Fate is supreme

Chapter 14, Treasure Hunt

My father had a friendship with three uncles for more than ten years. Every time, he went up the mountain to collect medicine, then looked for medicinal herbs alone, and then went down the mountain together.

This model is very common in the town. On the one hand, everyone has a companion and cares for each other, and on the other hand, it is a warning.

For example, if everyone gathers here before sunset tomorrow and one doesn't set, then it's nothing. Everyone is happy to go home, but if someone doesn't come back when the sun sets, then something is likely to happen...

Everyone will inform each other's home to look for it.

Mu Yun followed his father and stared wide, looking left and right to find valuable herbs. This is about experience, eyesight and luck.

An hour later, the father and son had no harvest except for the previously picked Yunfeng grass.

"Is it so bad luck?" Mu Yun gritted his teeth and said reluctantly.

He followed his father to the mountain to collect medicine, just to collect more precious medicinal materials in exchange for Mingyuan to buy medicine to consolidate the origin of the body for his mother. This is related to his mother's life. How can he not worry?

"Don't worry, look for it slowly! I can always find..." As if he could see Mu Yun's urgent mood, his father Muling comforted him.


Mu Yun took a deep breath and suddenly thought of the magical power of watching Qi. Everything in the world has air luck, so the medicinal materials must also have air luck. Can you find precious medicinal materials with luck?

Thinking of this, he began to try and directly stimulated the magic power of Qi. Suddenly, there was a flower in front of him, and he was confused and couldn't see it. In fact, it was not that there was something wrong with his eyes, but the luck emitted by the surrounding plants, that is, the clear air blocked his sight.

Looking at the white clear air rolling in front of him, Mu Yun understood that everything in the world has its luck, and it is different.

He kept looking around, and he saw other colors rolling in the white air.

"The color of human luck reflects the level of practice, so what does the color of plant's luck reflect?" Mu Yun's heart moved and got up and walked towards a red atmosphere not far away in front of him.

Soon, he came to the red air.

"Huh? Is it a white rainbow grass?" Mu Yun was surprised.

"White rainbow grass?" When Mu Ling heard Mu Yun's call, he couldn't help running over, looked at the white grass covered by weeds in front of him, and said in surprise, "Yun'er, you are really Dad's lucky star. This white rainbow grass is so hidden that I didn't expect to be found by you."

Muling had to be surprised. The grade of this white rainbow grass is not low, and its medicinal value is very high. It is absolutely no problem to sell it for 100 yuan.

One hundred yuan is a huge sum of money for families like them.

"Dad, come here quickly and see what kind of herb this is?" Five feet away, Mu Yun squatted on the root of a big tree, carefully looked at the dark grass in front of him and shouted.

Muring was not in a hurry to pick the white rainbow grass. He came to Mu Yun's side and looked at the black grass. He couldn't help frowning, "This grass is a little familiar..."

"What kind of herb?"

"Let me think..."

Mu Yun nodded, and he was also recalling whether he had seen this kind of grass information.

I heard Mu Ling shouting: "Be careful, this is a dark grass, which is highly poisonous."

"Dark Grass? Poisonous grass?" Mu Yun broke out in a cold sweat and secretly congratulated himself that he did not touch the grass rashly just now, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Yes, this is a dark grass. Such a small grass is enough to poison a cow. Don't touch it!" Muling shouted.

"Well, don't touch..." Mu Yun retreated continuously.

"I will collect it in a moment. Although it is poisonous grass, it can also be sold for more than 100 yuan..."

Ming told him to pay attention to safety, and then went to pick white rainbow grass.

While his father was picking white rainbow grass, he stimulated the divine power of Qi and found it around. A quarter of an hour later, he felt a faintness. This was a manifestation of the passage of Guan Qi and immediately stopped.

But in this quarter, he found three good herbs.

After resting for a long time and picking the herbs with their father, they followed the previous direction. They walked very slowly along the way. Because of the lack of energy, it was very difficult for him to stimulate the qi magic power. He could only recover some and urge him to find it for a while. The effect was not good.

"What should I do if I don't have enough energy to use the magical power for a long time?" Mu Yun said unwillingly. He has the ability to find precious medicinal herbs, but he doesn't have enough energy to support this ability. How can he not be in a hurry?

Suddenly, his consciousness returned to the mysterious space, which surprised him, because this situation only happened when he saw the golden leaves in battle. At this time, he entered the mysterious space and seemed to have a magic that made him focus his attention on the jade leaves.

