Fate Creator

Chapter 263 Prohibition

He stood on the reincarnation river and was shocked to see a golden light flashing by. When he turned to Liu Yi again, he found that Liu Yi had disappeared.

"I didn't expect him to enter the light curtain. What a talent!" Tufei was shocked, but more curious. The golden light just flashed, making him smell a familiar smell.

It is said that all the oppression disappeared at the moment Liu Yi entered the light curtain, and the originally golden slender sword also returned to its original appearance.

Looking up, it is desolate, and you can see a golden mountain towering into the clouds in the distance. A cyan road extends to the foot of the mountain, and a ladder hangs straight up on the mountain, like a galloping dragon.

In the first floor of the 33rd floor, there is only one mountain and a road leading to the mountain, surrounded by rubble. Looking at this lifeless world, Liu Yi felt an inexplicable panic in his heart.

Looking back on what Tu Fei said, this is the place where the soul of the fetal light goes, which is actually the place of the heavenly prison. It seems unreasonable that such a peaceful world is so peaceful.

Liu Yi looked into the distance. After carefully inspecting the pupil of the extremely eye, he found that there was nothing strange here. That's why I feel relieved. Nevertheless, Liu Yi walked forward cautiously. After touching about half a cup of tea, there was a sudden fluctuation under the void in front of him. This made Liu Yi tighten his heart and turn his attention.

The fluctuating void is constantly distorted and rotated. A yellow light flashed and spotted on the cyan stone slab. Then, the stone slab seemed to have life and kept twisting.

Liu Yi's face showed a trace of surprise, and his eyes were focused on the twisted stone slab. The sound of brushing came from under the earth, as if something was going to break through the stone slab. Feeling the fluctuation, he quickly stepped back a few steps.

A piece of light flashed, and withered yellow weeds appeared on the cyan stone plate. The weeds exposed the ground and grew up in the wind. They grew up to three feet before they stopped. The breeze blew, and the yellow weeds swayed in the wind and made a cling sound.

"This is..." Liu Yi was surprised and looked at the withered yellow weeds that blocked his way. It seems that there are murders everywhere in this calm world. Under the breeze, a trace of danger entered my vision.

Liu Yi's face was solemn, his sword pointed a little, and he operated a gasification three-clear secret technique, and separated a split. And he put a divine knowledge into the split. The seemingly ordinary withered yellow weeds are full of murderous opportunities. I will never try it with myself. I can only let the split body inquire about it. After confirming the safety, I will go to the past, otherwise I will not walk there.

After the divine consciousness entered the split body, Liu Yi shouted softly, "Go!"

The split looked indifferent and walked towards the weeds. Liu Yi's consciousness entered the split body. As long as there is any movement in the grass, he will know it like the palm of his hand.

The breeze blew gently, and the split slowly walked towards the weeds. After a moment, it had reached the edge of the weeds. Although Liu Yi is not afraid of the destruction of the split, he does not want the split to dissipate immediately. At the edge of the weed, Liu Yi decided to see it clearly before making a decision.

Take a closer look, there is nothing in the three-foot-high weed, just like ordinary grass, unchanged. Seeing this, Liu Yi was relieved, but he still wanted to let the split pass. If the split passed safely, then he would then pass.

Here, Liu Yi had to be careful. He just sent himself outside the light curtain and stopped and let himself enter. That is to say, the first floor of these 33 days must be a dangerous place. Otherwise, you can take yourself into here with the cultivation of flying.

After thinking about it, Liu Yi's consciousness moved and slowly walked into the three feet of dead yellow weeds. At the moment when the split entered, the sky suddenly changed, and the weed quickly rotated. The roar came down from the sky, and lightning struck down.

Liu Yi's face turned pale, his mind moved, and the consciousness in his body immediately controlled the split body and was ready to come out. However, at this moment, invisible resistance prevented the split from acting. A heavy sense of oppression gushed out from the rotating weeds. In an instant, he pressed on the split.

Liu Yi was shocked and quickly operated the power in his body. With the connection with the split, he quickly controlled the split to break through. The split suddenly jumped up, while the golden light on the palm of his hand rotated.

A small flashing yellow electric light came in an instant, and the split roared, and a mass of energy quickly gathered on the palm of the hand and hit the electric light with a bang.


The two energies collide in an instant, and the violent energy disperses. The after wave rolled around, but it was absorbed by all the rotating yellow weeds.

At the moment when the small electric light disappeared, the lightning was intertwined to form a power grid, which instantly enveloped Liu Yi's split. At the moment near the split, it scattered and turned into several small yellow electric lights. The yellow electric light is faster than the previous one.

As soon as the split landed, it was shocked to see so many electric lights coming. However, these electric rays could not tolerate the power of the split, and all of them penetrated into the body of the split.

Liu Yi was not far away and was shocked. As soon as this fierce lightning entered the body, he tore the vitality of the split. After a moment, the split was torn apart. In an instant, it quietly shattered.

A tingling came from his brain, and Liu Yi almost fell. He quickly stabilized his body and looked at the weed in horror. However, at this moment, the weeds swayed with the wind in the breeze as before, making a cling sound.

"What on earth is so powerful? Is it an inexplicable formation?" Liu Yi's face softened slightly and thought near the edge of the weed.

If this is a formation, it should dissipate with the split when the split is broken, but the split dissipates and smashed, this array is still the same as before. This non-consumption and still existing terrorist formation made Liu Yi in a trance.

"What the hell is this?" Liu Yi frowned deeply and looked carefully at the weeds. In my heart, I thought that this is definitely not a formation, but a similar array.

From the moment the split enters the inside to the disappearance of the split, Liu Yi feels that there is a law in the weeds, which is arranged according to a certain arrangement, and this rule is not the embodiment of any kind of secret art in the wild continent. Because lightning and sky changes in the weeds hide the power to the sun. And this art of physical existence cannot be reflected by any existing secret art.

"Is it the art of heaven?" Thinking of this, Liu Yi was excited. If this is something that evolved from Tianang, then you must have the capital to save your life after learning it.

"This is not the art of heaven, but the prohibition of heaven." A familiar word came out of Liu Yi's mind.