Fate is supreme

Chapter 182, Tracking

[Dears, Wu Yuqi's wedding is on the National Day, so this period is very busy, and we can only guarantee to update 5,000 every day. After this time, Wu Yuqi will break out, and it is not difficult to update 10,000 words every day! Dear friends, please support us!]

"What on earth do you think? The young master has been talking for so long, and you are going to say something!" The magic elf stared at Mu Yun's soul with extremely bad anger and almost killed him and beat him violently.

It's so annoying!

I've made such concessions. Don't you try your best to give you so many benefits? Do you really think that the young master lacks these lives... The numerology elves are furious.

Mu Yun's soul suddenly opened his eyes and waved: "Hey, little life skill, I didn't say I would not agree! I was appeasing four beautiful practitioners just now, and I didn't have time to reply.

"What?" The life elf's eyes widened, which was stunned. How could he imagine that Mu Yun was so shameless?

"You...you've gone too much..." The magic elf roared.

Mu Yun's soul was innocent and fluctuated: "You are too urgent, okay? In addition, what's wrong with you that you think you have a way to increase my strength?

Suddenly, the numerator elf disappeared like a cat with a trampled on its tail and said, "It's nothing. As long as you can participate in the killing of the great sin, I will fight for this old man and help you increase your strength."

As for how to grow, he can never say, otherwise Mu Yun will never forgive him.

"Hmm... Xiao Yunzi, you have too many crooked thoughts." Mu Yun's soul shouted dissatisfiedly.

"Well, you have agreed now. When are you going to do it? Don't worry, I will definitely help you and make you a lot of money.

The magic elves use rewards to appease Mu Yun.

"Wait! Master, I will first comfort the four beautiful women, and then return to Yongqing Town. Mu Yun's consciousness returned to the body and suddenly saw Pingchuan City. In the blink of an eye, they had already returned, twice as fast as when they went, which made him wonder whether Renyang did not want the red rock girl to go to Yongqing Town and deliberately slowed down.

The same is true. How dare Ren Yang take the commander's daughter to the magic cave of Yongqing Town without receiving the order from his boss? Isn't that looking for death? Fortunately, his boss quickly replied to his message, otherwise, the speed of their rush to Yongqing Town would be greatly reduced.

The empty ship landed on the wide martial arts arena of the First Cultivation College. At this time, it was time for the students to practice, and few people saw it.

"A few beauties, you don't have to worry about Guiyun! In the next few days, Shangguan's tutor may not guide us. Let's arrange everyone's practice by ourselves. I also want to have a retreat. Mu Yun looked at the four women and said lightly, "No matter what happens in Yongqing Town, what will not change when we rush to the psychedelic jungle in half a month. Let's work hard!"

After the order, Mu Yun hurriedly left and returned to Lan Xue's home.

Looking at Lan Xue busy in the specially modified rune production room, Mu Yun opened the door and shouted, "Sister Lan Xue, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Lan Xuetou didn't reply.

"I want to go to Yongqing Town..."

"Then go." Lan Xue still didn't look up, as if the rune image she placed on the table was more beautiful and important than him.

Mu Yun had no choice but to tell the story of what happened in Yongqing Town. Lan Xue didn't care, but she was soon shocked by the death toll. After a long silence, she asked, "Are you sure you're going?"

"Sister Lanxue, you also know my magical power. The more this kind of thing is, the more I will go, and the benefits will be very rich..."

"But it's also very dangerous!"

Mu Yun sighed and said, "The first reason why I want to go is that Guiyun is my fellow trainee. I can't watch him suffer. If this incident is not handled well, Guiyun's family will be implicated. As the captain of the team, I am responsible for his safety."

"Second, the great sinner killed innocent people. According to the calculation, at least one million innocent people died tragically at his hands. I can't swallow this breath. Although I, Mu Yun, am not a savior, since my magic power has the ability to help kill this guy, I still want to have a try."

"Crisis! Crisis! Opportunities often come with opportunities, don't they?

Lan Xue got up and stepped forward, hugged Mu Yun in her hands, stared up at Mu Yun, and said seriously, "Since you have found two reasons for yourself, it's still so sufficient that you can't promise... But you have to promise your sister that you should come back safely anyway!"

Mu Yun nodded seriously.

With a bang, Lan Xue gave Mu Yun a deep long kiss and felt Lan Xue's affection for herself. Mu Yun was moved inexplicably, and her hands couldn't help groping on Lan Xue's back. Lan Xue did not object, allowing him to mess around.

