Fate is supreme

Chapter 160, pick a stone alone

[Happy holidays to you!]

At dawn the next day, Mu Yun got up early and went to Damingbao Pavilion in a rune. Today is Lanxue's rune class. He and Lanxue asked for leave, otherwise he would not have run out.

If he wants to make his body generate vitality, he must make his body strength reach 100,000 catties. His current strength is more than 34,000 catties, and there is a difference of more than 60,000 catties. According to his current practice speed, it will take at least two to three years.

He can't wait so long.

He can't generate strength in two or three years. Although his strength will not be affected, it will still increase, even stronger than his fellow practitioners. However, in this way, his practice of the immortal mind may be exposed. Although the decrees of the Ming Dynasty are strict, he can't guarantee that no one will covet it.

If he hadn't fought against Xuanyinling seven days later, he would not have left the college, otherwise he would have wanted to go deep into the psychedelic jungle to practice.

Half an hour later, he had come to the Daming Treasure Pavilion. This time, he did not say hello to Pan Mingyue, but walked around inside.

He went to the stalactite area first. After all, he is better at gambling on stone milk. Although he can't get ten thousand years of stone milk, it is also excellent to get more hundred-year-old stone milk and thousand-year-old stone milk.

It looks like it's still early, but people are already choosing stones in the stalactite area.

In the selection area with a radius of 30 feet, there were stalactites of different sizes, shapes and colors. Looking at the gamblers squatting in front of the stalactites, touching them with their hands and checking them with tools, Mu Yun**'s heart fluctuated.

Although he cut out more than 100 million worth of stone milk from the stalactite warehouse of Daming Baoge, which would definitely shock the whole Pingchuan City and shock the headquarters of Daming Baoge, but he was not excited. After all, the stone was not selected by him.

"This handsome man, do you want to choose a stalactite?" A service lady wearing a purple cheongsam and split to the root of her thigh greeted her, with a charming smile on her face and some provocative eyes.

Mu Yun nodded with a smile.

The waitress's eyes lit up leisurely and said with a smile, "Handsome man, my name is Jingning. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me."

Mu Yun's heart moved. It turned out that the service lady regarded him as a novice, but he didn't care. He smiled and nodded, "Miss Jingning, can I choose a stone now?"

"Of course!" Jingning made a gesture of invitation and looked at him with a smile.

Mu Yun nodded and walked into the area where the stalactites were selected. The observation power automatically operated. Looking around, each stalactite showed a halo, but the size and color of these halos were different.

After sweeping these stalactites one by one, he first found the yellow color. In the 30-foot area, there are thousands of stalactites, but there are only three yellow stalactites. According to the comparison, he knows that these three stalactites contain millennium stalactites.

Subsequently, he looked for stalactites with large halo. The color of these stalactites are all red, that is to say, these stalactites contain century-old stone milk. Although it is century-old stone milk, the number should be considerable.

"Handsome man, do you need help?" Jing Ning looked around and looked thoughtful. He smiled that Mu Yun was a novice and didn't know how to choose stalactites, so he came forward.

Mu Yun woke up and looked at Jingning.

Jing Ning said with a smile, "Handsome man, I know several pickers who specially select stalactites for customers. Would you like to try it? They have a high level of selection of stalactites and won't let you lose.

"P Picking guests?" Mu Yun asked in his mind, is there still this profession?

"Of course, these pickers are not from our Damingbao Pavilion, but they have rich experience in selecting stalactites and charge very reasonable fees. If the bet rises, you will pay 20% of the selection fee. If you lose the bet, they will not charge."

Jing Ning looked at Mu Yun with a smile, thinking that he could make some extra money today. Although these low-level service personnel have fixed working hours every day and make more money than other places, no one thinks they have more money, right? As long as a customer is introduced to hire a picker, she can get a knowledge fee of 100 to 1,000 yuan from the picker...

This is equivalent to her monthly income.

Although this situation is strictly prohibited in Damingbao Pavilion, they still can't stand the interests**.

"No, thank you! Let me take a look at it myself!" Mu Yun shook his head.

The smile on Jing Ning's face suddenly froze. A trace of unhappiness flashed in her eyes, and the smile on her face faded, but she still maintained the quality of the service staff of Daming Baoge, nodded with a smile, and walked out of the selection area.

"Hey, Ninger, who is that little guy? It looks like a newcomer. Didn't you introduce our service to him? A woman who also wore a purple cheongsam and was a service lady in Daming Baoge like Jingning came forward and looked at Mu Yun.

"Humph... Sister Shunan, don't say anything. I just introduced that guy and thought he would promise to invite a picker. How could I know he was rejected?" Jing Ning hummed with a dissatisfied face.

Shunan frowned, immediately spread his eyebrows and hummed, "It doesn't matter. Let him pick it first. When he can't cut the stone milk, we will tell him about picking guests, but the price will be doubled then!"

"Well, this is up to you."

Mu Yun naturally did not know his refusal, so that two unprofitable service ladies had already calculated him. He walked in the stalactite area and calculated the price of 13 stalactites he liked. The total price of three stones containing thousand-year-old stone milk was 1.8 million yuan, while the price of the remaining ten stalactites was 1.8 million yuan. It's much lower, and it only adds up to 800,000 yuan.

However, he calculated that the quality and reserves of stone milk in these 13 stones can reach at least 10 million yuan after cutting, as he expected.

With so much stone milk, he can buy some elixir that can strengthen his strength. If he hadn't taken stone milk for ten thousand years, his body would not have absorbed stone milk very strongly. He really wanted to take these stone milk by himself.

"First pick a stone that doesn't have much stone milk to cut, and then slowly cut those stones containing a lot of stone milk, so as not to be noticed that I have special ability..."

After thinking about what to do next, Mu Yun picked up a red stalactite of more than 80 catties beside him and walked towards the stone-cutting area.

"Jingning, look, that little guy is going to cut stones." Shu Nan's eyes have been shaking on Mu Yun. Seeing Mu Yun pick up the stalactite and walk to the stone cutting area, she quickly pulled Jing Ning to chase him.