Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 059 Fairy Mountain Shadow

"Well, let's work if there's nothing to do. Ying, are you all right?" Facing Yue Huaying, Leng Ming once again turned into a warm spring breeze and asked Yue Huaying with concern.

"I'm fine, but if you lie to your aunt like this and let her know, will it involve you at that time?"

"She? Ha ha..." Leng Ming smiled undeniably. Leng Ming really admires Yue Huaying in this life. Sometimes she is extremely smart, but sometimes she is stupid and cute. Can't she see her identity yet?

However, since Yue Huaying didn't know, Leng Ming pretended to be stupid and smiled at Yue Huaying and said, "What else do you think she can do to me? How can I say that my position is higher than her? Besides, Bai Ying will know how to do it at that time.

"Oh...that's good." Yue Huaying nodded and answered, but Yue Huaying's head was entangled when she heard Leng Ming say "white shadow".

The scene of the haunted house yesterday rushed into Yue Huaying's mind again. Did the white shadow actually have an owner? This makes Yue Huaying really unable to accept this reality. Bai Ying's identity is also well-counted in the world's rich circle, but such a person is still someone else's subordinate, and when watching Bai Ying talk about the "master" yesterday, the absolute worship and fanatic attitude from the outside to the inside made Yue Huaying a little suspicious that Bai Ying is It's not a religious person, and his master is those so-called "masters".

Although the man in front of her has never seen what he looked like when he was with Bai Ying, Yue Huaying looked at the big boss Bai Ying, who called her, in such a smooth and unusual tone. Yue Huaying really felt that the man in front of her was the "master", or also with Bai Ying. It's not necessarily a religious fanatic.

Yue Huaying looked at Leng Ming with questioning eyes and thought about everything she wanted to think about.

"Ying, what's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like this?" Looking at Yue Huaying's eyes looking at her is so strange, Leng Ming is also very strange why Yue Huaying looked at herself like this and asked questioning.

"Oh... did I see you? Are you dazzled? Come on, I don't have time to chat with you now. You can do your thing and talk to you about the design. I'll finish the work first. Yue Huaying came to her senses from thinking and immediately drove Leng Ming away from delaying her work. She buried herself in the pile of documents.

Looking at Yue Huaying, who bowed her head and was busy, Leng Ming also felt that the atmosphere at this time was strange, but looking at Yue Huaying's happy appearance, Leng Ming smiled and left the design department.

On the 19th floor of Siying Company, Bai Ying is standing behind Leng Ming, with a worried face.

"Shadow, what information does the dark bring you?"

"I told the emperor that the news this time is really not very good."

"What happened in the underworld? Can't those guys in the West resist it again?"

"No, emperor, nothing happened in the underworld. Everything is fine, but the hell seems to have had a problem during this period, or a problem 20 years ago."

"Date? What's the matter?" Hearing that there was something wrong with hell, and hearing Bai Ying's tone, it might not be a small problem, Leng Ming frowned and asked.

"According to the information, I don't know why the hell has received fewer and fewer ghosts in the past 20 years. Originally, the hell thought that there were fewer ghosts because of the stability of the human society and the rich life of life, because this has encountered such a situation in every prosperous era, and the hell did not care about it, but It was an accidental opportunity to find out that it was not what I thought.

Is that right? What the hell happened?"

"It is said that the birth, old, illness and death in the world have not changed much now, but the souls received by the hell have been much less, and the soul-retaining envoys have not seen many lonely ghosts in the world, or even say that they have never met them."

"No?" Leng Ming also felt a little tricky at this time.

The number of deaths in the world has not changed, but the souls attracted by the hell are much less, so these souls that have not been reported in the hell should wander around the world and become lonely ghosts, and the soul envoys will specially lead these lonely ghosts to Huangquan Road and reincarnation in hell, but now the soul envoys have not met them in the world. What does these lonely ghosts mean?

This means that the difference between the two souls has disappeared or been hidden, and what is the reason for these or some forces doing so? What's the use of detaining these souls? What's the purpose? This may be what Leng Ming needs to know.

The most likely answer that Leng Ming guessed is that the main purpose of these or some forces is to reduce the souls received by the hell, so that the source of troops in the underworld will slowly decrease. In this way, perhaps the army of the underworld will have no soldiers for millions of years, because, 80% of the army in the underworld comes from ghost pawns, while the ghost pawns in hell are cultivated from the souls of thousands of human, immortals, demons and other creatures from all walks of life in the six worlds.

Now these souls are prevented from entering the hell, reincarnation, reincarnation or becoming part of the army of the underworld.

Thinking of this possibility, Leng Ming immediately thought of people who might do such a thing.