A desire!

He has a strange feeling that jade leaves are going to be used up!

"Use!" Mu Yun's consciousness fluctuated, and almost at the same time, the jade leaves disappeared.

Consciousness retreated from the mysterious space. Mu Yun looked at the direction, and a call from the depths of his heart surged out, making him want to go to the left front, as if there were some important objects waiting for him.

"Dad, let's go this way!" Mu Yun pointed to the left front and said.

Mu Ling frowned, "I have been walking in this direction for half a month, and the medicinal materials have almost been collected. Let's go to the right!"

"No, let's go this way!" Mu Yun insisted.

"Well...okay!" Mu Ling looked at his son's resoluteness and soft heart. He could pick four or five good medicinal herbs, worth 300 Mingyuan, which was far beyond his expectations. He accompanied his son, even if he couldn't get anything.

Mu Yun breathed a sigh of relief and walked ahead to lead the way and followed his feelings.

Half an hour later, Mu Ling stopped Mu Yun, "Let's go after a break!"

The father and son took out dry food and ate it with water.

"I have searched this area for half a month, and all the medicines that can be collected have been collected by me." Mu Ling said.

Mu Yun nodded. He understood that his father didn't want him to take a detour, but the more he walked in this direction, the more he felt very happy and seemed to have something good waiting for him.

"Hey, let's search again, maybe we can find good things." Mu Yun smiled.

Mu Ling looked at her son's persistence and didn't say anything more.

Now he has time to " fool around" with his son.

Half an hour later, they came to a small valley, and the call in the depths of Mu Yun's heart became clear.

"Is it nearby?" Mu Yun glanced around and looked for nothing for a long time, but he didn't find anything. At this time, more than an hour had passed since he used the jade leaves, and he felt that the call in his heart had become blurred.

"Is it possible that the ability of jade leaves to bloom can only last for an hour and a half?" Mu Yun's heart moved.


"Time is tight, and you must find that item as soon as possible!"

Mu Yun endured his headache and stimulated his vision. He scanned his eyes carefully. After a long time, he suddenly pointed to the root of a big tree and shouted, "Dad, look, is this blood ginseng grass?"

Under the roots covered with blue spots, a dark red grass suddenly appeared.

"Blood ginseng grass?" Muling was also excited. Blood ginseng is an excellent herb, a one-star mysterious herb, worth about 3,000 yuan, which is a real huge sum of money.

"Let me see!"

Mu Ling suppressed his excited look, carefully came up, observed carefully, and then carefully smelled the smell and said excitedly, "Yes, this is blood ginseng grass!"

"How many years? Will there be blood ginseng?

Mu Yun licked his lips and was also excited. An ordinary blood ginseng grass is worth more than 3,000 yuan, but if the year of blood ginseng grass reaches a hundred years, the blood ginseng grass root absorbs the essence of heaven and earth, and the main root is densely distributed with branches and countless roots, which can be called blood ginseng.

The newly formed blood ginseng, that is, the 100-year blood ginseng grass, is of great value and can be exchanged for tens of thousands of yuan.

It was also this** that Mu Yun couldn't help asking.

Mu Ling shook his head, "I have taken medicine for nearly 20 years, and I have never seen the growing blood ginseng, but I have seen the dried blood ginseng, so I can't distinguish it."

"Never mind, let's take it out carefully." Mu Yundao.

With his father's consent, Mu Yun took out various tools and began to clean up the soil next to the blood ginseng grass. His movements were extremely skillful. These were all his own researchers for so many years, and they were also deliberately taught by his father. He was afraid that he had no hope of cultivating immortals and could have the ability to collect medicine.

Mu Yun did not disappoint his father. Although his qualification for cultivating immortals was limited, his ability to collect medicine was no longer under him, so his father allowed him to take ginseng grass.

Half an hour later, Mu Yun dug out the whole blood ginseng grass and soil blocks, but his spirit was a little tired. This was because he was afraid that he would accidentally destroy the blood ginseng grass and spend a lot of energy for a long time.

"Be careful!"

asked Mu Yun to say that his father picked up the small brush and carefully brushed off the dirt, and his movements were gentle and soothing.

An hour later, a half-foot-long blood ginseng grass with countless small roots was cleaned.

