Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 162 The Mysterious True Face of Leng Ming

"Madam, isn't that the Lord's thing? How can it be saved there? Isn't this the territory of our demon world? Jehovah will put his weapons in the demon world? Thinking of the golden color preserved in the temple in front of her, Yue Huaying asked strangely.

"Humph... That can't help him. That's the murder weapon that once killed you. Do you think Ming'er and your father will let the Lord take it away? Originally, the sun sword was placed in the palace of Ming'er, but the last time he resurrected your body, he got the demon world to find the trace of your soul, and then was thrown into the demon world. However, it may no longer be called the Western artifact - the Sun Sword. Maybe we should call it the Dark Magic Sword.


"After thousands of years of demons invading it, it has completely turned into a magic weapon. Even if the Lord takes it back, he dares not use it. If he wants to use it, hey... That's a good show."

"Oh, well, why did you bring it to the demon world? What are you going to do with it? I seem to have heard that the people killed by the sword of the sun will be destroyed. Even the Lord dare not try its edge. Why can he find my soul, condense my body and resurrect me? Yue Huaying asked Zibing about her own questions all the time.

If the Sun Sword does not have such characteristics, then Jehovah, Haotian and Ao Wuyou, the lord of the demon world, can't think that he is dead. Otherwise, if they know that they are still alive, their time in the world will not be so leisurely. However, Yue Huaying knew that she could not ask Leng Ming directly about this question, because it would sprinkle salt on his wound. Now that there is someone who knows the inside story, Yue Huaying certainly wants to know the reason.

"In fact, I don't quite understand this, but I can imagine the difficulties between hearing that it took Ming'er thousands of years to help you reunite your body. As for the method used, no one really knows. Even your father doesn't know the inside story. All we know is that this may be related to Ming'er's identity.

"The identity of the underworld? Is there any other identity besides the identity of the Lord of the Underworld? Yue Huaying asked with a puzzled face.

"Isn't this Ming'er or any other identity? This is about some secrets in the underworld."

"Mixin of the underworld?" Yue Huaying also asked curiously, and her eyes were full of wanting to know the answer.

Zi Bing knew that Yue Huaying had not remembered the past, so she nodded and continued to explain, "Yes, it's about the secret of the underworld. In fact, at the beginning of the formation of the six worlds, 3,000 worlds were not divided into six worlds. In fact, there were only three worlds of heaven, earth and man.

"The three worlds of heaven, earth and man? Does the so-called earthly world refer to the underworld?

"Yes, the earth refers to the underworld. Therefore, no one knows how the underworld came from and what kind of secrets it has. Just like the heavenly world and the human world, it has existed from the beginning of all walks of life. Even the pioneering Pangu god may not know it. Even if the three worlds of demons, demons and Buddha are destroyed, the heavenly world, the underworld and the human world will not be destroyed. Even if they are destroyed, they can still be reborn in the next reincarnation. At that time, I don't know how long it will take for the emergence of demons, demons and Buddha.

"What does this have to do with my resurrection?"

"Of course, and it has a lot to do with it. As we all know, the heavenly world is in charge of the life of all creatures, while the underworld is in charge of the death of the six worlds. Even we immortals and demons will die. Do you know about the five declines of heaven and men?

Yue Huaying nodded and responded.

"Therefore, although people like us, as long as it comes to the decline of heaven and man, it will dissipate in the five elements and six worlds. Even the unnatural death of the demon soldiers and generals in the demon world will turn to the reincarnation of the underworld. Although everyone only knows the existence of hell, in fact, hell should be only a branch of the underworld, and the secret of this may only be known by Ming'er.

"This... why can't I understand it more and more?" Yue Huaying scratched her forehead and looked at Zi Bing like a heavenly book.

"Ha ha... Listen to me slowly and you will understand. As long as you know that the underworld is the death of the six realms, whether it is immortals, demons, Buddhas, demons, or people will fall into the six reincarnations at a certain time, and then they will become immortals, demons, Buddhas, demons and people again, and only heaven can know. And Ming'er is the emperor in charge of this threshold. Yinger, do you think this has anything to do with your resurrection?

"It's true, but aren't the people killed by the Sun Sword all destroyed? How can it be saved? In the world, we may all think that the body is the sign of a person's survival, but I know that for us, our soul is the most important thing. If the soul is gone, it is impossible to have a body, right? Then I was destroyed at that moment. Why can I be saved? I don't understand." Yue Huaying shook her head and said.

