Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 187 The Great War Begins

"Now..." With the opening of Leng Ming's words again, the army of the underworld, which had just been angry, became silent in an instant. All that was left was the fluttering of the banner and the atmosphere of killing spread across the plain.

"Now, I order the army to start..."





With the end of Leng Ming's words, the underworld soldiers raised their weapons and roared loudly.

At this time, nine gray-gold pillars of light with a diameter of about 10 meters suddenly appeared on the wide plain, straight into the sky from the ground of the grassland, as if the whole sky had been opened nine huge openings. At the bottom of the beam of light, you can faintly see the shining runes and ancient words like the reincarnation channel. Next to each beam of light stand five people in purple robes, hiding in purple robes and singing spells.

With the whispering of the people in purple, their bodies flashed with blue, red, yellow, white and black lights one after another. Although these lights flashed on their bodies one after another, it is difficult to form a naked eye on the top of the heads of the five of them. The visible gray energy melted into the golden beam of light.

It turns out that they are the unique mage of the underworld.

At this time, the underworld army gathered on the plain began to really start. Teams after the underworld army walked to the nine pillars of light around the plain. When the nine pillars of light were full of the underworld army, the golden light flashed on the golden beam of light, and the underworld army standing in the beam of light disappeared, and the next batch of underworld forces They walked into the pillar of light again, and the pillar of light flashed again, and they disappeared again.

With the disappearance of the underworld army on the plain, Leng Ming and Yue Huaying also walked down the high platform.

At this time, Leng Ming and Yue Huaying were also dressed in a royal costume. Leng Ming's whole body was wrapped in a purple-gold cloak, and could not see what style of armor Leng Ming was wearing under the purple-gold cloak. He could only see his imperial style from the crown on his head and the golden shoes with a trace of purple shoes under his feet. Fan, and the long purple hair up to her waist fluttered with the wind; while Yue Huaying wore milky armor, and a purple-blue cloak also floated its heroic hair behind her. Unlike the cold purple gold, Yuehuaying's long black hair quietly floated in the air of her waist, and A delicate long sword was pinned to Yue Huaying's waist.

"Ming, this time, you must not leave me again, otherwise, I will not forgive you again." Before leaving, Yue Huaying said to Leng Ming with a solemn face. There was no ordinary on her face, and there was endless coldness and seriousness on her face like Leng Ming.

He smiled coldly and said lovingly, " Ying, I promise you that no matter what happens this time, I won't leave you again. I don't want to live for another hundred years. What I want is to live and die with you!"

"Well... live and die together." Yue Huaying looked at Leng Ming and responded firmly, and her eyes were also full of joy.

Without too many words, Leng Ming and Yue Huaying conveyed the inseparable emotions with the eyes of both sides.

At this time, there was already a group of five mage in purple robes next to Leng Ming and Yue Huaying. Under the singing of the five people, a high and low gray gate of the two appeared in front of Leng Ming and Yue Huaying.

When Leng Ming and Yue Huaying entered the door, five purple-robed people also entered the door one after another. When the seven figures disappeared behind the door, the gray door gathered into an origin and disappeared on the plain.

And the nine huge golden pillars of light on the huge plain are still transmitting the army of the underworld at this time. Although it is only for such a short period of time, nearly one-third of the army in the underworld on the plain has been transmitted.


In the fairyland, there is no harmony like the underworld at this time. At this moment, Erlang God is carrying out a fierce attack with his 100,000 troops to the positions of the first, fourth and fifth armies of the pioneers of the underworld commanded by Cang Ming. Countless spells and magic weapons are now bombarding and exploding each other in the positions of the two sides. From time to time The bodies of the underworld and immortals exploded and Yuanying was destroyed.

Although there are 300,000 people led by Cang Ming, in the face of the fairyland at this moment, the more and more immortals and more immortals and more immortals have joined, and Cang Ming also felt great pressure.

"My lord, what should I do? Now there are more and more immortals in the fairyland. When will the emperor's army arrive? If we don't pay, we will be made dumplings by them. Now the pioneers of the east, west and north gates have approached us, and the army of the fairyland is also pressing towards my south gate from these three directions. I'm really worried that we can't guard until then. I really don't know what's wrong with these people in the fairyland. Why are they all crazy? Didn't these people in the fairyland be very afraid of death in the past? Looking at the gorgeous spells and booming explosions on the battlefield ahead, Yuxun said anxiously.

Although the fairyland can't pose any substantial threat to its own side yet, it will happen sooner or later. After all, everyone is alone now.

"Yes, my lord, you have made a decision. If it goes on like this, we will be surrounded by the fairyland." Lun's pat also echoed.

