Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 018 The Battle of "The Shemale" Wins

"Wait, wait..." Yue Huaying stopped the elevator door that was about to close with one hand and pressed the folder in her arms with the other: Huh, finally caught up.

When Yue Huaying saw the elevator door open, she consciously stepped into the very spacious elevator door.

"Who are you? Get out of here. Who are these people? The male assistant named Xiao Huang saw another person who didn't know the rules and drove Yue Huaying with a disgusted face.

Yue Huaying heard the sound of bad exorcism behind her and turned her head and looked back. She only saw a "man" who was not male or female, covering his mouth with one hand and looking at herself with a disgusting face, and a man who looked like an assistant beside him was driving him away with bad words.

Seeing the "man" of no man or woman, Yue Huaying felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach and frowned: shemale?

Then she saw the male assistant staring at herself fiercely, and she said unwillingly, "Why do you drive me away? This is a public elevator and it's so spacious. Why do you let me down? Huh...why don't you come up?" For the "shemale demon", Yue Huaying is really a little unhappy. If she had been normal, she would not be so tit-for-tat, but today is her big day, so she can't be vague. Time is a revolution. However, Yue Huaying saw that her colleagues standing outside did not move their steps and asked them strangely why they didn't come in.

Those colleagues shook their heads with a strange look after hearing Yue Huaying's words, and several colleagues still winked at Yue Huaying.

"Really not coming up? If you don't come up, I'll close the door." Seeing her colleagues shaking their heads, although Yue Huaying is strange, she doesn't pay so much attention to it. Now time has passed, and she doesn't know what she will be criticized later. After saying that, Yue Huaying was ready to reach out to press the key of the elevator.

When Xiao Huang saw Yue Huaying not only contradicting himself, but also didn't take himself seriously, he became even more angry: "I said, are you a newcomer to the company or something? Why are you so ignorant? Don't you know that we Tin don't like other people and other flavors in private spaces? Look at you, you smelled of sweat. You are really a village girl.

The smell of sweat? Village girl?

Hearing that the male assistant behind him was so aggressive, Yue Huaying stopped: "Hey, be careful. Not everyone was scolded by you when they were born. You are not a good person like you. Besides, do you want a private space? Well, go to the two golden elevators next to you (golden elevators, which can only be taken by the bosses and directors of the company), and no one will rob you. What do you like to do in it?

Although Yue Huaying usually looks very gentle, she may be "bad" taught by Ling Yu. Yue Huaying is still very tough on some things. For this "shemale" and his male assistant that she is most disliked, Yue Huaying also makes fun of these two people.



Compared with Xiao Huang, who was so angry that he didn't know what to say, the people outside the elevator suppressed the twitch on their faces and laughed. Even if they had just been given an aggrieved ponytail, they laughed.

"Stop it, what kind of people did you meet today? Xiao Huang, let's go. Let's wait for the next one. Tin, with a pale face, covered his nose and hid from Yue Huaying from afar with a horrible face.

It's not that Tin doesn't want to teach Yue Huaying a lesson, but that he should pay attention to his image. There are many people outside looking at him. Besides, this young "village girl" is also Siying's company, so he will have fun in the future.

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

But is he still a gentleman? It is doubtful.

"Okay, Tin." Xiao Huang angrily followed Tin to get off the elevator and looked at Yue Huaying outside the elevator door with eyes that had killed Yue Huaying hundreds of times. What happened today, Xiao Huang knew that he would inevitably be severely criticized by Tin.

Looking at her victory and returning, Yue Huaying raised the war flag and looked at Xiao Huang provocatively. As for the "shemale" behind Xiao Huang? Yue Huaying is still self-aknowledgeable. People who can have assistants are also small artists or celebrities in the company. It's enough for a small designer to "defeat" him like this. As for other things, it's better to keep a low profile.

However, Yue Huaying looked at the colleagues behind them standing still and asked strangely, "Are you really not coming? If you don't come up, I will close the door."

The answer to Yue Huaying was still shaking everyone's head, but at this time, there was no persuasion and smile in everyone's eyes, and they all looked at Yue Huaying with a worried face.

Seeing everyone like this, Yue Huaying also understood what everyone's worried eyes meant, but she didn't mind that today was her big day, and all the "demons" could not stop her. Looking at the people still unmoved, Yue Huaying shrugged her shoulders and pressed the key on the fifth floor.

"Ding..." With the sound of the elevator arriving, Yue Huaying stepped out of the elevator with a nervous mood. After a while, it was time for her to perform.

"Hua Ying, why did you just arrive? Hurry up. My aunt is going to shrike later." As soon as Lu Tongtong saw Yue Huaying, she immediately took her to the conference room. At this time, most of the seats in the office were empty except for one or two left behind.

"I can't help it. I just met a 'shemale' downstairs for a few minutes. Won't the minister catch my braids again?"

"I don't know about this, but I'm still happy to see what she looks like today. Maybe it's because your work is valued by the top, and a newcomer can get the affirmation from the above. Her face as a minister must also have light. How about it? Hua Ying, are you ready?" Lu Tongtong breathed for Yue Huaying.

"Ye, I'm ready." At the door of the conference room, Yue Huaying took a deep breath and looked at the door. Yue Huaying understood that the next second, everything in her future was up to her own.

"Okay, let's go and relax. It's okay. Everyone has a first time. It will be fine slowly." After saying that, Lu Tongtong opened the door of the conference room. The two walked into this conference room many times, but for Yue Huaying, they were definitely in a different mood today.

As soon as Yue Huaying, who was still a little worried, entered the conference room, immediately said apologetically to everyone, "Sorry, everyone, I'm late. I've been waiting for a long time."

"Really, Yue Huaying, she began to put on airs before she became a big name? Well, I won't say much about anything else. Pay attention to it in the future. Let's start now. Zheng Yuanjie still did not let go of every minute and every second of Xun Yuehuaying, and said in a slightly unhappy tone.

"I'm sorry, minister, it won't happen again."

"Now that everyone has arrived, our meeting has begun. Now let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Leng Ming, the chief designer of Siying Company transferred from the British head office. I hope Mr. Leng can give me more advice in the future."

At this time, Yue Huaying realized that there was a handsome man next to Zheng Yuanjie who would definitely attract countless women but more cold. At this time, the man was looking at him brightly, but he was...