Fate is supreme

Chapter 130, enter the stalactite warehouse

[The sad Wu Sanqi! Why do you update more than 300,000 in 28 days? Before the period of my new book is over, I will be on the list in advance... It's sad...

What does 100 million mean?

A year ago, his family was still struggling about whether there would be a Mingyuan income every day, and his father often worked hard to see a Mingyuan...

He is also dreaming of making a fortune in the university, hoping that he can have money to nourish his mother's illness and make his father less hard... He can eat better, make his body fully nutritious, and add more strength...

Taking a deep breath, Mu Yun nodded slowly: "Sister Mingyue, you don't have to look at me like this. I know what 100 million yuan means."

"Since you have a number, you still..." Pan Mingyue smiled bitterly and didn't finish her words, afraid of hurting Mu Yun's self-esteem, but the meaning she wanted to express in her words has been expressed very clearly.

"Sister Mingyue, do you think I'm talking big?" Mu Yun stared at Pan Mingyue with a smile.

Pan Mingyue clenched her red lips and stared at Mu Yun, saying that her sister didn't want to hit you. Do you still hit the muzzle? It's not that my sister doesn't believe you. It's really 100 million yuan... too much.

Pan Mingyue has already investigated Mu Yun's family conditions clearly. How can a family of a drug picker spend 100 million yuan? She also found out that Mu Yun's strength improved after knowing Lan Xue... Although she didn't want to admit it, it turned out that Lanxue had exhausted her family background over the years that made Mu Yun more powerful.


Mu Yun smiled bitterly and was still despised.

"Brother Yun, since my sister has proposed ten thousand years of black mud to Sister Mingyue, she naturally has money to buy it. As long as you work hard to practice." Lan Xue held Mu Yun's hand and said with a smile.

Mu Yun shook his head and said, "Sister Lanxue, in any case, I have to pay for the money to buy ten thousand years of black mud by myself."


Lanxue frowned and was quite unhappy.

"Sister Lanxue, if you don't agree... I don't want this ten thousand years of black mud!" Mu Yun knew that this must hurt Lanxue's heart, but he didn't want Lanxue to work for the money. The key is that he already had an idea in his heart.

"Hmm! Don't think about buying it secretly. I won't use it even if you buy it. Mu Yun shouted as if he saw through Lan Xue's plan at a glance.

Lan Xue's eyes were slightly red, and Mu Yun was extremely distressed. She quickly hugged her and comforted her, "Sister Lan Xue, don't you know my ability? Since I said I would pay for it myself, that's because I already had an idea.

"Do you have an idea?" Lan Xue looked up at Mu Yun and saw Mu Yun's confident face, thinking about the magical ability shown by Mu Yun in the past. It was really unpredictable and powerful. Maybe there was really a way this time.

Then he looked at Mu Yun and didn't mean to say it in detail. He knew that Pan Mingyue was present, so it was not easy to expose his magical ability. Her mood suddenly improved. In Mu Yun's heart, she is more important... closer.

"Sister Mingyue, when can I get Wannian Xuanni?" Lan Xue was not pestering who would pay the money. She turned around and stared at Pan Mingyue and asked.

Pan Mingyue pondered for a long time and said, "Half a month to a month. I will inform you when the goods arrive."

"Hee... That bothers Sister Mingyue." Lanxue smiled.

"Hmm... Just don't forget your sister in the future." Pan Mingyue hummed and looked at Mu Yun and sighed, "Brother Yun, Wannian Xuanni is paid by you. Then think about what else you need, my sister will give it to you."

"Sister Mingyue, you are so kind." Lan Xue glanced at Mu Yun and said, "You have been very troublesome for us for ten thousand years. How can you ask for anything else?"

"Mingyue, Lan Xue is right. You have helped us a lot. In fact... you really don't have to do this to me." Mu Yun echoed the road.

"It's different." Pan Mingyue shook her head and said seriously, "You are not from Damingbao Pavilion. You don't understand the gap between the four-star deacon and the five-star deacon... Sister, I can step from a four-star deacon to the ranks of five-star deacons, which means that as long as I don't make mistakes in the future, I can be promoted to a city shopkeeper in five years!"

"It's not that my sister has to thank you. If my sister doesn't do this, she always feels that she owes you..."

"Hee... Sister Mingyue, you can just marry each other, so he should help you, don't you think?" Lanxue suddenly said with a smile.

Pan Mingyue was stunned, and her cheeks suddenly blushed. She rushed to Lan Xue and said angrily, "You are too crazy. How dare you make fun of your sister?"

Mu Yun's face was full of embarrassment and said to himself that we can discuss such things as Lan Xuejie in private, so there is no need to say it in front of the parties concerned, right? How embarrassing it is... Although I don't reject this kind of thing in my heart, I also need to find a suitable opportunity.

"Yundi, what do you think?" While avoiding Pan Mingyue's fight, Lan Xue still stared at him with interest and had a bad taste.

"Well... don't argue with the two sisters." Mu Yun cleared his throat and said leisurely, "Sister Mingyue, since you have to repay me, it's better to be respectful. Sister, can I enter the stalactite warehouse to choose stalactites?"

"Do you want to enter the stalactite warehouse?" Pan Mingyue frowned and said, "Generally speaking, the warehouse of Damingbao Pavilion is not open to customers."

"Isn't there an exception?" Mu Yun asked with a smile and said to himself, "Last time you had an accident, you didn't say that there were so many rules. I can't want to go in and choose stalactites. Do you have to propose rules? Then your sincerity when you report to me will be greatly reduced.

"Bad boy, didn't you make an exception when you helped me last time?" Pan Mingyue rolled her eyes and said, "If your sister doesn't let you go to the stalactite warehouse this time, won't you be different and treat you sincerely?"

"Hmm! Son of a bitch, don't say such tentative words in the future. It's just that Sister Tu Zeng is sad..." Pan Mingyue immediately burst into tears and sad.

"Hey... Well, Sister Mingyue, I'm sorry." Mu Yun touched the back of his head with embarrassment and said, "Why don't we go now?"

"Well, sister will take you there directly." Lan Xue returned to calm and capable and said, "Since you want to choose stalactites, then you can choose any piece of stalactites under five million yuan as a gift from your sister."

"Five million?" Mu Yunxin said too much, didn't he? But when he saw Pan Mingyue's unquestionable appearance, he swallowed it back.

"Let's go!" Pan Mingyue led the two out of her public office and walked for a long time to the door of the warehouse where the stalactites were stored, "Open the warehouse!"

"Yes, Deacon Pan!" The guard guarding the warehouse responded respectfully and quickly took out the key and opened the door of the warehouse.

As soon as he opened the door, a faint smell of stone milk came to his nose, and Mu Yun took a deep breath.