
Chapter 304 Who Owes Me a Kiss?

Don't worry, I will! There was a misty fog in the amber eyes, and the two lines of tears fell from each other. The corners of Nanke's eyes slipped down.

Locke stretched out his hand and wanted to receive the powder, but only received the broken petals.

"Blood hunting, Xuelie..." Locke muttered, and his throat suddenly choked and couldn't make a sound. Crystal tears rolled down his cheeks. "Puffong", Locke fell to the ground.

Meizi's long knife stopped less than a foot away from Qier, and the long knife fell to the ground. The blade, which was originally red as a soldering iron, quickly faded and flashed with a snowy cold light.

The "high-energy electromagnetic gun" hit Meijizi's right arm, and the blood was being pulled out by an invisible force. With her left hand covering her right arm, Meijizi exerted her magic. A red light shrouded the wound, and the blood was forced back to her body by Meijizi.

Sucked his nose and patted Locke on the shoulder, Phil. Nanke jumped up with a "high-energy electromagnetic gun". He saw a man in black. At the same time, he caught a glimpse of the angry dragon and others rolling to the ground.

"Wow", a snow-white lotus rose into the sky. Phil. Nanke used his "yin and yang desperate legs" to sneak attack the man in black behind his back, and the leg he kicked out used almost ten layers of strength. Hearing the wind behind her head, Meijizi suddenly fell up, as fast as lightning. Not only did she avoid Phil. Nanke's attack jumped dozens of meters away. Phil. Nanke was stunned and thought to himself: Strangely, I obviously shot a shot, how could I not hit it?

"Oh, my God!" Just at Phil. When Nanke was stunned, he suddenly heard Qi'er's scream. Phil. Nanke hurriedly turned his head. He thought Qi'er was in danger. At this moment, Meijizi suddenly raised her hand, and a bright arc crossed the darkness and went straight to Phil. Nanke poked in the chest.

"Fight away!" Rose screamed and rushed forward. "Puff," a long knife pierced the girl's back.

"Hss! Vicious earthlings!" The lizard man was angry. It dodged behind Meijizi, "bang" and punched into Meijizi's back heart. A bloody heart was taken out. With a crack, the blood splashed, and Mijizi's heart shattered into meat crumbs in the three fingers of the lizard man.

A big hole suddenly appeared in her chest, and blood ran out like a river on the levee. Meijizi was extremely shocked. She tried to turn her head to see the person who attacked her. Her head just turned less than 30 degrees, with a crisp sound, and the lizard man had broken her neck.

"click", his hands were twisted at the same time, and the angry lizard man tore Mijizi into pieces. The meat twisted and tangled, trying to concentrate in one place, but the "hoo" turned into smoke and dissipated.

For blood clans, if they break their arms or lack their legs and feet, they can grow quickly, but without the heart, it means that there is no blood. Without blood, they can only die.

"Cousin!" William saw a long cold knife inserted in Rose's back. James exclaimed, followed by a darkness in front of his eyes and fainted.

"Blood Moon! Blood Moon!" Phil. Nanke turned his head and shouted.

"President!" President!" The big horns are also shouting.

Originally, Xueyue was injured, and with the death of blood hunting, Xueyue was hit hard, and she has fallen into a deep coma. The bighorn stars used power to try to save the blood moon, but the light bursting out of their palms flashed a few times and disappeared. Because the injury was too serious, they could no longer use the power.

The long knife almost penetrated the girl's body, and the blood was flowing out from the corners of her mouth. Rose's face was pale. The girl's trembling body is shaking. Phil. Nanke flew forward and pulled the girl into his arms.

Rose! You'll be fine. You'll be fine!" Calling the girl's name softly, her heart has shrank into a ball of pain,

The girl raised her face, opened her eyes wide, and tried to look at the amber eyes.

" get up! ... indeed... yes... I... will... set... time... blow up... bomb... install... into... Mai... Ba... He, you... can... forgive me...? Can you...?" The big eyes that have been distracted are full of the color of prayer.

"I know, you have no choice, so I don't blame you, never!" Shining tears rolled down the delicate face. Phil. Nanke hugged the girl's delicate body.

"I... remember... have... one... people... owe me... one... kiss, yes... you, one... decide... yes... you, you... give me... one... kiss... okay?"

"Good!" Phil. Nanke lowered his head and kissed the girl's lips. His tears wet the girl's face.

"Cold...good...cold!!" The green eyes quickly faded, and the slender eyelashes covered the eyelids.

"I know who owes you, please forgive me, let me pay you back for you, I will pay you back for you! I also know that you love me, and you must love me, otherwise you wouldn't have blocked this knife for me!"

The wanton tears washed away the blood from the corners of the girl's mouth. The girl's lips have lost their heat, Phil. Nanke still kissed, hugged, hugged and kissed affectionately.

"Rose, please! Don't leave me, okay? I have never begged anyone, even if I beg you! I beg you not to leave me!" Phil. Nanke has burst into tears.

