Fate Creator

Chapter 329 Parting

(After today, the night shift turned into a day shift. So I can only update every night. If there is any inconvenience, I hope you can forgive me! Thank you all!)

Half a month later, everyone's injuries have basically healed. During this period, the Yiyuan Fairy Mansion was closed and no one came in and out. On this day, the gorgeous sun shone through the thin fog and shone on the Yiyuan Fairy Mansion. It has been almost two years since I came to the ancient world, and the hairy guys who entered here have matured a lot. Liu Yi sat at the table, playing with an empty cup in his hand. Looking back on too many hardships along the way, it's time to go back.

In the room, there was a group of people sitting at the table. They were silent and had no expression on their faces. The people who entered the ancient world of the wilderness died, and their whereabouts were unknown. Now it's time to go back, but no one is happy.

"Today, just tell the landlord that we will leave here!" Liu Yi said lightly. According to the original agreement, go to the central tower to gather. I don't know how many people can walk there. Thinking of this, Liu Yi felt a sense of loneliness in his heart.

"Yes, it's time to go back." Shangguan Qing sighed and frowned. Ben Huairen and Jiang Hu were silent and looked at Liu Yi.

"Squeak!" The thick sandalwood door was pushed open, and the old man Zhenlong slowly walked in. Are they all here?" The old man Zhenlong looked around and said lightly. Then he found a seat and sat down at the table.

With the arrival of the old man Zhenlong, several people looked at him silently.

"Looking at you these days, is there anything on your mind!" The old man Zhenlong looked at everyone with a smile and said. In fact, the old man Zhenlong knew in his heart that they were leaving. In the end, the smile looked so reluctant and artificial.

"I know you're leaving! But don't be so sad! There will still be a chance to see you in the future." The old man Zhenlong patted Liu Yi on the shoulder beside him. After looking at several people around him, he got up and walked out silently. At the door, the old man Zhenlong stopped and said, "Tomorrow, Taikang and I will open the formation and send you away!" After saying that, his head would not go out.

The next morning, Liu Yi and others came to the hall of Xianfu early. It's full of people who see you off. Perhaps because Liu Yi and others are leaving, everyone is unhappy.

"Thank you for your help during this period. On behalf of the dragon clan, I sincerely thank you!" Long Ye said in a low voice. Yes, Brother Yi, I really should thank you, or my father will never wake up. The third prince smiled and then said, "This is a gift for you." After saying that, he took out the ink jade box from his arms and handed it to Liu Yi.

"How can this be?" Liu Yi quickly pushed it and refused to take the ink jade box.

Taikang smiled and said, "Little brother, don't push it. If you push it, you will see it outside." Yes, take it!" Yichen and Mo Yun said in unison.

"Hurry up and go. Don't see each other again, boy." Xiaorou looked at Liu Yi with a cold face and said.

Liu Yi smiled awkwardly and said, "In that case, I will be disrespectful." If you refuse again, it will be pretentious. Liu Yi didn't want to be misunderstood. He took the ink jade box and put it in his arms.

"Ha ha!" The old man Zhenlong smiled and said, "Send you thousands of miles, and there will be a difference. In this case, that's it!" After saying that, Xiang Taikang gave a wink.

Then, Taikang took everyone to an open space behind the hall, where a three-foot-high platform was piled up. The steps around the table are covered with rune paper.

"I don't know where my little brother is going, please explain." The old man Zhenlong smiled.

"Tower of the Center!"

When the old man Zhenlong heard this, he looked shocked and said in surprise, "Why did the little brother go to the central tower? It's not necessarily a good place to go!"

"To tell the truth, my peers and I have agreed to gather there. No matter how long it takes, I will wait there!"

The old man Zhenlong brushed his beard, frowned and said, "In this case, follow the meaning of the little brother. However, this station has been for a long time. As for whether it can be transmitted there, it is hard to say. Do your best!"

Liu Yi nodded silently.

After the old man Zhenlong finished speaking, his body flashed with stars, and a mass of light flashed on his raised palm. At the same time, Taikang and Long Ye stood on both sides and formed a three-legged trend with the old man Zhenlong. At this moment, the two of them, like the old man Zhenlong, flashed a light in their palms.

Spinned, and the three people threw the energy mass in their hands to the conveyor platform at the same time.

"Boom!" A dull voice sounded, and after three rays of light entered the console, the console lit up with a dazzling light. A beam of light rushed to the sky from the center of the platform in an instant. Instead, halos spread out from the beam of light.

The rune paper on the four walls of the table pounded and burned. Then it turned into a light and penetrated into the beam of light. Zhenlong, Taikang and Long Ye waved their hands and printed the pinching formula.

"There is no feast that never end!" After the conveyor was running, the old man Zhenlong walked to Liu Yi and said, "Take care!"

Liu Yi looked at everyone silently and nodded silently. Then his body jumped up and ran to the stage. Then Shangguan Qing, Ben Huairen and Jiang Hu followed closely and stood beside Liu Yi.

Looking at the familiar faces around him, Liu Yi looked at them, and then resolutely turned around and entered the beam of light. When Liu Yi and others stood in the beam and waved goodbye to everyone, the people around the stage waved goodbye at the same time.

After a while, Liu Yi and other figures gradually disappeared into the beam of light.

"P..." Suddenly, a red lightning flashed through the beam of light. The old man Zhenlong's face changed greatly and his face was terrled. The body moved quickly, turned into a streamer, circled around the table, and stood in the distance. A light curtain firmly surrounded the platform. At the same time, a deafening voice came from the curtain. After the horrible energy exploded, it was suddenly filled with dust and filled the space inside the curtain. After a moment, calm gradually returned to here. The three-foot-high conveyor belt turned into dust and gradually settled in the light curtain.

Taikang and Long Ye looked at each other in contempt. The third prince and Xiaorou looked there in surprise, but they didn't know why.

"Senior, what the hell is going on!" Taikang was puzzled and said, "This conveyor has not been in use for so long. Why is this now..."

The old man Zhenlong narrowed his eyes slightly, brushed his beard, and said after a moment of meditation, "Maybe it has been used for a long time, or maybe this passage has been broken halfway. That's why this happened."

"Will Liu Yi and others..." Long Ye looked at the old man Zhenlong in horror.

The old man Zhenlong sighed, "I don't know about this. I hope they can arrive safely."

After listening to this, a relaxed heart hung at this moment, worrying about Liu Yi and others.