Nanke's dizzy head. Just as he raised his head, Locke suddenly shouted, "Oh, my God, what's going on!"

"What's the fuss?" Phil. Nanke looked at Locke puzzledly.

Locke's eyes were full of fear. He stammered, "I... I saw... I saw two of you!"