
Chapter 275 Digging Feet

In the face of the cobra's "question", Xing Wei did not say anything, and Edipus also kept silent.

Cobra had to turn its inquiring eyes to Fell again. Nanke: "Help...Lord, you... want to avenge the second master!" The cobra's voice is getting smaller and smaller. Because he saw the knife in Dulo. On Perez's left hand, he knew that his hall master was not only good at shooting with his left hand, but also used to using a knife with his left hand, and there was also a large area of blood on the hall owner's palm, which meant that the hall owner was very likely to commit suicide.

"Why? Why is this so?" The cobra muttered and lowered his head.

Fell. Nanke waved his hand to his subordinates. He sat up straight, and the long gun above his head was also left and right, always pointing at his forehead.

Ritchard applauded and said, "Okay, okay! It seems that there are a lot of people loyal to you! Mr. Consultant, I would like to test how much loyalty they are to you. Why don't we make another bet? What do you think?

Shake your hair gracefully, Phil. Nanke smiled and said, "I thought only Bill was addicted to gambling, but I didn't expect that the minister was also so 'elegant'. In this case, please go. Anyway, the night is still long, just to pass the boring time.

As soon as he heard the words "Billcha", his face was quickly covered with a layer of frost. Richard groaned coldly in his heart: Little Tom, you are lucky that you slipped fast enough to let me catch you. Sooner or later, you will die under the means of my Richard like you.

A cunning smile flashed in his dark blue eyes, and Richard glanced at the captive in front of him. The most arrogant Spaniard (Cobra) is loyal to No. 4 and doesn't seem to be easy to deal with. The black charcoal head (black mamba) is as thin as a bamboo pole and hates himself. The yellow man (Zhu Yeqing) looks like a Chinese. The Chinese are hard and the most difficult to deal with... Richard first looked at the four-tailed snake. He found that they were obviously older than others, and it seemed that they should have more experience in the world.

The eyes turned to those young people again. Richard walked to Locke and William. In front of James, he was stunned first, because he found that the two young people were extremely similar in appearance, but their hair length was different. Soon, Richard recognized William. James.

"Hey hey" Richard smiled treacherously and said in a low voice, "Young man, we meet again."

"You are..." The voice is cold and deep, and it feels so familiar. Is it... is he the person sitting in the "Cadillac"? William. James looked at Richard in surprise.

Ricaud nodded and said, "Hello, young man, haven't we met? It can be said that we are old friends. Come on, shake hands!" With that, Richard stretched out his right hand.

Everyone's eyes look at James, and each pair of eyes is full of different looks, with jealousy, hatred, puzzlement and suspicion...

Locke was surprised and thought: What does James have to do with this man? How did they meet?

The golden eyelashes trembled. James put down his hand to cover his right arm, and everyone saw blood oozing out where he was wrapped in white clothes.

The captured people threw their way to William. James's eyes changed from doubt to contempt and anger. Xing Wei quietly stared at the scene in front of him, for William. James's identity, Xing Wei is very clear that James is the prime minister's son, and it is not surprising if he met Richard.

James did not stretch out his hand, but said, "You are the FBI, right? Why did you unite with the 'African Star' to assassinate Brother Nan? Brother Nan, he is a good man, and he also..."

" did you know this?" Richard was shocked, and his outstretched hand was frozen in the air.

A sarcastic smile flashed in his amber eyes, Phil. Nanke didn't make a sound, just sips champagne leisurely. Because he knows, William. James is a computer master. For a top computer master, using some means to invade the FBI information database through the Internet is a piece of cake.

"African Star"? Locke looked at Shen Haochen. Shen Haochen nodded. These mercenaries are actually "shadow killers"! Locke became more and more nervous, and cold sweat oozed from the tip of his nose. However, William. How did James know? Oh, remember, he said he intercepted the FBI's secret letter. Locke looked more impressed with James and thought: My brother who was reincarnated as a human being is much better than me! Alas, I didn't help if I lost my divine power. On the contrary, I was controlled by human beings, and it seemed to be no different from an abandoned person. Locke was melancholy.

Four-tailed snakes and scorpions looked at each other in con's face. They have been crawling around the world for more than ten years, and their footprints are almost all over the world. They are familiar with the name "African Star." African Star has always been known for its rapid action and ruthless action, so it is known as the "shadow killer". But how can they be so bad? They only have the upper hand because of the large number of people and the weapons in their hands. If it hadn't been for our "weapons", they would not have fallen into the hands of federal agents.

