Fate Creator

Chapter 177 Opportunity

"Is the body too empty?" Liu Yi, who hid behind the ancient tree, was shocked when he heard the name. The name may be strange, but the name Shihao was remembered by Liu Yi. On that day, the battle between the dragon prince and Shihao made Liu Yi deeply remember this special person and the family to which this person belongs - the Shiji clan.

And who is this corpse too empty now? Liu Yi doesn't know, but it must have a lot to do with Shi Hao, which is beyond doubt. Shihao is the young woman of the Shiji clan. She is young and talented. Although his body was smashed by the great prince of the dragon clan and the yuan god escaped, the terrible fighting power still impressed Liu Yi.

So how far has the virtual strength of the corpse in front of us reached? Judging from the palm just now, it can be said that it has transcended the realm of the corpse. Thinking of this, Liu Yi was creepy and scared for a while.

But since you come to the mulberry tree, you have to find the block of the mulberry tree to leave, or you will have spent a lot of painstaking efforts. There is also the water of the yellow spring not far away, which must be taken away. Maybe it will be useful in the future.

Liu Yi turned his head and looked at Shang Guanqing and said, "Miss Qing, it's urgent and can't be delayed. Go back to the stone cliff quickly and find a way to take away the yellow spring water. I'll go later."

"I happen to want to tell you about this. In that case, I'll go now." Shangguan Qing was secretly happy, and his eyes narrowed into a crescent. After that, he turned into a streamer and ran to the stone cliff.

"Brother, I'm worried that the young girl is in danger. I'll take care of it!" The black gold judge held a fire dragon knife and ran away without waiting for Liu Yi to answer.

Liu Yi smiled helplessly. This guy really can make excuses. Turning around and paying no attention to anything, his mind ran his power and started 365 swirls. A vertical eye opened between his eyebrows and looked at the mulberry tree.

The mulberry tree exists in a place of nothingness, which can be encountered and disappeared on the North Sea with the sun wheel. Now this mulberry tree must be strange, so Liu Yi looked at the mulberry tree in the misty forest with extreme eyes.

Silk power gushed out, and Liu Yi looked at the inside of the mulberry tree, which really surprised Liu Yi. Inside the mulberry tree, a turquoise heart connected all the corpses and was sucking sperm blood.

"It's no wonder these bodies have become mummified corpses!" Liu Yi raised his eyebrows and thought, "This mulberry tree is no longer pure and has become a demon tree. However, the corpse is too virtual to make it useful for itself, which is enough to show that the corpse is too virtual and extraordinary.

Liu Yi slowly searched. When he saw a golden object the size of a palm at the root, Liu Yi's heart beat faster. Finally, I found it." Liu Yi stretched his eyebrows and looked at the golden mulberry tree with a smile.

Spin, Liu Yi calmed down and waited quietly for an opportunity to control the overall situation. Unconsciously, Liu Yi looked at the fire and Wu Ben who were fighting

At this moment, the red hair danced, his hands flew and cut, and the fire lotus rotated like the wind, bombarding the corpse Taixu. And I am not ambiguous. The secrets of the dragon clan are on display. The sky and earth are changing, and the dragons are moving in the sky.

The corpse is too empty and calm. He captures the real dragon with his bare hands, kicks the wind and lotus, and walks between the fireman and my book. The remnants of Taoist shadows appeared one after another, and the clothes drew out Taoist long rainbows.

A black skull suddenly appeared between the eyebrows of the corpse, which was strange and unpredictable. With a punch, the real dragon with an iron body suddenly broke down and couldn't stand a false punch. The fire of the fire lotus burned brightly and twisted the space, but was trampled out by the corpse Taixu.

Seeing this, the fire and my forehead sweated, and my back was cold. There is such a terrible power with a single punch and one foot, but if the secret skills of the corpse clan pour out, wouldn't the lives of the two be in security?

Two people clenched their steel teeth, roared, stroked their hands, and pinched the seal.

"Roar! " hiss!"

A real dragon tore the void and carried me in mid-air. Zhenlong's angry eyes were wide open, his teeth and claws, and he roared at the corpse. The powerful body was full of black scales and black.

At the foot of the fire, a lotus platform raised the fire and stood in mid-air. Nine lotus seeds separated from the lotus platform, shining with cyan light and surrounding the fire.

The atmosphere of the two suddenly rose to an unattainable level.

The real dragon appeared and the lotus platform gushed out, which made the corpse look much more dignified. The corpse, which was calm just now, couldn't help frowning.

Instead, the corpse laughed wildly, and invincible fighting spirit surged up in his heart and said, "I really underestimated you, but I didn't expect that both of you were talents, okay, okay." After saying two good words in a row, a dark skull jumped out of the empty eyebrows of the corpse, grew in the wind, and quickly changed to a foot in size.

The faint blue flame in the skull's eyes beat, gushing out a bone-to-bone chill. The two rows of different teeth grinded loudly.

"What does the master need me to do! Did you get a girl to let me suck sperm and blood again? Haha."

The skull came out, shouted proudly, and looked around. But I didn't see any girl, and I couldn't help looking at the corpse with doubt.

The corpse looked at Huo Yu and Wu Ben with a weak smile and said, "You can choose any one of those two."

"What!" The skull looked at Huoqi and Wuben in surprise, turned around and flattered the corpse Taixu and said, "Master of the wise Shenwu, you. Are you wrong? I think you must be wrong and let your great servant suck that disgusting thing. I know you must be reluctant, hehe!" The skull flattered the corpse Taixu. After saying these words, he leaned against the corpse Taixu.

The corpse suddenly turned its head, and a cold light flashed in its eyes, staring at the skull angrily. Seeing this, the skull flinched with fear. He hurriedly said, "Master, I was just joking with you just now. Now let me kill one!" After saying that, the body disappeared.

When he appeared again, he opened his mouth and spit out beside me, and suddenly a mouthful of strong black energy spewed out, as fast as lightning.

Feezing a slight fluctuation in the space around me, the real dragon under my body suddenly flew out and grabbed the fluctuating void with one claw.

Both speeds are completed between electric flints.


With a loud noise, strong energy aftershocks swept across the scene, countless deep underground pits, ancient trees shattered, and even the void was broken, revealing one empty space after another.

"It's so dangerous!" My heart trembled, but I didn't expect a small servant to stand in such a battle. I can imagine how high the corpse is.

"What are you running for? I'm a little boy, come and let the old man bake it well." The skull said wildly. After laughing, the speed increased several times and turned into a light, chasing it with a strong madness.

I was shocked. At that moment, I calmed down, played the secret with both hands, and said Buddha's words. At this moment, the infinite Buddha light gushed out of me, and the golden Buddha light shone, purifying all the karma and evil obstacles in the world.

In those years, the ancestors of the dragon clan and the ancestors of the Shiji clan had a festival. In order to suppress each other, they looked for a good strategy to defeat the enemy. At this time, what I chanted was the dragon clan's language of defeating the enemy.

The infinite Buddha's light is like a spring, constantly blessing me, faintly revealing an image of the Buddha. Buddha put his hands together and recited the Golden Sutra. The string of Buddha beads between the palms is a golden victory.

Suddenly, the Buddha suddenly opened his eyes and pushed it out with a palm. The golden palm covered the sky and the sun, and the halo was entangled and pressed against the black skull.

Seeing that I had transformed the Buddha, the corpse was so empty that it was like sinking water that I ignored it. I turned my head to the fire and said coldly, "It's your turn!"