
Chapter 265 Shark Escape

Planned and commanded by himself, he finally destroyed the pirate group that has been rampant in the sea for nearly 20 years. This has always been the thing that Richard is most proud of. Richard once said wildly, "Even if the two major criminal groups of the Mafia and the Flying Whale Gang rise again, I can still bring them down!"

What Richard did not expect was that five years after the collapse of the Flying Whale Gang, another pirate group known as the Flying Whale Gang ran rampant in the major oceans. At first, Richard didn't care. He thought it was just the remnants of a small group of the "Flying Whale Gang" organization. It was not until a year later, when he heard that the leader was the descendants of Lang Yunfei that he paid attention to it.

In the first few years, in the days of continuous "friction" with the "flying whale gang", Richard achieved some results, because at that time, Langnan Ke was a young man who had just debuted and was not deeply involved in the world. In the process of interacting with the "old and treacherous" Richard, he looked much more immature, because of his lack of experience, Coupled with his youth and vigor, Lang Nanke also suffered a lot. As soon as his cargo ship carrying weapons and equipment appears on the high seas, it will either be attacked by coastal police, attacked by underwater submarines, or by helicopter gunships from the air... Sometimes, they will come out and fire at his cargo ship at the same time as if they had been appointed in advance. Lang Nanke himself was often assassinated, and even once he was blocked by federal agents. However, with his superb shooting skills, the "clean door" skills, and the desperate protection of a group of dead men such as scorpions and centipedes, he escaped the disaster.

With the passage of time, the "Flying Whale Gang" becomes more and more difficult to deal with, because its family is no longer a fledgeling teenager, but quickly escalates into a far-sighted and extremely hot role. In order to strengthen his power, Lang Nanke challenged the leaders of major pirate groups alone. After subduing the pirates in Malacca, he quickly attacked Somalia and the Caribbean. In the end, he brought all the large and small pirate groups under his command. Five years later, the "Flying Whale Gang" has reached 50,000 members and is being diverted around the world to form branches.

In a maritime robbery/robbery, the "Flying Whale Gang" looted an oil tanker heading to Eastern Europe. After a fierce naval battle, the "Flying Whale Gang" not only seized the oil tanker, but also robbed the escort warship, and seized the highest military commander on the warship, the navy of a European country*. Using this navy*, Lang Nanke exchanged a large amount of ransom for the "Flying Whale Gang". In the end, the rampant "Flying Whale Gang" shocked the Pentagon. The relevant authorities were furious, and Richard was charged with dereliction of duty for "disspying criminal groups, causing criminals to become increasingly rampant..." Although he won the lawsuit in the end, he was demoted and became the Minister of Criminal Justice and Information Services. This "unwarranted" charge made Ricard ashamed and angry.

After careful deployment and auspicious planning, Richard joined forces and sent a federal agent team to assist Interpol in attacking the headquarters of the Flying Whale Gang in Southeast Asia. At the same time, the Philippine and Malaysian Joint Coastal Guard were divided into two groups to encircle and suppress the Flying Whale Gang.

This year, Lang Nanke was 20 years old and just finished his birthday.

One night, federal agents and Interpol raided the "Prince's House". At the same time, the Philippine and Malaysian Joint Coastal Guard bombarded the "Flying Whale Gang" fleet in Malacca and the Caribbean. Although some of the fleets in Southeast Asia suffered heavy damage, that part of the fleet in the Americas was not injured, while the coastal guard suffered heavy losses. Not only the cruisers were taken, but also the guards survived. At that time, the Spanish Duclos was responsible for directing the defeat of the coastal guard. Perez.

At this time, the four heavenly kings have gathered, and there are still three King Kongs left. Except for Dulo in North America. Peres, Edipps and Xing Wei are all in the "Prince's Mansion", including Lang Nanke, three of whom are besieged in the Prince's Bridge by the Federal Secret Service and the Interpol.

Lang Nanke called while shooting to ask for assistance. In order to cover the breakout of the masters and hall masters, some members of the "Flying Whale Gang" organized with bombs and rushed to Interpol, and some rushed to federal agents in trucks loaded with explosives. They opened a way to escape for the masters and the masters with their own flesh and blood.

After dawn, Lang Nanke, Xing Wei, and Edipus, three people boarded the ship under the cover of the bodyguards and fled to North America in an attempt to get along with Dulo. Perez meets. On the way, their ship was intercepted by warships and attacked by underwater submarines as soon as they entered the Atlantic Ocean. Unfortunately, the ship exploded and began to sink. Everyone had to jump into the sea to escape. Xing Wei and Edipus are missing. Although there was desperately protection from scorpions and centipelas, Lang Nanke was still shot, and more than one shot, one shot in his left arm and one in his left shoulder.

