Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 073 Magical Purple Tears


Not only was Aunt Yu shocked by Yue Huaying's words, but also Ma Xiaoxiao and Ling Yu. The three looked at Yue Huaying with a shocked and disbelieving look. They didn't believe that Yue Huaying would cure the poison of Aunt Yu, who had been notified of death by themselves.

"You, don't look at me like this." Facing the eyes of the three people, Yue Huaying also became uneasy.

"Hua Ying, is that true?" Ma Xiaoxiao, who couldn't believe that he heard this, jumped over the sofa and said loudly, holding Yue Huaying's shoulders tightly.

"I, I don't know..." Yue Huaying said uncertainly. Yue Huaying really couldn't believe that she could cure Aunt Yu's corpse poison.

"Hua Ying, what the hell are you talking about? You should know that this is a matter of human life, and it is a matter of Aunt Yu's life. Ling Yu also shouted.

"I know, but I'm really not sure." Yue Huaying said while grabbing the pendant on her neck.

"Hua Ying..."

"Xiaoyu, don't worry, let Hua Ying speak slowly." At this time, Aunt Yu said softly, and her face turned paler.

"Hua Ying, is what you just said true?"

"Auntie, I don't know."

"I don't know? Then why did you say that? Don't you know what you're talking about? And do you have a way to cure the zombie poison?

"Actually, I really don't know if I can do it, but I have a hunch that I can cure my aunt's poison." Yue Huaying was still a little hesitant and uncertain.

"Hua Ying, how do you want to cure my corpse poison?"

"I don't know if I can do it, because aunt, you also know that I'm just an ordinary person with yin and yang eyes, and I can't be compared with you at all, but I do have that hunch because of the instructions it gives me." Yue Huaying showed the pendant on her neck to the three people.

"Pendants, pendants, yes, this pendant." Ma Xiaoxiao muttered as if she remembered something, and her hand also held the pendant on Yue Huaying's neck.

"Xiaoxiao, what pendant?" Aunt Yu was also confused by Yue Huaying and Ma Xiaoxiao for a while. She had no idea what the two little girls were doing.

"Yes, a man named Leng Ming gave it to Hua Ying. He..." Ma Xiaoxiao explained while trying to untie the pendant on Yue Huaying's neck.

"Damn, why can't you solve it?" After trying for a long time, Ma Xiaoxiao had no choice but to untie the pendant on Yue Huaying's neck and could not untie the pendant on Yue Huaying's neck at all.

"Xiaoxiao, let me do it." Yue Huaying gently pushed away from Ma Xiaoxiao and said.

Yue Huaying did not make any movement, but naturally relaxed her body and gently closed her eyes. At the moment Yue Huaying closed her eyes, the pendant on her neck flashed with purple-gold fluorescence. Huh..." The pendant that was originally hung on Yue Huaying's neck flew out of thin air, shining with a dazzling purple-gold light in the air between several people.

"This..." Looking at the purple-blue pendant flying in the air with purple-gold light, Aunt Yu also showed her shocked eyes, because she felt unprecedented power from this pendant.

And this force made Aunt Yu feel so powerful and shocked that even as the first contemporary person of the Ma family, she wanted to worship.

"Auntie, Xiaoxiao, I don't know why. As soon as I put it on it in the venue, it gave me a general feeling of being connected to my blood. It just told me that it could cure the poison on my aunt's body." Yue Huaying looked at the life-like pendant shining in the air and said.

"Hua Ying, what the hell is this? Who the hell is the person who gave you the pendant? Aunt Yu wants to know what this seemingly living pendant carries.

"It said it was called Purple Tear, which was just given to me by Leng Ming, the chief designer of our company, at the venue. I don't know how it can cure my aunt's corpse poison."

"Aunt..." Seeing that Yue Huaying had nothing to do with purple tears, Ma Xiaoxiao said worriedly.

"Xiaoxiao, don't worry, I feel its friendliness, and I also believe that it should cure me." Feeling the guidance of purple tears, Aunt Yu slowly walked towards purple tears.

With the approach of Aunt Yu, the light on the purple tears became brighter.

When Aunt Yu was still about half a meter away from the purple tears, she saw that the purple tears not only flashed with purple gold light. From the inside of the purple tears, strips of gray gold wrapped around Aunt Yu's injured arm from the purple tears. Gradually, the gray-gold gold silk turned from wrapping around Aunt Yu's arm and wrapped Aunt Yu's whole body in it. At this time, Aunt Yu looked like a gray-gold silkworm cocoon.

