
Chapter 261 Save the scene like fighting a fire 3

To save people, isn't it to arrest people? Locke was puzzled. He took someone's hand and said, "The elevator is locked. I live on the 36th floor, and my foot is sprained again. How can I go back to my room? I'm a foreign guest. You can't save me."

Do you live on the 36th floor? Is it you who the captain asked us to rescue? Excuse me, sir, do you have any companions? Who is going to kidnap you?

"Jack, what are you running for? Don't you know that saving the scene is like fighting a fire?" Jerry. Hasson rushed up. He was very angry when he saw his team members pulling with foreign guests.

"Report to the captain, this gentleman said that he is a guest on the 36th floor."

"Guests on the 36th floor? Are you Mr. Consultant? Hello, I'm the captain of the N City Special Police Detachment. My name is Jerry. Hasson. Excuse me, who tried to kidnap you? Do you have any other companions? Jerry. When Hasson saw Locke's fashionable clothes and elegant appearance, he thought it was the military adviser Fang Tai who rescued him.

His eyes turned, and Locke hurriedly grabbed Jerry. Hasson's hand said, "Are you here to save us? That's great! I'm not Mr. Consultant. I'm Mr. Consultant's accompanying interpreter. Mr. Consultant and his bodyguard are still on the 36th floor. They are surrounded by thugs. Go and save him!" Locke made up a lies.

Yes! It is a great honor for me and my team members to serve Mr. Consultant!" "Bang," Jerry. Hasson put his feet together and saluted Locke.

Just as they stopped to speak, another team of members rushed up.

"Thank you for your hard work. On behalf of Mr. Consultant, I would like to thank you and your team members." Locke and Jerry. Hasson shook hands.

Jerry. Hasson made a gesture and led the team members to run upstairs quickly.

After a two-minute rest, Locke gained strength and began to climb up again. As soon as he climbed a floor, another person rushed up and knocked Locke to the ground. Locke rolled down the steps. Fortunately, with the experience of rolling the stairs just now, Locke grabbed the guardrail in time and didn't let himself roll down to the bottom.

"Who are you...? ..." Locke wanted to scold, "Didn't you have eyes?" However, he didn't even have the mood to curse. The more anxious it is, the more difficult it is to move. What a bad luck! Locke complained in his heart.

"Sorry, sorry! Sorry, I have something urgent!" The perpetrator hurriedly reached out to pull Locke. A long ray of golden hair fell into Locke's eyes. Looking up, I caught a glimpse of a face exactly like myself. Locke was very surprised: "Wei Jian. James! How could it be you?"

"Rock, why are you here?" Wei Jian. James saw Locke's face clearly, and he shouted in surprise, and then he lowered his voice, "It's wrong, it's a big deal!" Brother Nan, come on, save Brother Nan!" James stuffed a MK23 into Locke's hand and continued, "The federal agent team sneaked into Blue Wika, and they are going to assassinate Nange. They may have already taken action.

Really? How do you know?" Locke was surprised.

"Of course it's true. I intercepted the FBI's secret letter, which said..."

"Ah!" Before James finished speaking, Locke had already reacted. He shouted strangely and raised his foot to step up. I don't know where the power came from. The speed suddenly increased, and it was like stepping on a gust of wind under my feet. "Wow," Locke surpassed the SWat team members and rushed to the 30th floor in the blink of an eye. There were fierce gunfire and fighting upstairs, and there were quite a lot of people listening to it, just like walking into the battlefield.

Locke saw Shen Haochen and Nangong Yingxue.

"Shh, don't make a sound, there is an ambush." Shen Haochen made a gesture, and Locke hurriedly fell down.

Shen Haochen lowered his voice and said, "The organic gunner in front of him."

Machine gunner? Oh, my God, they really want to put Brother Nan to death! A look of anxiety flashed in his eyes, and Locke clenched the deformed mobile phone.

"Don't worry, let's get rid of the machine gunners first, and then find a way to put the chairman and the others next. The chairman and several hall owners are now being attacked back and forth. Shen Haochen is quite calm.

"Front and back attack? No." Locke shook his head. "Behind came the armed special police detachment of N City, who were ordered by the protection adviser. Don't forget that Brother Nan also has an identity. He is a XXX military adviser.

"Of course I know that the master is not only the chairman, but also a military adviser. The problem is that it was not only the federal secret service that attacked them, but also the mercenaries.

"What, mercenary?" Locke's eyes widened unbelievable.

"Yes, from their equipment, they are mercenaries from South Africa. I haven't had any direct contact with them. I don't know if they belong to the 'African Star', 'Sunset', or the 'Wind of Kilimanjaro'. If it comes to the 'African Star', it will be very troublesome. They are known as the 'Shadow Killer'..."

"Shadow Killer! How do you know so much?" Locke was surprised. He couldn't help looking at Shen Haochen carefully. The young man is about 1.80 meters tall and slightly thin. His two thick eyebrows are like swords. A pair of black eyes are bright, but the bridge of his nose is a little collapsed. The young man's posture with a gun was very heroic, and his restful posture made him look like a commander. Locke couldn't help admiring it.

