Fate is supreme

Chapter 148, take ten thousand years of black mud

Suddenly, a sweetness permeated in his mouth, and then rushed into his stomach along Muyun's esophagus.

Lan Xue withdrew from the gravity room, turned on the gravity twice, stared at Mu Yun and shouted, "Brother Yun, run the second center of gravity method of [Bajing Qinglong Zhenlu] quickly. Don't stop in the middle. You can't stop until all the black mud is absorbed by the muscles and bones for ten thousand years, understand?"

"I understand!"

Mu Yun took a deep breath and began to run the second mental method of exercising muscles and bones.

He slowly adjusted his breathing, his body cooperated with breathing and martial arts, and operated his mind desperately under twice the gravity.

Soon, he felt a trace of warm airflow rising in his stomach, which flowed to various parts of his body with his breathing and movements.

Suddenly, his whole body was full of warmth, straight into his heart, making him intoxicated.


His breathing suddenly became rapid, his body flashed, and his movements were extremely fast, as if twice the gravity was nothing to him.

His breathing seems to turn into a rolling river, sometimes short, sometimes long and slow, short and powerful, long and thick. Every time he breathes, there will be a trace of airflow turned into Muyun's whole body.

This ten-thousand-year-old black mud airflow is extremely slender, and Mu Yun can't detect it at all. However, with Mu Yun's breathing and his movements, the airflow slowly poured into all corners of his whole body, moistening and changing the structure of his muscles and bones.

Although there is very little airflow, as his breathing and movements accelerate, an amazing number of airflows begin to exert force, constantly pouring into his muscles and bones, making the muscles and bones click incessantly.

This is the sound of friction between muscle and bone particles.

The violent friction between the muscle and bone particles makes the magazine in the tendons and bones grind into powder. With the violent movement of the muscle and bone particles, it is squeezed out, making his muscles and bones crystal clear and full of strong vitality.


The sound inside his body became louder and denser, his skin began to turn red and hot, and his body became extremely hot, as if he had been thrown into the stove to roast.

"Ah... It's so hot... It's so hot..." Mu Yun felt that the airflow he exhaled was full of flames. In the stinging sound, he tore his clothes all over his body**.

Even so, he still felt hot and hot all over.

"Brother Yun, hold on!" Lan Xue clenched her fists nervously and stared at Mu Yun outside the door. She knew that the critical moment had arrived.

Heat is normal!

Ten-thousand-year-old basil makes bone particles smaller and tougher through the friction between bone particles. This process will produce a lot of heat, which will catalyze the magazine discharge in the bones, making the bone particles crystal clear.

Mu Yun's face twisted into a ball.

The pain made his consciousness return directly to the realm of fate. But his soul can't get rid of this pain like a sword piercing his heart. His soul was bright and dark and trembled violently.

"Huh? What are you doing?" The life elves were awakened, jumped from the leaves of the fairy grass of fate, observed Mu Yun's soul for a long time, and muttered, "Are you taking tens of thousands of years of black mud?" Well, it must be so!"

"What a pain!"

After a long time, the magic elf frowned, as if thinking about something, and his eyes lit up: "Hey... I happen to have a method here that can exercise the soul and condense the mind, so that it can be taught to you!"

After saying that, he gently touched the forehead of Mu Yun's soul, and a light enveloped Mu Yun's soul.

All of a sudden, Mu Yun's soul trembled.

[Hell Reincarnation Tips]? Stimulate the soul with endless pain to make the soul strong and condense the mind? Mu Yun's consciousness fluctuated.

"Hey... Xiao Yunzi, this is a good thing. It's up to you whether you practice or not!" The life elf smiled and waved, then walked to the corner, lay on a green leaf, and continued to sleep.

"Since it is the method given by this guy, there should be no mistake." Mu Yun meditated for a long time, endured the severe pain, gritted his teeth, and decided to practice.

Then he began to practice step by step according to the method of [Hell Reincarnation Secret].

This method is aimed at the soul and allows the soul to emit different fluctuation frequencies to practice. Mu Yun endures severe pain while constantly adjusting the soul fluctuations.

"Ah..." But as soon as the first frequency was adjusted, he felt that his soul was stabbed by a needle, a hundred times stronger than the pain from his body.

"Nima... Is this method reliable or not?" Mu Yun emitted soul fluctuations, but the life elf did not answer him and still slept soundly.

This made him a little hesitant.

After a long time, he still decided to continue to try and still began to adjust the soul frequency, "Ah..."

Adjusting the first frequency, his soul is extremely painful, but the pain from inside his body can't be felt.

"This completely transforms pain into the soul..."

It was so painful that he wanted to give up, but after adjusting the first frequency twice, he felt that his consciousness was much clearer and his mental strength seemed to have increased.

"Does it really work?" He is reluctant to give up.

"That's all! Only when you endure hardships can you be a superior!" Mu Yun recalled this old saying in his mind and continued to practice [Hell Reincarnation Tips]!

As time goes by, Mu Yun's movements are getting faster and faster. His breathing is like a river, and his movements are open and close, sometimes like a whale in the sea, and sometimes like a green dragon in the clouds. Obviously, he has a great harvest from the practice of [The True Record of Green Dragon].

His body was red, and the impurities flowing from his body were dried in an instant, and then fell off. There were two or three catties of dried impurities under his feet.

Soon the whole night passed, the sky will be clear, and Mu Yun is still immersed in practice.


Every time he punched, he had a whistling wind. His body seemed to be much taller. It turned out that he was 1.8 meters, but now he is 19 meters. His body is streamlined, full of explosive power and powerful beauty.

In the world of fate, Mu Yun constantly adjusts the frequency of soul fluctuation. [Hell Reincarnation Tips] has a total of ninety-eight soul fluctuation frequencies. Now he can only withstand the first soul frequency fluctuation. Even so, he still feels that his soul has been pierced by countless needles, which is extremely painful.

The soul is in severe pain, and his consciousness is particularly clear, which aggravates his pain.

I don't know how long it took, Lan Xue sat cross-legged in the courtyard, absorbing vitality to practice, and sometimes opened her eyes to look at Mu Yun, and realized that Mu Yun was not in danger to continue practicing. Ten thousand years of black mud strengthens muscles and bones, which is not a matter of two breaths. According to her speculation, it will take at least two days.