Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 097 Four Clouds

Arthemis saw the small action of the four people, but she didn't say anything. Shenshan is no longer as pure as before.

Selfishness, power, struggle, killing... It's happening all the time. Artemis doesn't want to care so much, as long as he does his own things well.

"Okay, I won't say more. Pan, Eris, Tanatos, Minos, all four of you know what to do, right?

Seeing Artemis say this, is there any reason why the four people don't know? Although the four of them didn't want to, they still had to accept the task.

The four said with one voice, "Lord Artemis, I understand."

"Okay, since you understand, you can arrange it. It's better to catch her back before those birds find her. Wang also wants to know why she has been killed by the Sun Sword but still appears in China. If she is really her, it seems that the Pluto must have mastered some kind of secret skill. If we can get this secret skill through her, I believe you all know what kind of credit it will have, right? Artemis said to the four people with a radish and a hammer.

Artemis knows the thoughts of the four people, and she can only use this method to make the four people pay attention to this matter. Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious.

Because it seems that the army of the underworld has had some changes not long ago.

Sure enough, after hearing Artemis's words, Pan, Eris, Tanatos and Minos' eyes were obviously different from the previous ones, and something representing some "desire" has appeared in their eyes.

Pan, Eris, Tanatos and Minos walked out of the open-air palace one after another. Artemis looked at the four people who left, and a trace of sharpness appeared in his eyes. Then, Artemis also turned into a sunny spot and disappeared.

Pan, Eris, Tanatos and Minos also began to prepare for their respective interests.

Tanatus: the god of death among the Greek gods, the son of the goddess of night, one of the oldest gods, is the chief military officer of Hades, the Greek gods.

Minos: The king of Crete, known for his strict rule of law, became one of the judges of the Greek underworld, the son of Zeus and Europa.

The four returned to their temples and began to prepare, gathering their subordinates. The whole Mount Olympus was once again sounded by the loud horn of war, and a team of four people gathered in all directions.

I believe that in the near future, everything from the past war will start again.

In the west, in the place where the winged angels live, called heaven, a kind-faced young man and six angels with eight-winged holy light wings and a six-winged holy light wing are discussing something.

"Father God, according to the results of his subordinates' exploration, the Pluto has reappeared in the world, and his goal is a mortal, a Chinese girl very similar to the former Dark Moon Princess. An archangel in the lower world just came to report that the Greek Protoss had sent someone to contact the girl, but was killed by the mount of the Pluto. According to the intelligence, the girl should be the reincarnation of Princess Dark Moon. Michael, the archangel, respectfully reported to the Lord above him what he had.

When the Lord heard Michael's words, there was a light of joy in his eyes, but the light of joy was quickly concealed by him, and his face was still so quiet and kind.

"Angel Michael, wasn't Princess Dark Moon killed by God the Father? How can it still appear in the world?" Gabriel, the chief angel of wisdom, frowned and asked doubtfully.

Gabriel is very strange. Even angels like themselves who can be reborn as long as they are not killed by some special weapons will be destroyed in the face of the sun sword of the Father God. Why did the Dark Moon Princess, who was killed by the Father God thousands of years ago, reappear in the world?

"I don't know the reason for Gabriel, but this is the fact, and the mount of the Pluto protects her. If she is not the Dark Moon Princess, I really can't think of any reason for an ordinary person to let the Pluto pay so much attention to it, even if she looks like the Dark Moon Princess."

"So...is it possible that Pluto saw the wrong person?"

"Archangel Gabriel, do you think the Pluto will be such a boring person? Do you think that the underworld emperor, a man who is the princess of the dark moon, will not know who is his real princess? In the face of Michael's tirelessness, there was also a burst of explanation.

However, when Michael finished this last sentence, his heart screamed badly.

Because he told the taboos of heaven, in heaven, the former princess of the demon world can only be called the dark moon princess of the demon world. She can't be that man's princess, otherwise...

Sure enough, when Jehovah heard Michael say the word "Princess", his smiling and kind face collapsed in an instant, and a trace of insidiousness and anger replaced his usual image of "God loves the world".

