Fate Creator

Chapter 209 Escape

Mei Niang's eyes were full of horror. After Liu Yi broke the blood skeleton with the nine rock god bow, Mei Niang couldn't help frowning and was shocked when she saw the yellow water dragon on the light arrow.

"How can they have yellow spring water?" In my heart, I was surprised that a black spiritual power broke out of the spirit and poured into the bloody skeleton in an instant.

With the influx of spiritual power, the bloody skull seemed to have wisdom. Two blue flames burned in his eyes. Looking at the direction of Liu Yi's escape, he turned into a streamer and chased after him.

After Liu Yi came out of the bloody skeleton, he did not escape far away, but shot two arrows with the last power in his body, aimed at the bloody skeleton and Mei Niang on the altar respectively.

The yellow spring water on the light arrow turned into a small dragon, coiled on it, and went straight to Mei Niang and the skull along the light arrow.

The corrosiveness of the yellow spring water is unparalleled. If it is called the first in the world, nothing can be called the second. Liu Yi's first arrow broke the skull and knew the power of the water.

Looking at the light arrow with violent energy, a trace of panic flashed in Mei Niang's eyes. At that moment, her teeth bit her lips gently, and a trace of coldness flashed in her eyes, controlling the bloody skull to come to the altar.

The bloody skull turned around and turned into a streamer running towards the altar. In an instant, it stood in front of Mei Niang and grew a lot.

Looking at the two light arrows coming at the same time, Mei Niang bit her tongue again and sprayed blood on the bloody skull. With the infiltration of blood, the bloody skull roared, and the body surface burned with flames. At the same time, the skull spewed a fire dragon from its mouth and coiled its teeth and claws in front of the skull.


The two light arrows were as fast as thunder and lightning, and the breath of anger swept through the ground, pulling a deep gully on the pool of blood. Unable to withstand such a strong breath, the blood on both sides of the deep gully shot into the sky, accompanied by the sound of thunder.

The light arrow quickly exceeded the sight, instantly penetrated the void and came to Mei Niang's side.


Two light arrows instantly penetrated the fire dragon and shot on the bloody skull. With a click, the skull cracks were dense, and then the shape broke off with a bang and disappeared into the void.

The light arrow did not stop. After smashing the skull, the power did not diminish and went straight to Mei Niang. Seeing this, Mei Niang's face became more ferocious, and a fine light flashed in her eyes. Mei Niang suddenly lowered her head, and her black hair soared and twisted together to meet the light arrow.


The black hair wrapped around the light arrow until the light arrow disappeared, but the black hair also burned a lot. Everything happened between lightning, and it was so fast that the eyes couldn't keep up with the speed.

She suddenly withdrew her black hair, and Mei Niang opened her eyes angrily and shouted, "Kid, I'm going to kill you!" As soon as the words were spoken, Mei Niang felt a severe headache, accompanied by the pain of digging her heart. Looking at Liu Yi and others on the golden toad, Mei Niang frowned and couldn't help taking a cold breath.

The bloody skull was originally the furnace tripod of Mei Niang's spiritual cultivation, which was used to give up. Unexpectedly, it was killed by Liu Yiguang's arrows, and the hateful teeth were itchy. At present, the body spirit gushed out, pulled up all the bloody aquatic life, and pressed it in the direction of Liu Yi overwhelmingly.

But when the blood pool gathered high in the sky, Liu Yi and others had already disappeared.

"Bad boy, I will never die with you!" Mei Niang looked up to the sky and roared, and the air machine all over her body completely broke out, and the bloody water rushed straight to the sky.

"Uncle, I seem to hear a woman's voice." Dong Yun stopped at the edge of the gray fog, looked into the depths of the fog, and said solemnly.

"Hmm!" The fire nodded, and then looked into the distance and couldn't help frowning. Although the gray fog could not be seen through, the horrible smell of fire was felt.

"Be careful with everything here and remember our purpose!" After saying that, the fireman waved his palm, pushed away the fog in front of him, and said lightly, "Let's go in!" Behind him, Wu Ben, Dong Yun and Dong Hong nodded cautiously and walked inward with the pace of the fire.

Liu Yi lay on the back of the golden toad, his eyes closed, gasping heavily, and his face was as tired as autumn water.

"Brother Yi, thank you very much!" The third prince looked at the tired Liu Yi and apologized.

"Don't thank me. If you want to thank me, thank Jin Toad. It was he who gathered his strength to intercept the last blood bead, and he also told me how to transform the rebirth array into Zhenling Town." Liu Yi is still indifferent.

Hearing Liu Yi's words, several people were silent and looked at the gray world without saying anything. A moment later, several people came outside a canyon.

A light curtain on the edge of the canyon blocked the entrance. Liu Yi and others came down from the golden toad and looked at the light curtain silently. At this time, the golden toad changed into the size of a fist, fell on Liu Yi's shoulder and looked carefully at the light curtain.

"Let's recuperate outside and enter when we recover!" Looking at the transparent light curtain, Liu Yi said cautiously.

Shangguan Qing and the third prince nodded, and then meditated and closed their eyes at the edge of the light curtain.

After a battle with Mei Niang, Liu Yi's body is seriously overdrawn. Now he must recover his physical strength well. If he enters the canyon rashly, he will definitely die here in danger.

After meditate, Liu Yi entered the sea. Because Liu Yi knows that no matter how much aura is absorbed outside, it is not comparable to the power of pure yang in Yuhuang's needle. If you want to restore the power in the shortest time, only the power of pure yang in Yuhuang's needle can achieve such an effect.

After entering the Yuhuang God Needle, Liu Yi operated the whale swallowing technique taught by Feng Yi and began to absorb the power of pure yang crazily. After half a cup of tea, Liu Yi found that no matter how he absorbed it, he could not grab a little pure yang power. At this moment, he couldn't help frowning and thinking to himself: "Has the body reached a saturated state? No, why did you absorb such a little pure yang power when your body was hollowed out?" Liu Yi was puzzled by this doubt, and was more surprised by such a strange situation.

When Liu Yi tried several times to absorb the power of pure yang to build his own body, he couldn't absorb any more, and he couldn't help frowning.

"Do you want to enter the next level?" Liu Yi can only think so now, but now there is no sign at all. Looking at the rolling pure yang power in Yu Huang's needle, Liu Yi was surprised to find that the pure yang power could no longer make him feel oppressive.

"Yes, there is a second layer!" Thinking of this, Liu Yi smiled and looked at the entrance of the second floor. He was ready to try to enter.