Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 002 Previous Life and Present Life

On Friday, November 11, 2011, the dawn of the greatest day for the world's bachelors, the sun has not yet started to work, and the whole Shanghai is still shrouded in a night sky illuminated by human beings.

In an 18-story cheap rental house on Huaqiang Road, Shanghai, in one of the two-bedroom rooms, a girl with long hair and unknown looks is holding the quilt tightly with her hands, trembling slightly, while her face covered by her long hair trembles and looms with her body. There was a slight cold sweat, and it was not difficult to see from her slightly frightened face that the girl was having a nightmare.


I don't know how long it took, the girl sat up with a scream and kept gasping, and her undulating chest could see how horrible the shock she had just given was.

Looking carefully, the girl sitting in ** has been sitting for about two decades, and a pair of clear eyes have not yet recovered from the panic in the dream. She calmed down slightly, picked up the paper towel on her head and gently wiped the cold sweat on her beautiful face, swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, and took a long breath.

"The hateful dream is coming again." The girl's heart spat softly, and the memories of the past came to her mind again.

Since she remembered, she seems to be able to see something that others can't see.

For example, when you go to bed, you can suddenly see a head coming out of the ceiling and smiling at you; when you go to the toilet, you can often see big sisters who are dressed differently but sitting on the toilet wet and greet themselves; or when you go to the hospital, you see some grandfathers smiling at them. Grandmas.

When they told what they had seen to the teachers in the orphanage, they all regarded themselves as psychopaths. Over time, the teachers who loved them no longer paid attention to themselves, and the children also isolated themselves. Gradually, she could only stay alone in the corner to watch the children play, and she slowly closed her heart.

Since then, there has been a permanent independent figure in the orphanage.

As the girl grows up, the girl does not ask other children to play with herself, because every night there will be a group of kind grandmothers and a group of lovely children playing with her in a remote classroom in the orphanage. And this classroom, which bursts with laughter every night but can't see anyone, is also designated as a haunted house, and no one dares to step here, but this is a paradise for girls' childhood.

Until the girl was five years old, a little girl of her age was led next to the girl's bed by the dean's grandmother. She was also so introverted, weak and lonely. Gradually, the two lonely hearts slowly came together.

One night, the girl led her to her paradise and introduced her "parents", friends and partners to her. Although the new little girl was scared when she first arrived because she couldn't see anyone but could hear the seemingly cheerful sounds, she slowly felt friendliness, joy and harmony from these voices, and she was no longer afraid and slowly integrated into the big family.

Since then, a pair of lonely figures have appeared in the orphanage.

From spring to autumn, the two slowly grew up and began to study. But when they were eight years old, a little girl younger than them held a mahogany sword and spoke wildly. Suddenly, she broke into their paradise and "killed" the girl's "partners". The two girls saw such a scene and fought with the little girl who broke in.

Maybe it's the fate of God. The three of them don't fight and don't know each other. I don't know how long it took. The three of them lay on the ground with their noses and swollen clothes and clothes. Looking at each other, they all laughed.

Through communication, the little girl who broke in was the so-called Tianshi family in the world. Ma Xiaoxiao, a descendant of the Ma family of the Hong Kong exorcism dragon clan, came to Shanghai for "do business" this time, and when she wandered around the orphanage at night, she met what they called "ghost" in their industry. Elephant, so there was a fight in front of him.

However, the little girl ignored her responsibilities under the attack of the two girls' sugar-coated shells bombs, coupled with the little girl's playful nature, and because of her family. Besides, the Ma family does not accept it at the sight of ghosts. Most of the time, it is just for them. Only when they meet evil spirits will they put them away and prevent them from harming the world. Moreover, it seems that she is only seven years old, and her mana is not very high, and she can't surpass these "ghosts", so she let it go.

And the two girls in the orphanage learned from the little girl's explanation that their "partners" and kind "grandparents" are not the same people as them, but ghosts said in the older generation. The girl who can see these things is because of her natural yin and yang eyes that she can come into contact with this. Something. However, the little girl's frankness did not scare the two girls, but sympathized with their situation.

They are all fallen people at the end of the world.

So, in the coming year, the little girl sneaked into the orphanage every night and taught the two girls a lot. Including distinguishing which are good ghosts and which are bad ghosts, how to avoid entanglement when encountering bad ghosts; how to use yin and yang eyes to help these kind ghosts, and so on. There is also teaching the two of their own capture skills, martial arts, skills and other things, but the girl with yin and yang eyes lacks interest in this thing, so that another girl is very interested in this thing. This became the reason why she had been protecting her all the time.

In a blink of an eye, Ma Xiaoxiao was about to return to Hong Kong. The three of them parted in tears. Before leaving, Ma Xiaoxiao's aunt came to the orphanage to help her grandparents and friends in the "paradise". The two girls also slowly lived a normal life. Although they can still see something from time to time, they are no longer as ignorant as before and know how to deal with this.

The two went to primary school, junior high school and high school together until they graduated from Fudan University. Through their own efforts, they finally found a corner to settle down in this international metropolis, an ideal career, a small employee in Siying Company, one of the top ten international companies in the world.

They are already very satisfied.

Shortly after the girl in the room screamed loudly, her door was opened, and a beautiful girl in SpongeBob pajamas and a sleepy face appeared in front of her.

Hua Ying, how to pull? Did you have a nightmare again?" She came to the girl's side and comforted her gently.

"Yes, light rain. That dream appeared again." The girl known as Hua Ying replied helplessly.

Yes, these two are the two girls in the orphanage. Yue Huaying, who has yin and yang eyes, is said that her name is because when the dean's grandmother picked her up at the door of the orphanage, she wrote the name on her palm, so she used the name.

And the other person has a little tendency to be violent. She used to protect Yue Huaying from being bullied by boys - Ling Yu.

Both of them work in Siying's company, but the departments are different. Yue Huaying is just a small employee of the design department, while Ling Yu is the deputy manager of the public relations department. Therefore, Ling Yu has always "covered" Yue Huaying.

"Hey... I really don't know what's wrong with you. Every three days when the full moon comes, your dream will appear on time, and it's all the same dream. Although there seems to be a handsome man in the dream, who can't see him clearly? And the process is so bloody that I really don't know who you were in your last life. Ling Yu lay on ** and comforted Yue Huaying. It seemed that she was going to sleep with her again tonight.

Ling Yu, as Yueying's childhood, of course, knows the pain of Yue Huaying every full moon, and she also knows from Ma Xiaoxiao that people have this life and past lives. The memory of the current world is too painful, and even when Meng Po soup cannot be eliminated, it will vaguely appear in the dream of this life.

They also rarely asked the elders of Ma Xiaoxiao's family to deduce Yue Huaying's past life, but they couldn't find an answer. Moreover, a powerful mother-in-law of the Ma family wanted to forcibly deduce Yue Huaying's previous life, but she was made to vomit blood. After a whole year of resting, she recovered. According to her, at that time, she could not see Yue Huaying's previous life. She only saw a bloodthirsty purple-gold pupil, and then she vomited blood and fainted.

From then on, Yue Huaying no longer looked for others to calculate her previous life, and only thought that it would come when it should come.

"Ha ha... I also want to know what that dream represents." Yue Huaying also said helplessly.

Who can't want to know what that dream means more than himself? Why is my heart so "pain" every time I wake up? Why do you feel familiar with that purple-gold pupil?

Yue Huaying fell into the memory of her dream.