Although Tianyi did not speak, the heavy look on his cold face also told everyone that his heart was not calm at this time.

Cangming also kept an eye on the battlefield ahead. Although both sides were in a stalemate at this time, Cangming knew that this situation would not last long. Soon after, when the reinforcements of the fairyland arrived, it was the defeat of his side that began. However, in the face of such an unfavorable situation, Ming's heart has not wavered. In order to complete the cold plan, even if he only fights to himself at that time, vicissitudes will not retreat half a step from Nantianmen.


Cang Ming waved his hand and said resolutely, "No matter what, we must guard the Southern Heaven Gate and wait for the arrival of the emperor. Even if I am left alone in the final battle, I will not take half a step back from the Southern Heaven Gate. Now, it is time for a war of attrition. As long as the emperor can lead the troops, we will Don't worry about these problems. Yuxun..."

"My subordinates are here!"

"You lead your First Army to attack from the side and attack the left wing of Erlang God. Be sure not to make them have the possibility of encirclement. Remember, beware of their reinforcements."

"Yes, my lord..."

"One beat..."

"Your excellency..." Lun stood in front of the series and said.

"You led the fourth legion to attack the right wing of Erlang God, and you should also pay more attention!"

"Yes, my lord..."

"Tianyi, you led your fifth army to guard the front with me. I want to see what way Erlang God can take a step forward from me."

"Yes, my lord!"

"Go back and arrange it and tell all the descendants of the underworld to fight to the death for the future of the underworld and for the emperor's plan..."

"Yes (yes)"..." Yu Hun, Lun Yipai and Tianyi withdrew from the big account.

Cang Ming looked at the battlefield with bursts of explosions and sad screams, and his eyes became severe and deep. Looking at the depths of the fairyland far away from the battlefield, Cang Ming said to himself with a sneer on his face: "It's time to count the time. They should also let the fairyland drink a pot."

After saying that, Cang Ming pulled his robe and appeared in the big tent, wearing black dog-patterned teeth and shoulder armor, and then disappeared into the big account.

On the side of the fairyland facing Cangming, at this time, Erlang Shen also presided over the fairyland military meeting.



"In honor of Erlang Shenjun, our army in the fairyland has reoccupied the three gates of the east, west and north, and the army that attacked in the underworld is coming to our south Tianmen. At this moment, Li Tianwang is leading the army to move closer to my south Tianmen, and an hour later, he can form an absolute encirclement of the underworld army. Taishang Laojun is also accompanying His Majesty to lead a large army to come to us.

"Okay..." Erlang Shen patted the chair under him and shouted, with a triumphant smile on his face.

"This time, I'll see how you run. Humph... Don't be the lackey of the Underworld Emperor. This is the end of not obeying the order of the Emperor of the Immortal Emperor.

"Wow...Wow..." The roaring dog also shook its head and shouted excitedly at Erlang's feet.

"Thousand-mile eyes, downwind ears..."

"My subordinates are here." The two people who stood up closest to the door above Erlang God's tent said first to Erlang God.

"I don't know what your brothers found out this time? Isn't there any reason to shirk it? This is a good opportunity for you to make contributions. I hope you don't miss it, otherwise my asthma dog will play with its toys again.

The roaring dog showed its dry eyes and looked at the heads of Qianliyan and Shunfeng'er, as if their heads had become a toy kicking around under their feet.

Looking at the eyes of the roaring dog looking at him, Qianliyan and Shunfeng'er trembed involuntarily. They believed that if they didn't give something constructive, Erlang would send them to Sendai at that time.

"My subordinates dare not, and my subordinates will definitely bring you the latest war report." Qianliyan and Shunfeng'er said at the same time.

At this time, Qianliyan's eyes also showed a divine light, and the eyes, which were already larger than ordinary people, were magnified again; and the huge wind ears of Shunfeng's ears were doubled again, listening in the direction of the battlefield of the Battle of Xianming.

After a moment!!!

"I returned to Erlang Shenjun..."


According to the observation of Shunfeng'er and me, nearly three armies of the underworld should have invaded our fairyland this time, but I don't know why. When they had an advantage at this time, they did not go deep into my fairyland, as if they were just to defend the Southern Heavenly Gate. Now that the vanguard of our army has been entangled with the underworld, I dare not assert who will win the final victory, but I know that in the end, these dirty and evil underworlds will definitely be driven back to the underworld by us or even destroy them all.

300,000? So many?" Hearing the figures said by Qianliyan and Shunfenger, Erlang Shen was also a little shocked. Originally, he thought it was only more than 100,000, but he didn't expect that it had more than doubled. It seems that this action of the underworld is very different from the past.