Fate is supreme

Chapter 89, Qualifying Rewards

[It's the last ten days of the new book period. Dear friends, can you help us make a big change? My requirements are not high... Top 10 of the new book list... I want to return to the new book list... Today's 10,000 words update!]

Dong Dong...

On the martial arts arena of Huangjiao Zhenfu, Mu Yun sweated like rain, jumped vertically and horizontally, waved his fists and slapped, roared repeatedly, and practiced his skills.

The same is true for 60 or 70 students on the side. They are all students who are expected to enter the College of Cultivation of Immortals with more than 3,000 pounds of strength.

"Muyun, harmonious... harmonious! The way of technique pays attention to harmony... It is not too rigid or too soft, but to be strong and soft, and know how to be harmonious! If you find it difficult to understand, the easiest way is to make your movements a little curved and a little Zhangchi... This can let you slowly understand the harmony, yes, that's it..."

"Lu Su, your boxing is very good, but it is the same problem as Mu Yun. You are more than strong and not soft enough. If you want to improve, you have to change..."

Principal Song Yan pointed to the students one by one, and soon the sky became a little gloomy.

"Stop, everyone!"

Principal Song Yan's sharp eyes glanced at everyone one by one and said coldly, "Your performance in the past two months has been very good, and you have improved a lot, but it doesn't mean that you can all enter the College of Immortals 100%!"

"There are four items in the assessment of the College of Immortal Cultivation. The first is the theoretical knowledge of immortal cultivation, which is extremely complex. However, as long as you have a good class in the government and remember what the teacher explained, then there is no problem, at least you can get a good one."

"The second item is the most important one, that is, the strength assessment. This year's assessment standard has come out. The strength is between 3,000 catties and 3,500 jin, and the evaluation is qualified, 3,500 catties to 3, 800 catties, which is rated as good, 38,000 catties to 4,000 catties, which is rated as excellent, and more than 4,000 catties! "

"The third assessment is the understanding assessment. The assessment teacher will read an obscure mental method. According to your own understanding, you can tell the mystery of the mental method, which is also divided into five levels... Unqualified, qualified, excellent, excellent."

Speaking of this, President Song Yan's expression became solemn: "In the above three items, if your three grades are only qualified, then whether you can enter the College of Immortals depends on your luck. If the quota of Xiuxian College is full, there is nothing you can do. You can only be brushed. If it is not full, then congratulations, you have a 90% chance to pass the assessment.

But if you have a good assessment, then there is basically no problem! Needless to say, if you get better grades.


As soon as President Song Yan said this, the students were relieved and obviously confident that they could pass the assessment.

Principal Song Yan looked at the slightly immature but extremely resolute faces of the students and shouted, "The last item is a new addition. I have already told you this content, which is the new student qualifying competition!"

"Don't think that this has nothing to do with you. On the contrary, this is closely related to your future. According to the news from the inheritance hall, the students who can rank in the top 100 in this qualifying competition will first have a reward of 100,000 yuan!"

"In addition, you will be allowed to choose a two-star magic mind or technique!"

Principal Song Yan said with a smile: "Those in the top 50 will get additional rewards. Choose one more two-star mysterious mind and technique! The top 30 will allow you to choose a Samsung Xuanpin's mind and technique!"

Seeing the listless appearance of the students, Principal Song Yan sighed in his heart. It was a little unrealistic for these students to enter the top 30. He couldn't help but glance at Mu Yun, who was attentive and listened attentively, and shook his head slightly. Mu Yun's progress is also very strong, but he can enter the top 30, and his foundation strength is at least in Eight thousand...

Thinking of this, Principal Song Yan was also a little dull and said lightly, "Although you can't practice the mind and techniques of Samsung Xuanpin for the time being, you can change to the resources of practice. The starting price of Samsung Xuanpin's good skills is 300,000 yuan."

"So rich? It seems that Tianxuan has put a lot of effort into this education reform.

"That's it! It's a pity that we didn't have the first 30s.

"Cut! Not to mention the first 30, it is almost impossible to be in the top 100. Is there such a person in Huangjiao Town?

"Yes! Thirty-eight towns under the jurisdiction of Pingchuan City, that is, 38 prefectures, about 5,000 people participated in the assessment. In addition, the number and quality of the original 100 prefectures in Pingchuan City are better than those of ours. Each prefecture is calculated according to 500 people, that is, more than 50,000 students participate in the assessment. I If we want to stand out among the nearly 60,000 students and enter the top 100, the probability is too small..."

"But this may also be. Look at the eighth-level student Mu Yun, his strength is very strong, and none of our ninth-level students can suppress him."

"He is very good, but it is still a little difficult to enter the top 100."

Listening to the comments of the students around him, Mu Yun was unmoved. He had already figured out what Principal Song Yan said. According to Lan Xue's speculation, it should not be difficult for him to enter the top 100. There is still hope to fight, but it is very difficult to enter the top 50, unless his strength reaches 9,000.

Because the students who can enter the top 50 are all geniuses among geniuses, and they are all talented, and they all have * and cost countless resources. The mental methods and techniques they have learned are carefully selected and taught by their elders.

Although he has made great progress in the past year, his foundation is too shallow, especially in terms of techniques, far from being compared with these geniuses.

However, he is not without hope of fighting. He has strength of 8,300 jin now. As long as he can break through the second weight of [Ba Whale Green Dragon Record], improve his body by another level, and reach 10,000 jin of strength, then there is no problem for him to enter the first 50.

But if you want to enter the top 30, it depends on luck, because if you can enter the top 50, the gap between everyone is not big, and it depends on your performance.

"Okay, don't quarrel!"

Principal Song Yan waved his hand to stop the quarrel and said with a smile, "The rewards of the top 30 have been said, so let's talk about the rewards of the top 20. Of course, you can listen to it... Students who can enter the top 20 can also choose another Samsung Xuanpin mind method and technique."

"But if you can enter the top ten, then the students can get a condensation elixir refined by the owner of the Tianxuan elixir hall himself! It can condense the meridians of these students to an incredible situation... The price of a condensation elixir in the market is 10 million yuan! It's not something ordinary people can take!"

"10 million yuan? So expensive?" The faces of all the students have changed, 10 million yuan, which is an unreachable number for them.