After the three fell into the sea, they were surrounded by warships and submarines. When countless guns pointed to their heads, Lang Nanke originally thought that everyone would be "on the spot", and then when his body sank to the bottom of the sea, he was suddenly swallowed into his stomach by the rushing giant shark. He even heard the sound of "clicking" in his ears, which was the shark chewing its bones. Thinking of the upcoming scene, Lang Nanke almost collapsed. Just as he was desperate to commit suicide, a fog suddenly surged on the sea, and the gray color darkened the world in an instant.

Is it the "ghost" who rescued me? Lang Nanke was so surprised that he held the arms of the scorpion and centipede tightly and waited for the arrival of the reinforcements. The scorpion and centipede also suffered different degrees of gunshot wounds. The two brothers guarded Lang Nanke and gritted their teeth and persisted. They soaked in the sea for more than an hour until the fog dissipated, and they did not see the "ghost ship", and the warships and submarines did not know where they were going. The body was already injured, frozen and hungry, and the three people almost fainted. Just when everyone thought there was no hope of life, there was a roar of helicopter overhead.

Tom. After Bill received the news of the attack of the Flying Whale Gang, he rushed to the rescue by helicopter overnight. He saw flocks of sharks from the telescope and swam along the sharks. He saw three people floating on the sea: two men in black and a man in white.

"It's Nanke's brother, it must be Nanke's brother!"

When he saw the swarm of sharks rushing towards Langnanke and others, Billcha sweated profusely. He was afraid that his "dream lover" would become the shark's lunch.

"Quick, put the cable down! If my brother Nanke is eaten by a shark, I will push you all down and bury him!" Billcha shouted in panic.

The bodyguards were scared and acted quickly. Fortunately, the driver's skills were also quite good. He parked the helicopter just above Lang Nanke's head.

With the pain, the two Indian brothers took action together, three times and five times, and they tied Lang Nanke's waist with cables. Soon, the cable rose and Lang Nanke was hung up. Just as the cable was put down again, the two brothers saw a dark piece of darkness in the distance, and something like a dark cloud was approaching them. At the same time, they also felt the surging sea.

"No, it's a group of sharks! Brother, you go first!" The scorpion roared loudly.

"No, brother, you go first!"

The two brothers gave in.

Looking at the approaching sharks, Lang Nanke was shocked. He shouted harshly, "Don't talk nonsense. Listen to my orders. The scorpion is in front and the centipede is behind. Hurry up!"

The two brothers looked at each other, and neither of them wanted to go first. They both left their hope to each other.

"Shit!" Lang Nanke cursed, "How dare you not obey my orders, then I will jump down and die with you!"

Lang Nanke has always said the same thing, and the two brothers also have a deep understanding of his temperament. They were so scared that their faces turned white, so they tried their best to jump up and grabbed the cable that was still in mid-air.

"Isn't it just two bodyguards, Brother Nanke, do you? case this plane is pulled into the sea..."

The fuselage suddenly shook, and Billcha's face changed greatly. Because he came to save the scene, Bill Chado took a few hands. He only thought of Lang Nanke alone and didn't expect the people around Lang Nanke at all. Therefore, only one position in the helicopter was empty. Two more is overloaded. Moreover, now two people are hung up at once, and the helicopter is obviously very difficult.

Lang Nanke stared and said harshly, "How can you get so much nonsense? At worst, everyone will die together! Why don't you come and give me a hand?"

Can't wait to lift automatically. Lang Nanke stretched out his right hand and grabbed the rope and pulled it up. Due to the injury to his left arm, his forehead had already been cold and sweating. Otherwise, if he pulled two people on the helicopter at ordinary times, it would be a piece of cake for him.

Bill didn't dare to make a sound, so he had to harden his scalp and lean out to pull the cable together. Billcha's bodyguards came forward and wrapped around the waists of the two people, so a funny scene appeared, and everyone was connected like a tug-of-war. Because they were afraid of being buried in the shark's belly, the bodyguards used their strength to breastfeed.

Just as the two Indian brothers rose from the water, with a strong fishy smell, the sharks rushed up. They smelled the smell of blood, which not only became faster, but also became more cruel.

Seeing that the delicious food was about to disappear, the sharks rose up. They began to attack each other, biting each other with sharp teeth, slamming their bodies with tail fins or beating their heads. The sea was stirred by a group of sharks as if it were boiling. The waves rolled, and the splashing seawater wet the clothes and trousers of the two brothers.

A great white shark jumped into the air and opened its blood basin to bite the two brothers. Because the centipede was seriously injured, he was not as tall as the scorpion when he jumped up, and the part of the centipede's legs was naturally long.

The picture Lang Nanke saw in his eyes was: one leg of the centipede fell into the big mouth of the giant shark's blood basin, and there seemed to be a "click" sound in his ear, and the scream of the centipede, followed by a bloody broken leg appeared in the field of vision.