The seven people also learned about the change of Jehovah's attitude and the change of the atmosphere at the first time, and immediately calmed down. Even Gabre, who still had a little doubt, dared not say anything.

After nearly three minutes, Jehovah's face improved, but there was no longer his original smile and kindness, staring at the seven archangels under his seat with a serious and majestic face.

" Michael, is your information accurate?"

"Father, these informations are very accurate. In case I went to investigate in person, the girl did look exactly like the former Dark Moon Princess, but she is just an ordinary person in this life."

"ordinary people? Humph... I don't believe that Leng Ming will summon his mount from the underworld to protect her for the safety of a woman. If she is not Ying, I absolutely can't believe it. With a trace of memory and a trace of pain, the Lord said with a little resentment and pity.

"But, Father, didn't Princess Dark Moon be killed by mistake in the Four Worlds War thousands of years ago? Is there any possibility of arison under the Sun Sword? Although the killing of Princess Dark Moon is also a taboo existence in heaven, Michael did not mention it, because he also wanted to know what kind of unknown information there was in it.

"Micharles, you are right. Ying was indeed killed by me thousands of years ago, but it's all a cold mistake. I will definitely avenge myself." Speaking of Leng Ming, this man who made Jehovah hate, respect and worry, and the Lord's eyes also burst into flames.

When Jehovah's anger slowly subsided, he continued to say, "Although this is true, don't forget that the cold underworld is the emperor of the underworld, the emperor of the underworld who appeared earlier than the eastern heaven. The mystery of the underworld is not you or even any of the six worlds. People in the world can clearly and completely understand that it may not be possible for Leng Ming to resurrect Ying with some secret skills. As for why Ying is just an ordinary mortal now, maybe you have to ask her in person to know.

Recent of Yue Huaying, the beautiful face appeared in Jehovah's mind again, and Jehovah's eyes were also full of strong love.

Seeing the Lord recalling, the seven archangels led by Michael no longer asked anything, but waited for their father Jehovah to issue a new task to them.

"Ah..." A deep sigh came from the mouth of the Lord, and the Lord also woke up from his past memories, looked at the seven people at the next head and said:


"Father..." An angel with six holy light wings behind him, a beautiful Raphael with a sacred and holy face, stood out of the queue of seven people.

"I will hand over the heavy responsibility of bringing Ying back to you. You can lead your main angel army and the powerful angels down the lower world to have a good time with the lackeys of the emperor. Remember, I want you to bring Ying back intact. If Ying has any mistakes, I think you know what the consequences will be. The Lord said with a serious and stern face.

"Yes, Father, I know what to do. I will bring her back completely." Raphael half knelt and said.

"Migale, Gabre, Ulir."

"Father God!" The three archangels with eight holy light wings called by the Lord stood out of the queue.

"The three of you led all the battle angels in heaven to guard the border. Recently, the army in the underworld seems to have some changes. Don't let them have a chance to take advantage of it, okay?"

"Yes, Father, we will guard the border and not let any creature in the underworld cross the minefield." Michael, the head of the seven archangels, answered.

"Well, since you all understand your responsibilities, you should guard our paradise. Since we meditated on moving the battlefield to the world, we are also ready to continue the war thousands of years ago. Maybe it's time to end." The Lord said with incomparable majesty.

"Holy Father... Long live heaven!"

And in the east, in the beautiful and glorious place known as the Jinluan Hall of the Fairy World, there are also fairy groups led by Haotian holding meetings.

"Your Majesty, now the divine world in the West and those birds are beginning to move, and there are signs of marching towards China. Do you think we are also preparing a little just in case?" Taishang Laojun, who is not Haotian's think tank, said to Haotian in gorgeous clothes with a flattering face.

"Ready? Why should we prepare? Why don't they just let them fight if they want to? Isn't it good for us to do it when they are tired? Haotian said with a gloomy face.

Taishang Laojun suddenly said with a clear face, "Yes, yes, your majesty is wise, your majesty is wise."

And several other people on the throne also praised Haotian with flattering faces.