Fate is supreme

Chapter 117, 12 points

[Hello, are you hungry now? Ha ha, it's lunch time after a while. If you think this book is good, please support it! If it doesn't look good, please close it and keep a happy mood!]

"Hmm! Do you think everyone is like you? Just know how to eat!" Shui Ruoqing and Mu Yun were a fellow villager, and Mu Yun helped her find stone milk, so she was closer to Mu Yun. Hearing that Gui Yun was harmful to Mu Yun, she naturally quit.

"Ha ha, it's really my fault that I didn't invite everyone to dinner." Mu Yun smiled and couldn't see any anger. He stared at Guiyun with a smile and said, "When this qualifying is over, I will invite you to dinner. As for the place... you can choose!"

"Oh? Captain Mu Yun, is that what you said? A strange color flashed in Guiyun's eyes and smiled, "Captain Muyun is still cheerful. Then I'll come to Zhangluo after this qualifying, but Captain Muyun pays for it."

"Hmm! Foodie!" Shui Ruoqing muttered that she had to pay secretly when she noticed it.

After saying this, Mu Yun didn't pay attention to Guiyun. Guiyun only has such a trick. He hasn't paid attention to it yet... It's just to find a very expensive place to eat, and then order a large table of food and spend a lot of money. He thought that he must not be able to pay for this money. At this time, he was harmful to him and made him unable to come down. It's just a heavy sweep of his face.

Although he is young, he is still very clear about these Taoisms. If it were in the past, he might have really gone to Guiyun, but now... the other party is nothing more than asking for fun.

"Is it all over?" Shangguan's tutor looked at them coldly: "The team needs to run in. I don't care what you do below, but there is one thing you should remember that family ugliness should not be made public! If you do something that doesn't fit this point, don't blame me for being ruthless.

"Yes!" The people responded quickly.

"Report!" Guo Zhong's voice sounded outside, and Shangguan's tutor asked him to come in. As soon as Guo Zhong came in, he saw Mu Yun safe and sound. He frowned slightly and thought to himself, "Is Mu Yun so lucky? Didn't meet an opponent who could give him all his strength in three games in the morning?

"Guiyun, you convey the entrustment of this tutor just now to Guo Zhong, so that he will not implict you!" Shangguan's tutor glanced at Guiyun and said lightly.

Guiyun answered and pulled Guo Zhong aside and muttered.

"Well, the purpose of gathering you is very simple, that is, to report the results of the morning's competition!"

Shangguan's aggressive eyes glanced at the people: "So far, Mu Yun, Shui Ruoqing and Gongsun Cai have won three games in a row, with scores of six points. Sun Luoxue flat for five points. Guiyun and Guo Zhong lost one game and scored two points. Hongyan Women lost one game and scored one game and scored one point."

Mu Yun inadvertently glanced at the red rock girl and saw that although the red rock girl was still cold, her eyes flowed with a sad look.

"However, this doesn't mean anything!" Shangguan's tutor's tone suddenly rose and shouted, "This qualifying will be held for three days. Each person will play six games a day, a total of 18 games, and finally determine the score. If you encounter the same score in the middle, there will be another game. In short, you will be ranked for everyone."

"So, everyone should adjust your mentality and don't be discouraged or overexcited because of temporary winning or losing, understand?"

"I understand!"

"Well, that's good! You can take a break in my public room and adjust your state for the afternoon game!" Shangguan's tutor nodded with satisfaction.

The afternoon game will start soon.

In the three games in the afternoon, Mu Yun did not encounter any powerful roles. Among them, the most powerful one is a student of the Third Academy of Cultivation of Immortals.

However, the student had a deep knowledge of boxing. Mu Yun fought with him for a long time and asked the student to refine his muscles and bones, which made the student exhausted his strength in the end and had no choice but to give up.

And his score also reached 12 points.

After the game, Shangguan's tutor sent a message to let everyone have a good rest and welcome tomorrow's game... Mu Yun walked home.

I told my parents about the next day's game, but Mu Yun was pulled by his father Mu Ling and sat in the living room.

"Yun'er, you performed very well today. What do you think next?" Mu Ling asked in a low voice.

Influenced by his father, Mu Yun said in silence for a long time, "I'm going to fight and rush into the top ten!"

Mu Ling frowned, "Are you sure?"

"Five-ifty sure!"

"Hmm!" Muling nodded and suddenly said, "Then don't work hard and don't rush into the top ten!"

"Why?" Mu Yun asked doubtfully that if he could rush into the top ten, he could not only get many rewards, but also get a condensed elixir, but also get the key training of the college. He really couldn't figure out why his father asked him not to enter the top ten.

"Yun'er, mom and dad are also for your own good!" Mother sighed and said, "You don't understand the horror of those people at all. If they know that the Mu family is still alive and their talent for cultivating immortals is very good, they will inevitably..."

Although his mother didn't finish speaking, he understood that his parents were afraid that he would attract the attention of his enemies because he was too dazzling.

Although he felt that his parents' worries were a little too much, he still promised his parents. After all, he was not 100% sure that he would not be noticed. For the safety of his parents, he decided not to hit the top ten and enter the top 20.

"Old lady, maybe we are too worried..." Looking at Mu Yun returning to the room with a blank face, Mu Ling sighed.

Mother Liu Xiying shook her head and said, "There is nothing too much. It's always wrong to be careful."

Mu Ling was silent for a long time and nodded.

Although he really wants Mu Yun to exert all his abilities to show the strength of the Mu family's bloodline, as his wife wants to express, his son's life is the most important thing.

Mu Yun returned to his room and silently thought about his father's conversation without any dissatisfaction. He felt today's game, sorted out the bad things he had done, came up with a solution, and realized it until the night.

Seeing that his parents had fallen asleep, he quietly walked out of the courtyard and headed for Lanxue's courtyard, "Hh?" As soon as he walked halfway, he felt something was wrong, as if someone was lurking secretly.

He clung to the wall of a small courtyard, shrouded in dark night, hiding himself, and looking at him carefully. His pupils shrank. On the wall of a small courtyard 100 feet in front of him, there was a figure lying on the wall. From time to time, his eyes turned to Lanxue's yard.

The courtyard where the shadow is located is exactly the opposite door of Lanxue's courtyard.

"Is it Sister Lan Xue's enemy?" Mu Yun's eyes were cold.