"Ruoxi! Sorry, it's me, I owe you! I owe you more than a kiss and two generations of love. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!" Locke muttered, and tears couldn't stop pouring out. With his hands covering his face, Locke knelt down.

However, Locke's apology is too late. Rose has been dozing out, and she will never hear it.

The left hand covered the shoulder injured by "Bitterness" and looked at Phil in a daze. Nanke. He thought of Lang Yunfei, the Spanish pirate queen Phil. When Mi Xie died, Lang Yunfei committed suicide twice. If it hadn't been for the timely prevention and persuasion of Lang Yunfei, Lang Yunfei would not have died long ago.

It's the first time I've seen Phil. Nanke shed tears and his nose was sore. The man didn't shed tears easily, just because he didn't feel sad. The chief is also a very affectionate person. He really looks like the old master! The angry water quietly got up and approached Phil. Nanke, he is worried about Phil. Nanke can't think about it.

Blood Moon fainted, William. James also fainted, and the big-horned people star stared at their star king. Locke and Qi'er both knelt on the ground, just like the two clay sculptures. The difference is that Locke lowered her head and Qi'er looked up at the sky. Two fiery red Zhu Jinhua danced above Qier's face. They neither left nor fell. Qi'er opened her hands and stared at Zhu Jinhua, as if she were waiting for them to fall into the palm of her hand. Looking at her, her dark eyes glowed brightly, and the two lines of tears winding into a river. Lizard people patrol around, sometimes listening with their ears turned sideways, and sometimes their heads tilted their heads to look at these humans puzzledly.

Time seems to be still, and the smell of blood is fading little by little. Only Zhu Jinhua is still flying freely. The green light emitted from the leaves hits people's bodies, which makes Zhu Jinhua more and more beautiful. Some of the fiery flowers perched on people's hair and some rest on people's shoulders. When the petals accumulate a lot, some of them slip down quietly, so that people's feet have been covered with a thick layer of petals.

"Sura, don't worry about your children anymore. You don't have time!" A mellow but slightly harsh voice sounded in my ear. This sound seems to have been heard somewhere.

Who is it? Who are you? How do you know my name? Phil. Nanke suddenly raised his head, and his face was covered with mottled tears.

A strange voice suddenly sounded in the originally quiet space. Everyone looked up and looked at it in surprise.

Fell. Nanke found a tall man standing in front of him. No, he was not all human. This was a light and shadow with a human figure. Although this person is a light and shadow, his face is clearly visible.

"Camu! It's you, why did you appear here?" The originally sad face burst into a surprised smile. Phil. Nanke stretched out his right hand. He wanted to hold Camu's hand, but his hand passed through the light and shadow.

"You... are... dead..." Fell. Nanke suddenly woke up, and in a moment, sadness covered his delicate face again. Phil. Nanke choked and couldn't speak.

Hearing the long-lost voice, Qier suddenly straightened up.

"Brother Wang! Brother Wang!" Stepping on the red carpet paved by Zhu Jinhua, Qi'er rushed over. When she saw Camu, who had turned into light and shadow, Qi'er cried bitterly.

Who is he? It seems that it is not a human at all. And Miss Anqi actually called him Brother Wang. What the hell is going on? The monk Jiao, the second monk, was confused.

Locke understood that the person who came should be Qier and Shura's brother. Looking at his height, he is at least three meters or more. He should be a Hobbit, but he has incarnated into a soul energy body.

Camu waved his hand and said with a serious expression, "Isn't it all because of you two, and the magnetolite, oh, by the way, have you found the magnetolite for so long away from home?"

Lifting her pretty face full of tears, Qi'er looked at Phil. Nanke, stop talking. Phil. Nanke hurriedly said, "No, the whereabouts of Magneto Stone are unknown."

"Really?" Kamu's voice became more and more severe, and his face had shown anger.

Fell. Nanke lowered his head and said, "It's true. I've been looking for it for many years, but I still haven't found it.

For this big brother who looks like a strict father, Phil. Nanke is still a little afraid.

"Hmm!" Camus snorted coldly, "Then why are you still staying on earth?"

Qier looks at Phil. Nanke, Phil. Nanke looked at Qier, and the two brothers and sisters looked a little at a loss.

A look at Fair. The beauty in Nanke's arms looked at William lying on the ground. James and others, and the bodies of people in black not far away. Camus's face became more and more difficult to look.

"I see. You are obsessed with earthlings, so you don't plan to go back, do you?"

"No, it's not like that." Phil. Nanke hurriedly explained, "Of course we want to go back, but the key of time and space was accidentally lost by me, and we can't go back."

"Absurd!" Camus scolded sharply, "The key of time and space is clearly in Qier's hand. How dare you say it's lost? Don't you dare to go back? Don't you want to bear the charge of losing the magnet?

"I..." Fell. Nanke was forced to open his mouth by his brother and didn't know what to say.

"Brother, the key to time and space has really been found." Qier raised the "key of time and space" in her hand.