
Chapter 314 Don't have time to say goodbye

Oh, I understand. These young people don't dare to say it. It seems that they have to ask Shen Haochen. Then take a break first, and I will arrange someone to take you to the hospital later. Just as An Qiming was about to ask Shen Haochen again, Shen Haochen suddenly covered his head and shouted, "It hurts, it hurts, my head hurts so much!"

With a "puff", Shen Haochen rolled down from the sofa. He fainted. Just as Shen Haochen fell to the floor, his hand touched a cold thing under the sofa. What is this? The young man was surprised, but he couldn't open his eyes, so he held it in the palm of his hand.

The corner of his eyes caught a glimpse of Shen Haochen's movements, and An Qiming shook his head helplessly.

In the evening, An Qiming and Ye Shuhuai sat in the living room talking in a low voice. They were speculating about the reason for the disappearance of the young man. Irina accompanied Xue Zijing and comforted and enlightened her in a low voice. The only beloved son suddenly disappeared, and Xue Zijing was hit hard. She was sometimes awake and sometimes confused.

Without those young people, the originally lively room suddenly fell silent, and only the home theater in the living room was still playing film and television programs. The spacious living room is becoming more and more empty.

In order not to make the air too dull, Irina picked up the remote control and glanced at the TV screen. She was going to turn up her voice.

"Look, it's Qi'er and Feng'er!" Irina suddenly screamed.

As soon as she heard the word "Feng'er", Xue Zijing immediately woke up and stared at the TV screen. An Qiming and Ye Shuhuai, who were talking, also suddenly raised their heads. They saw Ye Feng sitting in a sea of flowers with An Qi in his embrace, and countless colorful flowers were flying around them. The two young people were still wearing wedding dresses. Ye Feng lowered his head and was kissing Anqi's neck affectionately. The veil behind Anqi's head brushed the colorful petals and floated in the wind.

"Mother, I thought Feng'er was gone. It turned out that he was still alive, and he was still alive! He and An Qi are alive. That's great. That's great!" Xue Zijing was overjoyed. She wiped her tears and shouted excitedly.

"Yes, yes, I was also worried, and I was relieved to see that they were fine." Irina hurriedly echoed, and tears appeared in her beautiful eyes.

"But where are they? Why don't you talk?" Xue Zijing looked at her husband doubtfully.

An Qiming looked at Ye Shuhuai, and both men looked unbelievable. While they were wondering, a string of E words popped up on the screen:

Dear father and mother, don't worry. Anqi and I have returned to our country. This is a sea of flowers. I have a palace built with flowers. What my mother said is not wrong. I am really the prince of flowers. I have a twin brother. We are two flowers. We can't live without anyone. We want to manage our own country, so I can't stay with you, but I will visit you at night. I will step on the petals and walk into your dreams. In the dream, we can describe Talk about missing each other.

Dear Uncle Ann and Aunt Lin, I'm sorry! Fenger didn't have time to say goodbye to you. Feng'er entered your world to find Anqi, my queen. Please rest assured that I will always love her.

An Qiming looked suspicious. He was an atheist. He didn't believe that there would be any flower princes in the world. He also knew that Ye Feng was born with a vision from the sky, but he thought it was just a manifestation of climate anormality. He also knew that Ye Feng had a kind of flowers and plants. But he just thinks that Ye Feng has body fluids that are different from ordinary people. At the same time, he knows that Ye Shuhuai and his wife are medical experts. How can they believe this nonsense? Therefore, An Qiming believed that it was the couple who spoiled his son that made these remarks. As for the extra Ye Feng, he only regarded it as another son raised by Ye Shuhuai outside.

An Qiming suspected that it was some young people, probably a fairy tale made up by Ye Feng and An Qi's classmates to comfort the parents of both sides. As we all know, in the Internet era, even primary school students can PS a picture into animation and then make it into video playback.

An Qiming looked at Ye Shuhuai, and Ye Shuhuai looked at An Qiming. Both of them were skeptical, because they were men, much more rational than women. In order to make Xue Zijing return to normal, An Qiming made Ye Shuhuai wink, and the two men echoed.

"Yes, yes, you see, how happy they are!"

"Maybe it's too far away from us that we can't hear them."

"You should be relieved this time!"


In fact, it was really guessed correctly by An Qiming. This picture was taken by Locke. The wedding photo of Ye Feng and An Qi sitting on the swing in the garden. Shura animated it and then transmitted it using the "remote control function" of the deformed mobile phone. He was indeed to comfort Ye Feng and Anqi's parents, because he still remembered what he said... . You can leave the matter of the two Ye Feng to Nanke, and Nanke will give you a satisfactory answer. As the leader of the "Flying Whale Gang", a person who is both trustworthy and righteous, how can he make everyone disappear unclear? How can you bear to make both parents feel unbearable?

