Fate Creator

Chapter 325 Taoist in September

Two streamers in the void rotate quickly and collide again at one touch. Two strands of terror energy can collide in the void, startling with loud noises. Horrible energy aftershocks burst into the void, rising energy clouds. The aftermath of strong horrible energy is like a storm, sweeping everywhere in the void. At this moment, bursts of whistling sounded from the void, followed by harsh bursts.

The two people kept moving, and their breath completely dispersed. The two people without any worries completely forgot their self and turned into magic to fight. The powerful energy explosion caused cracks in the void. The slender cracks flashed with silver-white light, and wisps of bitter chill poured into the void from the nothingness in the cracks. White snowflakes were sprinkled on the sky. As the two of them flew, the snowflakes fell.

My face is solemn, and the red light flashes in my eyes. While his body kept telemoving, a black fog suddenly rose under his feet, which held his body and flew in the void. At the same time, black gas kept pouring out of his hand, which shot out of his hand and transformed countless sword bodies in the air. The black sword body was wrapped in black fog, and the black flashed on it.

"Go!" I shouted angrily and pointed forward. The sword body suspended in the void sounded, and then flew to Taikang like lightning.

Taikang's body flashed in the void, and the crescent moon between his eyebrows was even more dazzling. Seeing the countless black swords coming like lightning, Taikang's pupils couldn't help shrinking and a solemn color appeared on his face. Looking at the black sword body, Taikang's body quickly retreated. At the same time, he quickly pointed his fingers at the crescent in the middle of his eyebrows.

The crescent flew out of his eyebrows, and his body became larger, suspended in front of Taikang. As Taikang's mind moved, the crescent moon rotated like this, throwing a curved moon blade in the void. Suddenly, the sky shines brightly, illuminating the void.

The moon blade kept pouring out of the curved moon, and then quickly cut into the flying black sword body. Boom! Boom! Boom!" Suddenly, a black and white fog appeared on the void. As the black sword body and the moon blade collided and exploded, a huge hurricane instantly formed between the two people and swept around.

"It's not good!" Taikang and Wu Ben shouted at the same time, and at the same time, their bodies turned into streamers and hurried back. However, the energy hurricane was faster and swept over two people in the blink of an eye.

"Bum!" The dull impact sound came from the two people, and the two of them drove backwards.

I was surprised. In the fall, I suddenly pulled in front of myself with one hand. "The corpse escape!" As I shouted angrily, a huge figure appeared in front of him when the hurricane approached him again. The huge body blocked the hurricane from running again.

At this moment, Taikang's face turned pale under the hurricane's energy. He frowned, and the crescent moon in front of him became illusory, and instantly pulled a bright light film in front of him. The hurricane slowly melted when it touched the light film.

Both of them used their magical power to resist the hurricane at the critical moment, so as not to suffer a second blow. After a moment, the energy dissipated. It is also clear between heaven and earth. At this time, only the snowflakes all over the sky fell from the crack.

Taikang looked into the distance, looked at Wuben opposite, and then a look of shock appeared on his face. The huge figure standing beside me shocked Taikang and shocked him. The bronze body flashed with stars, and the body's electric light shuttled through it. A pair of empty eyes and black flames burned inside.

At this time, the people under the fairy mansion were shocked. Yichen and Mo Yun couldn't help frowning when they saw the giant. At the same time, they stood in front of Long Ye. At this moment, Huo Yu's face was even more uncertain. What shocked him was not my cultivation and the giant in front of him. But Taikang." It turned out that he had already been merciful to me, but I still..." Thinking of this, a sense of indiary feeling rises in the heart of the fire. Low self-esteem, shame and so on are all invading his heart at this moment.


Suddenly, there were bursts of explosions in all directions of the void. I turned my head and looked at it in shock. After the appearance of those skulls, their existence was so short that they were all wiped out by those figures at this moment. What surprised me more was that the channel I opened was also blocked.

"Does Taikang really have something to do with that person?" When I thought of this, I was even more shocked. If it's really what you think, it's hard to say whether you can leave here today not only if you go back empty-handed.

Spin, there was a trace of cruel color on my face, and the cold light surged in my eyes. Quick battle! Yes, that's the only way." Only a quick battle can give yourself a trace of vitality. Thinking of this, I opened my mouth and spit out a stream of blood to the giant around me. The giant's bronze body suddenly made a sound. Steaming red fog rises. And the black flames in the giant's eyes burned.

"Roar!" The giant's two huge arms suddenly patted down and let out a shocking roar. His body jumped up and ran to Taikang.

Suddenly, the explosion in the void came, and Taikang's face showed surprise. Then his thoughts moved, and the figures from all directions in the void rushed to him. These figures are as fast as lightning, and they come to Taikang's side in an instant. Then, he constantly coincided with Taikang's body. When the last figure disappeared, stars appeared on Taikang's body. Although these stars are dim, the horrible breath shows its extraordinaryness. Taikang suddenly stretched out a finger and pointed to the curved teeth in front of him. A light flashed, and suddenly a bright light appeared on Taikang's forehead. After the nine crescents gathered together and emitted a dazzling light, the stars around Taikang were much brighter. The breath emanating from the body is even more horrible.

Seeing the giant attacking like a mountain, a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. Slowly stretched out a finger, moved forward casually, and said, "The stars are fixed!"

The roar of the giant made the people below nervous, and the joy of the death of the skull was also washed away. The fire and others couldn't help but step back a few steps.

At this moment, Taikang looked at the giant with a smile and whispered three words. The giant's body stagnated, but he moved freely in an instant. I still underestimated you." The cold light flashed in Taikang's eyes, and his body suddenly turned into a stream of light and quickly went to the giant.

When the giant was running, two axes suddenly appeared in his hands and chopped to Taikang without saying a word. However, the axe has not been chopped off, and Taikang's body has disappeared. When Taikang appeared, he had already come to the giant's chest.

"Bum!" Taikang quickly pushed out a palm and pressed it on the giant's forehead. The giant's figure stopped abruptly, and then turned into a cloud and dissipated.

I was even more surprised to see the stars shining around Taikang. I moved my mind and let the giant go first. However, at this moment, it was smashed by Taikang. His heart was terrical, and his body quickly retreated.

"It's late!" Taikang said lightly. A white figure suddenly appeared on Taikang's body, which was blurred and seemed to have an atmosphere in front of everyone, which made people unable to see clearly. But nine bright spots appeared on the forehead of this figure.

"September Taoist!!" I was shocked and finally confirmed my idea.

"Boom!" The figure was so fast that I was pressed on my chest by him before I could avoid it. Then the body fell down like a meteor.