Fate Creator

Chapter 360 Tooth Ink Cat Demon

Liu Yi was shocked to hear that the shout was the voice of Hongluan. Immediately, his body moved and turned into a stream of light in the direction of the sound.

Pu Zhi's heart pounded, and his face became solemn in an instant. Almost at the moment when Liu Yi set out, he stepped on the void and stepped on the lotus platform.

After a moment, there were bursts of roaring in the original place, accompanied by the explosion of the energy impact.

Liu Yixin is burning, and Hongluan is entrusted to herself by Aunt Yun. In case of something good or evil, how can she be? The more he thought about it, the more anxious he became. He suddenly ran his power again, and his speed soared in an instant. In a few moments, he saw the fire pushing and protecting Hongluan crazily.

Mad Nine's body emits a blue halo, and a blue aperture around him blocked the four or five demons on the periphery.

The monster is as big as a civet cat, but its eyes are red and its forelimbs are like knives. A pair of fangs are more than a foot long, emitting chills.

"Tooth ink cat demon!?" Liu Yi looked at it and was terrled. Although this cat is small, its speed is as fast as lightning, which is enough to open mountains and gravel. If it's one, it's okay, but there are four five around Fengjiu and Hongluan.

Thinking of this, Liu Yi moved again and turned into a streamer and galloped away.

In an instant, Liu Yi fell to the edge of the fire. At this moment, I don't know when Master Puzhi has already stood in the middle.

When those toothed cat demons saw someone entering it, they took a step back.

"Brother Yi!" Hongluan shouted in the aperture, and his pretty face was as white as white paper.

Liu Yi waved his hand and looked back and forth at the cat demon around him. In the afterglow, he saw the solemn color of Puzhi's face.

"Old bald donkey, where have you been? If you come later, you will collect the body for me." Crazy nine's face was gloomy and complained. Immediately, he waved with one hand, and the blue aperture instantly turned into nothingness.

"Kid, take good care of this girl. The rest depends on me and the old bald donkey!" After removing the aperture, Fengjiu fought side by side with Puzhi. He looked at Liu Yidao.

Liu Yi was stunned when he heard the words.

"Why are you in a daze? Hurry up!" Seeing that Liu Yi didn't say anything, he stood still in a daze and couldn't help saying angrily.

Liu Yi smiled. He gently walked to Hongluan's side and said, "Hongluan, are you all right!"

"There is no... It's okay." Hongluan swept around and his voice trembled. Her eyes showed timidity and her hands tightly grasped Liu Yi's arm.

"Don't worry! It's okay!" Liu Yi patted her hand and comforted her. Instead, Liu Yi's eyes flashed and stared at the cat demon.

Since Puzhi came to the venue, he didn't say a word. At this moment, when he saw that everything was arranged, he suddenly shouted. At the same time, he stroked the rosary and uttered the scriptures.

A golden mass of light emitted from his mouth and instantly turned into a sharp arrow, shooting at a pair of red eyes in front of him.

Seeing that Puzhi did it, the crazy nine was not ambiguous. At that moment, he pinched the formula with both hands, and a blue light sword came out from his eyebrows and shot at the cat demon in front of him.


The golden light mass rolls like ribbons, alarming the four fields. Whistling, the sound is like thunder. The blue lightsaber rose against the storm and turned into a foot in size.

The two flew out almost in an instant, but after touching the cat demon's fangs and forelimbs, they were bounced away.

Fengjiu and Puzhi frowned and were shocked after looking at each other. Liu Yi, who was behind the two, was also surprised that this cat demon was not generally strong.

At present, Liu Yi spread out with one hand, and a huge bow suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Two predecessors, this cat demon's weakness is at the waist. You can move your hands on time!" As soon as Liu Yi finished speaking, the five light arrows of different colors on the nine rock god bow in his hand emitted brilliance, and the violent energy made a noise on it.

However, the cat demon rushed up at this time, and five black streamers came to the four people.

Liu Yi was so horrped that he instantly released his bowstring. Five light arrows rushed in five directions and galloped away.

