
Chapter 311 Final Battle Hunter

Locke looked at himself. He was surprised that he still had long golden hair, just like when he was in Atlantis. He touched the top of his head without horns. His left hand and his left hand suddenly held a silver sickle. This was his weapon when he was a death - "life-threatening silver sickle", and then looked at himself. It's the previous black Western-style dress. Ha ha! Locke smiled bitterly in his heart: Who the hell am I? The devil? Not like that. Death? It doesn't look like it.

When they saw Pluto and Locke wrapped in Huaguang, the two teenagers suddenly became nervous.

"You are the enemy of me, that is, the enemy of the whole Star Alliance!" The young man in black shouted, but his voice obviously sounded a little lack of confidence.

Star Alliance? I don't care what Star Alliance is. I'm going to take care of you. Give me back Shura!" A trace of fierceness flashed in the water-blue eyes, and even the very magnetic sound was so cold that there was no temperature. At this time, Pluto's mask was frosty, and his body was full of aweenness.

"Hmm!" The red-robed teenager snorted coldly, "If you have the ability, come and get it yourself. Let's go!" With that, the two teenagers protected Ares and ran to the aircraft.

"Bold, dare to be presumptuous in front of the king!" Pluto shouted angrily, "Pup" and then opened his wings on his back. Brush "brush", one black and one white light and shadow chased the three people in front of them like lightning.

"Sss!" The sound was endless, and two waves of light, red and blue, winding over, like two enchanting beautiful snakes, which circled around Pluto and Locke's bodies, trying to tie the two people.

Pluto and Locke looked at each other.

"Hell fire, burn!" Two people shouted in unison.

"Wow", the body bursting with black light and flames of fire. Kakaka, the light wave wrapped around the two bodies seemed to have been burned, and immediately collapsed.

"Whew" "Whew", Pluto and Locke jumped up, and their bodies were as fast as electricity. At this time, the door of the aircraft had been opened, and the three people in front of him were about to dodge in.

"Would you like to run? Dream!" Pluto was angry. He roared, "Blood blade of light, attack!"

"Brush" emits thousands of golden light from the palm of Pluto's hand. "" shot out a particularly knife-shaped light wave in the golden light. The light wave suddenly split into the aircraft perched on the clouds.

"bang" and "bang", accompanied by a deaf and loud roar, the aircraft was torn apart.

When Pluto and Locke caught up, a golden shield suddenly appeared in the broken silver-gray metal pieces. The shield was wrapped in a strong wind and hit the top of Locke's head. At the same time, a spear shining with cold light poked Pluto's chest.

Locke turned his head, dodged the smashed shield, and then quickly dodged and waved the "life-threatening silver sickle." Brush", the silver sickle rolled up a cold light and wiped it on Athena's neck. Athena suddenly bowed her head sideways, and the silver sickle did not cut her neck, but cut her shoulder.

"Ah!" Athena screamed and fell down.

When Ares' spear attacked, Pluto did not dodge, but poked out the left hand with the Pluto ring. Boom", a huge, black arm of light protruded Pluto's hand and grabbed it forward. The golden spear pierced into Pluto's "palm". As the "palm" approached, the golden spear became shorter and shorter, and quickly turned into dust and disappeared with a "huh".

Ares, who lost his weapon, turned around and wanted to escape.

"Where to go!" Pluto roared, and the black arm of light stretched out quickly, holding Ares in the palm of his hand.

"Wow!" Ares was thrown out and screamed and fell down.

The shock wave generated by the explosion of the aircraft will be Fell. Nanke threw up, and in the haze, he saw a man in red with a girl in his arm. The girl's snow-white gauze skirt is dancing in the wind. There is also a large area of red on the dancing gauze skirt, which is dazzlingly red, which is blood stains.

"Qier!" Phil. Nanke exclaimed and suddenly opened his eyes with the sound of wind blowing in his ears. Among the shiny metal fragments in the sky, he saw several figures suspended in the air. I'm getting farther and farther away from those figures. I can't die, I can't die like this!" "Do your best, Phil. Nanke released the "shadowless ghost." The shadowless ghost rope wrapped around the branches of Zhu Jin's tree. Strive to stabilize your body, Phil. Nanke stepped on the treetops of Zhu Jin's tree. However, he felt dizzy and weak, so he had to hold on to the branches.

Metal fragments are still falling down. Wipe away the blood from the corners of his mouth and look up, Phil. Nanke saw four people surrounded by light and shadow. Fire red, silver white, black and golden, four different colors of long hair dance freely, and the robes of the two hunters are even more ringing and hunting.

The two gods fought against two hunters, each wrapped in two huge energy masses, and Pluto and Locke jointly drove the energy mass forward.

