
Chapter 243 Inexplicable Car Accident

In the evening, a black "Maybach Zeppelin" (meaning "Airship" or "ship" in German) And a silver-gray "Audi R8" drove out of An's mansion.

This new "Maybach Zeppelin" is an extended version with a body length of 7.2 meters, which was sent by Xing Wei. Xing Wei thought that the master was a person with status. He drove to N City and settled down without a decent car. Therefore, early in the morning, he sent someone to drive "Maybach Zeppelin" into An's mansion.

"Maybach Zeppelin" is an authentic German-made, the latest bulletproof Maybach model, with only 100 units in the world and limited custom-made. Its price is more than 3 million euros, and it is Xing Weifei. Nanke's purchase of "Half Moon Hall" was also entrusted by Xing Wei to the car manufacturer as Fair. Nanke tailor-made.

The door is made of bulletproof armor. The car is decorated with soft natural leather products, supplemented by elegant fine wood furniture and exquisite thin wood, especially rare stone as the raw material for interior accessories. The Indian galaxy granite used is dark black. This natural shiny feldspar contrasts with the surrounding three-dimensional crystals, and the decorative effect Very strange. The car is also equipped with an intelligent perfume system, which can also automatically hibernate and reactivate after a certain period of time to ensure that the owner can always feel the aroma. The fragrance it releases is the fragrance of roses, because this is Phil. Nanke's favorite fragrance.

In addition, the car is also equipped with an intelligent air conditioning device that can automatically adjust the temperature in the car, and an intelligent refrigerator with an independent compressor, which can steadily put down wine glasses, water glasses and champagne bottles.

This "Maimacher Zeppelin" is quite atmospheric and luxurious. The interior of the whole carriage looks like the first class of a plane. Sitting in a soft and comfortable spacious seat, it is surrounded by a comfortable and warm, elegant and luxurious atmosphere, giving you a feeling of returning home immediately.

At this time, the four big horned stars sitting in "Maybach Zeppelin" were quite excited, because it was the first time for them to ride such a luxurious private car.

So, Phil. Why didn't Nanke take the "Maybach Zeppelin"? On the one hand, it was because he didn't like the black car (when Xing Wei was *, he ignored the body color). On the other hand, it was because he had taken a lot of this kind of car. He saw that the big horns were curious, so he let them sit in and experience it. In the garage of Anjia, there are no silver-gray cars except for Anqi's "Audi R8" which is silver gray.

Fell. Nanke likes silver-gray cars because he used to ride spaceships when he was the prince of the Hobby Star clan. The shell of the spacecraft is a silver-gray rare metal called "Namisis", and the bright color with gray in silver is Fer. A color that Nanke loves very much.

While driving, Heckert E threw imported food into his mouth - "Good Time Seaweed". He also shouted from time to time: "It's good that the boss is not around. The new boss is not only delicious and fun, but also eye-openers."

"Sneer!" A sarcasm flashed in his eyes, and the boss Heckert O curled his lips, "Laren, don't forget that it was the boss who saved us. Although the boss was a little strict, if it had not been for the boss, we would have become the food of Kukudi Miragu (the marrow-absorbing ghost fox). Now that the boss is not here, you have to be more obedient so as not to damage the reputation of our Blood Wolf Club.

"Big brother said that." Hecter T, the third, said, "No matter what time, we don't forget our identity."

"You know, we are the only surviving member of the Star King Guard. It is our duty to protect the Star King. It is already a dereliction of duty to leave the Star King to protect others. Fortunately, you only know that you are greedy for fun. Alas, there were 500 officers and soldiers in our Star King Guard, but now there are only eight of us left. It's miserable!" It was Heckett S, who shook his head and sighed. He was the second.

"You guys, really!" Hechter E shook his head and said puzzledly, "That was hundreds of years ago. What else do you want it to do? Besides, aren't we good now? Seriously, this planet called Earth is really good. Although human beings are a little mentally retarded, it is better than the big horn star.

"Is it better than the big horn star?" Heckert O stared at the young one, "No matter how good the earth is, it is not ruled by our star king. I still hope to go back to the base camp. Besides, what mentally retarded people do is really incomprehensible. They exterminate species on the ground, hollow out the interior of the earth, and discharge sewage into space..."

"Brother, why do you worry so much?" Hecter E said, "It's not that you don't know that we can't deal with the Spear Dicks at all. I guess the current Big Horn has become a colony of the Spear Dicks. What can they do even if they control the big horn star? Without magnetolite, the crystal satellite will soon crash due to energy depletion. At that time, the big horn will also usher in the ice age, and we will also face life threats. Fortunately, we followed the Star King to the earth and finally saved our lives. I won't think so much. Besides, life is really interesting now. That little ha, um, Hades is really interesting. He is many times more retarded than the retarded earth. I guess he is looking for his shoes everywhere now. Hecter's eyebrows are flying and he keeps saying, "Xiaoha can't find it even if he wants to die. You won't guess. Look, one of his shoes is on my feet. Hahaha..." With that, he laughed and raised his feet to show several brothers.

