
Chapter 277 Mistakes

Ricaid glanced at Dulo. Peres's body looked at his team members and barely squeezed out a sad smile on his pale face: "Lang Nanke, you won. You are the only opponent I met who forced me to a dead end. To be from the bottom of my heart, I hate you, but I appreciate you more. Although I lost and lost miserably, I was convinced. I can die. I just hope you can let them go. They are all talents I carefully selected from the FBI National College in Kuanticco, Virginia, leaving their lives, and they still want to maintain world peace. After saying these words, Ricaard raised his arm and pointed Sig Sauer to his temple.

After a muffled sound, Richard fell down. The once famous "Minister of Justice" disappeared and reported to heaven.

Nangong Yingxue was seriously injured. He has been sweating for the masters, especially worried about Phil. Nanke's safety is so, he gritted his teeth and stood firm. When Richard fell down, his tight nerves relaxed, and suddenly it was dark in front of him, and Nangong Yingxue fainted.

Federal agents were stunned. This is the most incredible time since they followed Richard on a mission. Because several agents held the gun alone for dozens of minutes, and their arms were sore and swollen that they didn't even put a gun. Alas, the team leader is too contemptible and conceited! If he had ordered earlier, everyone would have shot these gang leaders, and how could he have killed himself by drinking bullets! The federal agents are very sorry. However, it's just a pity. They don't feel sad about Richard's death, because many of them fell in love with No. 5, killed No. 6 and forced No. 5 to jump off the building. It's really chilling to follow such an officer.

A cold light flashed in his amber eyes, and his icy eyes swept over the faces of the federal agents one by one. Phil. Nanke said word by word, "Do you see it? If you dare to go against me, this is the end!" He paused for a moment and said in a slightly relieved tone, "You also heard it. Your Excellency begged me to let you go. I'm not a murderous demon. But I warn you that if anyone dares to fight for Richard. Ray or someone's revenge slogan made trouble for my Flying Whale Gang, and I will never let him go! I will not only kill him, but also destroy his whole house. Did you hear that?"

With a cold tone and cold eyes, the federal agents only felt a chill in their spine. They couldn't help lowering their eyes and answering in unison, "I hear it!"

An agent asked carefully, "Our director..."

Fell. Nan Ke said coldly, "Where did you come from?"

Several agents came forward, and two went to carry Richard and two went to carry Dulo. Perez.

"Put it down!" Phil. Nanke shouted sharply, "He is from my Flying Whale Gang. I won't bother you."

"Yes!" The two agents hurriedly put down Dulo. Perez.

The agent who previously smashed Edips' stock was so scared that he sweated coldly. He didn't expect the situation to reverse sharply. He was worried that Edipps would retaliate against him. He glanced at Edipus and saw that Edips did not hate himself, but stared at the body of No. 4. He was a little relieved, so he quickly bent down, lifted Richard's body with his companions and ran out.

Di Weilong has been waiting outside the door, waiting for the aftermath. Di Weilong waved his hand, and two "Half Moon Hall" brothers came over with stretchers. The dead body was quickly wrapped up and placed on a stretcher.

"Bang", Ville punched on the office desk in front of him. Lian Richard. Ray is defeated in your hands, Phil. Nanke, I really underestimated you! Looking at the body that had been carried away, Will, who had been sitting in front of the surveillance video and waiting to watch the play, was extremely disappointed and angry.

With the control of federal agents, the four-tailed snake was stunned for a long time, and now they finally reacted.

"Second Master!" Four-tailed snakes fell down and knelt on the floor. Black and white sobbed in a low voice. Originally, they were Fell. Nanko's bodyguard in the Americas was also Dulo. Peres's mistress. Now Dulo. When Peres died, they felt as if they had lost their support, and they couldn't help but feel very sad.

"Second Hall Lord, why did you leave our brother? are too selfish! Aren't you afraid of loneliness when you go to heaven alone? Glasses... Glasses are coming with you!" The grieving cobra raised his pistol and pointed the muzzle at his temple.

Shit! A glimpse of the cobra's movements, Phil. Nanke cursed in his heart. At the same time, with a "swish", a golden light suddenly appeared, and the "shadowless ghost" shot out like lightning breaking through the sky. With a bang, the cobra closed his eyes. He thought he was dead, but he didn't know that the pistol had fallen into Phil. In Nanke's hand.

"Stupid!" Phil. Nanke shouted harshly, "If the second hall master dies, you will follow him. If this master dies, do you want the whole flying whale brothers to bury me?"