See Phil. Nanke, the young man in black suddenly raised his voice and said, "Sura, what's your ability to ask Tianqin Xingren for help? Our account will not be finished. I took it away, Princess Qier. Remember, my name is Mo Yin!"

"And me, my name is Youhuang, and I will take good care of Princess Qi'er!" The red-robed teenager smiled.

"Wow haha!"

"Wow haha!"

With the distant sound of evil laughter, the light flashed and the two teenagers disappeared.

"You... Wow!" A mouthful of blood shot out, and it was already dark in front of him. "Shadless Ghost" quickly withdrew from the tree trunk to Phil. Nanke's wrist. Shake, Phil. Nanke fell from the tree and fell straight to the ground.

"brush" and "brush", one black and one white figure shot over. The body that was about to fall to the ground was supported by both hands.

Looking at the direction of the disappearance of the two teenagers, Locke was both anxious and angry. He couldn't help clenching his fist and said hatefully, "They actually took Qi'er hostage! I..."

"Alas! He made the mistake. Only he can make up for it. We can't help him. Pluto sighed.

"Why?" Locke was surprised.

"Those two people come from extremely distant outer space and are not from the same world as us at all. I have made a big taboo about interfering in this matter. It's time to let go. Too much management will only make the original order more chaotic." Seeing that Locke wanted to say something more, Pluto waved his hand and said, "Go and wake them up. Our task has been completed and we need to return to the underworld. Didn't you see it? The underworld has become a pot of porridge.

"back to the underworld? So fast!" I glanced at Phil. Nanke, Locke grinned and looked reluctant. Seeing Pluto's firm look, Locke only nod his head and said reluctantly, "Okay."

Fell. Nanke is dying. Pluto sighed faintly and then covered his palms on Phil. Nanke's chest.

In Pluto for Phil. When Nanke healed his wounds, Locke healed the seriously injured lizards, blood moons and bighorns with magic power. When Locke walked towards Angry Waterworm and William. When James was there, his eyes widened in surprise.

There are two weirdos lying on the ground. A strange man is tall and strong, with a pair of fin-shaped ears on his cheeks. His flesh and blood are blurred, and he was almost shot into a sieve by a gun. Another strange man is slender, young and handsome. He has blonde hair and looks like William. James, however, has a pair of golden horns with forks above his head, which is very familiar to Mickey, a dragon, who turned back to himself.

"Brother Micah!" Locke shouted anxiously as he exerted his magic power. When the body shot by the gun was covered by a soft light, the blood that was still flowing disappeared and the wound healed.

Finally, with a "Um", Micah woke up with a moan.

"Brother!" Locke hugged Micah and cried bitterly.

"Who are you?" Micah opened her eyes wide, and her golden eyes were full of confusion and confusion.

"I... I'm Locke. We are twin brothers. Locke shouted in surprise, "Don't you remember?"

"Miga, you are Micah! Don't you remember? I'm your brother Miller!" Phil has woken up. Nanke also rushed over. The two hugged Micah and cried bitterly.

"I think you are the wrong person." There was an extremely shrill sound.

How is that possible? Dang Locke and Phil. When Nanke raised his head, he saw everyone surrounding him. They were Pluto, Blood Moon, Lizard Man, Big Horn Star Man, Camus, and a pair of angry water dragons with fish ears.

A snake-shaped man with eight arms came over, and the red line in the triangular eye flashed, and a sharp voice sounded: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Xuanye, I..."

Before the snake-shaped man finished speaking, Camu shouted, "My God, Xuanye, how did you become like this?"

"Alas!" Triangle Eye sighed, "In order to cover your escape, my ship was blown up by the hunter. They captured me, then reorganized my cells, deliberately turned me into an ugly appearance, and tried to deprive me of my memory. I saw through their conspiracy and screened the memory information group. I pretended to be amnesiac and let them do it.

Fortunately, you destroyed the aircraft, and I was able to escape, otherwise I would be their slave. As for these two people, they are both species made by our Sirius people and also live in the constellation Dragon constellation. They are dragons and fish. Now, Drus has become the territory of the Sperm Dick, dragons and fish, as well as the reptiles, that is, lizards and snakes, etc., all of whom have become slaves to the Spermick..."

What, my people have also become slaves? The flames swung in his red eyes, and the lizard man clenched his fist when he heard it.

"Only their leaders can escape, that is, these two people. They are Longyu, the leader of the dragon clan and Kunyi, the leader of the fish clan."

"Miga's name is Long Jue! Angry uncle's name is Kunyi! How is this possible?" Phil. Nanke was extremely surprised, and then he turned his head and shouted to the fishman, "Uncle Angry, are you really called Kunyi?"

The fishman shook his head, and then his face was confused.

"But except for the ears, you look exactly the same as Uncle Nu!" Phil. Nanke was completely dizzy.