Fate Creator

244 Magic Dragon Valley

Looking at the teenager's avoiding eyes, Liu Yi felt that others must have encountered something wrong, but these were what he thought and could not be confirmed. After a moment of silence, Liu Yi really couldn't stand it anymore. He grabbed the teenager's arm tightly and shouted at the teenager, "Brother Qingshu, what's wrong with them?"

"They!?" The green book's eyes were full of tears and said with tears, "They are all dead!" After saying that, he burst into tears.

"What?" Hearing the bad news, Liu Yi lowered his arms feebly and muttered to himself, "It's all dead, it's all dead!" Turning to the distance, he closed his eyes slightly and took a deep breath.

Suddenly, Liu Yi suddenly turned around and said eagerly, "What about my brother? How is their group?"

"I don't know about this. When we entered the ancient world through the array gate, all three of us separated. I also tried to contact them, but I never got in touch."

Shangguan Qing sighed, "I hope they are still alive."

"They must be alive, they must still be alive." Liu Yi didn't dare to think about anything about death.

"Brother, my condolences! This ancient world has always been more evil and less auspicious, but auspicious people have their own appearance. Your brother must be fine. The third prince comforted.

Qingshu looked around and saw only Liu Yi and Shangguan Qing. He couldn't help but say, "You are a group of four people. What about the other two?"

"They are on their way to the second floor now. I believe we will meet them soon." Liu Yi said lightly.

"On the way to the second floor? Isn't it going to the center tower?" Qingshu looked at Liu Yi doubtfully.

"It's a long story, will I explain it to you later?" Liu Yi looked around and said, "Get out of here. This wolf demon is dead, and his clan is coming soon." After saying that, pat the golden toad.

The golden toad suddenly became bigger. Several people stepped on the body of the golden toad and walked deep.

On the way, Liu Yi introduced the third prince and the golden toad. The Qingshu told his story about what happened these days. It turned out that when entering the ancient world, he met a golden giant snake. Others were killed under the attack of the snake demon, and Qingshu narrowly escaped, but the map he carried was lost and could only slowly explore here.

I was in danger many times and almost died here several times. The most thrilling time was to meet a scorpion demon and fall into the deep valley after being injured. Fortunately, when he fell into the deep valley, he got some opportunities and practiced some secrets. In order to enhance his strength, Qingshu found the wolf demon and stole the green grass according to the secret art. However, he was chased by the wolf demon when he was eating the green grass. What Liu Yi saw behind it.

Although Qingshu said this lightly, Liu Yi understood that Qingshu had suffered a lot.

"It seems that your fate is indeed strong, relying on misfortune and happiness. Now the cultivation is higher than all of us! This is also life." Shangguan Qing laughed.

"The young girl laughed. These are just fur." The green book said lightly.

Suddenly, there were bursts of noises behind the golden toad, as if thousands of troops and horses were stepping on the dust behind him. Such a shocking sound made several people's hearts tighten, and several people turned their heads and couldn't help but be shocked.

The faint red light in the back almost covered half of the sky, and a pair of red eyes looked at several people with a resentful look.

"It's a family of green wolf demons!" Liu Yi exclaimed, "Golden Toad, go!"

The golden toad quickly accelerated and improved the speed to the extreme. A stream of light galloped inward like lightning.

"This race is really terrible!" Shangguan Qing looked at a mountain-like blue wolf demon behind him and sighed.

That's true. A few wolves alone are really easy to deal with, even if they use the wolf roar. But if so many wolf demons use the wolf roar, even a few lives are not enough.

An hour later, the wolves were still indomitable and followed several people closely.

"Do they never stop? It's been an hour and you've been working so hard!" There was a trace of unhappiness on Qingshu's face.

"If you die of your kind, can you stand by? Maybe humans can do it, but wolves won't. They are very united. They are much better than us humans. The third prince said faintly with an old face.

"How do these animals compare with humans?"

"I'm telling the truth." The third prince argued.

Liu Yi looked at the two arguing and frowned: "Don't argue with the two of you. Now is not the time to argue. Getting rid of these wolves as soon as possible is the most important thing at present.

"How to dump it?" Shangguan Qing said urgently, "Get rid of these wolves unless you let them lie down."

Let them lie down and can't do it with their current strength. Liu Yi knows this. Looking at Shangguan Qing's eager appearance, Liu Yi smiled apologetically and said, "I didn't expect it yet!"

"It's the same as not saying." Qingshu shook his head and smiled bitterly. After that, everyone was silent.

After another hour, you can faintly see the empty place ahead. Seeing this, Liu Yi's face showed a trace of solemnity. Because of the obstruction of towering ancient trees, the speed of these wolves is limited. If it is a plain, these wolves will have no speed limit and will soon catch up.

Thinking of this, Liu Yi quickly took out the map and looked at it carefully.

"There is a plain ahead, which is the road we have to go through." Looking at the map, Liu Yi frowned more tightly.

"Isn't there another place?" Shangguan Qing pointed with his finger.

The third prince exclaimed, "You can also say that this place is also a passage, but it is more dangerous! Don't you see the scarlet letter on this map?

"Dragon Valley!?" Liu Yi meditated and looked closely at the Magic Dragon Valley indicated by the red font.

"Okay, let's go from here. Only by walking from here can we avoid the wolves. Liu Yi put away the map and said.

The third prince looked at Liu Yi in surprise, with his eyes wide open and said, "Brother Yi, you... You said... Yes, but... It's true."

Liu Yi looked at the surprised third prince and smiled: "Yes, but you don't have to worry. At present, our main purpose is to avoid the wolves, and we will talk about the future!"

"Yes, the future is going to talk about it. The most important thing now is to save your life." The green book is attached.

After the agreement, several people felt a little more stable. Only the third prince was anxious and worried.

After a while, there was a bright light in front of the eyes, and the golden toad took everyone out of the ancient woods. Then he ran directly to the Dragon Valley in the distance.

As soon as they came out of the woods, the wolves were like the wind, and their speed increased several times. Looking at the approaching wolves, several people couldn't help sweating.

"Everyone got up and went to the Dragon Valley." Liu Yi shouted loudly, and his body suddenly flew up and turned into a streamer to the Magic Dragon Valley.

Then, Shangguan Qing, the Third Prince and Qingshu also got up and left.