Fate Creator

Chapter 103 It Snows on the Sea

Feng Yi raised his eyebrows, pointed to Liu Yi's back, and said lightly, "What do you think that is?"

Liu Yi was stunned and slowly turned his head, but saw nothing. He was at a loss and was about to ask Feng Yi what was going on. Suddenly, his buttocks hurt, and then he flew out of the sea of knowledge like a kite off the line.

After returning to the body, Liu Yi trembled and fell from **. A big word lay on the ground.

"Ky, practice well!" Feng Yi's gloating voice came leisurely from the sea.

"You old fox~! Insidious old man. I'll deal with you in the future." Liu Yi secretly slandered himself and dared not say it. He could only have fun in his heart.

Liu Yici grinned, rubbed his buttocks with pain with his hands, and secretly scolded Feng Yi for being unkind.

"Gak." At this time, the door was pushed open, and Shangguan Qing and the third prince looked at Liu Yi lying on the ground in surprise. Looking at Liu Yi's strange posture, both of them couldn't help frowning.

Liu Yi was embarrassed and didn't know what to do. He could only stare at Shangguan Qing and the Third Prince with small eyes and smiled for a moment: "This... That me..."

The third prince immediately smiled and said lightly, "Brother Yi must have practiced martial arts that we have never seen before. I think it's very much like toad skills. What do you think?"

The third prince turned his head to ask Shangguan Qing, but with a serious expression on his face.

"Don't say it, it's really similar to my golden toad." Shangguan's eyes were like a crescent moon, looking at Liu Yi with a smile, and then fiddling with the golden toad in his hand.

"Kun! " quack!" The golden toad seemed dissatisfied with comparing others to himself and quickly protested.

"Haha!" The third prince can't help laughing now.

Liu Yi knew that the two were making fun of him and smiled awkwardly. He got up and said, "What are you looking for me for?"

"Now, we have been sailing for a while, and now it's getting cooler. Elder Mo asked us to go to his place to discuss walking." The third prince shook his hand gently, with a faint smile on his face, and was still immersed in Liu Yi's unique posture just now.

"In that case, let's go quickly and don't stay here." Liu Yi said righteously, and hurried out without waiting for Shangguan Qing and the third prince to speak. Liu Yi really doesn't want the two to misunderstand anything. It's easy to fantasize in this place.


As soon as I got out of the door, a cool breeze came, "Sneeze." Liu Yi sneezed coldly. It seems that the innocence has changed. Liu Yi looked at the dark sky, frowned, then tightened his tight clothes and strode to Mo Yun's room.

Shangguan Qing and the third prince followed closely, and the three entered Mo Yun's room almost at the same time.

"What's the matter with us!" Liu Yi arched his hand. Mo Yun did not answer Liu Yi's words, narrowed his eyes and looked at Liu Yi's body for a long time and said leisurely, "I didn't expect you to make rapid progress in less than ten days and entered the late rhyme."

"The senior is flattered, and the younger generation is just a fluke." Liu Yi smiled. In his heart, he couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "Mo's eyes are really poisonous, and the realm is so accurate." In fact, Liu Yi doesn't know that every time his cultivation enters a level, he will show it from his temperament.

"What!" Hearing that Liu Yi arrived at the late stage of Yundao, Shangguan Qing and the Third Prince were surprised. I thought that no matter how Liu Yi practiced in these days, he could not reach the late rhyme. According to common sense, it should not be so fast, either a talented and powerful talent, or Liu Yi has some secrets.

The two of them look uncertain and have their own ideas.

Mo Yun smiled and said, "If the color gradually changes today, I'm afraid that something big will happen. This sea is incomparable to land, and there will be much more danger. We have to be careful in everything. Mo Yun looked at the sky outside the sailboat from the window and told several people that his face gradually became solemn.

"Please rest assured that this senior will do everything according to his predecessor's will." The third prince arched his hand, because among these people, only Mo Yun's cultivation was the highest, and he had reached the late stage of the divine palace, or he would not hurt the old man around the second prince with one move.

"Oh!" Shangguan Qing looked at the white spots outside and was surprised.

"What's the matter, young girl." The third prince asked.

"It seems... It seems to be snowing. Shangguan Qing is not sure. Looking at the weather outside, it feels like it is.

"What!" Liu Yi frowned. Snow on the sea is not common, especially in the central area.

"Is it on the top of the North Sea?" The third prince exclaimed and hurriedly walked out of the cabin and looked over the endless sea. As Shangguan Qing said, there was a little snow. But I can't see the top of the North Sea in my heart.

Mo Yun walked to the window, looked into the distance, frowned, and said to himself, "Is it really on the top of the North Sea?"

Liu Yi stood behind Mo Yun, silent, but silently looked into the distance with Mo Yun.

The wind gradually became strong, and the roaring sound blew by, like a ghost roar, shocking. The light snow in the air also slowly became bigger, and it didn't take long to turn into heavy snow.

In the dark sky, the sailboat drove like a flat boat on the vast sea, pushing forward with the help of the ling wind.

Four people hid in the cabin room and couldn't go out in such cold weather.

"Senior, are we really almost at the top of the North Sea?" Liu Yi looked at the increasingly bad weather and asked.

"I don't know this. It's not supposed to be, but the reality is unpredictable." Mo Yun doesn't know why it's snowing heavily now. He looked at the white sky with a sad frown.

The heavy snow fell down crazily, and the roaring wind lingered in my ears all the time. The sailboat was isolated in this vast sea, and the thin and weak wind was windless. It seems that it will be swallowed up by the sea at any time.

Such a bad day lasted for three days and nights, and did not weaken until dawn on the fourth day.

I don't know when the sailing boat has stopped. Fortunately, Shangguan Qing and the third prince were well prepared and brought enough supplies to avoid a cold.

The sky was getting clear, and Mo Yun and everyone walked out of the cabin. When they saw everything around them, several people couldn't help taking a cold breath. The vast sea is calm like a mirror.

"What, is the sea frozen?"

Seeing the ice on the sea, several people couldn't help but be surprised again. Looking at the endless sea, several people completely cooled down.

"What's the best way to stay here without moving forward!" Shangguanqing's heart is cold. The sailboat was frozen here and there was no way back. Several people are worried, but they don't know how to act next.

If you are trapped here, who knows what will happen, let alone whether you can stick to it.

"Something is about to rush out under the sea!" A faint voice was remembered in Liu Yi's sea of knowledge. Hearing this, Liu Yi was excited and secretly operated his heart, showing his strength in the later stage of the rhyme.