The picture stayed on the TV screen for a while and suddenly switched again.

"Look, it's Nan'er and his friends!" An Qiming looked surprised.

Fell. Nanke was sitting in the space chair, next to him with the blood moon and the big horns. They smiled and waved as if they were saying goodbye. Behind them is a large crystal screen with a faint blue sky, stars of different shapes and colors, nebulus, etc. Under the crystal screen, there are some people standing or sitting. They can't see clearly. I think they are those who are missing. In addition, there is a tall person whose whole body is shining.

A string of E characters popped up on the screen: Uncle Ann, Aunt Lin, I'm sorry! Nanke concealed his identity. My friends and I are not human beings on earth. We come from far away from outer space. We have been away from our hometown for too long. We also miss our parents, so we have to go back. Thank you for your help and care. I'm sorry, Nanke has caused you trouble...

The two couples were stunned. The huge living room became quieter and quieter, and the heartbeat of several people could be heard.

A few minutes later, with a "brush" sound, the image switched again. The young people are gone. There is only the blue sky, the surrounding nebulus, and various fast-moving stars left on the TV screen. Among those stars, there is a disk-shaped luminous body, surrounded by dense, slightly small disk-shaped luminous bodies. They move slowly, gradually, faster and faster. Then it suddenly disappeared. Then, the TV screen resumed the broadcast of the program.

"It turns out that Nan'er is not an earthman. No wonder his body is so cold." An Qiming suddenly realized.

"Yes, I always feel that they are different from us, especially the girl named Blood Moon and those boys. They are so beautiful that they seem to have come down from the painting." Irina said.

Daughter, the real daughter has been gone three years ago. Qier and Fenger, they are not human beings on earth. These children... An Qiming thought of the "short-term amnesia" after his daughter woke up. He suddenly understood, so he hurriedly turned around and quietly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Ye Shuhuai was surprised. At this point, he no longer doubted, because he knew that his beloved son had a pair of extraordinary eyes and had a special ability to make flowers bloom, which showed that his son was likely to come from another world. However, the child left in such a hurry that he didn't have time to say goodbye to his parents... Ye Shuhuai was very sad. He was worried that his wife couldn't think about it, so he comforted him: "Feng'er has grown up. We can't always protect him like an old hen. He is the prince of flowers. He wants to manage his own country. We have to support him and we can't delay him. The hind legs. Bauhinia, don't you think so? Ye Shuhuai took his wife's shoulder and whispered in her ear. However, turning his head, he was also wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Xue Zijing nodded and smiled, but she was already in tears.


Tom. Bircha only arrived in Manhattan this afternoon. He hurried back to deal with the conflict between Gambino and Ginovis.

The five major mafia families in New York have long been in decline, and the most powerful existing ones are Genovis and Gampino. The Genovis family is very chaotic, and the head of the family, Joyce Sr., was arrested and imprisoned a few years ago. Now the facade is supported by old Joyce's cousin, Ulysses. Old Joyce has a son named Little Joyce. Joyce Jr. is 26 years old. Although Joyce Jr. is young, he has always been ambitious. He advocates the annexation of other mafia families to strengthen his power. Ulysses firmly opposed it. He believed that the police were intensifying its crackdown on the mafia, and at this time, they should unite with major families to resist the risk instead of trying to annex. The two uncles and nephews disagreed on this issue. In the end, little Joyce instructed his men to assassinate his uncle and seize the power of the leader.

After becoming the leader of Genovis, little Joyce first focused on Gambino, because the Gambino family had close ties with Italian, France, Germany and other mafia, which almost blocked the global cigarette smuggling and drug trafficking. Looking at a lot of * flowing into other people's pockets, little Joyce's eyes turned red. While Sears was assassinated and little Tom was not at home, little Joyce robbed a batch of Hay/Loin from an underground processing factory in Sicily to New York. This batch of Hay/Loin is worth $4.5 billion, accounting for almost 40% of the annual turnover of the entire Gambino family.

Billcha originally wanted to stay in Southeast Asia to drink a wedding, but he didn't expect that soon after he went abroad, the backyard caught fire, and he was very unhappy. Billcha took a team of men, drove a helicopter, commanded more than a dozen military Hummers, carried rocket launchers, grenade launchers... to plead little Joyce. Just as the two families were fighting, they were surrounded by the police who rushed to Wen Xun. After a fierce gunfight, although the main leaders of the two families escaped, all $4.5 billion worth of drugs were seized by the police.

Bill couldn't breathe. In the evening, he took people into the underground casino in Manhattan and shot all the dozens of important leaders of the Genovis family who were hiding in the casino, and then burned the underground casino, resulting in thousands of people. .