Fate Creator

Chapter 012 Blessed by misfortune

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But who came from is the British prince and his grandson is despicable.

Two people stood beside Sun's despicable side. Judging from their clothes, we know that they are also royal nobles.

Liu Yi saw Sun's despicable heart and said, "What a narrow enemy road!"

On the surface, he is still pale and is ready to pass by Sun's despicable side. Sun despicable and the people around him immediately blocked Liu Yi's where he went.

"You boy dare to ruin my good deeds, and you are tired of living a bad life." Sun pointed his despicable finger on Liu Yi's chest and said.

Liu Yi said loudly, "Sun is despicable. Don't bully others too much. You are ashamed of your country, you know?"

Liu Yi knew that Sun despicable came to find trouble, and he would inevitably be repaired by Sun despicable, so Ben Huairen, who wanted to speak loudly to alarm himself to save himself.

Sun despicable looked at Liu Yi's indomitable voice and spoke loudly. Fearing that he would be found by others, he quickly said fiercely, "You boy, be careful in the future and don't fall into my hands, or you will have good fruit to eat. Get out of here!"

After saying that, he made way for Liu Yi.

"Who knows what will happen in the future? I hope you can get what you want, haha." Liu Yi smiled proudly. Then he pushed away Sun despicable and swaggered away.

was pushed, and Sun despicable felt very uncomfortable. His inner anger became more and more angry, and he turned to Liu Yi's buttocks.

"A..." Liu Yi shouted.

Without stabilizing his body, Liu Yi fell forward in a stunned manner. He hit his head on the steps.

Sun despicable saw that Liu Yi did not move for a long time and said, "Don't pretend to be dead. Get up quickly." After saying that, I looked around and saw no one. Yao Wuyao Liu said to him, "Let's go." Yao Wu and Yao Liu left here in a hurry.

Ben Huairen in the room was a little worried when he saw that Liu Yi had walked for a long time and didn't come back. Get up and get ready to go out.

Shangguan Qing smiled and said, "He is not a two-year-old child. If you still want to look for him, he will come back."

"No, I'm afraid something will happen after such a long time." Ben Huairen opened the door and went out.

After a while, Ben Huairen hugged Liu Yi and shouted at the door: "Gangguan Qing, open the door."

When Shangguan Qing heard Ben Huairen's voice was so impatient, he quickly opened the door. Seeing Ben Huairen holding Liu Yi, he said urgently, "What's wrong?"

"How do I know? Go and call Xiaoyaozi's tutor."

Ben Huairen put Liu Yi in ** and hurried to bring a basin of water.

Liu Yi's face was full of blood, and his eyes also penetrated a lot.

"Liu Yi, wake up," Ben Huairen gently wiped the blood off Liu Yi's face with a towel.

"What's going on?" Xiao Yaozi hurried to Liu Yi. Let me have a look."

Ben Huairen stepped aside and stood behind Xiaoyaozi and said, "In the morning, I saw that Liu Yi had not come back from the hut for a long time. I was very worried. Later, when I went to find him, I saw him fall unconscious on the steps by the corridor."

Xiaoyaozi took the pulse: "It's okay, it's not a big deal. It's just a temporary shock. Just grab some medicine to recuperate."

Xiaozi put Liu Yi's arm into the quilt and said to Ben Huairen, "Take care of him for the time being. When he wakes up, everything will come out."

Ben Huairen gritted his teeth and said, "I don't have to wait for him to wake up. I know who it is. He must be the despicable grandson in England."

"You should talk about evidence, and no one will admit it without evidence." Xiaoyaozi sighed.

Shangguan Qing frowned slightly and echoed, "That's right, Ben Huairen, I also know it's him, but there is no evidence that people will not admit it. Let's wait for Liu Yi to wake up. I went to the pharmacy to get the medicine.

Xiaoyaozi patted Ben Huairen on the shoulder and went out with Shangguan Qing.

After stopping the wound on Liu Yi's head, Ben Huairen wiped the blood stains on Liu Yi's face and said, "Don't worry, Brother Yi, I will definitely avenge you."

The hazy world is full of chaotic colors. There is a vague confusion around. Liu Yi looked at the strange place and couldn't help but be afraid. He trembled and said, "I'm there." Without an answer, only Liu Yi's voice echoed in the endless empty space.

Liu Yi walked forward slowly and didn't know when it would come to an end. But there is a force in my heart to guide myself forward.

An irresistible force.

I don't know how long I walked, and a flashing light in the distance reflected Liu Yi's eyes. Liu Yi was overjoyed and said to himself, "Is this the halo of life?"

The flashing light in the distance is getting closer and closer, but Liu Yi's breathing is also rapid.

When I walked in front of him, I saw a palm-sized blood-red ball standing in the void, shining faintly.

Liu Yixin said, "What is this? Is it a treasure? Now that you are here, how can you go back with your hands? It may be of great use in the future."

After saying that, he reached out and grabbed the blood-red ball standing in the void.

Before touching the ball, I saw a gap in the middle of the ball and slowly opened. Liu Yi looked at it and suddenly his heart beat.

This is a lively eye.

"Master, I finally waited for you to come."

"Liu Yi looked around in surprise and said, "Who is talking, who..."

"It's me, I'm in front of you."

Liu Yi turned his head and pointed timidly to the one-eyed and said, "Is that you?"

"Yes, master." One-eyed answer.

Liu Yi looked at one eye and said strangely, "Why do you call me master? I'm there again."