"Hua Ying, aunt..." Looking at the scene in front of him, Ma Xiaoxiao took Yue Huaying's hand and said worriedly. Although Ma Xiaoxiao also felt the friendliness and strong spiritual power emanating from the silkworm, Ma Xiaoxiao was still very worried in the face of his aunt who was attacked by corpse poison and her life and her life and death were uncertain.

"Xiaoxiao, don't worry, aunt is fine!" Yue Huaying comforted Ma Xiaoxiao softly, but her face was also worried.

At this moment, the three of them are paying close attention to the human-shaped gray-gold silkworm cocoon in front of them. Except for Yue Huaying, Ma Xiaoxiao and Ling Yu are both worried.

A quarter of an hour later...

The gray-gold silk thread originally wrapped around Aunt Yu slowly began to surge on Aunt Yu's body and pulled out of the silkworm cocoon in an orderly manner. When all the silkworm cocoon returned to purple tears again, Aunt Yu, who had a sleeping face and her arms were intact, was also sent back to the sofa peacefully. Lie on it. And the purple tears shining with purple and golden light also put away their light again and slowly floated back to Yue Huaying's neck. After flashing a light, it stayed quietly on Yuehuaying's neck again, as if nothing had happened.

"Aunt..." Seeing that the treatment was completed, Ma Xiaoxiao immediately rushed to the sofa to check his aunt's injury. But at a glance, Ma Xiaoxiao was shocked. Not only was her aunt's injury cured, but also her skin became more crystal clear.

"Hua Ying, this..." Ma Xiaoxiao looked at Yue Huaying with unbelievable eyes.

Yue Huaying also shook her head with an unknown face and said, "Xiaoxiao, don't ask me. I don't know anything. It has no information except that information at the beginning. Let's ask her when she wakes up, maybe from her. Then we may not be able to get more answers. Touching the purple tears that calmed down on her neck again, Yue Huaying didn't know anything.

At this time, the three put all their questions on the sleeping aunt Yu.

Fortunately, Aunt Yu didn't sleep for a long time. Two hours later, Aunt Yu woke up leisurely.

"Auntie, how are you feeling?"

"Wow..." Aunt Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiaoxiao, Xiaoyu, I'm fine. In addition to feeling a little weak, I don't feel any discomfort anymore. Hua Ying, what the hell is that? How can it be cured of my injury?" Aunt Yu also looked at Yue Huaying with a shocked face and said.

"Auntie, I don't know. This is also given to me by others. I haven't held it in my hand for 24 hours."

"Auntie, in fact, this is the thing..." In order to know what kind of mystery Zilei has and what kind of mysterious identity Leng Ming has, Yue Huaying told the three people everything that happened on the rooftop and Leng Ming, but Leng Ming is the man and Leng Ming in Yue Huaying's dream. She didn't say anything that she had known Yue Huaying for thousands of years, because she could only say it after investigating it clearly.

"Can you reach the outer space of the earth by waving your hands? This..." After listening to Ma Xiaoxiao's narrative, Aunt Yu couldn't believe it, because even she, the first master of the Ma family, had never encountered or heard of such a thing.

"Xiaoxiao, are you really sure that even the dragon can't break his 'illusion'?" Aunt Yu was sure to ask Ma Xiaoxiao again.

Ma Xiaoxiao nodded and said, "Yes, aunt, I used three spells to break the array of our Ma family, but there was nothing to do with that 'illusion'. Finally, I invited Shenlong, which returned without success. If his strength is not too high for me to break his 'illusion', then what I have experienced is real. He really has the strength to make me jump out of the earth.

At this time, Aunt Yu also has a difficult and heavy face. If everything Ma Xiaoxiao said is true, then this is extraordinary. Now even a zombie like a thousand years has come out, coupled with such a mysterious force as Leng Ming and the "m miracle" not long ago, will it really be in 2012? Is there a mythical era? Is 2012 really the end of the world?

"Auntie, who do you think he will be?"

"It's hard for me to say this. Maybe I won't know until I see him later. However, according to his current performance, he should have no malice towards Hua Ying and Xiaoyu. Let's take a look later. Looking at the intact arm on her right arm and the absence of corpse poison in her body, Aunt Yu didn't know how to explain all this.

And Yue Huaying and Ling Yu are also meditating. They also want to know the true identity of Leng Ming. What kind of person is Leng Ming? Why can he have something that can easily resolve the problem of corpse poison that can't be solved by people like Aunt Yu?

For a while, the whole living room was in a quiet state, and everyone had their own thoughts thinking about this sudden situation.

Suddenly, Aunt Yu's face, who was originally relaxed, became heavy again.

"Auntie, what's wrong?" Ma Xiaoxiao first found the strangeness of his aunt, so he hurriedly asked.

"Be careful, something is coming."


The four became nervous again.

"Ji Jie... Jie..."