He squeezed his lips, and James lowered his head and stopped talking. He regretted talking too much. He was worried that once his intrusion into the FBI database was made public, it would cause great trouble not only to himself, but also to his father, who was the prime minister.

See William. James neither shook hands nor said anything with himself. Richard was very embarrassed and thought, "I'm not old. It's really arrogant. I don't even give face to the director of the investigation bureau.

The blue eyes turned, and Richard withdrew his outstretched arm and sat back on the sofa. He picked up the champagne on the coffee table, and Richards separated from the air and Fell. Nanke touched a cup and drank it all. Putting down the cup in his hand, Richard raised his legs and put his arms in front of his chest and slanted at Phil. Nanke glanced at it and said, "Young people nowadays are really not simple!"

"That's, they are all geniuses!" Phil. Nanke replied casually.

"Genius?" With an imperceptible smile on the corners of his mouth, Richard glanced at the young prisoners and then fixed his eyes on William. On James's face.

"Young man, if I guess correctly, your fashion brand should have been successfully registered. A talented young man like you will definitely have a bright future. Unexpectedly, you would get involved with criminals. Tut-tut, it's a pity that the original good future is about to be ruined!"

My father is the Prime Minister, and my fashion has just registered as a brand, and I have to be interviewed by reporters the day after tomorrow. Now it is really inappropriate to appear here. If it is secretly photographed by the paparazzi, it will be very troublesome. William. James was embarrassed and his head drooped lower and lower.

The blue eyes turned, and Richard continued: "Young man, the sea of suffering is boundless. Looking back is the shore. It's not too late to wake up. It can be seen that you are a very career-minded young man. You want to make a difference and want to stand out. John and I. Galliano is a good friend and Jean. Paul. Gortier is my best friends. I think so. Why don't I introduce you to France for development? I believe you will definitely become the world's top fashion designer.

Locke stabbed James. He had sensed Richard's sinister intentions, and he was worried that James would be tricked.

His lips were squeezed, as if he had suddenly made up his mind, William. James suddenly raised his head and looked directly at Richard with his golden eyes.

"Why are you so kind to me? Don't forget, I also bumped into your Cadillac.

"Because I appreciate you. Since you can get the secret order I issued, I think you must be extraordinary in some ways.

"No, you are flattered. I'm just a fashion designer. In addition to playing video games and deciphering passwords, I..." James hurriedly stopped and blushed with embarrassment. He suddenly realized that Richard was asking himself the reason for learning the secret order.

A malicious smile flashed in his blue eyes. Richard changed his sitting posture and said, "Young man, you are really a genius! It would be a pity if such a talent was buried. How about joining the FBI? My organization is short of talents like you. As long as you nod, I will sign the appointment immediately.

Richard, are you digging a wall? The corners of his mouth raised an arc, which was a sarcastic smile. Phil. Nanke despised Richard in his heart.

James was stunned first, and then hesitated.

This young man is ambitious and ambitious, and his career is just starting. However, even if he is the most beautiful pearl, he must have a wise eye. If he is buried in a mountain village, it is at best a beautiful stone and cannot present its due value. Richard thought he had found a breakthrough in this young man, so he couldn't help but be proud.

Unexpectedly, James shook his head and said, "In order to attend the fashion fair in a hurry, my car hit your Cadillac. I apologize for that. I also appreciate that you didn't pursue it. However, I won't use anyone or any force as a step to success. I know my own way.

I didn't expect this teenager to be so arrogant that he would fall into a gang leader. Richard was a little unhappy, but he still pretended to be indifferent and said, "In this case, I won't force you. It's just a pity!"

Richard turned to Locke again and said, "Young man, are you twin brothers? Oh, by the way, there is also a handsome brunette. Isn't he with you? It seems that you are students, and there will be no future for the gang leaders who are about to die. Go out immediately. As long as you leave these people, I will not hold you legally responsible, otherwise I will take you to court for the crime of obstructing law enforcement. In that case, you will spend the rest of your life in a federal prison. Tut-tut, it's a pity that the good youth is so wasted!"

Locke suddenly remembered Pluto. After so long, I don't know if Pluto will be in danger. This is in Lanwika, in caseville appears... Locke's face has changed, and he can't help but feel worried.