"Ha ha," the young man smiled shyly and said, "I have a cousin who is a special police officer. Not long ago, he had an angry relationship with them when he was on duty in the Libyan peacekeeping force. I heard from my cousin that they have 1* in one regiment. Although they are not regular soldiers, they are all brave and good at fighting. In people's eyes, they are called executioners and criminal accomplices, thinking that they joined mercenary organizations only for money. In fact, most of them are retired soldiers or policemen. Some join mercenaries for a living, while others are unbearable to lose the heroic aura after retirement. They are born and die to regain confidence and satisfaction in battle. In my opinion, they are all warriors who are not afraid of death, and I admire them very much. Seriously, if I hadn't met the three masters, if I hadn't joined the 'Flying Whale Gang', I would have joined the foreign regiment.

Oh, it turns out that Shen Haochen yearns for military life, but it's God's will to make him mislead into the gang. Locke understood. He scratched his scalp, looked up, and asked puzzledly, "But how did so many people get into Lanwicka?" Locke remembered the soldiers he saw from the screen of the deformed mobile phone.

They have good air protection and armored forces. If I guess correctly, they came up from the roof in an armed helicopter, but I don't know how many people came this time. And the film crew we met in the main hall should be the federal agent team.

They are federal agents! No wonder I felt danger when I passed them, and the one in the suit should be their leader. Locke's heart pounded wildly, and he was afraid.

"How can federal agents get involved with mercenaries?" Nangong Yingxue gently stepped over and asked in a low voice.

South Africa's mercenary company 'EO' is currently the largest private armed force in the world, and most of these private military companies are closely related to the Pentagon. Their cooperation with federal agents in overseas military activities must also be the instructions of the relevant authorities. The FBI has made a lot of effort this time and even joined forces with mercenaries. It seems that it is determined to catch us all. I don't know who leaked the chairman's whereabouts..."

Locke's heart thumped, and he thought of Rose. Did Rose betray Brother Nan? Even if she falls in love with Brother Nan, it is her duty to arrest the world's number one criminal. Once she receives the organizational order... Locke dares not think about it.

"It would be a good thing if there was the support of armed special police in N City. I'm afraid that they will recognize the identity of the chairman and then fall to federal agents. At that time, we will suffer from the enemy, and the consequences will be unimaginable. It would be nice if the brothers of Half Moon Hall came to support, but until now there has been no order from the Lord. I'm really puzzled...who?" Shen Haochen suddenly turned around and pointed the gun at the stairway.

"Papa", there was a slight and rapid sound of footsteps downstairs.

"It's me, William. James, I'm here to help. Locke, I can't believe that you are faster than me!"

William at this time. James was not blushing and breathless, and he was not tired at all after climbing more than 30 floors of stairs.

"I... are faster than you?" Locke was surprised that he didn't know how he ran to William. James came in front of him, "Ha ha, you are also very fast!" Locke smiled awkwardly. He looked behind James and didn't see the special police. They must have gone up the other corridors.

"I am the champion of the track and field team in college and also the champion of shooting." The golden eyes are full of pride and self-confidence. James shook his blonde hair gracefully. He put his right hand into his pocket and touched his left hand to his waist. With a gorgeous arc, a MK23 popped out. At the same time, the right hand leaned out of the pocket. When MK23 fell into the left palm, the right palm had also been opened, "Kakaka", in just a few seconds, more than a dozen bullets were loaded into the magazine and loaded into the magazine. The whole process is like flowing water. Locke was stunned and envious. Nangong Yingxue gave a thumbs up.

"Well, that's good!" Shen Haochen nodded approvingly. He looked at Locke and looked at William again. James thought to himself: The teenager named Locke should not be the illegitimate son of the Prime Minister. The two people look so similar, just like a pair of twins.

Put away his messy thoughts, and Shen Haochen whispered, "Since they are all his own people, follow me and see if my gestures can kill a bloody road in this move. Action!" Shen Haochen made a gesture. Several people leaned against the guardrail, bowed themselves, and quietly advanced upstairs.

If you dare to stop me, let him become a mummy. Lockin moved the deformed mobile phone button, and a slight "kakaka" sound sounded, and the colorful gems on the "control platform" quickly moved. When they stopped, a gold-plated pistol was formed, and the gun was also inlaid with various gems. This is the first time that a deformed mobile phone has been turned into a gun since it came into Locke's hands. There was no time to appreciate its exquisite appearance. Locke gritted his teeth, held a gun in both hands, and followed.

As soon as he turned the corner of the wall, Locke saw several bodies lying upside down on the stairs. Among them were white people in black suits and yellow people in black windbreakers. It seemed that they should be two groups. Their bodies were shot into a sieve by guns, and blood flowed down the stairs, staining the carpet in the corridor.

It's bloody! Locke's heart couldn't help trembling. He stabilized his mood, quietly raised his head and glanced up. Sure enough, there were two men in black at the corner of the 35th floor. They were guarding the stairs with two machine guns. They staggered back to back, one pointed the muzzle downstairs and the other pointed the muzzle upstairs.