"Shadow, did these guys in the fairyland or those guys in the West do this?"

"According to the secret investigation, this seems to be the result of the cooperation between the two worlds."

"Bum..." An expensive landing porcelain in Bai Ying's luxurious office burst in an instant.

"Your Majesty, please calm your anger." Feeling Leng Ming's anger, Bai Ying quickly knelt on the ground.

"Get up!"

"Yes, my emperor."

"Does Haotian and Yehehua want to repeat the fairy war thousands of years ago?" Leng Ming said coldly, and the flame marks on his forehead flashed slightly on his forehead.

"My subordinates guessed that they may already know that the emperor is not in the underworld now, so they test us like this. As for their subordinates think it is too early to provoke war again. After all, the war ten thousand years ago affected not only our four worlds, but also the six worlds are in the flames of war. They should not start the war so lightly."

"Maybe, but we can't relax any vigilance. Shadow, inform the dark, find out the location of the soul detained by Haotian and Yehehua as soon as possible and who did it. I want them to never live.

"Yes, emperor..." The figure of the white shadow slowly became illusory behind Leng Ming and finally disappeared.

The whole office is left to look at the cold Ming outside the window and the porcelain fragments in the place just now. Although it is close to the cold winter of December, the temperature in the white shadow's office is definitely colder than the cold outdoor winter at this moment.

"Haotian, Yehehua, I hope you don't play any more tricks. I haven't made accounts with you about the hatred thousands of years ago. I hope you don't make me angry anymore. Otherwise, even if I destroy the world and reincarnation, I will definitely lead the army of the underworld to step through the sky and completely wipe out your immortals and gods in the six worlds. You Don't force me." Looking back on the pain thousands of years ago, he said coldly. Standing in front of the window, a gray flame with light gold appeared on his body.


In the west of the Chinese mainland, there is a beautiful place of fairy mountain that has not been found. This huge fairy mountain-like mountain is now surrounded by fairy spirit. Sanskrit sounds come from the highest and magnificent hall on the top of the mountain. Outside this hall, it is full of white, purple, yellow and other colors. People with clothes, swords or black clothes, gowns and other clothes crawled on the ground and knelt in the direction of the hall.

Under this burst of Sanskrit sound, a burst of colorful light rain sprinkled on the fairy mountain from the sky over the hall. A refreshing fragrance instantly permeated the whole fairy mountain, and all the people kneeling felt comfortable after smelling the fragrance. All the stubborn diseases were healed in an instant, and their bodies were also full. Unprecedented power.

When the Sanskrit sound disappeared and the Taoist light and rain dissipated, a colorful light once again shone from the sky to the top of the hall. With the appearance of this light, a white light appeared in the nine colors and quickly shot into the hall.

When the light disappeared, the strange visions that appeared in the fairy mountain disappeared in an instant, and the whole fairy mountain returned to its original calmness and harmony again.

At this time, everyone who had been kneeling on the ground worshipped the hall again and shouted: "Welcome the immortals to Kunlun Wonderland."

At the same time, in the West, the Vatican, known as the holy place of believers, is also performing a scene like the legendary Kunlun fairyland in mainland China.

At this moment, the oldest St. Peter's Cathedral in Vatican is also ushering in ancient and worshipful Sanskrit sounds. Where the church is located, almost both tourists and its believers can see the white light shining from the sky. Around this light, a famous winged angel surrounds the road. Light sings and dances lightly, or plays the flute or dances, or plays the harp or sings sacred music... so that all those who come to Vatican at this moment can see this magical scene.

Under this light and holy music, a little rain-like light with a pale golden light also floated out of the air with the light. When these light spots floated on the people who had been scared or had fallen to worship their Lord, these people were surprised to find that they At this time, the body is so light and healthy, how flexible the mind is and how happy the body is. It seems that all the troubles have gone with the wind with the arrival of this light spot.

When the array of sacred music ended, the angels around the light gradually disappeared, and the scattered light spots slowly dissipated... An image of the Western Holy Father appeared at the top of St. Peter's Cathedral.

He opened his chest and smiled to face the world. A sacred and warm smile appeared on his face, which looked like what was recorded in his holy book: God loves the world.

This light and shadow lasted for about a minute. All the people who looked at this light and shadow felt a voice in their hearts, the most primitive desire they usually wanted but was buried in the depths of their hearts. At this moment, they felt so magical and peaceful.

When this light and shadow appeared, whether it was its followers or not, they were infected by the sound in their hearts and couldn't help worshiping the light and shadow.

A minute later, when the light and shadow disappeared, Van Digang returned to its original calm, but this vision made everyone who saw the scene no longer calm.

Maybe Vandigang will once again become a true holy place for a believer in the world.