
Chapter 289 What did I do with you?

Carlo. Dan never dreamed that it would be Phil who ruined his wedding. Nanke, it's just that when he understood all this, what should have happened and what shouldn't have happened.

After Shen Haochen and others subdued Pan's sister and brother, they also followed Xing Wei to St. Paul's Church. On the way, he shook off the convoy behind him and took a detour to St. Mary's Cathedral.

Ye Feng had a strange dream. In his dream, he saw himself turn into a one-year-old baby with a pair of wings on his back and flying, following a general in silver armor. Then, he heard the roar of the beast and saw a powerful monster. The monster stared at the blood-red eyes and raised sharp claws to try to attack the general from behind.

The blonde hair is flying, and the silver sword is bleeding. The vigorous figure flashed and jumped like flying. The general was still fighting with the beast, and he was not aware of the danger behind him.

General, be careful, behind you! He opened his mouth desperately to tell the general about the danger he faced, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make a sound. Never let it hurt the general, never! Open your wings and fly up, just to block the claw for the general.

"buzz", there was a roar in my head, and the stars in front of me were in disorder, and my body seemed to be torn apart. It hurt, and my whole body was in pain! The body is so heavy that I can't see you clearly. Your figure is getting lighter and lighter, blood, a lot of blood, so red, so red...

Where am I? Am I dead? Oh, my head hurts! He opened his eyes with difficulty, as if he suddenly remembered something. His amethyst-like eyes were full of uneasiness and panic. Ye Feng shouted, "What time is it now? Anqi, wait, Brother Feng will be there soon. Angry uncle, drive faster, drive faster!" Looking around, Ye Feng suddenly found that he was sitting in a strange car.

"Why? Why am I in your car? When he saw Fang Zhengtai sitting beside him, Ye Feng was going crazy. He raised his arm and looked at the watch on his wrist. The pointer of the Swiss gold watch has pointed to 9:50, that is to say, in ten minutes, the wedding ceremony will be held. The bride and groom will listen to the priest read the oath and wear rings to each other...

"Where are you taking me? I know that you love Anqi. You want to take her away from me, so you kidnapped me in an attempt to stop my wedding with Anqi, didn't you? Isn't it?" Ye Feng roared and shook Fang Zhengtai's arm violently. Seeing that Fang Zhengtai was speechless, Ye Feng's anger suddenly rushed to the top of his head. He raised his fist and hit Fang Zhengtai's cheek.

Ye Feng's fist was caught by one hand before he got close to Fang Zhengtai. This hand is cold. Its owner's hair is dark blonde, and there is a pair of gold-rimmed sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. Although he can't see the expression, it exudes a cold smell all over his body.

"Ye Feng, even if you are the president of Anshi Shipping Group, you can't be rude to my boss." The voice was slightly hoarse, but extremely fierce, not to speak at all.

"Who are you?" Ye Feng asked in surprise.

"Sevi, stop!" Fang Zhengtai finally made a sound.

"Yes, boss!" Seville let go of Ye Feng's hand.

"Ye Feng, please be rational, actually..."

"Reason? Oh, how do you make me rational?" Ye Feng smiled sadly. He put his wrist in front of Mrs. Fang's eyes, pointed to the pointer of the watch, and shouted, "The ceremony is about to begin in less than 10 minutes. What's wrong with holding me?"

"You misunderstood..."

"Misunderstanding? I was sitting in the float to marry An Qi, but now I actually got into your car for no reason. Why do you say it's a misunderstanding?

"Ye Feng!" After a fierce shout, Fang Zhengtai slapped an Italian *92F pistol on the folding case in front of him and said coldly, "If you think I kidnapped you, then you killed me with this gun. I have tried several times, but I haven't died. I hope you can let me get what I want." With that, Fang Zheng leaned back and closed his eyes.

Ye Feng was stunned for a moment and said puzzled, "What do you mean? I won't be so stupid that I lose my mind and be willing to be a murderer.

"Good!" Founder opened his eyes too violently, "Since you admit that you are still rational, please listen to me!" Fang Zheng was quite angry, "Ye Feng, Master Ye, please listen clearly: Yes, I love Anqi, but I just want her to be happy. I have never thought of taking her out of your hands. I was going to rush to Lanwicka to deal with some affairs, but I met you on the road. Your float suffered an accident, fell off the overpass, and was towed away by the police. If you don't believe it, you can call the police station to ask Liszt for proof. I saw Liszt commanding at the scene. And you, you are not only injured, but also unconscious. It's Sevy, my bodyguard, who rescued you to my car. You actually said that I kidnapped you. Why did I kidnap you? Don't you want to be a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain, okay? Fang Zhengtai was almost roaring.

"I..." Ye Feng's face was slightly red. He opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. But his intuition told him that Fang Zhengtai did not deceive himself.