"However, don't forget that you died in Ming'er's arms at that time. I think Ming'er will use his magical power to keep a trace of soul for you at that moment. Although the Sun Sword is the thing of the Lord and the artifact of the Western world, the mystery of our East is not what those birds in the West can understand.

"The magic power? Is there any magic power that you are afraid of or don't know?"

"Yes, and it must be, but I don't know what this magic power is. Maybe no one in the six worlds knows. Only Ming'er knows it. I remember that your father once talked to me about the previous emperor.

"The emperor of the underworld? Is it Ming's father?"

"I don't know, maybe, maybe not."

"Uh..." Hearing Zi Bing's answer, Yue Huaying was speechless again, and countless question marks appeared on her head in an instant. She really didn't know what Zi Bing's words meant.

"Yinger, don't look at me like this. It's true. The other emperors of the five worlds have won the throne through father to son or rebellion, but the underworld is different. Since the beginning of heaven and earth, there have only been two emperors in the underworld.

"Two of you?" Thinking of this, Yue Huaying suddenly thought of how old would Leng Ming be? A thousand years old? Ten thousand years old? 50,000 years old? Or longer?

Thinking of the horrible years, Yue Huaying's heart is trembling. She is a child in her twenties. Even in the past, the cold age is enough to be her former grandfather.

However, this idea was also thrown behind by Yue Huaying. Here, age is really not a problem.

"Yes, it's just two, and after hearing your father say that the previous emperor of the underworld disappeared, Ming'er suddenly appeared in the underworld to replace the throne of the previous emperor, and soon after, the hell also appeared. Therefore, it is rumored in the five worlds that the hell is actually the world created by the first emperor of the underworld, a world that complements the underworld. And Ming'er, perhaps even his reincarnation, is not necessarily, so the first emperor of the underworld may be his father or maybe that is him.

"Reincarnation? Isn't that the same as me?"

"Yes, that's why you and your father made such a guess. Otherwise, the time would be too coincidental. As soon as the previous Pluto died, Pluto took over the underworld without any warning and did not cause a rebound from the major forces in the underworld, and the hell also appeared soon. I believe you will also think it. Isn't it ordinary? It is because of this that we guess that Ming actually has a great magic power that other emperors in the five worlds do not have, and this magic power may not even know Minger himself, and it may not appear only when he unconsciously, and this magic power is the key to resurrecting you.

After thinking about it, Yue Huaying also nodded in favor of Zi Bing's remarks, and only in this way can all be explained. Otherwise, the current Leng Ming will not be Leng Ming at this time, and he will become the previous emperor.

"Do they know these things? If you know, will it cause harm to the underworld?" Yue Huaying pointed to the sky and asked worriedly.

This is a man who is innocent and has a crime.

"No, this is just my guess and your father's guess. It's impossible for others to know. However, due to your resurrection, I believe that people with intentions may notice some clues. However, don't worry about Yinger. You may not know Ming'er's strength, but I know that in the case of one-on-one, Jehovah can never be good. Even two-to-one Ming'er has the strength to protect themselves. Even if it is invincible, Ming'er, who may have the strength of the first Pluto, is not taken as powerful as the Taoist ancestors.

"Taozu? Who is this?"

"The Taoist ancestor is not who, but a general name for gods and demons that surpass the strength of the emperor, that is, the Pangu god, the Nuwa god, Hongjun Taoist ancestor and others you have heard in the world. These people are no longer in the 3,000 world. As for where they have gone, no one knows, and no one can inquire. However, if Ming'er's identity is really like what your father and I guessed, then Ming'er's potential strength is not a small Jehovah and Haotian that can fight against.

"Hm, I see."

"Of course, this is just my guess. Whether Ming'er is the reincarnation of the Ming Emperor or not remains to be argued, but Yinger, don't worry, Ming'er will be fine. This possible war in the four worlds will definitely let Jehovah and Haotian know the power of our two worlds."

"I'm not worried. I'm just worried that I don't know how many people will die in the war. It's still ordinary people who suffer, hey..." Yue Huaying said with a compassionate face.

"Yes, no one can make up for the wounds of war. It can only be made up by time, but there is no way now. If you want to prevent war, you need to destroy all ambitious people, so as to stop the outbreak of war. However, history has proved that ambitious people are unlikely to be wiped out. After a cycle, war will come by chance. The only thing we can do is to end the war as soon as possible and let our people suffer less from war.

"Yes, I hope this war can end soon, and I hope I can also help Ming." Feeling the direction that Leng Ming may exist, Yue Huaying's loving heart has flown away.