
Chapter 297 Good Dessert

"Hey hey! Prince Miller, in fact, I have suspected you for a long time, but I haven't had conclusive evidence. I didn't expect you to admit it yourself. With a sneer, a gloomy, fierce and slightly hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

Ville appeared from the darkness. Behind him were a group of people in black, at least 20 or 30. Those people pretend to be ill, wear knives in their waists, and hold them*. The man in black quickly surrounded everyone.

When the familiar voice sounded in his ear, Fang Zheng, who was in an obsessive state, suddenly raised his head. Sevy! You..." Fang Zheng was extremely surprised. Although he didn't understand the two people's words, his intuition told him that Sevey and his adoptive brother had a knot, and it was not an ordinary knot.

Ville said coldly, "Chairman Fang, thank you for taking me in. I will remember your kindness. I'm sorry to tell you that my name is not Seville, my name is Ville. These are all my enemies, and they must die! I know that you love Anqi. Originally, Anqi was also going to die. When I met you, you and I were kind to me, so I will open up and take her away.

"No!" Ye Feng hissed, "You promised me that you would let An Qi and I go if you killed the fake Ye Feng, so that we would stay away from this land and live in our paradise. You are the prince of blood clan. How can you break your oath?

"Shut up!" Ville shouted harshly, "You are too naive. I don't know why there are two Ye Feng. I don't care how many Ye Feng there are. All I know is that you have a share in killing Lisa, so you have to die!"

"You lied to me! You lied to me!" The amethyst-like eyes were full of tears, and Ye Feng turned to Phil. Nanke said, "Brother Nan, you promised me in the name of the Flying Whale Gang Master. You said you would investigate the matter, and you also said you would return my identity as the prince of flowers. Do you also want to go back?"

The dialogue between Will and Ye Feng makes Phil. Nanke was shocked. Yes, he said this at Uncle An's party in the garden that night.

Where is the problem? What is it? Who is the real prince of flowers? Is this Ye Feng in front of me the one who came to Southeast Asia with me from Greece? He suddenly fell ill when he was in the Acropolis Hotel. Was he poisoned with blood? Phil. Nanke was confused. Originally, he thought that Ye Feng was someone to impersonate him, but now the situation made him unable to touch the north, so he had to turn the "high-energy electromagnetic gun" and point the muzzle at Will.

"Ville!" Locke scolded sharply, "Miga has taken you in for three thousand years, and you have not betrayed him. You are not qualified to mention the word 'affecacy' at all!" Locke was so angry that for a moment, he forgot that he had lost his magic power. "Oh," Locke held the board machine, and he just wanted to send the ungrateful devil to hell.

The scarlet-like demon pupil burst out a breathtaking cold light. Jie Jie!" Ville smiled strangely and raised his hand. He pinched the bullet fired at him in his finger, twisting it, and a pile of dust flew out from between his fingers.

Isn't this stupid? He is not a human at all. How can ordinary bullets help him?" "P" threw down the MK23 in his hand, Locke touched his waist, and he was looking for a deformed mobile phone.

"You must be the devil. Why, you also crossed over? Unexpectedly, using a human's broken gun, I think it's a loss of magic. What a laugh!" There was a contemptuous smile at the corners of his mouth, and Ville shouted fiercely, " Bring him here!"

Two men in black came over with Pluto. Locke shouted: Shit! How did Pluto slip out? It must have been when we just opened the door... Locke regretted it. He hurriedly touched the deformed mobile phone, pressed the button, "kaka", a strange sound, and a flashing pistol appeared in Locke's hand.

When Locke raised his gun, he was immediately stunned, and he didn't even dare to move. Will has put the knife across Pluto's neck. This knife is exactly the same as the one that stabbed Ye Feng. Not only is the whole body as red as blood, but also the golden red rune floating on the blade.

"Hey hey!" Will sneered, "Throw your vampire guns here, or I'll kill him first."

glanced at Phil. Nanke, see Phil. Nanke hinted at himself with his eyes, and Locke hurriedly said, "Okay, give it, I'll give it." Don't mess around. He is just a human being without the power of binding chickens, and there is no threat to you at all. Locke took a careful step forward and threw out his "high-energy electromagnetic gun".

"Pa", another sound, Phil. Nanke also threw out the "high-energy electromagnetic gun". Two men in black raised their hands and threw out the "hook". After two "high-energy electromagnetic guns" were caught, they fell into the hands of the man in black.

"Brother Nan, help! I don't want to go back yet!" At this moment, Pluto shouted, and he shouted and struggled. Although he only struggled for a moment, such a small action caused the sharp blade to cut the snow-white skin. A golden bloodline appeared.

"Oh, it hurts!" Pluto frowned.

The smell of unusually fragrant blood permeates. Will suddenly lowered his head and began to lick the blood on Pluto's neck.