Seeing Ye Feng's embarrassed look, Fang Zhengtai slowed down and said, "I was going to take you to the hospital, but I was afraid of delaying time, so I took care of your wound hastily. Now we are on our way to St. Mary's Church. If you still don't believe it, you can look at the navigation by yourself, and you can also see what you look like now.

With that, Fang Zhengtai took a mirror from Sevey's hand. Ye Feng was embarrassed and stunned for a moment. He took over the mirror and looked at it. His forehead was wrapped in a circle of gauze, and blood oozed from the gauze. Looking down, he saw that he was wearing William. The dress given by James. The original white and snow-white dress was stained with blood stains.

Ye Feng touched his right chest. There was originally a diamond ornament on his chest, with a ruby carved rose on it, a silk ribbon hanging from the leaves, and two bronzing Chinese characters "Groom" on the ribbon. Now, the diamond is missing. Did it fall off the overpass? No wonder I feel uncomfortable all over. I think I had a car accident when I took the ring from the overpass, but why don't I have any impression at all? Ye Feng looked at Fang Zhengtai doubtfully. Seeing Fang Zhengtai's serious face and thinking of the note Fang Zhengtai wrote to himself, Ye Feng believed it and thought to himself: I should have thought too much.

Ye Feng blushed, moved her lips a few times, and said, "I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. Ye Feng thanked the senior.

Fang Zhengtai waved his hand and said, "You don't have to thank me. You should thank An Qi. I did it for An Qi. The reason why I gave up my feelings for Anqi is that I want you to take care of her for the rest of your life. Didn't you receive the gift I gave you?

"I received it. It was Nan who gave it to me in person. Thank you!" Ye Feng's face turned redder, "I'm sorry, I'm the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. You are indeed a gentleman, and Ye Feng admires you very much. If...if Ye Feng is gone, please take care of An Qi for me."

"What are you talking about?" Fang Zhengtai scolded fiercely, "At this time, do you still want to shirk your responsibility?"

"No, that's not what I mean..."

Before Ye Feng finished speaking, Fang Zhengtai waved his hand and said, "You don't have to say anything. Go ahead. If I can see you wear the ring on An Qi's hand with my own eyes, I will be relieved."

Lamborghini stopped.

The lanes on both sides of the square are almost occupied, and they are all black extended versions of Cadillac. Two gorgeously decorated floats parked in front of the black Cadillacs, parked on both sides of the church door, black on the left and silver gray on the right. On both sides of the driveway, tall palm trees are planted. Among these palm trees, there may be some unknown trees. They are luxuriant and their trunks are quite thick. You can tell at a glance that it has been some years. Further ahead is St. Mary's Cathedral. This church is a typical Gothic style. The spires at the top of the church stand like a towering stone forest from a distance, piercing the sky.

"What, has Anqi arrived at the church?" Ye Feng looked at Fang Zhengtai in surprise.

Founder didn't say anything, just nodded hard.

"Strange, An Qi should wait for me, and..." Ye Feng stood up alarmedly.

"What else? If you don't show up as a groom, you will misunderstand Ji Shi. The cold voice sounded again, and it was the bodyguard named Sevy.

Ye Feng raised his arm and looked at the watch on his wrist. It was already 10:02. Shit, I'm late! Anqi must be very anxious. As soon as he raised his leg, Ye Feng stepped out of the carriage, then turned around and rushed to the church. How can I see Anqi when I look so ugly? As Ye Feng ran, he reached out and pulled off the gauze wrapped around his forehead.

"Boss, we..."

"Let's go in and have a look. Even if I don't meet Ye Feng, I will come." Fang Zhengtai stepped out of the door and, accompanied by Sevey, also walked towards the church.

Just as Founder and Sevey walked towards the church, a "Fiat 500" came from a distance. Fiat 500 stopped at the edge of the square. The door of the car opened, and a slender girl came out of it.

Raising her wrist and looking at her watch, she frowned slightly. The girl sighed: "Alas! Do you want to go in and have a look?

"Of course I have to go in. Your brother is holding a wedding ceremony. You are his beloved sister. How can you be absent? There was a slightly magnetic sound behind him.

"Who are you?" With a coquettish reprimand, the girl suddenly turned around and quickly pulled out her gun and pushed the bullet into the chamber. A Russian-made Ugilza 9mm automatic pistol pointed to the head of the visitor.

The man is an extremely young man. He is wearing a black leather trousers and a metal sheath on his hand. The skin on the face is smooth and white, with thick eyebrows, big eyes, dark eyes, and a nose bridge that is not high or low. His hair is black, only slightly longer, almost hanging on his shoulders.

He should be an oriental, but I don't know if he is my compatriot. The girl was puzzled.