I blinked with one eye, "You and I have contracted my soul just now, and now you are in your own sea of knowledge. As for who I am, listen to me slowly. When heaven and earth are chaotic like chickens, there is a person born in it, called 'Pangu'. Eight thousand years old, heaven and earth are opened up, the sun is the sky, and the cloud is the earth. Pangu's real person changes nine times a day, and it changes to one foot. God is holy in heaven and holy in the earth. After 88,000 years, the number of days is extremely high and the number of places is extremely low. However, Pangu Zhenren exhausted his energy and turned into everything after death. And I am Pangu's left eye turned into a wisp of soul in front of the sun. After ten thousand years of practice, I formed the pupil of the extreme eye. In these long years, I have passed through ninety-nine and eighty masters, all of whom are at the peak. After the poles, now you are my first owner in the second round. I will help you reach the peak, and this is the reincarnation of life.

Liu Yi was stunned. This is simply incredible. He quickly asked, "Am I dreaming about this!?" After saying that, he shook his head with a wry smile.

He narrowed his eyes and smiled, "You're not dreaming, it's just like a dream."

Liu Yi was stunned and didn't know how to answer, and all his surprises were used up at this moment.

One eye said again: "This is the second space of people, and it cannot be opened up without an empty realm. I'm blessing you now. I won't come out until I have to. Now I'm weak and flash first.

A sudden whirlwind swept Liu Yi far away, and Liu Yi shouted in shock.

"You're awake, Liu Yi." Ben Huairen looked at Liu Yi and said urgently.

"Don't you know what's wrong with you?"

Liu Yi shook his head, and the pain reminded him of the beginning and end. Then he told Ben Huairen carefully about his injury.

Liu Yi didn't mention anything about everything in the sea. Who doesn't have a little secret in his heart?

"Damn it, this little despicable is so vicious that I can treat him well."

Liu Yi said urgently, "You can't do it openly. Now this is Shengwu Church, not the Ghost Canyon."

"Don't worry, I have my own moderation." After saying that, Ben Huairen handed the medicine to Liu Yi.

Then I went out.

Shangguan Qing looked at Liu Yi and said pitifully, "Poor baby, don't mess with that despicable again. If you don't suffer, it's not worth losing your life.

Liu Yi smiled bitterly and said, "Thank you for your kindness, me! I just like to challenge the limits.

Shangguan Qing walked to Liu Yi's bed with a smile, lowered his head to Liu Yi's ear and said, "It's up to you, stay well. I'm going to eat."

After saying that, I went to the Zhai store.

Liu Yi's mood is difficult to calm, and it's incredible to think about what happened to him. After slightly closing his eyes, Liu Yi thought for a while before he realized that it was he who bled on his head and flowed into his eyes that contracted his soul with the pupil of extreme eyes. This may be a blessing in disguise.

If it hadn't been for that bad guy looking for himself, maybe he wouldn't be able to contract with the most eye in his life. It seems that good people still have a good reward. Just as Liu Yi was thinking about it, he saw Ben Huairen gently pushing the door open. After turning around and closing the door, he came to Liu Yi and whispered, "Brother, what do you think I brought you?" Then he took out an oil paper bag from his arms.

"What, it's so mysterious." Liu Yi was surprised.

"Haha, you are blessed. When I walked up the mountain, I saw an eagle. It's just convenient. I baked it outside and brought it back to eat with you."

Regardless of the wound on his head, Liu Yi rubbed his hands and said, "Looking that you are so careful, I will barely eat some." After saying that, he went to pull the eagle's leg.

When the two were eating vigorously, the door opened, and Shangguan said angrily, "There is really no difference between the food in the restaurant and the pig food."

As soon as Liu Yi and Ben Huairen were eating meat, they immediately came up and said with a smile, "Those who see it have a share!"

Without the consent of others, he tore off a piece of meat and muttered while eating, "What kind of meat? It's really delicious."

Liu Yigang wanted to say something, but Ben Huairen snatched, "Wild chicken, I can beat it. I'm going to fight if I want to eat it in the future. Shangguan Qing nodded and said, "Okay, okay, okay." Even if you say three good words, you won't say anything next, and concentrate on solving the eagle meat.

After a full meal, the three of them shouted well.

Shangguan Qing did not forget to tell Ben Huairen to eat such meat in the future.

Ben Huairen patted his chest and said, "I will definitely help you when there is a chance, but you can solve this first." What?" Liu Yi and Shangguan Qing said in unison.

Ben Huairen groped in his arms and said to Shangguan Qing, "I have something. Please help me see what it is." Then he gave the ring-like thing in his hand to Shangguan Qing.

Liu Yi also looked over and saw the word 'Sun' written on it. Speaking of rings, this is much wider than the ring, and the tube bar is too far worse. After looking at it for a long time, Liu Yi and Shangguan Qing shook their heads and said, "I don't know what this is."

When Ben Huairen heard this, he smiled cunningly and said, "Of course you don't know what it is. I won't ask you this. I'll ask what the word is on it."

Liu Yi and Shangguan Qing, the grandson of their grandson, looked at Ben Huairen in surprise.

"It seems that this thing is a scourge and will be lost sooner or later." Ben Huairen was disappointed and said, "I thought it was a valuable thing."

"You got this thing." Shangguan Qing asked.

"It's really disappointing to think it's valuable on the leg of a pheasant." Ben Huairen said disappointedly.

"Since it's a garbage, there's no need to stay." As soon as the window opened, he threw out the ring-like thing.

"Ah, that bastard is so unvirtuous and throws garbage."

The three of them looked out of the window and were stunned...

But who came from? Please take a look at the next decomposition, quag! ~