"Help! It's rude!" Pluto screamed, his eyes turned, and he fainted in Will's arms.

The hair stood up one by one, and everyone's eyes stopped turning. In everyone's opinion, Will is no longer a human, but a bloodthirsty monster. William. James trembled with fear. Unconsciously, he turned the muzzle and pointed it at Will.

He wiped his fingers on Pluto's neck, and Ville put his blood-stained fingers into his mouth and licked them clean. Tut-tut, what a good dessert! Not only is it delicious, but the color is also quite attractive!" A satisfied smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, holding a knife in his left hand and suddenly pulling up Pluto's head with his right hand. Ville wanted to cut Pluto's throat.

Locke was so scared that his hands were trembling and his feet were weak.

"Sevi, stop!" Fang Zheng roared too much. Although he knew that he had no right to order others, he subconsciously still regarded Ville as his bodyguard. As soon as the words came out, Fang Zhengtai was afraid again. Unexpectedly, the president of his own group company actually shared a room with the legendary "vampire" for three years. When Fang Zheng was suddenly shocked, he broke out in a cold sweat.

raised his blood-red eyes and glanced at Fang Zhengtai. Will said coldly, "Chairman Fang, why don't you leave? In case I change my mind, even if you beg me, I won't give you another chance.

took a look at his heart and then at Phil. Nanke, Fang Zhengtai sighed quietly, "Alas, whether it is children's feelings or brotherhood, it is equally important to me. How can I leave? Anqi, no matter what happens, I will be by your side.

Hearing Fang Zhengtai's words, Ye Feng, who was going to rush to grab Qier, was stunned, and her clenched fist also loosened. Ye Feng turned around and looked at Ye Feng under Zhu Jin's tree. Zhu Jinhua still fluttered one after another, as if it would never end. They covered the body tightly and gradually piled it high, looking like a flower grave, not only dazzlingly red, but also quite strange.

"What did I do? What have I done?" Ye Feng muttered. He is very regretful.

At the moment when Will raised his eyes, a golden lightning broke out of the air. "Shadowless Ghost" put on the handle of the knife. Step under your feet, hold your hands tightly, and transport all over your body, Phil. Nanke grabbed the "ghost rope" and tried to take down the knife in Will's hand. Strangely, the knife did not move at all as if it had taken root.

Raising his blood-red eyes, Ville mocked, "Prince Miller, why don't you use the mysterious ice? Presumably you have been reincarnated as a human and lost this ability. Jie Jie!" Will smiled cruelly and gently hooked his fingers. With a "bang", the golden light dragged a snow-white lotus flower, and a huge force pulled Phil. Nanke's body flew forward. "Pang" Phil. Nanke hit the tree trunk.

"Brother Nan!" Locke and William. James, including Ye Feng, exclaimed almost at the same time.

A burst of Venus appeared in front of him, and the violent impact made Phil. Nanke almost fainted.

Ville shook his wrist, and the golden-red runes that originally floated around the "blood rune blade" flew up, with "shadowless ghosts". The golden rope chain suddenly turned red, with a "brush", and the shadowless ghost rope wrapped around Phil. Nanke's waist, "lattering" sounded endlessly, and the "blood rune blade" rotated around, wrapping the "shadowless ghost rope". As soon as he raised his hand, he shouted. Nanke dragged in front of him. He held a knife in his left hand, clasped Pluto's shoulder, and locked Phil with his right hand. Nanke's throat.

Try to concentrate, Phil. Nanke wanted to control his "ghost rope". The more he wanted to concentrate, the more painful his mind became, and even it became difficult to breathe. He exerted his internal strength and wanted to break free from this hand, but he felt soft all over. Why can't my internal strength be exerted? This hand is so powerful. Is he going to strangle me? Seeing this pair of blood pupils full of hatred, Phil. Nan Kesheng felt scared for the first time.

Will smiled gloomyly: "Prince Miller, no, Prince Shura, 100,000 years ago, when I turned into a vampire, I had already performed the first embrace ceremony for you..."

The amber eyes are wide open, Phil. Nanke stared at the pair of bloody pupils, but he didn't want to believe it.

"Your Highness, are you surprised?" There was an arc at the corners of his mouth, which was a cruel and sarcastic smile. "Of course you wouldn't think that I was the one who attacked you in that wheat field. And what you can't imagine is that Miller, the real prince of the Night Empire, was also sucked up by me. I didn't expect you and me to be so predestined that you occupied Miller's body after your rebirth. Tut-tut, your body is still as cold as before, and the taste is the same fragrance. Presumably your blood is also extremely delicious. Why don't I hold you again for the first time?

I didn't expect that it was Will who poisoned me 100,000 years ago. Alas, who is to blame? Can you blame Michael? He is so kind! You can only blame yourself. Who will make yourself blind and attract the wolf into the room!