Although the cab was separated from the car by a glass wall, the three big-horned stars still saw that Heckert E was really wearing two different shoes on his feet. The three big horns looked at each other and shook their heads. They knew that the youngest brother was quite stubborn, and they didn't know what had happened to his genes. Anyway, it was different from everyone.

"Maybach Zeppelin" is in front, and "Audi R8" is behind, and the two cars are about six or seven meters apart. They are about six or seven meters apart. They first drilled into the bridge hole along the highway, then drive to the overpass and go straight to the "Lanweika Fantasy Century Restaurant".

"Brother Nan, I'm really worried about meeting Will. I'm afraid he will recognize me." His eyelids kept jumping, and Locke suddenly felt very uneasy.

"With me, what are you nervous about? Respond to changes invariably. I have a feeling that the blood hunt is likely to hide in the Blue Wicker Fantasy Century Restaurant, and maybe it is waiting for us to go. Phil. Nanke's face is confident.

His eyes suddenly darkened. Locke smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Nan, your feelings have always been inaccurate."

Fell. Nanke looked at Locke and smiled, "Even if the blood hunter is not there, there is no need to worry. You are wearing sunglasses. You just need to stand with the big horn star and act as my bodyguard. Besides, you and William. James looks very similar. If it doesn't work, just pretend to be James.

"Yes, that's a good idea." Locke was relieved.

In order not to dull the air and to relax, Phil. Nanke turned on the stereo. The amber eyes narrowed, Phil. Nanke was lost in thought while driving.

With beautiful classical music, a soft, soothing and extremely sad female voice flows in the silent space. This song turned out to be the song "The Appointment of the next world" that Qier played and sang before (hehe, it was unknown before, let's call it "The Covenant of the next world" for the time being).

When I heard "... in order to go to a next-world appointment, you suffer from the underworld and travel to and from the river of Wangchuan River; I was in pain in the world and strayed into the vast world. In front of the snow platform, outside the falling flower pavilion, that night of pollen fell like rain; that night, the pipa was like the sound of heaven; that heavy hookah separated you and me for thousands of years!" At that time, Locke's heart ached.

At that time, in order to save the world on the ground and capture the undead who fled into the sun, he was indeed "bittered by the underworld and traveled to and from the riverside of Wangchuan." This song was written by Qi'er for me. No, no, she wrote it for Locke, who is the devil, not Locke, who is a god of death or a mortal. First, there was a wave of excitement in his chest. Ji'er's heart fell into the valley quickly, with ups and downs, increasing infinite melancholy and loss. Thinking about it, tears couldn't stop coming out of my eyes.

When Phil. When Nanke woke up, she suddenly turned off the stereo and smiled awkwardly, thinking: Qi'er was willing to marry Ye Feng, perhaps just to repay the debt she owed Cologne in the last life. In her heart, she should still not forget the golden-horned red-haired demon king, otherwise, she would not have recorded this song. It can be seen that Qi'er's feelings for Locke have not been completely put down. But, Locke, can you become the devil back? Although I really hoped that you could be together in the last life, who can be blamed for being close at hand? It's just that the sky has no eyes and deliberately plays tricks on people!

glanced at Locke, and saw Locke hanging his head and quietly wiping his tears. He was about to comfort him. "Boom..." A violent sound came, and there was a red light in front of him. Phil. Nanke's first reaction was to slam the brakes and hit the steering wheel at the same time. Because this is on the national highway, there is also a large group of cars behind the Audi R8, which he did to avoid a sudden braking collision with the vehicles behind him.

When the deafening sound sounded, Locke suddenly raised his head and saw the "Maybach Zeppelin" in front of him. Like a huge hand stretched out of thin air, "Maybach Zeppelin" was suddenly thrown into the air and cracked into countless pieces in a firelight. The hot waves came to my face, and countless pieces of debris hit the "Audi R8" one after another.

The huge impact caused by the explosion lifted the "Audi R8" and then flew into the air. It rolled in mid-air and slammed into the car behind. Phil. Nanke grabbed Locke, and at the same time, his right leg kicked the door, and the whole door was kicked out by him. He pulled Locke's arm out, jumped up and down several times, and stood firmly on the overpass. Locke staggered a few steps and hit the guardrail.

"Boom", there was a loud noise behind him, and "Audi R8" exploded.