"Boom!" Boom!"

A few loud noises exploded in an instant. Crazy Nine and Puzhi seized the opportunity and injured the two cat demons in front of them.

After Liu Yi shot five arrows, the nine rock god bow suddenly disappeared. In this instant, he grabbed Hongluan's waist, moved his body and flew up.

At the same time, after Fengjiu and Puzhi injured two cat demons, their bodies also moved and teleported to one side.

For a moment, the four stood together, facing five cat demons not far away. Seeing his companion injured, the cat demon roared. Those red eyes are more red, like dripping water.

"I didn't expect the little brother to have this hand. I admire it!" Puzhi smiled.

Liu Yi's face was solemn. He stared at the cat demon and said in a low voice, "The two predecessors quickly solved the injured cat demon. The next three are much easier."

In an instant, Liu Yi said.

Puzhi and Crazy Nine looked at each other and smiled and knew each other. Immediately, Puzhi's body moved, and the lotus platform under his feet was shining brightly. He sat on the lotus platform, closed his eyes and began to recite the scriptures.

His golden body suddenly appeared in the middle of his eyebrows. Under the scriptures, the golden body expanded out and enveloped him in an instant. At this moment, Puzhi's whole body is shining like a golden light.

With the continuous exit of the scriptures, dozens of golden light burst out and surrounded him.

At this moment, the crazy nine bodies are suspended in mid-air. On his head, a huge sword flashed a strange blue light and pointed to the cat demon not far away.

Looking at the cat demon, they all grinned and roared repeatedly.

"Go!" Puzhi shouted softly, and the light around him roared out. In mid-air, two, two four. For a moment, I saw the overwhelming light go to the cat demon.

In that light ball, a huge sword followed.

Liu Yi stared and smiled at the corners of his mouth. He understood the thoughts of these two people in his heart. At that moment, he turned his head and said, "Hongluan, let's also kill the cat demon!"

He grabbed Hongluan's waist and ran his power. Then, Liu Yi and Hongluan suspended in mid-air. A round of day rose slowly in Liu Yi's heavenly spirit, and the temple of a big tree flashed on the day.


The sound of explosions is deafening, and the dazzling brilliance is shining.

In the mountains and forests, the trees instantly turn into powder. Deep pits of the earth keep pouring out and ups and downs from each other.

The illusion in mid-air is like electricity, chasing stars and chasing the moon across the sky. It is also like a meteor shower, with a flash of light.

These five-toothed ink cat demons are as fast as lightning, flashing left and right. Fighting with Liu Yi and others is inseparable and comparable.

Crazy nine had a cold sweat on his forehead and his back was cold. He sighed in his heart that the monster's cultivation was so high that it was rare in his life. But he is still moderate in attack and defense, and he is not chaotic at all.

Huo Ran, his eyes flashed. His hands are like swords, pointing forward.

The phantom of the giant sword is like silk, and the speed reaches the extreme, and it cuts down in an instant. With a wail, a cat demon was cut by a huge sword.

In this way, Liu Yi and other people are very energetic.

After a ray of incense, the mad nine searched for a machine and cut off the vitality of another cat demon with another sword.

Almost at the same time, Liu Yi operated the power in his body and used the method of the heavenly treasure book. It fell in the palace and killed the other two.

The red fog floats in mid-air, and the fishy smell hits the nose.

"Crime! Sin!" Puzhi put his hands together and recited the Buddha's name. In response, Fengjiu ignored it at all. He looked happy and looked down and said, "Five of them are dead?"

"It should be!" Liu Yi thought that he would kill two, and the remaining three should not be a problem in front of the two seniors.

The four people breathed a long sigh of relief and were relieved.

Instead, the four fell on a high ground, looking at the deep pits and the pink trees in the distance.

Suddenly, at this time, a black streamer came out of the distant pit and went far away.

Liu Yi asked carefully and found out that there was another one that had not been killed.

"Take good care of Hongluan!" After saying that, Liu Yi moved and chased after him.