Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 160 Looking for the Memory of the Demon World

"Ying'er... Do you think it's okay to sentence like this?" Yue Xiao looked at Yue Huaying again with a sad face and said.

"Uh... Thank you for your grace, as long as you don't die." After saying that, Yue Huaying could no longer stand her inner suffering and Yue Xiao and Zi Bing looked at their fiery eyes and ran back to Leng Ming's side and snuggled tightly to Leng Ming's side.

Although Leng Ming's position at this time and Yue Xiao are just like a few steps, even if it is only these steps, Yue Huaying still feels more secure beside Leng Ming. At this time, Yue Huaying still did not dare to look at Yue Xiao, especially Zibing.

And Leng Ming could only smile apologetically at Yue Xiao when he saw this scene.

Yue Xiao understood Leng Ming's eyes and shook her head gently with a trace of understanding.

The matter of Ottersman's blasphemy with Yue Huaying was solved. After whispering a few words by Yue Xiao, the waiter beside him shouted to the ministers around him: "Your Majesty, the welcome ceremony is temporarily cancelled. Please wait for the order to choose another day. If you have nothing to do, step back..."

"Hang, my emperor, long live... Long live the emperor... Long live the queen, the princess..."

As the waiter's words fell, the surrounding ministers kowtowed again and slowly retreated, and Oval and Ottersman were also helped by Luo Yi's command.

In addition to some of Yue Xiao's cronies, even the seven demon gods in the demon world left the square. Now all the people standing on the square are Yuexiao's family.

"Father-in-law and mother-in-law are safe..." When everyone retreated, Leng Ming, who had just watched the play, greeted Yuexiao and Zibing.

This is not that Leng Ming is really just watching the play. After all, this is a matter of the demon world. Although he is the emperor's son-in-law of the demon world, he has the title of the emperor on his head. It is still not easy to come forward in such an occasion. And he also believes that Yue Huaying can solve it and let Yue Huaying come into contact with more bits and pieces of the demon world, which is very helpful for Yue Huaying to recall everything in the past. Therefore, Leng Ming did not say or do anything just now, but just took action when it was time to take action.

"Ming'er, thank you for your hard work..." Yue Xiao said more words.

"Ha ha... nothing, this is what I should do. Ying, it's time to call someone." Leng Ming gently pushed and pulled Yue Huaying from behind him to his side.

However, Yue Huaying is still so worried and shy at this time that she dares not look at Yue Xiao and Zi Bing at all.

Yue Huaying knew that she could not say anything about Yue Xiao and Zibing's "father and mother queen" at this time, and Yue Huaying could no longer call Yue Xiao and Zibing "Your Majesty the Demon Emperor and Demon Queen", which is very hurtful. Therefore, at this time, Yue Huaying really didn't know how to face the two people in front of her, so she could only stand in the same place with her head down and dared not look at them without saying anything.

"Ying..." Seeing that Yue Huaying was silent, Leng Ming gently pulled Yue Huaying's clothes and encouraged her.

And Yue Xiao saw Yue Huaying's reaction at this time and knew that Yue Huaying could not accept the two of them at this time. She said in a voice that she didn't know whether it was a bitter smile or a real smile, "Okay, Minger, let's talk about it later. Don't embarras Yinger."


Without waiting for Leng Ming to say anything, Zi Bing, with a sad face, also smiled with difficulty and said to Leng Ming, "Ming'er, your father is right. Don't embarrass Yinger. Ying'er is still not used to it. Let's talk about it later."

Seeing that Yue Xiao and Zi Bing both said this, Leng Ming could not insist on anything more, so he could only sigh and say, "All right."

At this time, Leng Ming knew that Yue Xiao and Zi Bing were very bitter and sad.

Yue Xiao took a deep breath and looked at Leng Ming and Yue Huaying and said, "Well, it's all over, but today's ceremony to welcome Yinger back has also been ruined, but that's nothing. Let's make up for it then. Minger, Yinger, come on, let's go back to the palace.

"Drive back to the palace..."

At this time, Zibing looked at Yue Huaying, who was close at her, and wanted to come forward to help Yue Huaying understand the woman's feelings. However, when Zibing took a step, she seemed to remember something. She withdrew her steps with a silent face and followed Yue Xiao to the deep palace with reluctance.

All this was also seen by Yue Huaying. Behind Yue Xiao and Zi Bing, Yue Huaying took Leng Ming's arm and whispered, "Ming... I'm sorry, did I hurt their hearts?"

Leng Ming patted Yue Huaying's palm and said, "Yes, for thousands of years, my father-in-law and mother-in-law have been waiting for you to wait so hard, but now you haven't recognized them. Their hearts... hey..."

"I'm sorry, Ming, I..."

"I know that you haven't recovered your memory yet. You are strange to everything in the demon world and strange to them. You can't believe that they also understand. But you don't need to think so much. Let's work together and believe you will soon find your previous memory. And I also believe that my father and mother will not blame you, you know?"

"Um..." Yue Huaying nodded gently, and her eyes were also filled with tears.

Yue Huaying swore in her heart that for all those who love her and those she loves, she will try her best to find the memories she has passed away.

The group walked to the deep palace with their own thoughts. This journey is indeed a long and difficult road.