But if he wants to invade the front, it is not negotiable.

Out of Pingchuan City, Lanxue took out her empty boat, carried Mu Yun to the sky, and then galloped towards Yongqing Town.

The speed of this airflow ship worth 500,000 Mingyuan is much slower than that of the moth army's airflow ship. It took them more than an hour to get to Yongqing Town.

"Sister Lanxue, you go back first! Don't wait for me here!" Mu Yundao.

"Sister, you'd better stay with you!" Mu Yun wants to do such a dangerous thing, how can Lan Xue not accompany him?

"Sister Lanxue, didn't we discuss it on the air current ship?" Mu Yun said helplessly. He was dispeling Lan Xue's idea of following him all the way. Originally, he said it well, but as soon as he arrived at the destination, Lan Xue changed his mind.

"Can't my sister change her mind?"

"Sister Lanxue, I don't know how long it will take to kill this sinner. You said you are the rune tutor of the First Immortal Cultivation College. Don't you go to class? This is not very good..."

"You also know that the great sinner is powerful. You can't help anything by my side. Maybe you need me to help you the other way around... You know my magical ability to restrain these evil guys..."

Mu Yun tried his best to say that his mouth was dry and breathless, which made Lan Xue give up his mind. Seeing Lan Xue control the empty boat disappear at the end of his sight, Mu Yun was relieved.

Looking at the sky, it was going to be dark soon. Mu Yun frowned, found a hidden place to sit in a forest outside Yongqing Town, and then communicated with the life elves.

"Little life, what should we do now?" Mu Yun's soul fluctuated.

"Naturally find that guy first..."

"How to find it?"

The life elf rolled his eyes: "Don't you have a jade life spirit leaf? Just use a piece of jade life.

"That guy's cultivation is very high, and the jade life-telling leaf tube doesn't work?" Mu Yun asked angrily, he didn't know that the jade life skill Ye could find someone? He is not that stupid. The reason why he asks is that he doesn't want to waste jade life. Isn't it so easy to find the master's great perfection approaching a generation of masters?

"It's also... At the level of the current life art leaf, it's nothing to find immortals below the master's realm, but if you find above the master's realm, it won't work. It's your boy's well thought out." After thinking about it, the fate elf nodded, pinched the seal with both hands, and the milky white air entangled on the fate fairy grass surged to him.

Soon, a dark jade life-like leaf condensed and took shape.

"Use it quickly!" The magic elf urged.

Mu Yun did not hesitate. His soul emitted fluctuations about the great sin. His mind locked this dark jade life leaf, and suddenly this dark jade lifeblood leaf disappeared.

At the same time, a mysterious sense of summoning surged in his heart.

Huh? The distance seems to be a little far..." This sense of summoning loomed. According to past experience, he concluded that the great sinner had run away and was not around Yongqing Town at all.

But think about it, this great sin has committed a heinous crime in Yongqing Town. Tianxuan will not let him go anyway. Why didn't he escape quickly?

"Go!" Mu Yun got up and rushed out like a cheetah.

He felt running, fast and banging... As he ran, the ground under his feet was dusty, as if the earth was trembling.

He is running completely with physical strength. He is far away from the great sin. He can chase and refine his body at the same time, and this kind of smooth running can exercise his control of strength.

At the beginning, when he ran, he almost used all his strength, and the speed was very fast, but it was also extremely laborious. However, as he constantly explored the method of speeding up while lowering the force, compared with the [four elephant steps], [small illusion movement] and the most basic [three-step entanglement] power skills, he gradually explored the footwork suitable for himself.

After an hour and a half, the sense of summoning disappeared, and he also ran more than a thousand miles. You know, half of the journey was up the mountain.

I found a hidden place to eat some dry food, and then ran [The True Record of the Whale Green Dragon] and [Tianxuan Condensation Vein] to restore strength.

[True Record of the Whale Green Dragon] The first three center of gravity methods alternated, which made his strength slowly recover, and the operation of [Tianxuan Condensation Method] made him absorb the qi of heaven and earth into the body, so that the qi of heaven and earth moistened the body and increased his strength.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. According to the final sense of summoning, the great sinner is still far away.

"Do you want to go at night?" At this time, he was in a primitive jungle. He knew nothing about the primitive jungle and didn't know what dangers it contained. However, he had a magical power and an extremely strong ability to seek benefits and avoid harm, so he was hesitating whether to fight?

"That's all! Let's recover and catch up early tomorrow morning!" Mu Yun thought for a moment and thought it would be better to be safe.