
Chapter 269 Gorgeous Chess Game

", you're wrong again!" Raising his index finger and shaking, Richard said proudly, "It was my instruction to frame Xing Wei. Because I know you are too cunning. In order to divert your attention, I used Allen to hide the arms seized by the British navy in the Half Moon Hall and sell them to the United Arab Emirates. The purpose is naturally to blame Xing Wei. If you suspect Xing Wei, you will naturally save the DLP. In doing this, I not only kept No. 4, alienated your relationship with Xing Wei, frustrated the spirit of the half moon hall, and also helped Allen earn nearly 100 million US dollars. From then on, I have made Allen bow down to me and obey my fate. It's really a stone. Hahaha..." Richard laughed presumptuously.

"So, you also owe me a life, not just one or two, but more than a hundred. With all the crew on my 'Sea King', the life of my brother No. 110 is worth the lives of dozens of your federal agents. You have made a lot of money, and you have made a lot of money!" Phil. Nanke said lightly. In fact, his heart was already full of anger, but he tried to control his emotions and try to keep his face calm.

Xing Wei was surprised at first, and then his anger rose in his heart. For a long time, he thought that the disappearance and sudden appearance of the Neptune was in response to the legendary mystery of disappearance and reappearance, and he didn't expect it to be Richard. Thunder's conspiracy and trick. You not only lost tens of millions of dollars, but also almost ruined my reputation. The most important thing is the life of my brother 100... "Squeaky", the bone joints are violent, and Xing Wei can no longer calm down.

Fell. Nanke waved his hand to Xing Wei and said, "It's far more than that simple. Let's listen to the minister's words patiently. I think the Minister is also happy to show us his carefully laid chess game.

"However, this matter is a long story, and we have to start with the arms smuggling case of Anshi Shipping Group Company. In fact, you have been in the trap I set from the beginning, and I might as well tell you all about it. Richard became more and more proud. "It was me who bought Alan, and it was me who instructed DLP to transport your arms in North America to Southeast Asia, and Allen managed to hide it in the fleet of Anshi Shipping Group to carry rubber. Ten years ago, when the 'Flying Whale Gang' was besieged, although your father fell into the net, he missed a big fish. I suspect that An Qiming, the rubber king, is the fish that leaked into the net, Lang Yunfei's s sworn brother - An Qiming. At the same time, it is also to prove that An Qiming has something to do with your 'flying whale gang', so I designed to frame Ye Feng. Naturally, the purpose is to find out you and An Qiming..."

A trace of awe-inspiring flashed in his glazed eyes, Phil. Nanke clenched his fist and thought: At first, my guess was right. This black hand was indeed from Uncle Chong'an and me, but I didn't expect that the manipulator behind the incident would be Richard. The waves in my heart are turbulent, but my face is still calm, Phil. Nanke put on a calm look and continued to listen.

"I didn't expect that you really won. You not only instructed Carlo. Dan rescued Ye Feng from the police station and sheltered him. This makes me more convinced that An Qiming is An Qiming, and you are Lang Nanke. However, I didn't expect that An Qiming's ability was indeed good. He actually had a close relationship with my Shangfeng. In order to save his prospective son-in-law Ye Feng, he asked my Shangfeng to send federal agents to assist the police in investigating the arms smuggling case of An's Shipping Group Company. Due to Shangfeng's order, I had to send Agents 5 and 6 to assist the police in investigating the arms smuggling case of Anshi Shipping Group.

An Qiming's plug-in disrupted my plan. At this time, I inserted into Anjia's eyeliner and reported to me that I found that the boss of Zhengtai Industrial Group had a love triangle with Ye Feng and Miss Anjia. Using this love triangle, I shifted the attention of Agents 5 and 6 to Fang Zhengtai. In order to convince you that Fang Zhengtai is the real murderer behind the arms smuggling case, I designed to hold Alan into the palm of my hand. After that, I threw Alan out and diverted my attention from No. 5 and No. 6. Unexpectedly, No. 6's working ability was quite excellent. He not only found Alan, but also found the president of an African country. He disrupted the whole chess game, almost leading to the exposure of DLP's identity.

In order to avoid 'harassment' of the president, to keep the DLP, and at the same time, to make you more convinced that Mrs. Founder is the messenger behind all events, I hired a member of the Blood Wolf Society to assassinate No. 6 in order to create an illusion of killing. Unfortunately, when the members of the Blood Wolf Club arrived in Southeast Asia, they had already gone to Europe on the 6th.

Soon, I received the news that Alan and No. 6 were assassinated one after another. At the same time, news came from the An family that if Ye Feng's grievance was wronged, An Qiming would hold a wedding for Ye Feng and Miss An's family. God helps me! I decided to make a plan. I sent four agents to Greece to find Ye Feng, because I wanted to clear Ye Feng of his innocence. Only by returning Ye Feng's innocence can I promote the wedding of Ye Feng and Miss Anjia. Of course, I'm not a matchmaker or Yue Lao. It doesn't matter to marry anyone. My ultimate purpose is naturally to trap your three heavenly kings. Unexpectedly, you really walked into my trap step by step and were finally stuck in the Blue Wica - this presidential suite.