Time flies, and Yue Huaying has also stayed in the demon world for a week.

During this week, Leng Ming took Yue Huaying to visit the palace where Yue Huaying once lived thousands of years ago; took Yue Huaying to review the process of meeting and knowing each other; she also saw everything in the demon world; and Zi Bing also went to Yue Huaying's palace three days after Yue Huaying came to the demon world as soon as she had time. Running in the hall, although Yue Huaying still did not recognize Zi Bing, Zi Bing was already very happy, because Yue Huaying has now cared about and cared for herself as much as her elders. Although Zi Bing still could not hear the word "mother" from Yue Huaying, she believes that this time is not far away. .

And a week later, Leng Ming could not accompany Yue Huaying all the time. Even if it was a shadow, Yue Huaying rarely saw it. The only thing that Yue Huaying could often contact with was Zibing. Zibing came to Yue Huaying's palace every day to see Yue Huaying and told Yue Huaying some interesting things about Yue Huaying. The embravage at that time, hoping that the current Yue Huaying can quickly remember herself.

However, although Yue Huaying has been in the demon world for a long time and has heard a lot of her own interesting stories and anecdotes, Yue Huaying is still Yuehuaying in the world. Yue Huaying in the demon world thousands of years ago did not really return to the demon world, but Yue Huaying feels about the current demon world. More familiar and real, there are often some involuntary fragments and images in my heart and mind.

Although Yue Huaying has not been able to really see or remember what these images represent and what these fragments mean, Yue Huaying knows that she is not far from the day she remembers everything. Perhaps, tomorrow she will become the dark moon princess of the demon world and the dark moon concubine of the underworld again.

Yue Huaying is looking forward to it, Zi Bing is looking forward to it, Yue Xiao is also looking forward to it, and Leng Ming is also looking forward to it... Everyone closely related to Yue Huaying is looking forward to Yue Huaying can find herself as soon as possible and become Yue Huaying thousands of years ago.

Today, Zi Bing came to Yue Huaying's palace again. Today, she will take Yue Huaying to the largest temple in the imperial city to sacrifice.

"See the Queen..."

"False, Xiaoqi, is the princess awake?"

"Try to the Empress, the princess has woken up. Xiaojiu is dressing up for the princess. It will be fine in a moment. Please wait a moment, and I'll go in and inform her." Xiaoqi, who once served Yue Huaying, and Xiaoqi, said to Zibing.

"No, Xiaoqi. I'll sit outside for a while and let Yinger take your time. Don't worry." Zi Bing said with a kind face.

For now, Zi Bing is very satisfied and happy. Every time she looks at Yue Huaying, Zi Bing has a lot of maternal love in her heart. It seems that she has returned to the feeling when Yue Huaying was not yet married, which makes Zi Bing feel sad and happy.

"Yes, Madam..."

Not long after, a well-dressed Yue Huaying came out of the inner hall and saw that Zi Bing was already waiting for her. She smiled on the ground and said:

"Hua Ying has seen the Empress..."

Although Yue Huaying really wants to say the sentence "I have met my mother", I don't know why Yue Huaying can't say it every time she comes to her mouth. And as time went by, Yue Huaying found it more and more difficult to open her mouth to call Zi Bingmu. As a last resort, Yue Huaying can only let nature take its course, and she can only call Zi Bing like this first. When she finds the right time in the future, she may be able to say it well. Now, it's really difficult.

"Wing up, get up, Yinger, I said you don't need to be like this. Why are you always so disobedient?" Zi Bing said with an anangst face.

Although Zibing looked a strange face at this time, her eyes were full of love.

"Mother, I..."

"Well, don't say anything, we have to go quickly..." However, before Yue Huaying could say anything, she was pulled out of the door by Zi Bing.

Looking at Zi Bing at this time, Yue Huaying really can't imagine Zi Bing at this time as the demon queen in the demon world. At this time, she is more like an ordinary woman and a mother who loves her daughter.

At this time, Yue Huaying felt that she was very happy. She really liked the feeling of having home and parents now, which made Yue Huaying feel very warm and warm after having her own thoughts and always thought that she had no parents and no home. Although Yue Huaying also hoped that she could have this family, her parents, and everything related to herself immediately, Yue Huaying did not dare, because she was afraid that it was just a dream.

Although Leng Ming and all the people related to her say that she is the little princess of the former demon world, Yue Huaying still dares not admit it at this moment. She is really a little worried that it will be a dream in the end. If so, it will be unfair to herself. It's unfair to Yue Xiao and Zibing, and to Leng Ming, who loves him deeply. Therefore, Yue Huaying decided that unless she really recovered her own memory and understood who she really was, she could only suppress the increasingly strong impulse and only be the current Yue Huaying and did not rashly accept her identity as the princess of the demon world.

Because Yue Huaying really feels that she can't afford to hurt, and everyone can't afford to hurt!

Looking at Zi Bing with a loving and excited face, Yue Huaying has also regarded her as her mother. Although she may really be her own mother, for Yue Huaying now, she can only regard Zi Bing as her mother.

Yue Huaying was also happily pulled out of the door by Zibing with a happy face and said, "Okay, let's go now."

So, the group quickly walked out of the palace.