The cold and fierce voice was chilling, and the cobra shivered. When he opened his eyes, he found that his pistol was in the hand of the master. The cobra was surprised at first, and then he understood that since the master could rescue me from the muzzle, he should also be able to rescue the second hall master from the edge of the knife. The master did not save the second hall owner. I thought that the second hall master must have done something wrong to the master. The cobra lowered his head and whispered, "I know what's wrong!"

Fell. Nanke waved his hand and said in a low voice, "You all get up!"

"Yes!" The four-tailed snake stood up.

glanced at the figure on the floor, and a trace of pain flashed in his eyes, Phil. Nanke turned to Xing Wei and said, "Lao San, my brothers sent the second master back to the Half Moon Hall, according to the rules of the Flying Whale Gang... Thick burial, spiritual position!"

"Yes, my subordinates are obeying!" Xing Wei responded.

When Xing Wei goes to Duluo. When Perez was about to pick up his dagger, he bent down, and the red blood line came into his eyes again, and his heart suddenly shrank into a ball. Xing Wei remembered the scene of the four heavenly kings worshipping. His dagger once cut everyone's fingers and abdomen. Everyone drank blood wine containing brother's blood together. He thought that he could live and die and be rich from now on. Unexpectedly... Xing Wei's nose was sore that he almost cried. Picking up his dagger, Xing Wei took off Du Luo again. The ring on Perez's finger has been stained red with blood.

Di Weilong commanded his brothers to die Dulo. Perez and Nangong Yingxue, who was unconscious due to injury, carried him out. Xing Wei put his mouth to Di Weilong's ear and said a few words. Di Weilong nodded and quickly went out.

"Wow!" Founder, who had been sitting in front of the surveillance video, breathed a long sigh of relief. Looking down at the 100 million-dollar check in his hand, there was a bitter smile on the corners of his mouth. Fang Zhengtai shook his head and said to himself, "I thought it was acting, but I didn't expect you to be serious. Tutut, there are people outside, God, my brother Nanke is really not an ordinary person!" Looking up at the screen, a "soldier" was commanding other "soldiers" to lift the body and clean up the corridor... They moved in an orderly manner and quite quickly.

A trace of wisdom flashed in his dark jade-like eyes. Fang Zhengtai grabbed the phone in front of him and dialed the department manager. He asked the department manager to open an elevator to facilitate the transportation of the wounded and bodies.

"Shen Haochen! Shen Haochen!" Phil. Nanke shouted twice in a row, but no one answered. The amber eyes were angry, and the handsome face was also covered with a layer of frost.

"Brother Nan is calling you." Locke pulled Shen Haochen's sleeve, William. James stabbed Shen Haochen in the waist.

Ah? Am I...the chairman calling me?" The head that had been hanging suddenly raised, and a pair of dark eyes flashed confused.

"Shen Haochen, what are you thinking?" The cold voice sounded again, making everyone's scalp numb.

"I..." My lips moved a few times, and my eyes suddenly became dull. Shen Haochen muttered, "I... I'm calculating that I shot 58 mercenaries with two HKP7 and 115 mercenaries with an H&KMP5. *, I blew up dozens of mercenaries with *. I killed more than 200 mercenaries. They are obviously mercenaries and the 'African stars' known as 'shadow killers', but how can they become half-moon brothers? William, as you said, they are 'African stars'. You can prove that all I killed 'African stars'. Tell me how they became half-moon brothers. Tell me quickly?" A shining star floated in his dark eyes, and Shen Haochen suddenly grabbed William. James's arm shook violently.

"I... Ouch!" William. James shouted in pain, and Shen Haochen's powerful hand scratched his wound.

After listening to Shen Haochen's words, Locke suddenly woke up. No wonder Brother Nan looked like a bamboo. It turned out that he had designed it early. He deliberately fell into the trap, but I also shot many "mercenaries"! One, two, three, four... Locke also counted in his heart, and his face turned pale.

"Shen Haochen!" Phil. Nanke shouted. However, Shen Haochen still shook William violently as if he didn't hear it. James's arm, at the same time, was still saying something vaguely in his mouth.

See Phil. Nanke's face was angry, and Xing Wei's heart became uneasy. He said carefully, "Head, Haochen has been stimulated and may have lost his mind."

With a crisp crack, Phil. Nanke raised his arm and slapped Shen Haochen's face.

The spirit shivered, and the young man returned. With his hot face covered and raised his dark eyes, Shen Haochen looked at Phil in surprise. Nanke.

"Shen Haochen, I asked you to escort Locke and Xiaoha back to An's home. Why didn't you obey the order? Do you know that you have disobeyed my order for the second time!" There was a terrible anger all over his body, and at this time, Phil. Nanke looks like a beast that wants to eat people.