"This...is this blood ginseng?" The father and son looked at the blood ginseng grass in their hands, and their eyes could not hide their excitement. The countless small roots showed a dark red color, deeper than the color of blood.

"Two hundred years, this blood ginseng grass is 200 years old!" Father shouted as if giving an order.

"Hss! Two hundred years? Doesn't that mean that this herb is worth 10,000 yuan? Mu Yun took a breath of cold air.

Mu Ling shook his head and said with a smile, "No, it can be sold for at least 25,000 yuan!"

"At least 25,000 yuan..."

Mu Yun was stunned, but there were waves in his heart, "Mom's illness is finally saved..."

The sky is getting darker.

"It seems that the mysterious feeling maintained by the jade leaf is only one and a half hours, and the time for the golden leaf to maintain the increase in combat effectiveness is about a quarter of an hour, and the time is different..."

Mu Yun is feeling the time that different abilities and abilities brought to him by different leaves can maintain, and he has a lot of feelings.

"Well, we have gained a lot today. Let's rest here for one night!" Mu Ling smiled and said, "The value of the medicinal herbs we picked today is very high, and we don't have to work so hard."

Mu Yun smiled. Today, such a great harvest has a great connection with his observation and magic power.

It was getting darker on the mountain. When night fell, Muling took Mu Yun to the bottom of a big tree 20 to 30 feet high. After three or two, Muling made a hole under the tree and jumped down at once. Mu Yun jumped down.

The hole is not deep. The height of one person is covered with a thick layer of hay, which can accommodate two or three people. After jumping into the hole, Mu Yun carefully covered the hole with branches and weeds, revealing only a few hidden small holes for ventilation.

In the tree hole, Muling took out a glowing stone and put it on a small stand specially chiseled, put the back basket, and leaned against the wall, saying that it was actually the root of the big tree.

This tree hole is a special shelter for these drug pickers. Although there are no large beasts in Dongshan, it does not mean that there is no danger in Dongshan. Moreover, the temperature difference between day and night is very large at this time, and it is very important to have a place to settle down.

At least, Mu Yun knew that there were no less than ten places like this in the East Mountain.

"You are really Dad's lucky star. Today, we can pick blood ginseng and sell it for at least 25,000 yuan. If you are lucky, you can sell it for 30,000 yuan. Even if Dad has been collecting medicine for nearly 20 years, he can't get such a huge sum of money..."

Father Muling was in a very good mood, and his eyes became softer and softer when he looked at his son.

"Dad, blood ginseng is a very good medicine to replenish blood gas. I think we should not sell this blood ginseng and give it directly to our mother to restore her blood gas, okay?" Mu Yun said carefully.


Mu Ling frowned. A few days ago, in order to buy [Powerful Magic Ape Recipe] for his son, the two went to Pingchuan City Blood Village * their own blood, which made his wife's condition more serious. From these two days, he had foreseen the signs of his wife's aging.

"Good! We won't sell it. If this blood ginseng is used well, it may cure your mother's old disease!"

Mu Yun was relieved, "Nothing matters to parents."

"But the medicine we picked this time can still be exchanged for two or three hundred yuan, and I will buy you some beast meat to make up for it..."

Looking at his father's endless calculation of this and that, all for his own consideration, Mu Yun's heart is a burst of warmth and emotion. This is the parents who are good to their children regardless of cost...

"Mom and Dad, don't worry, I will definitely build a foundation successfully, successfully get into the Immortal Cultivation College in Pingchuan City, become immortals and gods in the future, and let you live the life of superiors..." Mu Yun secretly clenched his fist and his eyes were firm.

The father finally said he was tired and fell asleep. Mu Yun covered his father with hay, lay on the ground, looked at the stars in the sky through the ventilation hole, and his thoughts were flying.

"The divine power of qi is a power given to me by God. If you use it well, it will definitely help you practice..."

Today, Guanqi Shentong and Yuye have had a great impact on him. It turns out that he can also find precious medicinal materials in this way. And precious medicinal materials also mean Mingyuan, which means resources. Mingyuan has resources. He can completely improve his cultivation qualification and become a real immortal cultivation person.

"I know..."

Suddenly, a sound like water hitting the hay came from outside, and Mu Yun suddenly alerted: "Is there anyone?"

[Today is Monday, everyone, the new book issue, Wu Sanqisi really wants to be on the list, please help and support it! Thank you! Thank you very much!