Fate is supreme

Chapter 115, refining muscles and bones

[Dear friends, it's almost Monday. Please help me push the new book! Dear friends, reading is a very tiring thing, especially for your eyes. You should pay attention to rest. It's better to be able to see green plants... or eye-catching beautiful women...]

The thin teenager moved quickly and fiercely. When he started, even his temperament was changing. At the previous moment, he was still cold and arrogant... He didn't care. The next moment, the tigers of the mountain rushed with the posture of destroying everything.

With a wave of his fist, his strength and strong friction with the air produced a sound like a tiger roar. There was a sound of tiger roaring in the battle room, and there was a swaying posture.

When he started, the thin teenager used [Hu Xiaoquan]. His fist shook the air, making the airflow vertical and horizontal. These airflows contained powerful power, bang bang... Mu Yun couldn't avoid it. When he was hit by the airflow, his body suddenly showed pain, redness and swelling.

And the attack and killing of the thin teenager is not only this, but also his exquisite footwork. He runs around Mu Yun and has the posture of feeding by tigers.

Muyun was wrapped by the airflow, which blocked all his directions. No matter which direction he fled, he would encounter the airflow, which was likely to have the fists of a thin teenager.

Fist is a killing move.

But Mu Yun was unmoved. He had already seen that the strength of the thin teenager was comparable to that of him, and he also had 12,000 pounds. At this time, he fought for who could persist until the last moment.


The sharp whistling flew by his ear. He struggled like a breeze, banging in the storm... Although he was attacked by airflows and fists from time to time, he endured it.

He found that at this time, the second mental method of [The True Record of the Whale Green Dragon] will absorb these attacks, and the muscles and bones will click and the pain is unbearable, but it will not cause substantial damage to him. Instead, these attacks have become the power to quench his muscles and bones.

"Is that okay?" Mu Yun's heart moved, but he didn't care. Since suffering a blow can quench his muscles and bones, he might as well save strength. Why not do it?

Mu Yun then operated the body method [light wind] and turned into a light wind. While avoiding the attack of airflow and fists on the head and key places, he operated the heart method to quench his muscles and bones.

However, it seems that he is passively beaten and is not sure of victory at all.

Outside the battle tower, Shangguan's mentor looked at the image of Mu Yun's actual combat through the mentor's token, and his face suddenly looked difficult. "Does this guy have a tendency to be abused? Why do you only know how to avoid and not attack? And the method of avoiding is rough. What is this passive beating?

Principal Song Yan also used his token and said with a smile, "The little guy is very smart. He seems to be being beaten, but he protects the key body, and his physical quality is very good. The other party's attack can't really hurt him."

"I know this."

The Shangguan tutor said sullenly and snorted, "My Shangguan Qiuwan's students can only beat others, and they can't be beaten. I'm angry when I look at this boy!"

"Uh..." Principal Song Yan shook his head slightly and had nothing to say. He could only silently pray for Mu Yun in his heart. It was enough to suffer when he met such a tutor.

At the same time, Xuan Yinling was watching Mu Yun's battle with her mentor token. Seeing Mu Yun being beaten, Xuan Yinling clapped her hands and cheered, and her expression was extremely excited. She couldn't wait for Mu Yun to be killed by the other party.

"Hmm! The disciple taught by Shangguan is also like this. His strength looks good, but his skills are so poor that he can only be beaten passively. This is the evil result that he can't exert his strength.

"Hum... This guy can't be beaten. The tutor still wants our captain to help me vent his anger." Xuan Yinling hummed.

"What month is there...Huh? What about Sister He Yue? Didn't her game last until the afternoon? Humph... It's really not righteous enough. He clearly said he would teach that guy a lesson to her deputy monitor..."

The short-haired tutor glanced at Xuan Yinling and said playfully, "The guy who bullied you is the deputy monitor He Yue said!"

As the tutor of the First Cultivation College, it is very simple to find out the information of a student, and she and Principal Song Yan, the principal of Huangjiao Town School, are still the same tutor, but in different schools. The reason why He Yue was able to become a disciple of her master tutor with 3,600 jin also relied on the face of Principal Song Yan.

According to her idea, only students with a strength of more than 4,500 catties would receive it.

This is the privilege of the master mentor.

"What? Is this big bad guy the deputy monitor in He Yue's mouth? How can He Yue have such a powerful fellow student?" Xuan Yinling shouted incredulously.

The short-haired tutor frowned: "Why can't He Yue have this kind of fellow practitioners? Humph... Yinling, I can warn you that although He Yue is the weakest in the team, you are not allowed to bully her, otherwise I won't forgive you!"

"Where is it?" Xuan Yinling spit out his tongue and his face was full of charm. How could he mean any charm?

"There is no best!"


Thirty-eight punches in his back in a row, and this force was transferred to his back muscles and bones, refining the muscles and bones, making him very comfortable. Although his clothes can't withstand the blow of strength and are a little rags, they have not caused any harm to his body.

Suddenly, there was a burning pain in his back, and a bloody smell filled with a bang. He rushed out and saw the thin teenager with his hands turned into claws, blood on his fingers, and his skin and flesh in his nails.

With a bang, Mu Yun's breath changed, and the wind was blowing under his feet, stepping on the mysterious [four elephant steps], like a fierce giant elephant, crushing over.

His hands turned into claws, and the [small capture] ran out, and the sharp ten claws went straight to the head of the thin teenager. The movements seemed fierce, but in fact they were extremely flexible. The thin teenager's face suddenly changed.

He seemed to have just realized Mu Yun's power, and his eyes were shining brightly.

Mu Yun's ten fingers shuttled through the fist blocking of the teenager, and ten fingers fiercely scratched the teenager's chest. Suddenly, ten blood marks appeared, and the teenager's body, who was originally calm and indifferent, shook.


Mu Yun was unmoved. After severely damaged the teenager, he did not stop. The action accelerated. The two-star Xuanpin technique [breaking the empty fist] came out. His fists seemed to turn the air into a meat pie, hitting the teenager's stomach heavily, and the teenager flew out in response.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, and the teenager turned pale and stared at him incredulously: "Is this your strategy?"

"Strategy?" Mu Yun paused for a moment and said coldly, "Yes, this is my strategy! You've had enough, and it's my turn to fight!"

After saying that, the dragon marched and the tiger step, [the dragon step] ran, the dragon was powerful, the ground shook, and the hands became claws. [eagle claw power] This two-star mysterious technique seemed to cut the air and hit the teenager's head.