Before, he reported to me on the 4th, Tom. Billcha is also here. I was going to stew you gangsters and make delicious fish soup. Unexpectedly, the loach ran away. However, I don't care. What big waves can a small loach make? The most important thing is that I caught three big fish, which is also a big harvest! Hahaha..." Richard laughed complacently.

"Hahaha..." Fell. Nanke laughed loudly, "What a thoughtful plan, what a gorgeous chess game!" I admit that I fell into your trap, but you must have thought that I was willing to fall into your trap.

The wild laughter suddenly stopped, and Richard thought he had heard it wrong. He stared and said in a trembling voice, "What? Are you willing to fall into my trap? Why?"

All the federal agents pricked up their ears and listened. The two masters fought with each other. Not only was they suspenseful, but also wonderful and fascinating. They also enjoyed it.

Fell. Nanke smiled strangely and said, "Why? There is no need for me to explain, you will naturally know when you know. However, there are two points that need to be corrected. First: It's not that you don't know that it was Pananya and Penris who hijacked Ye Feng from the N City Police Station, although Carlo and I. Dan made good friends, but I didn't instruct Carlo. What has Dan done? The two sisters and brothers have been fighting for peace since childhood, and they have a chivalrous heart. They believe in Ye Feng's character, so they came to save them..."

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Richard was surprised.

Fell. Nanke sarcastically said, "The so-called body is not afraid of shadow oblique. Do you think that if you frame Ye Feng, you will make everyone believe it?"

Ritred was stunned for a long time and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Second: You have hidden one thing from your team members. Not only is your No. 6 excellent working ability, but your No. 5 working ability is also quite excellent. It was the two of them who worked together to find Alan and the president of an African country. You hired Blood Wolf Club members to assassinate No. 5 and No. 6 not to keep DLP, but to worry that their pursuit will eventually lead to a behind-the-scenes scandal about the smuggling of arms between the president of an African country with senior military officials. So, you tried to kill them. Because I injured No. 6's arm, No. 6 was admitted to the hospital and eventually led to No. 6 being assassinated. I deeply regretted and blame myself for this. And No. 5 narrowly escaped. Didn't you hide this from No. 5 because she still has useful value? Humph!" Phil. Nanke snorted coldly, "You used No. 5's good impression of me to try to assassinate me. If I guess correctly, the one who placed * in Maybach Zeppelin should be No. 5, right? Who will not be the federal agent who can blow up Zeppelin with excellent resilience to pieces? Ray, do you dare to say that the explosion on the overpass last night has nothing to do with you?

" did you know this?" Richard was killed by Fell. Nanke's words were choked, and his face was so pale that there was no blood color.

The federal agents present were stunned, because everyone knew that Richard had a brother-in-law to be president. The director, who has always been impartial in law enforcement, actually raised his personal feelings and used his power to avenge his private affairs. Federal agents were deeply surprised.

Fell. Nanke glanced at the door again. At this time, Rose almost bit the cherry red lips. Not only the hand holding the gun, but also her shoulders trembled. Her face was already pale, but because of wearing sunglasses, no one could see the expression on her face.

There was a faintness in front of her. Rose almost fell, holding the submachine gun in her left hand and the door frame in her right hand. The girl's trembling body leaned against the wall. Tears flowed down his cheeks, and his eyes were hazy. The Smiths' sad voice sounded in the girl's ear again: "John, my poor child! Three days left is your 18th birthday, and we are all ready for you. And this Christmas, you said you would bring back the Chinese girl named Rose to show us. You haven't fulfilled your promise. How can you... How can you... just leave like this? Whoo-hoo..."

Holding John's urn in their arms, the Smiths cried to death. Looking at the heartbroken couple, there was a burst of sadness in his heart, and big tears gushed out of their green eyes.

Rose clenched her fist and swore in her heart: John, even if she fights for her life, my sister will find out who killed you. My sister must smash him to pieces!

When Rose reported John's death to Richard. Richard said with deep regret, "You are my proudest students. John is the youngest of your students. I never thought that he died in the line of duty. You don't have to be too sad. Since you are the FBI, you should be ready to sacrifice at any time. After a little ponder, Richard added, "You are John's partner. Didn't you find any clues about who killed John?"

"It's a little bit, but I'm not sure." Rose hesitated for a moment, then took out a piece of metal from her pocket and said, "This is what I found in the hospital. According to me, John Shitu picked it up at that time. John's arm was disabled and he didn't catch it, which cut his finger. Later, I searched on the Internet and found that this thing was a hidden weapon, which was used by ancient Japanese ninjas. Therefore, I suspect that John's death is related to the Japanese.